Contact Adam:
Strength 9
Hypertrophy 11
Endurance 14
Week 1 20
Week 2 22
Week 3 24
Week 4 27
Week 5 30
Week 6 33
Week 7 36
Week 8 39
Week 9 41
Week 10 43
Week 11 45
Week 12 48
My name’s Adam, and I’m tired of fitness being used as a
tool to make people feel shitty about themselves.
Fitness saved my life. For my entire life I’ve suffered with anxiety
disorders, and when I was 17 I flipped a coin to decide whether or not
to attempt suicide. When the coin flip turned out in my favor, I vowed
never to look back. I saw a therapist and soon got into exercising and
lifting in a huge way. At my heaviest I weighed sixty pounds more
than I did when I started lifting, and I loved it. Exercise and lifting
weights has been massively empowering for me, and I feel prouder
and more comfortable in my body now than I ever have before.
Exercise should be about feeling good in your body. Lift more, lift
faster, run faster, run further, gain muscle, and above all: move better
and have fun. Unfortunately, for so much of the fitness industry, it’s all
about losing weight. Get smaller. Lose size. Get weaker. Look better. If
that’s your goal, that’s amazing. But the industry as it is tries to force so
many people to lose weight rather than focusing on more measurable
and meaningful markers of fitness success. In short, exercise should
be fun, and we should feel empowered by it rather than drained.
There are not many in the fitness industry who preach this
message. In fact, most work on body positivity comes from
outside the industry, making it hard for these two spheres to
interact. I want to bridge that gap. I want to help change the
fitness industry and make it more accessible and understandable
to outsiders. I want everyone to be able to enjoy fitness.
This guide is designed for absolute beginners, but can work for
exercisers all the way up through an advanced level. In fact, my current
training is a variation on this template, and I currently deadlift near three
times my bodyweight while still getting in a lot of cardio every week.
It is important to understand that this plan balances the three main pillars
of fitness: strength, hypertrophy, and endurance. Strength is simple:
our ability to lift heavier weights. While related, this is not the same as
Hypertrophy, or growth of muscular size. Lastly, Endurance refers to
our ability to lift weights for more repetitions, or to continually repeat a
task without tiring. While again related to both strength and size in some
respects, it remains a distinct trait. Other important though lesser factors
include things like flexibility, mindfulness/self-compassion, and diet.
These six basic motions form the foundation of our strength training, and
each week we have two strength days. One strength day is dedicated to
upper body, the other is dedicated to lower body. Since both horizontal
and vertical pulling tend to be similar in terms of the benefits we get out
of them, we’ll only be doing one or the other. On our lower body days, we
train a squat and a deadlift. Since lower body movements involve more
musculature, they also tend to be more taxing, and as a result the two
tend to balance out despite the excess volume used for upper body lifts.
Another concern for women is that they often believe that hypertrophy
styled training will instantly turn them “mannish”. This is an unfortunate
lie which refuses to die, and is often propagated by more backwards
individuals in the fitness industry. If women want to see evidence of this
lie, I recommend looking at female Crossfit athletes, or weightlifters
or powerlifters in the lighter weight classes. Figure competitors can
sometimes toe the line of what’s considered feminine, but again it’s
unlikely that you’ll find yourself in that position without specifically
working towards it. Very rarely do people suddenly stumble into a look
that other people spend a massive amount of effort training for. Many
women attain a much leaner look (and the sort of proportions they desire)
by lifting heavy, both in terms of hypertrophy and strength based lifting.
Endurance work can also help strength and hypertrophy work. Energy
systems adaptations don’t directly enable you to lift more weight, but
can make it easier to recover between challenging sets, enabling you
to get shorter workouts or put in more volume more easily over time. By
training endurance concurrently with strength and hypertrophy, which are
typically seen paired, we can ensure you get the best all-around results.
Aside from this, the health benefits of cardiovascular/endurance activity
are of a different type than the kind we get from weight training, meaning
that while you’re healthier training strength/hypertrophy alone, you’re
healthiest including endurance as well. You can’t get swole if you’re dead.
Firstly, consider what you want to be good at. Since training results
are highly specific, the fewer endurance activities you focus on, the
better. If you prefer being good at running, why slog it out on the
elliptical or bike? If you prefer lifting weights, circuits and interval
training can be your thing. Switching off between different modalities
only minimizes your ability to get good at anything, and while you
may be exercising solely to look good and not for performance,
increased performance may help you discover that you enjoy
something, or at the very least show you that you’re getting results.
While the rower and the stationary bike tend to burn less calories
than the standard run on a treadmill, interval training allows these
to become formidable tools. Short “sprints” of 15-30 seconds
paired with an equal amount of slower time to rest can net a huge
cardiovascular effect quite quickly, and work well for those who cannot
run for whatever reason. While interval training should not be the
entirety of your cardiovascular program, it can be a crucial part.
Then, for those who absolutely abhor cardio in all its forms, there’s
always traditional lifting with upwards of 20 reps. This has the added
benefit of having maybe a little more carryover to strength/hypertrophy
training as well as potentially being good for preventing injury (high reps
tend to help build connective tissue) but is not recommended as it is
unlikely to have as powerful of a cardiovascular effect as other methods.
Phew! Okay. Let’s get down to it.
This workout plan is designed to guide you through twelve weeks. Note
that while I do technically say 12 weeks, I also technically count one
“week” as 8 days. Thus, this program spans 96 days instead of 84. This
is your 100 day challenge. For notation, note a few basic conventions:
BB for Barbell, DB for Dumbbell, KB for Kettlebell. Percentages
given are defined as %1RM, which will be calculated after week 1.
When writing sets and reps, we see them written as (X)x(Y) with X
being the number of sets and Y being the number of reps per set.
Here we go!
Day 1 - Hypertrophy, Upper
BB or DB Bench Press 3x10
Lat Pulldown or Seated Cable Row 3x10
BB or DB Overhead Press 3x10
BB or DB Bicep Curl 3x15
Cable Tricep Pushdown, Rope Attachment 3x15
DB Lateral Raise 3x15
DB Shrug 3x20
Day 4 - Rest
Sleep (isometric hold) 6-8 hours
Three sets of eight reps of enjoying yourself and relaxing
Maybe a little light activity like a 15 minute run
to help shake out soreness in the legs
Day 6 - Endurance - Sprints
Warmup Run 2.5 min.
Sprints 30 sec. on/1 min. off x10 (you can walk during
the off to keep your legs moving, but don’t jog)
Cooldown Run 2.5 min.
Day 8 - Rest
Sleep (isometric hold) 6-8 hours
Three sets of eight reps of enjoying yourself and relaxing
Maybe a little light activity like a 15 minute run
to help shake out soreness in the legs
Notes: Week 1
You’re on your first week! This week we went sort of vanilla on the
endurance days - good ol’ long run and speed run. In the following
weeks, we’ll be switching those out for other endurance modalities, but if
you like running, that’s okay! You’ve found your niche. You can go ahead
and keep doing that. Again, the endurance days here are more about
experimenting to find what you like than about providing a strict regimen.
If you decide to stick with running, the workouts can progress as follows:
slowly add time to your long run, extending it up to one hour at a time or
more. By slowly, I mean just a couple minutes at a time - no need to jump
in too quickly. Your sprints will improve on their own, provided you’re
really pushing yourself to your limits. You could do more sets of sprints,
but this would get pretty taxing pretty quickly. As noted in the discussion
on endurance above, sprints tend to be autoregulatory. (However, this
only applies when running outside, where you set your own pace in
real time - thus, treadmills should be avoided when doing sprints)
Take the 5RM’s you built in each of your lifts and plug them into a 1RM
calculator like the one at Then, write those numbers down so
you have an estimate of your overall strength. These are the numbers
you’ll be using to calculate your strength workouts in the following weeks.
Day 1 - Hypertrophy, Upper
BB or DB Bench Press 3x11 (same weight as week 1)
Lat Pulldown or Seated Cable Row 3x11 (same weight as week 1)
BB or DB Overhead Press 3x11 (same weight as week 1)
BB Reverse Preacher Curl 3x15
Close Grip Bench Press 3x15
DB Arnold Press 3x15
DB Shrug 3x25
Day 4 - Rest
Sleep (isometric hold) 6-8 hours
Three sets of eight reps of enjoying yourself and relaxing
Maybe a little light activity like a 15 minute run
to help shake out soreness in the legs
Day 6 - Endurance - Sprints
Warmup Cycle 2.5 min.
Sprints 30 sec. on/1 min. off x10 (this time keep moving
during the off phase, albeit at a much slower pace)
Cooldown Cycle 2.5 min.
Day 8 - Rest
Sleep (isometric hold) 6-8 hours
Three sets of eight reps of enjoying yourself and relaxing
Maybe a little light activity like a 15 minute run
to help shake out soreness in the legs
Notes: Week 2
It’s getting rough! These weeks are the hardest from a habit forming
perspective: everything hurts, but your body isn’t used to the workout.
By week 4, you’ll notice that it’s easier, mentally and physically. Make it
through week 4, and you’re well on your way to making it all the way.
If you like cycling, simply repeat this endurance format weekly, gradually
adding time to the long cycle and focusing on speed for the short cycle.
Day 1 - Hypertrophy, Upper
BB or DB Bench Press 3x12 (same weight as week 1)
Lat Pulldown or Seated Cable Row 3x12 (same weight as week 1)
BB or DB Overhead Press 3x12 (same weight as week 1)
DB Hammer Curl 3x15
Tate Press 3x15
Seated DB Shoulder Press 3x15
DB Shrug 3x30
Day 4 - Rest
Sleep (isometric hold) 6-8 hours
Three sets of eight reps of enjoying yourself and relaxing
Maybe a little light activity like a 15 minute run
to help shake out soreness in the legs
Day 6 - Endurance - Death Sets
Pick 2-3.
Death Squat, Bodyweight (see notes)
Death BB Bench, 25-45lbs. (see notes)
Death BB Deadlift, 25-45lbs. (see notes)
Death Row, light weight. (see notes)
Day 8 - Rest
Sleep (isometric hold) 6-8 hours
Three sets of eight reps of enjoying yourself and relaxing
Maybe a little light activity like a 15 minute run
to help shake out soreness in the legs
Notes: Week 3
This week we’re adding a little bit to our hypertrophy day reps
(as usual), adding a little weight to our strength day while
also changing the set and rep scheme a little (as usual), and
adding a little time to our long run (as will be the norm).
For our second endurance day this week, we’re trying something a little
new: death sets. The idea is inspired by the concept of the Death Squat,
which you can find on youtube videos. Try not to be too discouraged
by the name! I came up with something pretty similar independently,
but the idea is this: you set up for the squat using a weight of your
choice and a box, bench, or other object to tap with each rep and
thus ensure that you’re hitting the same depth each time, and then
you’re going for as many reps as you can. You can rest in the standing
(up) position of the squat, and going until you feel entirely done.
You should time yourself and record how many reps you did and in
what time. Typically, moderately advanced exercisers should be able
to go for ten minutes at a time and hit a couple hundred reps. Each
time you complete a death workout, you can either add weight and try
for a new rep number, or you can use the same weight you used last
time and try for more reps or the same number of reps in a shorter
time. So long as you’re seeing your numbers go up, you’re improving.
I’ve taken the concept and applied it to the other major lifts. With
the death bench, use dumbbells or a barbell but make sure you’re
hitting appropriate depth each time: either in line with the chest
with the DB, or making sure to touch the chest with each rep with
the BB. With the deadlift, you’ll need to be careful as form can
deteriorate quickly with exhaustion. Be conservative here. We
don’t do the overhead press precisely because it would be too
likely to cause injury with beginners, though it could conceivably be
done seated with a bench. For the row, it’s actually ideal to use a
machine of some sort as machines tend to be safest and encourage
the best form. Avoid cable, DB, or BB rows for this reason.
For guys, the basic 45lb barbell is generally used for the
barbell exercises. If available, women can use a lighter 25-
30lb barbell for the exercises, which can often be found in large
gyms. If not available, dumbbells can be used instead.
Death workouts can be extremely challenging. Do not think that you need
to finish all four challenges in one workout - just one alone is a workout
in itself! Pick 2-3 of these challenges per workout and don’t try to bite
off more than you can chew. Put the deadlift LOWEST on your lift of
priorities for these challenges, as it’s the most exhausting one of them all.
Day 1 - Hypertrophy, Upper
BB or DB Bench Press 3x13 (same weight as week 1)
Lat Pulldown or Seated Cable Row 3x13 (same weight as week 1)
BB or DB Overhead Press 3x13 (same weight as week 1)
Cable Curl 3x15
Close Grip Incline Pushup 3x15
DB or BB Zydrunas Press 3x15
DB Shrug 3x35
Day 4 - Rest
Sleep (isometric hold) 6-8 hours
Three sets of eight reps of enjoying yourself and relaxing
Maybe a little light activity like a 15 minute run
to help shake out soreness in the legs
Day 6 - Endurance - Density Sets
Pushups 5 min. as many reps as possible
Light Goblet Squat 5 min. as many reps as possible
Butterfly Situp 5 min. as many reps as possible
Light KB Deadlift 5 min. as many reps as possible
Day 8 - Rest
Sleep (isometric hold) 6-8 hours
Three sets of eight reps of enjoying yourself and relaxing
Maybe a little light activity like a 15 minute run
to help shake out soreness in the legs
Notes: Week 4
This week you’re going to be trying for a 1RM on the bench press. If you
don’t feel confident, that’s okay. Simply do 3x1 at 90-95% or even just a
5RM instead. If you’re an extreme beginner, or have a history of injury in
the area, it’s likely that you may not be ready for the 1RM test. There’s
nothing wrong with that. So long as you’re doing the other strength days,
you’re still getting stronger - the 1RM test exists only to reanalyze and
give us a slightly more accurate picture of what to work from next month.
Density sets are a form of endurance training similar to death sets but
limited in duration, in this case 5 minutes. While you could conceive
of different durations, I’ve found 5 minutes to be a good length - much
longer is Too Long, while much shorter is Too Short. While it varies
from exerciser to exerciser and exercise to exercise, I like to aim to
have someone complete at least 100 reps in those five minutes before
considering adding weight. As with the death sets, you can progress
either by adding weight or by trying to complete more reps with the same
weight the next time you come back. If you’re unable to do pushups
with good form, consider doing a DB or BB bench press instead. If
you can knock out butterfly situps like no one’s business, consider
something like a toes to bar or hanging crunch for added challenge.
Day 1 - Hypertrophy, Upper
BB or DB Bench Press 3x10 (aim for 5-15lbs. heavier than week 1)
Lat Pulldown or Seated Cable Row 3x10 (aim
for 5-15lbs. heavier than week 1)
BB or DB Overhead Press 3x10 (aim for 5-15lbs. heavier than week 1)
Reverse Curl 3x10
Lying DB Tricep Extension 3x20
Lateral Raise 3x20
DB Shrug 3x20 (relatively heavy)
Day 4 - Rest
Sleep (isometric hold) 6-8 hours
Three sets of eight reps of enjoying yourself and relaxing
Maybe a little light activity like a 15 minute run
to help shake out soreness in the legs
Day 6 - Endurance - 50’s
Bodyweight Squat (or from box if needed) x50
Pushup (from knees if needed) x50
Glute Bridge x50
Ring Row/TRX Row/Inverted Barbell Row x50
Butterfly Situp x50
Light DB Overhead Press x50
Reverse Lunges x25/leg
Band Pullapart/Light DB Bent Over Rear Fly x50
Light KB or BB Deadlift x50
Day 8 - Rest
Sleep (isometric hold) 6-8 hours
Three sets of eight reps of enjoying yourself and relaxing
Maybe a little light activity like a 15 minute run
to help shake out soreness in the legs
Notes: Week 5
This week we will be maxing out on the barbell squat. If you don’t
have a rack, a smith machine will suffice— though it won’t be ideal.
If you do have a rack, test the depth of your squat with the empty bar
to see where the end range of your motion is, and then set up the
pins or arm guards on the squat rack to be able to take the weight
off of you comfortably without getting in your way at the bottom of
your squat. In this way, if you can’t stand back up you can simply
set it down on the pins and get out from underneath the bar.
Some people may have issues getting to depth in the squat. This can
be due to a variety of factors, including lack of hip or ankle mobility.
Try putting a pair of 5lb. plates underneath your heels when you
squat. If this helps you squat lower, chances are it’s ankle mobility
and you need to stretch out your calves and heels more (though
you can still squat on the plates for the time being). Specialized
squat shoes, though expensive, mimic the same effect and allow
you to get lower. If it doesn’t improve with the plates, it’s more likely
a core or hip issue. Strengthening the core and stretching the hips
(forward bends, deep squat holds) can help improve your depth. If
you’re ever uncertain about what good depth looks like, don’t hesitate
to email me a video of your form and I can give you feedback.
If you want, you can have a friend spot you. Spotting for the squat
is a little more complicated than the bench. One option involves the
spotter standing close behind you and squatting down in unison,
at which point they can essentially hug you around the torso and
help you lift. This can be awkward, however, particularly for women.
Another option is to stand and provide one hand on the outside of
each of the lifter’s hands, giving a gentle upward push as needed.
Either option is acceptable, but shouldn’t be taken as a replacement
for other security precautions since neither method is foolproof.
Day 1 - Hypertrophy, Upper
BB or DB Bench Press 3x11 (same weight as week 5)
Lat Pulldown or Seated Cable Row 3x11 (same weight as week 5)
BB or DB Overhead Press 3x11 (same weight as week 5)
Preacher Curl 3x15
Skullcrusher 3x10
Seated Overhead Press 3x10
DB Shrug 3x25
Day 4 - Rest
Sleep (isometric hold) 6-8 hours
Three sets of eight reps of enjoying yourself and relaxing
Maybe a little light activity like a 15 minute run
to help shake out soreness in the legs
Day 6 - Endurance - Supersets
Superset x4: DB Bench Press x10/DB Bicep Curl x10
Superset x4: BB Deadlift x5/BB Shrug x15
Superset x4: BB Row x10/Tricep Pushdown x10
Superset x4: BB Squat or Heavy Goblet Squat x5/Calf Raise x15
Superset x4: Plank x20-30sec./Lateral Raise x10
Superset x4: Glute Bridge x15/Dead Bug x20-30sec.
Day 8 - Rest
Sleep (isometric hold) 6-8 hours
Three sets of eight reps of enjoying yourself and relaxing
Maybe a little light activity like a 15 minute run
to help shake out soreness in the legs
Notes: Week 6
You want it to be difficult, but to still have a bit of ease while completing
the motion. Know that you could probably go a little bit heavier, but
back off when form starts to break down. If you have any history
of shoulder issues or are uncertain about the movement, you may
not even want to do that, instead backing off to a lower weight.
More experienced lifters can go for a 1RM instead. Those who feel
somewhat comfortable with the motion can build up to something
near a 1RM, provided they’re honest with themselves and know
to stop when the rep becomes exceptionally slow or “grindy”.
Day 1 - Hypertrophy, Upper
BB or DB Bench Press 3x12 (same weight as week 5)
Lat Pulldown or Seated Cable Row 3x12 (same weight as week 5)
BB or DB Overhead Press 3x12 (same weight as week 5)
DB Bicep Curl 3x20
Dip/Assisted Dip/Bench Dip 3x15
Front Raises 3x15
DB Shrug 3x30
Day 4 - Rest
Sleep (isometric hold) 6-8 hours
Three sets of eight reps of enjoying yourself and relaxing
Maybe a little light activity like a 15 minute run
to help shake out soreness in the legs
Day 6 - Endurance - Traditional Circuit
Performed in Succession, 10 rounds:
Bodyweight Squat x10
DB Bench Press x10
Glute Bridge x10
DB Hammer Curl x10
Burpee/Squat Thrust/Squat Jump x5
Day 8 - Rest
Sleep (isometric hold) 6-8 hours
Three sets of eight reps of enjoying yourself and relaxing
Maybe a little light activity like a 15 minute run
to help shake out soreness in the legs
Notes: Week 7
This week we’ll be maxing out on the deadlift. Unlike the other lifts,
the deadlift requires no spotter because you can always simply drop
the bar if you’re unable to complete a lift. However, the deadlift is also
a lift on which it becomes relatively easy to try and use bad form to
complete a lift. This isn’t recommended for beginners, so if you feel
your form starting to deteriorate or the lift becomes extremely slow,
chances are that that’s where you should stop and call it a 1RM.
If you have a lifting belt, it will help you lift more weight by further
activating the core, though it’s unclear whether the belt actually makes
you less likely to injure yourself in the process or not. Those with back
issues will want to skip this entirely, and just use a lighter weight instead.
Day 1 - Hypertrophy, Upper
BB or DB Bench Press 3x13 (same weight as week 5)
Lat Pulldown or Seated Cable Row 3x13 (same weight as week 5)
BB or DB Overhead Press 3x13 (same weight as week 5)
DB One Arm Row 3x10/side
Dip/Assisted Dip/Bench Dip 3x20
Lateral Raises 3x20
DB Shrug 3x20 (relatively heavy)
Day 4 - Rest
Sleep (isometric hold) 6-8 hours
Three sets of eight reps of enjoying yourself and relaxing
Maybe a little light activity like a 15 minute run
to help shake out soreness in the legs
Day 6 - Endurance - The Burpee Run
The burpee run is one of my favorite workouts, partly because
it’s intense enough to be challenging yet flexible enough to be
useful for a wide range of exercisers. In essence, the burpee
run is a 10-20min. run interspersed randomly with burpees.
If you’re doing this alone, you can do it outside and simply set an interval
timer to alert you every minute or so. If you’re doing it with a partner,
they can randomly call out burpees for you. Anytime the burpee is
called, you stop running to do a single burpee and then continue. Simple
and effective, though if your intervals are set too closely or your friend
calls the burpees out too frequently, you’re going to have a bad time.
Day 8 - Rest
Sleep (isometric hold) 6-8 hours
Three sets of eight reps of enjoying yourself and relaxing
Maybe a little light activity like a 15 minute run
to help shake out soreness in the legs
Week 8 Notes
Bench Press 1RM again, see previous notes on the topic. Now that
we’re getting into the swing of things, you should be getting more
used to the workouts and not getting as sore. Hopefully you’re
still getting enough variation to enjoy yourself, even
though parts of the workouts can be repetitive.
Day 1 - Hypertrophy, Upper
BB or DB Bench Press 3x10 (aim for 5-15lbs. heavier than week 5)
Lat Pulldown or Seated Cable Row 3x10 (aim
for 5-15lbs. heavier than week 5)
BB or DB Overhead Press 3x10 (aim for 5-15lbs. heavier than week 5)
DB One Arm Row 3x12/side
Tricep Pushdown Rope Attachment 3x12
Standing DB Overhead Press 3x12
DB Shrug 3x25
Day 4 - Rest
Sleep (isometric hold) 6-8 hours
Three sets of eight reps of enjoying yourself and relaxing
Maybe a little light activity like a 15 minute run
to help shake out soreness in the legs
Day 6 - Endurance - Bodyweight
Pushups/Knee Pushups/Hand Elevated Pushups 40 reps total
BW Squats/BW Box Squats 70 reps total
Pullup/Ring Row/TRX Row/Inverted Row 55 reps total
Plank 2 min. total
BW Hip Thrust 70 reps total
Butterfly Situp 50 reps total
Dips/Assisted Dips/Bench Dips 55 reps total
Box Jump/Jump Squat 40 reps total
Reverse Crunch 40 reps total
Day 8 - Rest
Sleep (isometric hold) 6-8 hours
Three sets of eight reps of enjoying yourself and relaxing
Maybe a little light activity like a 15 minute run
to help shake out soreness in the legs
Notes: Week 9
Two months down, only one to go! Hopefully by now you’ve settled into
things quite comfortably, and have managed to modify the program a
little to suit your needs. You’re well on your way to becoming a master!
This week we’re maxing out on the barbell squat again, so refer to
previous notes. As always, don’t go for a true 1RM if you feel unprepared.
Day 1 - Hypertrophy, Upper
BB or DB Bench Press 3x11 (same weight as week 9)
Lat Pulldown or Seated Cable Row 3x11 (same weight as week 9)
BB or DB Overhead Press 3x11 (same weight as week 9)
DB Bent Over Reverse Fly/Cable Reverse Fly 3x15
DB Fly/Cable Fly 3x12
DB Arnold Press 3x15
DB Shrug 3x30
Day 4 - Rest
Sleep (isometric hold) 6-8 hours
Three sets of eight reps of enjoying yourself and relaxing
Maybe a little light activity like a 15 minute run
to help shake out soreness in the legs
Day 5 - Strength, Upper
BB Bench Press 4x4 @85%
BB Strict Overhead Press 3x1 @90-95%
BB Bench Press 3x9 @50% (focus on speed
and explosiveness during these reps)
BB Strict Overhead Press 3x12 @50% (focus on
speed and explosiveness during these reps)
Day 8 - Rest
Sleep (isometric hold) 6-8 hours
Three sets of eight reps of enjoying yourself and relaxing
Maybe a little light activity like a 15 minute run
to help shake out soreness in the legs
The endurance workout this week is a deadly duo. Deadly duos can
get a little repetitive, but they’re essentially extremely simple: two
large exercises paired together, back and forth. Any two exercises
can work, but care should be taken to make sure that they’re not
TOO exhausting (for example, burpees) while not being so easy as
to be trivial (for example, bicep curls). In general, weight used must
be carefully chosen to prevent using something that wears you out
too quickly. Another option is to have multiple weights ready so that
you can switch to a lighter one when needed. In this case, be ready to
switch to a lighter DB bench press if you’ve exhausted the pushups.
You’re getting near the end of your fitness journey. Don’t look
back now, except to remember how much you’ve gained.
Day 1 - Hypertrophy, Upper
BB or DB Bench Press 3x12 (same weight as week 9)
Lat Pulldown or Seated Cable Row 3x12 (same weight as week 9)
BB or DB Overhead Press 3x12 (same weight as week 9)
Cable One Arm Row 3x20/arm
Cable One Arm Standing Chest Press 3x15/arm
DB Zydrunas Press 3x20
DB Shrug 3x20 (relatively heavy)
Day 8 - Rest
Sleep (isometric hold) 6-8 hours
Three sets of eight reps of enjoying yourself and relaxing
Maybe a little light activity like a 15 minute run
to help shake out soreness in the legs
Week 11: Notes
One of the most important parts of the barbell complex is the weight
selection. You want to be careful to make sure that the weight you’re
lifting is one that can be comfortably used for the weakest exercise
in the chain, in this case most likely the overhead press. This will
seem light for the exercises you’re stronger at, but has to be kept
that way or you’d be unable to finish the weaker exercises in the
set. For this reason, we tend to compensate with more repetitions
allotted to the exercises that we’re going to be stronger at.
Day 1 - Hypertrophy, Upper
BB or DB Bench Press 3x13 (same weight as week 9)
Lat Pulldown or Seated Cable Row 3x13 (same weight as week 9)
BB or DB Overhead Press 3x13 (same weight as week 9)
Barbell Bicep Curl 3x20
Close Grip Bench 3x20
DB Arnold Press 3x12
DB Shrug 3x25
Day 4 - Rest
Sleep (isometric hold) 6-8 hours
Three sets of eight reps of enjoying yourself and relaxing
Maybe a little light activity like a 15 minute run
to help shake out soreness in the legs
Day 6 - Endurance - Dumbbell Complex
Day 8 - Rest
Sleep (isometric hold) 6-8 hours
Three sets of eight reps of enjoying yourself and relaxing
Maybe a little light activity like a 15 minute run
to help shake out soreness in the legs
Notes: Week 12
This week we’re maxing out on the bench again. It’s a little
lopsided that we’re maxing out on bench three times while all the
others are getting two, but that’s just the design of the program.
If you continue on a similar program, you can simply max out
on your other lifts in the same order in the following weeks.
This week’s special endurance activity is a dumbbell complex.
Admittedly, the dumbbell complex isn’t comprised solely of
dumbbell exercises the way a barbell complex is comprised solely
of barbell exercises. However, the ease of use of dumbbells
makes it a little easier/more fluid to chain movements in, so
new kinds of movements can be somewhat easily included.
This program is written for 12 weeks. If you’re a beginner and
you’ve stuck to the plan as written, chances are you’ve seen a
lot of progress! If you’re an advanced exerciser, chances are
you may have had to modify a few things to be more challenging
or to suit your needs. That’s fine as well! Now it’s time to
decide what you’re going to do going forward from here.
For strength centric exercisers: drop out one hypertrophy day and
one endurance day and turn those into strength days. Your remaining
hypertrophy day should focus mostly on small muscle groups to be
performed as accessory exercises, such as bicep, tricep, shoulder,
calf, trap, and other isolation work. You can still work in one or two
primary movements for reps, however be careful not to compromise
your recovery for your strength days by doing too much. Add in
more accessory exercises, including compound exercises, on your
strength days. For your endurance day, use a low-impact cardio
activity. This can include: sled dragging, weight vest walking/incline
walking, cycling, rowing, or a circuit or barbell complex that avoids
jumps and other plyometric exercises. Moreso than with hypertrophy,
it is important when training for strength to allow maximum recovery
by minimizing the impact of your endurance activity. In this manner,
you would do a hypertrophy, strength upper, strength lower, rest, and
then an endurance, strength upper, and strength lower again, rest.
Most strength athletes do not train extremely heavy twice per week
per body part - they likely train one day heavy (>85%) and one day
lighter (75-85%). Thus, it is best to alternate which lifts are done
when: if you squat heavy and deadlift light on your first lower body
strength day for the week, then you would deadlift heavy and squat
light on the other. Lighter reps should be completed explosively
and done for a little more overall volume than heavier ones.
I’m glad to have been here for the first step in your fitness journey. I
think you’ve made the right choice, and hopefully there’s plenty more
wonderfulness to come. You’ve gotten to see a wide variety of training
styles and hopefully found some that you really really enjoy. From
here on out, it’s all about keeping up that wave: do what you can to
maintain your momentum and prevent yourself from falling off.
So long as you can do so, you are a Badass. You always get to keep
that title, so long as you live. Write it down on a piece of paper and
hang it on your wall. You are a Superhero. You are a Prince/ss of swole.
You are a Warrior of fitness. No one can take that away from you.