i-1101'll:tn/2E14"tir il {[)
co..,ernrrent of indie
M;ni.try tt !.!ironmenl, Fo0est and ll;mate chang€
(l"A. rivision)
lndira Parlavara,t Bhalran
AXiganj, Joi,r.Sh &rad,
lieyr *aall -1114103
a;l i lt(.11.!r:ia@ric.irr
Teleiax : !11i 2436,101
,ated 3'd S--irte:.lber, :aa,
Tae Get:er"a tlanaEer
Mrs llladhucon Sugar & Powder InCustric( ;',t
Nelakendapalli Mardal,
Khammarn District
Thls i:a reference to onlne lroposal Catea 5"' Vlay, 2Ci5 alongvr::;_i projecL
cacuments inc lcing Form l, Terms ol ilifaiences, ira-feaniiirllly Repoft aad :iA/Ei!'lF iieDori or
. --c.. : ' .. _r'
2l) The !l ristry of Environmenl Fores, anLl Cl nrate Cnan3! nas e\ara Ln ihe 3ltlicalic,n ii
is rloted that propcsa !s ior settlng up cf ivlo asses/Graln based Distllery (65 KLDI 3lo|]Evr'iil. Cpl:
1242 t!4W) and prcdualon of 25 [,1W from speni wash ncLneiator bcier and expars]aa erilllrE
lrga. unit ai Rajeswarapuram Village, :"lelakcnCap6Lll iranclal, Dislrrcl l<hannraa. lalargaiia
Slate by [4/s i\,iaohLcon Sugar and Po!',]er lndustr:es. it is reporleC ilal no nai onal lark/sanciuary
is located wllhln la k.n d:stance. Pal3ir Reser'lolr ls located ?1 a distance ot C72 km Total
avallable laacl is 134 acrea. Oul of vrhich C sul ery }/lll be ifstalled ln the anc area o{ 20 acres. Cost
ii projeal is Rs '11,i.535 Crore Oul oiv1hch, Rs30Crore has bee. earmarked lowards aapitaL
.:rst lor lmpLerneniaiion ci E,VP Plant'.,,,ibe oper3ied for 200 v,/oaking days or_ riolasses aad130
aavs .r qrain Toial \.,orkiog days ol o ani w I be 330 days.
iJ,-,r Bagllter aloi-rg\,! th adeqlaie sta.k heigri ,rl be plovd:o o ,ra3h/,:oa fieC :o eI
Fresh vratet rsql]lienient tronl gfou:rd lvater soL,rcer PalaLr CanzL w .:! r day Speni vuasli
leneratlon iroflnrolasses and glain oasel dsnrery $r be j2a - oa, anl 390 ir!3/day
.iasp€ctjvely. Spent \,!as:r tcx mo asses based ili be evaporated ii l!,144 lollo!,red by incin3ration
borer to achieve zefo lisa|rarga. Silert wash irom gaa:n based Cislillsry wlll be lassed trioLrgh
dearrie- and aonaenlrated it irrir el+.ect evaqla3ior il,lEE) Tllali s;i,.rp and &ei cak-- .nil be
mixeC togethef ic fom' Distillels \rvet Grains !,/ith Sotll.e (DWGS] 13 ciischarge
DWOS wilL lre dred tc i.rn llasliilers Dry Grans,"'rtr Soubie (DDGS) SpentLees i\,lEE
conCensate and utiLities \rraaltralaa w I be teated n the eif uett lr6almeri ll3n1 fo loted by
ieillary treainieni facilltv and trealed eif ueni iril be recyc eal/reused ior cooilng tcwer mak. ui., ita
eiilireat \,,1 be dlscharged crLtsLCe the factoai ilrernlsei ara'Zero effiue.i dLscharge ltilcepi !;r
be ir.plementeC. DDGS wiil be used as calUe leed and Fly ash will be sent to brick manufacturing
unit. Wastelused oil wlll be sold to aulhorizeC rcayclers I fe-processors.
1-.0 PLrblic llearing / Public Corsultation neetlng wa3 e1entpled a$ para 7 (ii) of EiA
5.0 All molasses based dist,ll6.ies ere listed at S N. 5 (g) (i) under calego.y'A' and app.aise.l ,t
CenlEl level.
a 0 lhe proposa .{as aorsiCerEc ,y ine Erper: Appaarsa Co'ar-i:iita ilralusiry:) :;r ,s 3ar
:rd 42'r meetings hed rrrirl 22ic . 23'' December,20l4 end 16r'-171r'r!ne.2015 resp..iively
:la ao.nm ttee recomTngaig, lhe propa!3l for envrionmental cleaaanaa. Projed Proponeat and
EIA Consultani neriaiy
::-re !i
Erv ro Labs & Consultarls, iave p.eseried EIA / i[4P repod es per
rhe TOR. fAe iss f.rra the EIA / EtulP Repod and a.lditi.rei i.lrrfiaiion tc b. salrsfartoty and in
i.i cons3raace .{,,:a presented TORS _ihe Ccmrnit:ea recomnleaCaC lhe trcposal aar
ai:r.,iionmet13l alB?''airaa.
70 Basec oL:ia if'orrnatioil submitted try tne oiolect prop".neFt lhe fuir!].ir.l rt :i!'r ronrr,r.,L
anC Foiests rrereiry accords envr.oarenlal clearance to above projeci undef the pro/sions of llA
\olilicarlon date.i 1415 Septembef ?0C6 sllrjeci 10 the compiance of the iollowing Speclfc and
Geneaa Condllicns:
) Dist:llery ufL shali be based on [r]olasses/GraiF based D saillery {55 (LU) ,.d
prociuaion of the p;anl sha Ifot exceed lhe.naxlmum capagity CafineC Le. ahai n.lref
excda,a to 6r'-r IiLPD
i) tsagfilter a org,,vira ,daquaie saack height !,/ill !e provicieo io spent \,,,ash/coal frred
boller The sia.k e:rissions iian verrols untls sital coniorm io ihe standards prescribed
under the Eovironare,-rt (Proie.l:oal Acl A1 ro 1ire, lhe emisscn levels shei go
beyond the sipulated siandards Ir the everi olialllre of polLttio. ccntrol syslem(s)
a.lopted bylhe arail theunlishalie mmeiratel,, tr"rt c,.jt oioperaior_ and sha ]1oilre
rssiarted untlt ilja desrred effiaiency cilhe Fo Ll:c. .ariroi oevice has beef ach eveC
ri) ln pant, aonircl measures for checking llrgiiive el,'lissions from aii the vuln€rable
iources shal be provided. Fugitive en]isslors sl"lall be controlled by;lrovding closed
slolage c osed handling & conveyance of chen'riaals/analeaials mLr:li cycione seperator
and '{r';ef sprnkling gyslenr. Drst suppression syslem including water sprlnking
systern shrll be provided al loading and unloading aaeas to contro dust emlsslons.
Fugitive emiss ons in the work zoie environment. prcduct raw r,'talerials storage a.ea
etc. sral be €g!la.y rionitored and recards shall be mainiained. Ji.e efiissions shall
conforr. to 11..e Iimits p.escrlbed brr Karnrtaka State Pol utior Co:rirot Aoard lKSPCB)
v) The gaseous emrss a.s froa iG set sha ire dsDersect tlrclgh adeqlate siaak height
as per CPCB EUdelnes. Acousilc ercloslre shall be pr'crideci to the DG seis tc
mitigale the nois€ pcl ..r1ier
v) The company ahal upload :;i9 siatus of aainpl:anae ci the alipLrlated efvirormenial
cearance coralllcns ncludhs reslrlis of l]1onllor€C data ciils $/ebsteand sh6jl rpdaie
ihe same pearadically l: sha I 5:r!ltaneo!ai! b9 senl la lhe aespeclive Regional oilce
oi [4oEF, tre r.rpectrve Zoir] ciice oi CFCE ard the KSPCB. The levels ol :lMio.
Pl,,!r 5. SCl:, l.lOx a:J and Ha aa;ethane) ii],r, o r shell ire monil.iei enI
.rl;) I cta :resh rvater requ;renrenl fron_ !r'Jrno water sr!]rcel Palair Cana sha I noi exceed
65J n,3/ala! ior disir ery and cdgeneration unit anc prior perraisslon for drawl of waler
shall lre obtained irom the CGWA/SG\rVA.
',i iil) Speni wasr generrliofr iom lrcL*aa3s and graa based dstlie.y shaLnot ex.eel 8
'( /Ki .rl ,rt.!1t,rl prod.ced and 6 KL/KI rf a cohol prodrced respaclive y. Spenl wash iror,t
molasses blsed disliilery shali be cor..nkated in IViEE Concenirate IVEE shallbe
lnclnerated n cogenealion boilei io achieve zero dlscharge Spenl wash frorn gran
based shal be tieated ihfough decarter 3nd coNeentrated ia m'Jli;effeci evaporator
(i EEi io fom.j DWGS. D\]VGS shall be drred ir lhe dryer lo lo.ol DDGS Spentees irom ut lrt es :nd iogeneralLo. unil shou d be trealed in effllent treatment plant
\ETPr and v,drer qLr, r)/ oi treateci L;i[,ent should meel ihe i-icrnls prescribed by
CPCB/SPCB and recycle/.euse
ix) llasta'.!etrr Earef:ticln lronr thc slrgai u.rli sl'lall nct a{ceeal 100 lli,iit iar lcnire :.i a!ne
.tursheri. E irenl lrom suga unit shaibe lrealed rn ihe efilue.l lreatr]lenl plani i:TP)-
l^/aler quali:y at treated eflLent sha be mon tored regltlarl:v. n an)/ case no
rt/astelvaterireaiad eifluenl shall be dlsaaar!ed |.ta ri'/ernatural strean Domesllc
c' -:' J" | ^9 l-ea'eo r t.ea:a enL plan'
x) As pr'6poa9i. no efflLreni fronr sugar d stilery ani *llenerat on po\,!er p arr! snilid ie
clschaaEed au:side the piern ses anci Zarc Cllil3.q3 shal be eohisrea \va'.ef
cons!nplian shall tle reduced ny adoptlng 3 R'r lii(lLlae, teLise and iec,r.leJ .on.=pi in
iiie orocess
xi) Oontnurls online 12.ix7) monitoring system to il:: iralalled viiihrrr treatmenl pani an.l
data tc' De lploadec cr'r compan!s lvebslie !!c stite to be p.ovided io respeciive
lleginn2i Olf ce of tt4EF&CC :rid SPCE.
lii) Process effLuent/afy wasiewaier 3h.ll not be allt,l,ed to rlix vr'ith slonn watef. Storf'l
water draif shali be passed through guard pond
xiii) Spent frash shall be sto.ed mperyious lagoon (ROC) with HnPl: iinlrg as per OPCB
guidellnes and siol]ld be kept in proper conditi.r lo prevenl grallad \/vater poiution.
Storage c?pacily rf speitl v/ash agoon should be for 5 da.vs
xi./) Adequate numbeas of ground water qualily monitorln! staiions iry prollding
plezometers afolnd the proiect area slould be set up. Jarnpling and trend anrlysis
monitoring musl be .r.tde on nronthly 3 basls ard repo.l sLrbmltted to SPCB and lhis
l,rlinistry Th. g.ound watei qLraiiiy nronito.ln0 lcr pll, BOD, COD Chlofde, Su:ph?te
ancl total dissolved soLids shou{c be nronliaa.d. :iampling and lrenc analys s mon io';''!
musl be oade on monthly basrs and reFod slbmitled 10 the i!'l nislry s Offlce
rr Ber re c e aro SPCB
rv) Bagasse/biornass storage shall be done ln slich a !\,ty that t does no1 gei ;ir or
'/ a'rJ_d Lj-Fio $ ri
xvl) Fly ash shall be stored separately as per CPCB g'Jidelines so that it shall ,'ot ,dverse\'
affect the air qLtalily, becornlng alr borne by vr'lad or waier regime during f: ^r se,:u'
by flowlng alongllilh the storm ,!aler. Dlrect lxposll13 of woakers lo fly ash l' r]]rci shall
be avcided. Bagasse ash 3nd ccal ash shall be saarec seperatelY
{i ) Risk Assessment shouid be cafiied aa assess ihe f]a. and exploslan l]sk due to storge
of al.citci and repod .ubmitted to lhe lUlnistrr/ anci lis Regional Oaltce ai Luckno\rr' \tuiilln
c'l Toft.s
xx) aedicated ,n.king facility fot loading and untoading ot r]aterlals shall a,r provided in the
iactory p.?nllses. Un t shall develop atd lmplement goocl traffic managerealt systern for
the r i..cffing and oui!.ing vehlc es to ;vold congesiion on the pLiblia roaa.
lxiD A. propose.j greenbelt shall be developed in 76 ecres oi lotat pot area (.lJr 2l acres)
io mlii;aie the efls.ts of fug iive enrissions all around the plair: 3$ per CpCB gr,iale|nes
in coni.tltation witl the local DFO. Thick greer ceLt vr'ith suitable plart speci;s sholld
be developed aroLnd ihe propcseC distilery to oiliigate the odour problerll.
xxil:l Ai least ,".5 % ci t-re iota cost ol the p.oject shoulcj he eat-narkeC lcyrei0s :-!,
ccfpc.ale so.ial respc.sibiliiy Eili ltem-wse cletarts along.,.r:il 1:ne boLtno.rc,.i.r ian
shoula r. p eparaa arC s!brti11ed to ih3 ,'..j]rlslry,s Reg aaa aiice .r ;,,.-- re
lmpleaaenialion of i,"rci piograi. should De easLrred accordingly in a trme L.LnLl
ixrvl Pr9li:lcr s.ial be macie foa the housing for the ccnstll.]ciion labo!. wrirln the si{e \.rlth
ali nea.ssary nf.astructlre and facilllies such as fue for cooktar, ..obtte Loriers. saie
drinking vr'ater medica healih care cadahe etc. The hoLtsing .iay be in lhe iorrn cl
iemporary slrtcture to b6 ramcved aT:e. ihe complet or1 ,l the prcjeoi All tna
.onstr'uction lJasles shall be.naraged sc ihat iher€ js no npact on tre suriornC no
The p.oject authorilies nrust sri.liy adhere to the siipulations made by the Karnataka
Stal. Polluiion Conkol Board (KSPCB) State Government ani eny .th{r; statutory
!i. No further expansion or ricaiilicaticns n the plant shaii be cairiecl cu1 wthoLrt prror
approval of the lv,linintN of En!acrrae.l and Fcresls. ln c6s9 o{ devlations or alteraircrns
in the project proposal fron lnose slbrnitted tc this Ministry fo. cle3rance, a fresh
€lerence shall be made to the l\linistry to assess the adequacy oi coadltions irnposed
ard to add additional envirol,nenlal proleaiion rneasures reqlrtrecj, if any.
iil The iocations of arrbiirii alr qrality rnonilarlng siations shail be decided in cors:rltaUon
lrlih the Staie pollutior Controi 6!ard (SPCB) srC ii shalt be ensurect that at teast one
slalloas la insial ed in ths upw nC anC do\\rnwind Cirect on as welt as
'jrh..e maxlnr:rr
g.oLltd level concentratiaaa are anticipaled.
xyi. Ihe project proponent shall inform the prlbjic ttral the projecl has been accorde.l
eavironmenlal clearance by ttte l\rinistry and copies of the clearance leller arc ava,la']ie
with lfie SPc3/Committee and may also be seen at Websiie oi the lrlini$ky at
htto:/ This shall be adve.tised within geven days frorn th6 date of lssue of
the clealance leftor, at least ln two local newspapers that are widely iitcuiatecl in ihe
regicn oi which one lltell be in the vernacrlat language oi the locality concetned and a
copy of the s&me shall be lofvrarded 10 the concemed Regiona Ofilce of ihe Minlstry.
xvii. The prolect authoritiBs shallinform:he Regional Office as well as the [,:]nistry, ihe dale
of"financial dosurc and final approval of the project by the cancerned authorities and
the date oi start oftie project.
8.d The \,{inistry .ray reroke or suspeid the clea.an6e, ii implementai:on o{ any oi the ebore
conditionsii noi satistactory.
9.0 l-he l\,4inistry reserves lhe .ight to stipulate addiiional co.ditions, if folnd necessary. The
comlany in a time botnd alner will imp:emen hese conditiors.
lCil :he .raa'Je rondtions r,rli !e e.lorced. iaieFalia undei i.s pio\listons ci thE,rritaier
(P-e,:.r.1t o". i. Cc[iro ci ]rcli,-tiia.) Aci 197,i, Ar ip.r';enU9i &. Ccnlrci uirlvat- po Ltton) Acl
':1;iil, 1h3 En!/ironmefl iProleetloit) Act, 1186, HazerCoirs \ l2sie (l!,ianroertent,
llanCing aiC
r'ena-aoirndn.y llo\.,.r.rant) f?ules 2008 laa:ire public Liabilliy lnsrLranaa A.i tWl aong,!i1t
i:ra:li lnta.r.-rnalls erid fules
r\aia ;tior-i3: 3l iectot
aopy 1o:-
6. llilcnitg.ln! Call, fulln stry ot [nvironment Foreai & Ciimate Change. ladtfa paryavarai Eaavar
' - -agf Ro.r- l,-1 ). " '
7. G!ard Flle/rvlcnilcrirg Fi:e,lRecori Ftie
iL6:lt Bok.,,r)
laCit:.rr; Dire.i.: