Kerala Highway Protection Act
Kerala Highway Protection Act
Kerala Highway Protection Act
An Acl to provzde for the protection of hcghwaJs and for the regulatzon
of highway development zn the State of Kerala.
(c) ''bUlldmg hne" means a lmc on either s1de of a highway
as may be determ1ned by the competent authority under section 18;
(d) "competent auth011ty" means any oHiccr of the Govern-
ment ih Pubhc Works Depat tment appointed by Government by
notification in the Gazette to be the competent authority for the
purposes of this Act;
(e) "control line" means a hne beyond the bulld1ng line as
may be dete.-rruned by the competent autho11ty under section 18;
* Received the assent of the Governo:: on 20th day of January,
2000 and published in the Kerala Gazette Extraordinary
No 114 dated, 20th day of Januat y, 2000.
(f) "encroachment" means occupation of a highway or part
thereof for purposes other than traffic and any Act wh1ch causes damage
to the highway and mcludes,-
(i) unauthorised erection of a buildmg or any othe1 pc-manent
or temp01 ary st. ucture, balcony, porches, facades 01
P' OJectlOns on, over m overhangmg the highway,
(u) occupation of hjghway fm stackmg budding mate, Ials
or goods of any othe, desc 1pt1on. fot parking auto:
mobdec; fo1 mamtcnance and 1 epa1,, for exh1b1tmg
art1cles fo1 sale, fo,· c. ectmg poles, awnmgs, tents,
panda(<;, a, ches, platfm·ms, , ostt urns, hoa1 dmgs,
dtsplay boa··ds, statue~, monuments of all kmds, steps,
ramps and othe, smul,lJ <;tructUl es Of stabling
domestic ammals and poult1 y and cultivatlOn of any
kmd includmg hol'ticultu.t e o,· fo, any othe"j pu, pose;
(iit) excavation m embankment of any so, t made or extended
on any htghway,
(•v) dumpmg of waste and filthy matenal<; wh1ch may cause
hygtcmc and env1ronmental haza1 ds, lettmg of waste
.tnd polluted wate, o, dthe, effluents into the high-
way and u<;mg the highway fo, bathing, washmg,
wa tez mg and defeca tmg; -...y I
(2) Any petson who has been issued a direction under sub-
section (I) shall comply with 1t · within fifteen days from the date
of its receipt and such person, 1f fails to comply with the direction,
shall be deemed to have contravened the provisions of section 13 of
section 19, as the case may be.
CHAPTt.R v '
(2) The build1ng hnes and cont1 ol hnes as determined for any
category of highway or part thereof shall be pnhh'lhcd m the Gazette
and in two daily news papers by the competent a_uthonty
. 19. Reslrzctzon on use of land between the hzghway boundary and build-
ing lme - ( 1) Notwithstandtng anything conta1ncd in any other law
for the time being in force o: 1n any ag1 eement or other instrument,
no person shall,-
(a) construct, foim or lay out any means of access to or from
a highway, or a compound wall without a v.,rritten permissxon of the
highway authority, or
(b) e ector re·erect any butlding or mate.1ally altel' the out-
''"( side so·uctural features of any existing budding includ1ng any additions;
(c) alter the level of land by lowei1ng, 1 aising, digging or
filling up except with the WJ ttten permission of the highway authority; or
(d) .
constt·uct, fm•m or lay out any woL ks,
upon land lying in between the- boundary of a highway and the build ..
ing lines deteTmined in respect of that highway:
Pt ~vided ~tat these 1 cst.llctton:; shall not apply to any wm k in
connectlon With the repa1r, ·renewal, enlargement or maintenance
or improvement of any sewer, d1ain, electnc line, p1pe, duct or other
apparatus, constructed m or upon the land before the date of com·
mencement of thts Act
(2) Vvhere any bu1ldmg or any part the. eof lies within the
area between the building Jme and the boundary of a highway, the
h1ghway author•ty may, whenever such budding or part thCl·eof .....__.__
is to be rebUilt for any reason, by notice requ1re that such buildmg
be set back to the bUtldmg hne
20. Restrzctzon on use if land betwee12 buzld:ng lme and control lzne.-
Notwlthstanding anydung contamed m any law fm· the ttme being in
force, no person shall, except with the prcvwus permJsswn in wr1ting
of the htghway autho\·ity , -
(a) erect or re-crect any bu1ldmg or structure or altet· the
level of land by lowenng, 1·aismg, digging or filhng up, or construct,
f01 m or lay out any means of access to a highway upon land lying in
between the butldmg Ime and the control hne, or
(b) make any change in the usc or puJ pose for which any
building, constructed upon land w between the building Jme and
the control hne, was ortginally mtended or auchonsed by the com~
petent authonLy '1""
21. Applzcatzon for permzsswn -( 1) Every person desui~g to
obtain the pel missiOn 1 efe, ~ ed to m sectwn 19 or section 20 shall
make an application 1n wz itmg to the highway authority m such form
wtth such information and togerhc. · wzth such fees as may be prescnbed,
ftee of charge, by all persons Interested and c;uch persons shall be-
entitled to obtain extracts the. efrom on payment of such fees as
may be pl·esc. ibed.
Supplemental Provisions
22. Removal of structure whzch obstruct the mew or drstract the attentton
ofpersons usmg hzghway.-( I) Where a highway autho1 ity is of opinion
that it 1s nec\;sSal y fm lhe preventiOn of dange1 aris1ng fl om
obstruction of vtcw or dtstt"action o! attent1on of pt• son~ ustng a high-
way, espec1ally at any bend 01 co1 ncr of a h1ghway, the highway
authority may serve nottce upon the owner 01 occupict
alongstde 01 at the bend 01 cornet of such highwa>' to <dtcr u•
remove altogethc.-, as the case may be, wttlnn ~uch ume and in
such manne1 a~ may be spectfied m the no rice. the stl. uctUI e, the
height Ot chat acte• of any existmg wall net bemg a wall fo1 ming
part of a pe1 manent stl uuu, e, fence, hedge, t,cc, advc ttsemcut
post, bill boa• d 01 any o. her obJeCl the eon, so as to elunmatc or l
mtmm1se Lhc .1pp• ehcnded danger II
(2) If any pc-son, upon whom a notice ha~ been set \-ed uncle• • "
sub-sectwn (1) objects to comply w1th any tequuement ofsuch nouce, 1
he may, wJthm fou, teen days of Its recetpt, sent to the highway \I
au[hOllt)' lus objeCtiOn 111 w11ting sta11ng the grounds thereof
(3) The htghway authollty shall, wtthtn fourteen days of
the 1 ecetpt of the obJeCtiOn, con:,tdet the g1 oLmd5 advanced and ~hall,
by 01 deJ m w; tttng, etthet wtthduiW the nottce o, amend o. confi11n 1t
(4) Any pe.son agg11eved by an ordei uncle, sub-secnon (3)
may p.efeJ an appeal wtthin seven days of the date of rccetpt of such
0• de• to the appellate au tho. 1ty whose deCJ'ilOll m the mattet shall be
(5) If any pe son fath to comply wJth the notace ~e1 ved on
him under suh-s~ctwn ( 1) as amended o. confirmed undeJ sub-
'>CCtlon (3) 01 hnc:illy dcctdcd unde1 sub-~ectwn (4) the htghway
authority may, Without p1 ejud1ce to any othe1 ac..twn winch may be
taken agamst h1m, take actron to alte or , emove the object causing
obsu ucuon or d1st1 act10n of v1cw at Jts cxpen~e and such
expend1tux c togethe1 wlth fiftc~n pe, cent ove, head chaJ ge~ thCJ eon,
~hall be 1. ecove. cd from such pea·son 111 the rnannc1 a~ mav be
p1 escnbed.
Offences, Penalties and Procedure
30. General promston for pumsbment of offences -Whoevc'l' contl a- i<
venes any pt·ovision of th1s Act OJ the ,..ules made thc1 eunde. shall, I
if no othe1 penalty ts p10VIded for the offence, on conv1ction, be I
punishable with fine wluch may extend to five hundet d 1upees 01
1f having been previously convicted for the same offence, with fine I l
which may extend to two thouc;and rupees {
31. Dzsohedunce of orders, ohstructzon and rcfu ml of mformatzon -
Whoever wilfulJy disobeys any drrecnon lawfulJy gtven by any person I
or autho1 1ty empowet·ed under this Act to g1ve "uch drrection or y
obsn ucts any functions that such pe.·c;on 01 authottty JS requucd or
empowe~·ed under this Act, to discharge, 01 bemg 1 cquired by
or .unde1 this Act, to supply any jnformatwn whxch he i~uls or
supphes any mformat10n which he knows to be false or wh1ch he does
not beheve to be true, shall, 1f no other penalty 1s prov1ded for the
offence) on conv1ction be pumshablc wtth fine wh1ch may
extend to two thousand rupees.
32. Penalty on contraventzon of restrictzon relating to layzng of means of
access or erecting an)' bwldzng, etc.-( 1) Whoever constructs or
lay out any means of access or e1ects o, re-erects any building or
stt uctUl e or doeli any other WO! k in conn avention of the provisions
of su b-sectwn (I) of section 19 or su b-secuon ( 1) of secuon 20 shall,
on convictiOn, be pumo;hable With fine which may extend to five
thousand rupees
(2) In the case of a continumg offence a fine up to one thousand
1 upees may be Imposed for each day fm wh1ch the offence contmues.
or connivance of, or that the commtsston of the offence is a ttl ibut-
able to any neglect on the pa. t of any director, manager, sec, eta; y
or other offi.cet of the compa.1y, such dir.:!ctor, manager, sectetary
or other officer shall be deemed to be gudty of that offence and shall
be hable to be proceeded against and punished accordmgly
(4) Whc.e an apphcatwn fot pet missiOn has been t•efuse9 due
to any defect of the application, the applicant may-submit a fr-esh
apphcation to the h1ghway authonty !Cctlfymg the defects and the
-~ htghway authonty shall constder the apphcatton a£ esh and. pass an
nrder thereon
SupplemeDtal ProvisioDs
22. Remoual of structure whtch obstruct the urew or dzstract the attentcon
ofpersons uszng htghway.-( 1) Where a h1ghway authouty is of opinion
that it 1s nec~ssa) y fm· the p revention of dange' at1S1ng fi·om
obstruct10n of v1ew or d1st. actlon of attent10n of ptl son~ us1ng a high-
way, espec1ally at any bend o. co. ner of a 1ughway, the h1ghway
autholity may sel'vc notice upon the owner 01 occupu·t of l.uan
alongside 01 at the bend 01 co.-ncr of such h1ghway to alter o.
remove altogethct, as the case may be, ,,·uhm ~uch ume and 111
such mannet a~ may be c;peClficd 10 the nonce, the stt uctUte, the
height or chat actet of any existing wall not bemg a wall fot ming I
part of a pelinanent so uctw e, fence, hedge, t. cc, adve t1sement I
post, btll board o;. any o. he1 objecL the. eon, c;o ac; to clumnatc 01
miP1mise the ciPP' ehended danget. ~-llI
(2) If any person, upon whom a noltce has been 'iCL vcd uncle•
sub-sect10n ( l) objects to comply with any requu ement of such notice,
he may, wtthm fou. teen days of Its recetpt, sent to the h1ghway
aulhOI Hy htc; objcctwn m '•Vlttmg starmg the ground~ thereof I
(3) The highway autho.tty shall, wtthm fottJ'teen days of
the 1 cce1pt of the objeCtion, con~rde1 the g, onnd;; advanced and shall,
by 01 deJ m Wlttmg, erthet w1thd1 aw the nouce o. amend OJ confi1 m 1t
( 4) Any pe, son aggncved by an 01 del uncle s u b-sect10n ( 3)
may p. efc.l an appeal wtthm c;evcn days of the date of ,·cceipt of such
01 dct to the appellate autha1 tty whose dccJston m the matter shall be
(5) 1fan) pe) son fall~ to comply w1th the notice sc1 ved on
him undet suh-sectton ( 1) as amended OJ confirmed uncle, sub-
authority may, wtthout p,ejudtc<' to any othe1 action wh1ch may be
taken agamc;t htm, take actwn to alte. or 1 emove the object causmg
obsb uct10n or of vtcw at Jts own expense and such il
cxpend1tu1 r togethe1 wtth fifteen pe, ce•lt oves h~. . ad cha.. gt>~ the1 eon,
shall be 1 ecove. cd from such pet son m the manneJ as may be
p1 e~cnbed
Offences, Penalties c and. Procedure
30:. General provrszon for punz.shment of offences -Whoever conb a-
venes any p1·ovision of this Act or the rules made thel t"undei shall,
if no. othe1 penalty 1s ptovJded for the offence, on con v1ction, be
punishable w1th fine wluch may extend to five hundel d 1 upces or
it havtng been previously convicted for the same offence, wuh fine
wh1ch may extend to two thou~and 1 upee's
obst1 ucts any functwns that such pc.·c;on Oi au tho. tty JS requucd or
empowe~·ed under this Act, to discharge, or being required by
O\'runde1 thjs Act, to supply any infm mation whtch he fatls or
supplies any, InformatiOn wh1ch he knows to be false or which he does
noti beheve to be true, shall, 1f no other penalty 1~ provtded for the
offence, onJ convictwn, be pumshablc wtth fine whtch may
extend to two thousand rupees
, 129r
32 Penalty on contravention of restnctzon relatzng to laying of means of
access o' erecftng any buzldzng, etc.-( 1) Whoever. constructs or.
lay out any means of access or e.ects o, re-e,·ects any buLldmg or
c;u uctUJ e or does any othet work 1n contra vcntlon of the prov1sions
of su b-sectwn (I) of sect ion 19 or su b-secuon ( 1) . of seet10n 20 shall,
on conviction, be punishable with fine which may. extend to five,
thousand rupees
(c) the form of application for use of land between buildmg
line and cont\ol hne and the fee to be patd m 1 espect thereof,
(d) the prevention of obsn uctwn of view m distJ action of
attention of pet sons usmg highway, and of annoyance, danget 01
InJu, y to the public;
(e) the ptopet mamtenance ofbounda1 y marks demarcating
htghway boundaries, 1
(f) the p1 cventwn of obstr uctwn, encroachment and nuisances
on o1· near highway and 01 damage to highway,
(g) the form of application 1 equued to be made and the
fm m of not1cc and the bills 1 equl' ed to be set ved on pe. sons, the
cha:-ges to b<.: made fo, the supply of copies of plans 01 exu act~ and the
rent m· i<'e 01 othc1 cha.·ges to be llnposed o· levied under the p1 Oviswns
of thts Act,
(h) the general guidance of the highway authority 1n the
dischat ge of its functwns under th1s Act;
(t) the constructiOn 01 laymg of public utility hnes along
or ac1 oss the htghway,
(J) any other matte1 which 1s to be, or may be ptescnbed.
(3) Eve\ y rule made uncle: th1s Act shall be la1d, as ~oon as
may be <tftcr 1t 1s made, befo. c the Legislative Assembly, wlulc
1t • ., 1n sesswn, fm a total peuod offourteen day~ which may be com-
P• bed m one sesswn or m two successive sessions, and 1f, before
the exptry of the scss1on 1n which 1t 1s so laid or the sesswn Immedta-
tely followmg, the Lcgtslative Assembly makes any modlficatwn
m the rule o!' dectdes that the 1 ules should not be made, the rule
shall thereaftet have effect only m c;uch modtfied form or be of no
effect, as the case may be, so. howeve., 1hat any such modificatiOn
oc annulment shall be wtthout preJudice to the vahdtty of any-
thmg p1 evwusly done under that rule.
(a) by dehvermg 01 tendermg It ot sending tt by rcgistet ed
post to the pe1 son to "'born It IS addressed ot to hts agent; ot
(b) 1fsnch pet son or h1s agent ts not found, then by leavm~
1t ,tt h1c; usual 01 last knov. n place of abodr or by dehvet ing or tcndc1 ~
Ing It 10 some adult membet of his family 01 by causmg It to be
fixed on some conspicuous pcu t of the bulldmg or land, 1f any, to
which It 1 elates.
42. OffinceJ h)' compames -(I) Where the pe1son commtttmg any
offence under thts Act ts a company, the company as well as every
person who ts m cha1 ge of, and 1 cspons1ble to the company for the
conduct of Its bustness al the time of the commission of the offence
shall be deemed to be gmlty of the offence and shall be liable to be
proceeded agamst and punished accm dt?gly
or connivance of, m· that the commissiOn of the offence is a to ibut-
44. Polzce o.fficen to asszst hzghway authoritus -Eve ·y police officer '
ihall 1fo1 thwith furmsh mfo, mat10n to the nea1 est highway authority,
OL to the nearest officer suboldmate to the htghway au tho~ ity, of
any offence commg to hts knowledge wluch has been committed
against thts Acto: the rules made the, eunde. and shall be bound to
ass1st the h1ghway authonty and 1ts officers and servants m the exetctse
Nothmg 1n th1s Act shall apply to lands vested m or under the conrtol I
of Central Government or to any at ca falhng Within the hmltS of a I
Cantonment Board, MaJOr Port Trust o. other author•tv under the
adminiso·atlvc control of the Central Government.
48. Mode of ncovery of sumr payable to highway authority.-Any
sum payable to the highway auth01ity under this Act shall, with6lut
prejudice to any other mode of recovery, be recoverable on behalf
of the highway authority as an arrear of public revenue due on land.