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!rriniDith,, San.ntapur,Btubancslvarrl

1 E0 ( cl,r(o),. o.*o 10 .g r.rg V

Guid.lin€ for Internal Assessdent

ID pusuance olaPprolal olAcadcmic Committcc and $bseq efl decisions nr

the mcdinC ol rcspccrile Slllabus Co$mittecs' the guidelines for
adofti('1 of

Inre'nal Assesn.nt as a of continuous and comprehcnsn' eldhrition


$bjecrs or frpers \irhout hnlii1s pnclical ot Prujed comPot'nls

sr-srcm nr rhe

in Ans. Commcrcq sciencc lnd vocrtional stLcam are laid do$n us folktrls:

L from the academic session 2024 25. subjccrslpapers olAm Cotrrdq'ce'

Science ud Vocational steam Ibr {lich miximun mrk alld(ed in
slllabi is 100(onc HlDdred) and a" $ithout Pradicnlrprcie'L
componenrs (such N all MIL(Odia. Erglish SansLtrit- Lr
L Iiirali'
'Ielgu. Bensali) slull hale L$o coniponenLs: r't'rnxl arsc$neni (21)
nrr\' lor''cr' i'
,,,1'l ' .nJ nn'_lle'rliE r\ar|a'or'80
vocationdl st,t.s. lhe p.peF likc comprlsoq lnd Mll s lil:e

Odin. l'clgr' Urd!.llengcli.s.nslsir erc' Ilving m^riN m rrark

lolal mark tbr lntenlal A$esnent shall be l0 ard torrn nrnrk ft'
linrl/.^nnua1 ex ninarionsh.ll be r0
2 Inteflral .^ssessmenls Nill be held bolh in cl's x] and ch$ Xil ar drc

The UniLrlo(ion dedicaled lor inLemal (20 mitt, ii cl'ss

x]l {ill be cxcluded lrom Amullrlnslatrt tl.S.cx'mination s}11abi(80

l. Toral marks ro bc N!.Lded to. $udenl in a srbjcct/plf{ lNins l c$al

assessnent conrDoncnl shrllbe &c tolaloarhs obiaincd in the llncrn'l

assessmenl and in Annu.l 11S E$nilxtion ton Atnu.l H.S.(Instanl)

Exanrinarion ii fial subjcd/papcr.

l_or examplc, in Sociologr paper (!'.Mrl00). iI a studenl scdrres 15

,nark( out ol20 )in i.leLnal asesnrci! and 60 (oul ol E0) in the Amual
ILS Ex.nination- thcn- he,rshe Nil1 be arnrdcd 75 (15+60) nurks nl the
Annual H.S/Annual 11 S. Lrsum E: ninarion. tnd fih NiU inPl) thal
the student h.s scc!.ed 75 marks out olMaxinum marls allotled loi the

i. lf a studcnl reDdin\ in inrcrnal ase$nrent in r p.perhublcd.

hlc/lrer ni.*s se.nred ln Annral ll S l.lxaminntion oul of 80 narlis,'.10
marks shall be tr$ted as Drarks securod lrcn I 00/5 0 as drc casc n6 be.

6. Thcre shall be a unilban quesrion porleft for internll asscsmenl inr all

the subjccts !s.lcnlioned n1 folloiri.g plugruphs.

7. lhe intem.l asscsucnt s$lcm s|!11be eilectilc lronr rhe session 202.1-
25 lb. fie srudenn olclas XII apfearing Annu.l H. S Er.mh.Iions 2015

and Students enroll.d in Classxl dudng2024.

8. There $ill be one int€rnrl .sessment liir cadr ol rhe p.peshubjecls

havire inlcnuj Assessilenl componcnt in classxl and XI1. Thc rchedulc

tor lntemll Assessmcnts lor cld$ xl will bc notilicd bI $e hc.d ol
inslitution. litemol assessncnL tesLs for class-xll sh.1l be held as pcr llf
schedtrle henrioned in drc acadenic calendar norified b1 thc Council dL

revised schcdulc(ilrccesan) to be Doijficd br'Ihe Corncil in due.ousc

oftinre. lhe question prpcrs lir i etual asscssnrcnl Lesls lre Io bc scr b)
lhe respecliye teacles of llc El.S,Sctooh. lnd lhc s.ripts are to be

evaluated at H.S.School level lry lhe $biecl tcachcB of1he iNtilution or

olother H.S.Schooh. in casc ofnon availabiliq of$bjcct leoche6 in thc

inslitution. Th$c shdll bc no remunemtion for c\dlurlion of nnc il

9. Mrrks a\Lardcd in Inr€.nal Asscssnenr ar ro bc raL latcd. rnd sudl
Iabularion registes lor clas$XII lre to be kept h lock kcy, rd\ill
be trcarcd.s ToP CONFIDENTTAL.
l0.Ihe a$.arded !n intcmalasesmcnr ofclassxll are pan of,^nnual
H.S./,{n.ual Il S. Insran ex.ninllidr and so are nol lo bc discbsed lo

I l.Intemll tusessment mrks ond the conestonding !n$\cr sfiipts ofcl$s

XII are to be p,tscncd rill 6(sir) horths after pubticalion ofrcsulls ol
recheckingrc addition of ! paticularye.r.
r:. l'or CoftspoDdencc Co!se(Disr.rcc tducarion) srudciN. projeci paper
exaninalion rvill be there in place of l dral a$csmenrs lo. all Lhosc
lrpcB lvhich are witholt pracLical/prcject cosponenB Ior rhis purpose.
Disrance Education Sectioi ofthc Council \rill takc steps ro uplold tlrc
nrodel topics ol I,roject $ork lo be fone i. cach I apeinrbiccr ii rhe
council rlebsite- and the stude.r arc ro $bnir d1e projccr Nork in rheir
rcspcctive instilulions,

t a(ern ofOucstion
Internrl A$ssnrent. (F.M:20 for. pxp.r hNinsl\'I!ximtrn
)Trdtr 100)

i. MCQ 5 Qnesrn,ns ofl nrark.ach

ii. Obicctile \pe Qucsrion (3 olr ol5)
Cotrtaining 2 narks eacll 2xll =6
iii. Objcctive twc .luestion (3 ouLol5)
Conraininc.l nall.s crdl

) "sS
Paltern otOuestion
I nternal Assessnebl: (F.M:20 tor. paperhcving Maximurr
Marks s0)
Duratio.45 minutes M.rks-l0

. vCQ .Q-Lrio\o'rnrled-h \ l
ii. Obiective rype Quesrion ( I outof2)
Conrain g2 narks eaclt 2xl =2
iii. Objectile type $esdon(l out of2)
Containing 3 marlc each

Tolalnorks = 10

Topicy UnibfPorlions earmarked for inlernil assessdent ,re altrched in

By order ofthe Cha rman


Memo No lg0( 4"t"0..1.4.:.49 tu29

Copy fo.wardeo ro rl^p Adol.Sc./ ro Co!r., Dept of S&ML Bl-ub" re,warl

Dlrector, Highersecondary Ed!catlon odisha, Bhubaneswar, forinformatioh

r4emo No 1go7 d.t"d...J.q.:.9.6


CopV forwarded to the Principals/Heads of All Hlgher Secondary Schoos

AffLiated to cHsE(o) for information and they are reqlested to bring it to the
.oti.e of th; students.

! r\6\d\
dar.d 10'l-q-roaq

copy foearded to the Controller of Examinations c.H.s.E

u".o ro 1dc9 a,t"l....9.:-05'tu9V
copy forwarded to P.s to the Chanman CHSE (O) for kind lnformation of the
chdirman/ oy sedetdry (lore Otlces of (rsE)/ Al ofter5 ol CH5F{oJ /Al
sect on ofl i(e6, for 1'orm. t ol ano ne.es\a rv b/..4o'S -
Topics/ Units/Portions e.rmarkcd for internal nssessmenl. Thesc
sh.ll not be ev,l'rated in Annu.l tt,S Exrminalions

Unit-l Prose (lopi.sto be covered)

1. Chapter (i) Stand n9 Up loryouisef Yevgenv

2.Chapt€r (ii)-The Legend sehlnd a Legend Hariharan

lrnit-ll Poetry (ToPi.s to be (overed)

1. Chapter O stopping by Woodt on a Sno\tv EvenLng

2 chapter (1, oft. in the StilLy Nlght lhomas Moore

Unit lll Non'Detailed study (Topi.s to be covered)
I Chaprer O ThreeQuestions LeoTolstov
2. chaprer (ll) after rwe.ty Y€an o Henry

Englirh Unit-t Prose (ToPica to beCov€red)

1 chapter (l) Mycreaten Olympl.Prize le$e
Unit-ll Poetry Oopi.s to becovered)
1 chapter (i) Dallodi s
Wil lam Word$vorth
Unit"ll Non-Detailed tturly OoPi., to be.over.d)
I chapter (i) Doctor's Word R( Naravan
2.ahapter(i)The Nightingal€ and the Rose _ os'ar

1. chaprer (D Theadve.tures of Leamlnq

1. Chapter (l)E.ology (A K

2 Chapter (i)Dog s Death


r. Molh€rs DaY (.J.8 PriestLey)

English 1. Chapter (i) ThewlnderWond of S(lef.e

I Chapte li) lndran ch ldren speal lJuaf la Bel)

I The Happy Man (W. S Maugham)

\ '-cN\

rhe Hour olTruth ( Perc valWide)

MrL (odia) xl 5'$al {c5'(6a u8la o6ra6l) (9o)

aqFe GI6t01q 0ao e. aG 6q'rLl so1a6l (6) 5lo! '61 (61) Oq{f6l
ed 9 Sqlo 6slo
€lQO (soaD gafl (G) A6eLal 001a61 6al68 {6 6lqq aa68o6a6e I
ot6t 966!6'gqo oa6 6616{ 06q66 6qe I6AA -
(6r) 6616{ AS16 6'601 6a Ae I 6SQg s6 !q !0-i' I
(51) sL'g6Q €661l6flqANL6r 661SqlA
gg0 a6los I

MIL (Odia) xll gao {qc (610,l)

zqe6 olor.1o Qerq e a6ols- 6q6 a 66l (*)
otst (eL{cl ed qol'. .s66 (sq$
cl6c) (60A0 * arffn o ahql6 -Grldll6flLaa 66Flas {*)
69aJ S6'6 (6aLdq F 0o16dl)

Odix xl gan {46 fid6r6r6 alaLl

( Ele.iive) qau atq6r flGtii- lle 6616l oLs (9o)
aqlM6 B6U I sd
QFr6Sle696e qafl

xIt 661a616l
( Elective) Qsrs al{6Gq6!i(eo)
claru1c g6ar 6'd
Hindi(MIL) h;,,*,',

l) tFn dcri{i{{{qn

Hindi (MIL)
XII ni

tlindi Lnit I-aF< (+n+FcFrrq)
(f,lective) r iir R,i7 F" r?rri Ii?=fl.
unirIn {Gtu6Eqq iq{r{, rEE

unitr,@ :tr6l&rd,!sil)
UnitlI rrs,{q{dTw-lm
r 'iinr d.,rn]3rlq nlq1r
hoser T$RlrqrTl(MaruDrlsr_!lih) anan,
(M.r.L) Ioer.r: Sdi.6d (subhdirx!ali)

Prlsc: glltrq 4q{4!r.i+!ihr (str lasr r

(M.l.L) Yinhnkannas.*mkdrnini)
r,.cq : rinRi.ql(Gna\otr rbhrtr,

Pro$: Fditlr*,n (sa*mirakalha )

(El€ctive) Historyorsanskilliterature:E]I!l{_Visnus.ma
?oelryr . {qffifd: Canakya.l h
Topics iiom the Ganmar tert YF{'] (Ssbdarupa)

Srikanla sa€t Chandh Chaltop:dhayay
1 Aratryak - Bibhuu Bhusan Eandopadhay
(MrL) 2 Na slra Av,jaa Saral Ch. Challopadhayay
3 BangiaAhasa Haraprasad Saslr

( ELECTIVE) 1 chhuti-
- Saral Ch. Chatlopadhyay

ELECTIVE Polt Master, Dena paona BaIlr?I
Urdtr {MlL ) XI Ircsc: Unil - i) OaumiHamdade+ Alal Hossan Maa
Poetry LJn t l. Aala Dal' Naz.Akberabad
Ghazaliyat Gha b kiGaza
IlDil lll Non dclrilcd Shtrlics I TrtrbaNnNosr[ ( O )

Urdu (MIL.) Proso: Unir Haqeeq Azmal L,loulana AbulKalamAzad.

Poatry Lrnl -Wadei'e-Canqa Mein ek Raal-AkhlarSh ranl
GhazaliYal Hasraikcazal
\utr rrdirh,l sru,lre\: TJtrb.tr No\ rt!rlt.lh L.,nol

Unt I Hislory of Urdu LleEiure (Prose)

TANWEER-E-ADAB by : Saghnahmad Jaan (only chaMha

\ r.'.o"*
unir DGma: RUSTAM-O SOHRAB bv Agha Hashar

lriii Ill
Shot Srorv lAGarnr)
Nrmalnda [{ukhte'sar Afsane bv TaherFarcoqu ( lc

a-it ,l- KALAII,I-E"MEER bv: Abdu Mlni.n Bedil

(Electile) l. Meer KiGhaza yal -ony'RadilAIr

r. [,]eer kiMasnaw (a) Jhool (b) Duniva
unitll. CHAND HAM ASAR bv MauanaAbdulHaque
Por ons to be.ludied: (a) NlohesnulMuk. (b)
Maulana Mohammed Ali Mahoom (c) Haal

Telsu (lvlll) xt
I E[aavyudu Nannaya Bh.ltu (Onlv Unt_l)
t! C P Brown sah tya Seva - Proi K SaIvorham8

. Raa Rata Prasasl - Pror 5 Gangappa (Unit ll

Telqu (MlL) xll

r Jateeyara - Dr Nagabha €va Koteswara Fao
VeyFadasalu Samal(a Drulpadham _ Dr'
SnQupuram Nayayana Rao (Unll l!)
3 Rudrama Devi-sm1 P B. Kausava ( llnt

Telgu i-s*'"r-s**rli_*"
smn'1r,,". -trrf li'ntuam (!trir l)

(Elective) 2 c;nmaMr vi{trirnaro _ Dr' sirrgtrp0rn Nmrxr.

vamdu DrXudlmalL Sanrbasiva Rao(LrritllL)

Telgu xfl 1.srcekalohr+esurF- Dhrlari Mahakavi (Utrit l)

(Electiv€) 2 DcsabhiDorrm - Kirdu('tri vccrsolingrnr Gtrnll)
Ilislorv olTelrgu Lilcrrturo _NxnErr. l{ilrlr

1. Ilistor, I Meaning and Rclelancc
2. Histor) olHumlDEaol tion:
.) l he ?.coruor o l Modcm Hunr.n Bcings
b) Modcm HLman Bcinlsl
i. E.Ll) HlNlns \.4) s Dlobt.inins tuod.
ii. HabllaL- lLccs lo ca\ s atrd olien.n sires.

Modcs of connnuic.tionsl,ansuase

,Ipilogue Domesticilion
developnlcnl of tarding II
A) lg)pt
c) China

xIl Unir l
l. Sources of Indian Histo,- : Archaeologicrl
Lild'dr!. Forcign Accoutrts and ALcbnal
loudalion of Iixliatr Cu hure:
a) I laL.ppxn clltLrc: Discoreq. Gcographical
extenl. ToNn plnnnine. stNctucs. Agicul rc,
Do,nesticatioD ol Annnlh. Icchnolog)_ ard
Crafr. Lradc, Conract with distanl lands.
Scriprs. Wei-qhls. i1e.$rcnrenl. Relie N

b) Rig vedic lnd lnter VcdicAgc Soci(!

Lconomic liic. Polilical ol.l:lnizaLion. Religious
Beliet. Posilion of $onr0r.
3. t hc Earliest sures: Sirteen Mahlianapddas.

I P.litical Theor!: An lnrroducrion- \Urat is
scopc of l1niricsr U\.9.s
ofPolilic.l Thco't .
2 Srarc: Dc|nation: Elcmenrs olsate

Nalurc ol- (.ie Aclnil': Indni.l,rlisnl

Wc!lie nitc: Globalietion.

XTI Unit-I
l Detrlocmcl: Me.ning. T)'Pes and
Cl llengcs $ Dernocratic Prccess
l,requrlily. lllitcr^cy. Rcgi(mLtlism.
?rcblen. Ccnde. ln.qualitl
:. Prr) slsrcm in lfrlr M(Jn n.. l'
Donr ncnc., Coalirion irics:


i r*"" 1
xt l'nir- l
"l,Jl..iurJ' M.
su.ro.o!r &,r.R.t.

f .,. so. !to.l \i .o. r_t \: ctr- -


II'i,.1. t.Lon.mi... An,.op.,og\. ps,(h,tor\

l.' r.cir \.. .n,.
I niFL Grrod cnrs;d,.n,ocic;l
. ,'opo,,o, ;:,;;;; l:,.n", ,.,",.,
ue.sr".rcr'. Ra.i...' ,,"-i. ,.. f," .1o"..
..rir\ & ljrea,n L.ror. o r-ry .\r
Di\ o\LU

Logic lnir-l\c."eu't,,ej. ) i....oI I o!...r... t

ol,nr.u"J. sc..l. .(...J f no-Ii,.. r.\ ,r,d
),r-,r','o".r"i r.e r.,1',,.irr..,rl
. gi" ,n., t ,
9. ,g. . .. . t.
' .o..ree. ,.o,J. tr
'e _ . D(no,ni,.... -
." 1:. .i .nr o,,
" n,.l

Conlc6ion, ObveBion. Care.ori.at Sllloghm:

StrucLue. rieure. hood. Rjes .f syllogism.
Dercmimrionof ralid moods

Unir t: rOrt' r'mr (al m 1r11

Industrirl Rchtion anit Tn.te Uniotrisn:
a) Meanine and Dcinlitions ofindusrriat Rcl.ri{nx
b) Objccrn es Nnd scope of lxtLtsriat Rclar i.is
c) SiBnifi cdrce ollndustdat Rehtions
d) Mc liDC. ,^inrs.,rd Obiecriles olrradc Uni.f
O rnrctions of'lmde Unior
1) l)pes ofTEde UnrnlcfulI Union. I.{tn(i,,r
UnnD and CarcElUnn,l

U itsI: (Ontt troh (i)to(c) I

Irersonnel hrnrsenrcht.

c) lmportance olPe6omel Managemenr
d) FunctionsofpeBonnel Managehent
e) GroMh and Developmcnt of Personncl

First Unh (status oJ rndian E.onomy) and a part otrhe 3d

Unit (Economi. P anninq)

{ ntroducnq micro Economicdand a partofa- Unt- t
(Laws of coisumption & demand)

xt l. Mathemaucal R€asonifg- Proposiuon,.omposite

proposition, connecrives and then operation, Logically
ttue/fake statement using trurh tab e.
2. Polar representation ofcomplex number.ube root of
uniand relation between roots, Relation between polar
and cartesian .oordinates. 0e Moivre theorem and its

xI 1. Domain and Range oflunction, composition ol

Iuncrlon, hve6e fun.iion
2 Flnd limitinq value of fdeterm nant torm (0/0 a/@,

3. Equation ol tangents and nohaland simp e


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