reconfigurable 9 syf
reconfigurable 9 syf
reconfigurable 9 syf
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arXiv:2402.03978v2 [eess.SY] 5 Jun 2024
Matthew Deakin* , Xu Deng
A low-cost reconfiguration stage connected at the output of balanced three-phase, multi-terminal ac/dc/ac converters can increase
the feasible set of power injections substantially, increasing converter utilization and therefore achieving a lower system cost.
However, the approach has yet to be explored for phase unbalance mitigation in power distribution networks, an important
application for future energy systems. This study addresses this by considering power converter reconfiguration’s potential for
increasing the feasible set of power transfers of four-wire power converters. Reconfigurable topologies are compared against both
conventional four-wire designs and an idealised, fully reconfigurable converter. Results show that conventional converters need
up to 75.3% greater capacity to yield a capability chart of equivalent size to an idealised reconfigurable converter. The number
and capacity of legs impact the capability chart’s size, as do constraints on dc-side power injections. The proposed approach
shows significant promise for maximizing the utilization of power electronics used to mitigate impacts of phase unbalance.
1 Introduction 11 : 0.4 kV
[13], the authors describe a ‘phase changing SOP’, assumed to
be constructed using a multi-terminal ‘phase shifting device’ DC Link,
in recent works [7]. However, we show in this work that a Four- Source, Four-
wire Load or wire
three-leg, three-phase inverter with equally sized legs cannot VSC Energy VSC
benefit from reconfiguration on the output. Alternatively, works Storage
on balanced operation of SOPs and their capability charts have (a) Standalone 4W VSC System (b) Interconnected 4W VSC System
been considered in detail in [11, 12]. However, to the authors’
knowledge, there are no works that consider capability charts Fig. 2: In this work, we classify Four Wire VSC Systems as
of reconfigurable power converters for arbitrary unbalance mit- either (a) Standalone, which cannot transfer power to or from
igation, including the critical effect of neutral currents. This the dc subsystem (but can transfer power between phases), or
is an important and timely gap, as the proposed reconfigura- (b) Interconnected, with some resource connected to the dc
tion approach promising to lower the cost of power electronics subsystem to enable net power transfer across the VSC.
by increasing utilization substantially [12], and thereby provid-
ing a route for network operators to install more cost-effective 2.1 Proposed Four-Wire Reconfigurable Power Converter
active solutions to address distribution system congestion.
The major contribution of this work is to address this gap The essence of the proposed approach has been described in
by proposing and calculating capability charts for the pro- detail in [12] for a balanced, multi-terminal back-to-back VSC
posed four-wire reconfigurable power converters. This includes system. In a conventional VSC system (Fig. 3a), the output
numerical approaches to determine the size of these capability of each of the equally-sized half-bridge (HB) legs are hard-
charts, and corresponding visualizations of these sets. The aim wired to the four output wires; the maximum current that can
is provide metrics that can demonstrate the improved flexibility be injected into any one of the phases is static. In contrast, the
of the reconfiguration approach. proposed approach can have any number of legs, m, whose pu
This work is structured as follows. In Section 2, we describe size α can be varied (at the design stage), and which can be
the proposed topology and define corresponding capability connected to any of the outputs to vary the HB capacity con-
charts, then describe how the area (or volume) of these charts nected to a given phase on-the-fly. It is worth noting that if the
can be calculated numerically to demonstrate performance mission profile for the 4W VSC does not vary with time, then
improvement for a given 4W VSC design. In Section 3, a range the proposed approach will not provide a benefit.
of case studies are presented to highlight the improvements that There are two major differences between the balanced and
can be expected as a result of the proposed reconfiguration. unbalanced cases. Firstly, neutral currents can be neglected
Finally, salient conclusions are drawn in Section 4. in the balanced case. In contrast, as we demonstrate in Sec-
tion 3.1, neutral currents are often large and so must be cal-
2 Methodology culated for an accurate determination of the capability chart.
Secondly, individual legs of the VSC are considered, rather
In this work, two basic structures are considered for the 4W than three-phase VSC units as in, e.g., [12].
VSC system, as shown in Fig. 2. A Standalone 4W VSC, as For the purposes of this work, but without loss of generality,
shown in Fig. 2a, consists of only a four-wire VSC and dc we consider the main purpose of such a system is to inject only
capacitor, and so the power balance restricts the currents that active power P (and not reactive power), for the following rea-
can be injected (i.e., the sum of active powers injected into sons. Firstly, analysis of smart meter data suggests that modern
the network must have value zero). The standalone device is domestic customers have very good power factor–for example,
similar to a STATCOM, which has been used for providing it is suggested in [14] that a power factor of unity ought to be
dynamic reactive power compensation in power systems for assumed for simulation tasks. If this is the case, then injecting
several decades, and which can transfer power between phases reactive power will increase (rather than decrease) loading on
to mitigate high currents. In contrast, the Interconnected 4W each phase, and so is not useful for addressing thermal conges-
VSC systems, as shown in Fig. 2b, also has a dc-side compo- tion. Secondly, so long as the converter has sufficient capacity,
nent connected to enable a non-zero power injection from the issues with reactive power can be addressed with single phase
VSC into the ac network. assets injecting reactive power (where active power phase
In this Section, we outline how the capability chart of a rebalancing is not possible without changing the load point).
both of these classes of 4W VSC systems can be increased Finally, reactive power can be mitigated dynamically by other
by adding the proposed reconfiguration output stage. Firstly, low-cost means (e.g., switched capacitor banks). Nevertheless:
in Section 2.1 the mechanism by which this reconfiguration reactive power could be also considered in future applications,
increases the capability chart is revisited, highlighting with considering applications such as voltage unbalance mitigation.
a simple example how the proposed approach can be benefi-
cial under unbalanced operation. Subsequently, in Section 2.2, 2.1.1 Example Reconfigurable Converter: An example of a
capability charts are defined as a set, with it highlighted how reconfigurable converter, constructed of two HB triplet pack-
the size of these sets change as a function of total VSC capac- ages of 45 A and 15 A respectively are shown in Fig. 4. Such a
ity. Finally, in Section 2.3, numerical routines are described for converter can be connected in various operating modes.
calculating the size of these sets.
Package: 3
half bridges
Source or
load Rating: 45 A
per leg
800V Selector
(a) Conventional design Battery switches
Package: 3
half bridges
Rating: 15 A
Source or per leg
Fig. 3: Conventional and proposed four-wire VSC system However, unbalanced current injections by a converter neces-
designs. The conventional design (a) has four legs hard-wired sitates consideration of neutral currents, and so in this section
to the ac output wires, where the proposed reconfigurable we revisit capability chart for the four-wire configuration.
design (b) has any number of legs m with arbitrary current For a 4W power converter operating with a fixed output
ratings α whose output can be reconfigured to redistributed cur- voltage and no dc-side constraints (e.g., assuming a large dc
rent carrying capacity as necessary. link capacitor) the power converter’s operating range is deter-
mined by the current rating of the capacity connected to each
wire Iϕmax ∈ R4+ (in Amps or pu). The phasors representing
• The converter can operate under balanced operation with the phase currents in each leg of the converter Iϕ ∈ C4 must
maximum power output. In this case, 60A is connected to therefore satisfy
phase 1–3; the neutral has no capacity allocated to it. In this
mode, the converter is acting like a conventional three-wire, |Iϕ [i]| ≤ Iϕmax [i] ∀ i ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4} . (1)
three-phase converter.
• The converter could be used to inject 90 A of active power
For such a system, consider the m per-unit leg capacities α ∈
into any of one of phases 1–3 to mitigate a temporary over- Rm , such that
load, with 90 A connected to the neutral (for the return Xm
current). In this mode, the converter is acting like a single- α[i] = 1 . (2)
phase converter. 50% extra current can be injected into the i=1
phase which the HBs are connected to as compared to the A variable binary matrix B ∈ {0, 1}4×m has m columns that
balanced converter. each represent the state of the m one-to-four selector switches,
• The battery is disconnected for maintenance. 45 A of capac- with the sum of each column of B having value 1 (to ensure
ity is connected to two of phases 1–3; 30 A to the other each leg is connected to just one output wire). Then, the capac-
phase; and 60 A to the neutral to enable phase rebalance ity connected to each output wire Iϕmax is simply the sum of the
currents (as shown in Section 3.1, the neutral current is typi- capacities of the legs connected to that wire, i.e.,
cally larger than the phase currents). The converter is acting
as a four wire standalone VSC system; depending on the Iϕmax = Ibase Bα , (3)
optimal operation, the 45 A and 30 A converters can be
reallocated. where the current Ibase has value of the sum of the capac-
In summary, the selector switches can enable a wide range ity of all legs (in Amps). Note that, if a converter is not
of unbalanced operation, with a higher utilization of the HBs reconfigurable, then B is replaced with an identity matrix.
as compared to a static design. In the next Section, we pro- For a four-wire converter injecting in-phase currents (i.e.,
pose the use of capability charts to systematically study the full active powers) into a stiff positive sequence voltage with fixed
range of operation (as compared to the specific operating points phase voltage magnitudes |V0 |, the per-phase powers P ∈ R3
highlighted in this example). are linked to those phase currents Iϕ according to the linear
2.2 Defining Capability Charts P [i]
Iϕ (P )[i] = , i ∈ {1, 2, 3} , (4a)
A capability chart can be defined as the feasible operating |V0 |a(1−i)
region of a given power converter, i.e., the feasible currents 3
and/or voltages under which it can operate. This has been Iϕ (P )[4] = − Iϕ (P )[i] . (4b)
defined for balanced reconfigurable converters in [11, 12]. i=1
where a = e2πȷ/3 is the phase rotation operator. Note that the U Fix (3), U Fix (4) respectively. Note that U Fix (3) does not
neutral current INtrl. flows through the fourth wire in (4), have a neutral for return current.
• Designs with leg capacities chosen to maximise the Stan-
INtrl. = Iϕ [4] , (5) dalone system CCA, S4Opt. ; or the Interconnected system
CCV, I4Opt. . The sizes of each leg was chosen by evaluat-
and that the neutral is at the reference voltage at 0 V. As a result, ing the value of α that maximises the CCA or CCV using
the neutral cannot inject either active or reactive power (which a meshgrid of all α at a resolution of 0.01 pu. CCA and
is why there are only three components in the powers P ). CCV values for each α are determined using the method of
The capability chart can therefore defined as the feasible set Section 2.3.1.
of power injections P that satisfy the power converter operating • An idealised converter, denoted Ω–i.e., a design for which
constraints, i.e., leg capacity can be allocated continuously, providing an
upper bound on CCA and CCV values [12].
C = {P : (1), (3), (4)} . (6)
The capability chart for the idealised design Ω is found by
The advantage of the capability chart in terms of active powers replacing the leg reconfiguration constraint (3) with the con-
P (instead of current phasors Iϕ ) is that, in the general case of tinuous constraint
arbitrary P (i.e., an Interconnected 4W VSC), the dimension of |Iϕ (P )[i]| ≤ 1 . (10)
the set (dim(C) = 3) is the same as the number of variables in
P. 2.3 Calculating Capability Chart Area or Volumes
The total power injected into the ac grid, PTtl. , is
Determining the CCA or CCV requires the evaluation of the
PTtl. = P [1] + P [2] + P [3] . (7) multi-dimensional integrals (8). In general, such integrals can
be computationally challenging [12]. However, considering
For the case of a Standalone 4W VSC (Fig. 2a), ac-side pow- uniform converters U(m) or converters with four legs, these
ers must balance, i.e., PTtl. must have value of zero; for an integrals can be calculated very conveniently as we demon-
Interconnected 4W VSC, PTtl. can have a non-zero value. strate.
Given the definition of a capability chart as a set, it is nat-
ural to consider the size of the set as a property of interest 2.3.1 Brute Force Grid Methods: In this work, CCA or CCV
when comparing converters with different α. The capability values are determined by first considering a regular grid of
chart volume (CCV) or capability chart area (CCA) are points over a region R that is known to completely enclose
Z Z the capability chart C. An indicator function F (P, α) is then
CCV = dV , CCA = dA , (8) defined that returns value 1 if the point lies within the capability
C C chart and zero otherwise. The CCA or CCV is then conve-
niently found via a normalised sum of the indicator function
with the former used for an Interconnected 4W VSC, and the values at all points across the grid.
latter a Standalone 4W VSC (whose capability chart C is two- If there are four legs of the converter, then the indicator
P as the three powers P are constrained to lie in the function is
plane P [i] = 0). (
It is worth noting that the CCV and CCA scale with the cube 1 if α[i] ≤ |Iϕ [i]| ∀ i ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4} ,
and square of the converter power rating, respectively (as can F4 (P, α) = (11)
0 otherwise ,
be observed by considering the units of the integrals). For a
given converter, the scaling factors ηV , ηA that yield the same where P is linked to phase currents (4), Iϕ has been assumed
volume or area, respectively, for given CCA or CCVs are [12] as in per-unit, and (with slight abuse of notation) α and |Iϕ |
r r have been ordered according to their size. For converters with
ηV = , ηA = . (9) uniform leg sizing U(m), the indicator function is
( P4
For example, if the value of the CCA of a second converter is 1 if i=1
ceil(m|Iϕ (P )[i]|) ≤ m ,
FU (P, α) = (12)
double that of a first,
√ then the first converter would need to be 0 otherwise ,
a factor of ηA = 2 larger to have the same CCA.
where ceil(·) is the ‘ceiling’ function (i.e., non-integer argu-
2.2.1 HB Sizing Case Studies: To explore potential benefits of ments are rounded up to the nearest integer).
the proposed approach for 4W current unbalance mitigation,
we consider four sizing and reconfiguration approaches. 2.3.2 Evaluating the Boundary of the Capability Chart: A
• An m-leg reconfigurable converter, each with uniform leg complementary approach for exploring the capability chart C
sizes of capacity 1/m pu, denoted U(m). is by finding its boundary. This has two potential uses for anal-
• Three-leg and four-leg converters with uniform HB leg
ysis and visualization. Firstly, it can be used as a method to
capacities and legs hard-wired to phase wires, denoted determine the CCA or CCV. For example, if the radius r of the
boundary of the capability chart C of a Standalone 4W VSC is Table 1 The number of legs m and leg capacities α for
known as a function of the angle θ in the plane, then each design.
Z 2π Symbol m (no. legs) α (leg capacities)
CCA = r(θ)dθ . (13) S Opt.
4 (0.12, 0.22, 0.26, 0.4)
I 4 4 (0.13, 0.21, 0.3, 0.36)
This could be an advantage as it reduces the dimension of the
grid of points that must be evaluated over (e.g., from 2 to 1 for 1 m×
U(m) m m
CCAs). Secondly, when the total power injection PTtl. is non-
Fix 1 3×
zero, the boundary is not necessarily connected to the interior U (3) 3 3
of the capability chart (as we show in Section 3.2). It therefore
1 4×
provides different information than that which is provided by U Fix (4) 4 4
considering the size of the set (i.e., the CCA or CCV) alone.
To efficiently determine the radius at the boundary r, it is Ω n.a. limm→∞ U(m)
proposed to consider the capability charts in αβγ co-ordinates
via the Clarke transformation, The radius at the boundary of the capability chart can be
found either by defining an appropriate indicator function and
P̂ = TClarke P , (14) then using a root-finding method, or via an optimization to
maximise r or rSph. . For example, for a fixed ψ and θ, the radius
where the Clarke transformation matrix TClarke is rSph. at the boundary of the capability chart can be determined
r 1 as the solution of a mixed-integer linear program,
−1/2 −1/2
√ √
TClarke =
0√ √ − √
3/2 3/2 . (15)
max rSph. (19a)
1/ 2 1/ 2 1/ 2
s.t. (1), (3), (4), (14), (18) . (19b)
The transformed powers P̂ in αβγ co-ordinates can be inter-
preted as follows. The third element, P̂ [3], is proportional to 2.3.3 Capability Chart Discontinuities: If the current injected
the total power injected PTtl. , as into one of the wires has value of zero, then no leg capacity
needs to be connected to that wire. This means that at there are
PTtl. regions of the capability chart which, according to the CCA
P̂ [3] = √ , (16) and CCV definitions, do not contribute to the size of the set,
as these subsets will be of lower dimension. Nevertheless, as
as can be seen by considering (7), (15), (18). This means we show in Section 3, these points are non-trivial, and could be
that co-ordinates P̂ [1], P̂ [2] lie in the plane of the Standalone very useful for supporting some mission profiles.
VSC system’s capability chart and correspond to unbalanced The subspaces of these points in a given co-ordinate system
power injections. Secondly, the radius r in polar or cylindrical can be found by setting one of the powers P to zero (or the
co-ordinates, neutral current INtrl. ), then solving for the parameters that cap-
r2 = P̂ [1]2 + P̂ [2]2 , (17) ture that locus. For example, for a fixed azimuth angle ψ (in
spherical co-ordinates (18)), the powers are a function of polar
is proportional to magnitude of the neutral current |INtrl. |. This angle θ as
can be seen by considering the magnitude of the neutral cur-
rent (4) mapped through the Clarke transformation (14). From
cos(ψ) 0
(17), constraints on neutral currents are therefore circles in αβγ ⊺ sin(θ)
TClarke r sin(ψ) 0
=P. (20)
co-ordinates (rather than ellipses in nominal co-ordinates). cos(θ)
0 1
Therefore, visualizations in αβγ co-ordinates have additional
symmetry and explainability. The angle θ that will yield the ith element of P to be zero can
For an Interconnected VSC, it is useful to represent powers be found by setting the ith row of (20) to be zero, then solving
P̂ in spherical co-ordinates, for θ.