Adobe Scan 2023 M09 28
Adobe Scan 2023 M09 28
Adobe Scan 2023 M09 28
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2.NewYork ,,., /' - r::.:. ,..-::, s
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6. N ew Preacher on
the Block: Jonathan
Travels ou lJ aors
f),·v ers i..J--Y r't'l t>,,
Now it is time to put all those notes-and your writing skill&-to the test. Imagine you are writing a brief newspapec blurl, about the Great Awakening and
(korge Wlnretfo!d. What would you tell your readetS about the revivals, Whitefield, and the Great Awakenmg in general? How did it start, what do colonists
ink, a~d who IS thIS Mr. Whitefield and what are his ideas? Finally, what is they key takeaway or understanding your readers should gam from the Great
descnptions!How did it lead to new ways of thinking about authority and identity in the colonies? Think like a reporter: use quotes, examples and
H~r( '!(, htre 'le! Are.fl'~ 'IOv. t1ft) C,f olJ treo.cJ..ers fClh·.'f\~ 1/01,,4. t~ f./e4'f'
H fo "''h !,of,'/\, -1-o /')~ t:>f 1/o((, • Pe.rLo.f's , f"\0,.1\1 s ill('r ff(QC~tr, co.,.,;,( P<fab I 1
( l,..f/tJ Ch"""'tY) y 0 ,.. in\, nev,r ~int1(11,, -\-i. .. i o.l,.enat.-n, fhe,;r 4"'.l;t/'ltc.
Who Joe~',. · W(,(fl J-- tv{f't ~~+- °' c~ IC/() to bt J·.,.J~l,i l,, OJl ttl'lflfy c.,oJ. )J elier
feCAf, Geor'!Je, wt,;),-fiielJ. ,~ ~ere'. frtv,ol)~d1 (A(\ e><CeP+.-Of\(Jll l tAw,Jtr, w'h/l-~f"r-tlJ
~--"ow:i how -lo Sfrto.J ~;s Hob vvorJ. e,ffec1ivel'I, vvi~ holftt '1 SO)C1JJ-l1
OJ\Jor-.-e. +tit Slor,ous (hv.fc"'· t,J~;teF,el oil hcis thQ r, ·Cle,~,'ng
O\~;J;t, +o- f,"I{ I/IP (~IA((~t1 tJ,C{~ ho-ven'-\- bu.I) Fi/Je).. \AP ~1/)C( loe(o/''2.,
{)/1·~~}-:tn()')efJ} ,·Jte>..;S sl'reC(J to our hufhb le ~cl Of) (es i~fouei +"e.-
py; n-r R.evol ()\,of) . Bi~ (\C4. /Yl ts I as Fe.nnsy/ 11qn ;Cf I') 8enJ·""-.,,..,·f"\ Fran kl; t'I
°"'"'~ Geor.,,·qA O/011,)0.~ t'LU.(~1'11>, r r~ 1ce w~;~{(-,'e1J For his ,·,.,., P(!JSl V(.,, 0
sk:l!s ii\ l"uL/;L ~f'ea1<;n9, o.nJ.. h,·s tAn(Onllt,'\ hc,n<> / l,,d ,·a 1-lat &•J- I~
oh OL4.r ~it.A.(, 0."1 vt col) o.11 l~rA fro(), our /l'>is-f(.tkt,. )o tlie.
fe.rAf/ . ., 0o--te, w;11 ofel) For 00~11 1,v,·1-, Who ct,oa'H Jo /;st-ell .,
r~e Obl L;,~ f' ctfleA ,·I) Lv;f~ the Awr.1\'~ €11 11,5 !
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