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A Project Report



Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree





Submitted By




Under the Guidance of


Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune





This is to certify that the work contained in the project report/dissertation entitled,


CONCRETE”, submitted by SOHAM SANDEEP SARPHALE (B190210117) for the award of

the degree of CIVIL ENGINEERING to SPPU, is a record of bonafede work carried out by
him under my direct supervision and guidance.

I considered that the thesis has reached the standards and fulfilled the requirements of the
rules and regulations relating to the nature of the degree. The contents embodied in the thesis have
not been submitted for the award of any other degree or diploma in this or any other university.

Date: 20/05/2024
Place: Pune

Prof. U.J.JADHAV Name & Signature of

Project Guide Project Coordinator

Dr. P.B.NANGARE Name & Signature of

Head of Department External Examiner


 It is always a pleasure to remind the fine people in the Engineering program for

their sincere guidance I received to uphold my practical as well as theoretical skills

in engineering.

 Firstly, I would like to thank Dr. D. V. WADKAR SIR (PROJECT

COORDINATOR) for meticulously planning the academic curriculum in such a way

that studying completion academically sound but also industry ready by including

such industrial training patterns. I express my immense pleasure and deep sense of

gratitude to PROF. UTTAM JADHAV (MENTOR) for his guidance and others who

helped me in the completion of tasks.

 Finally, I would like to thank all engineers who shared their precious knowledge with


A.Y. 2023 – 2024








List of Figures.............................................................................................................................6

List of Tables..............................................................................................................................7

CHAPTER I................................................................................................................................8


1.1 PROJECT DETAILS................................................................................................8

1.2 INTRODUCTION OF PROJECT............................................................................9

1.3 OBJECTIVES OF PROJECT.................................................................................11

CHAPTER II.............................................................................................................................12

2.1 LITERATURE REVIEW…………………………...…………………………….12

CHAPTER III...........................................................................................................................16

CONSTRUCTION PROCESS............................................................................................16

3.1 CONSTRUCTION PROCESS...............................................................................16

CHAPTER IV...........................................................................................................................22

CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS.......................................................................................22

4.1 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS.....................................................22

CHAPTER V............................................................................................................................26

SAFETY MEASURES........................................................................................................26

5.1 SAFETY MEASURES TAKEN ON CONSTRUCTION SITE............................26

CHAPTER VI...........................................................................................................................27

PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE..............................................................................................27

6.1 ACTIVITIES PERFORMED.................................................................................27

6.2 TEST TO BE PERFORMED ON THE CONCRETE............................................31

CHAPTER VII..........................................................................................................................36

7.1 CONCLUSION....................................................................................................36

7.2 FUTURE SCOPE…………………………………………………..……..…….37

CHAPTER VIII........................................................................................................................38


List of Figures

Sr. No. Description of Figure Page No.

1 Fig. 3.1 Mixing of concrete 18

2 Fig. 3.2 Casting of beams 19

3 Fig. 3.3 Initial setting of beams 20

4 Fig. 3.4 Curing of beams 21

5 Fig. 4.1 Cement 23

6 Fig. 4.2 Sand 23

7 Fig 4.3 Coarse Aggregate 24

8 Fig. 4.4 Fine Aggregate 24

9 Fig. 4.5 Sludge Ash 25

10 Fig. 4.6 Concrete Block Mold 25

11 Fig. 6.1 Flow chart of the process 28

12 Fig. 6.2 Weight of containers with sludge ash 30

13 Fig. 6.3 Slump cone test 31

14 Fig. 6.4 Shear Failure 35

15 Fig. 6.5 Flexural Failure 35

List of Tables

Sr. No. Description of Figure Page No.

1 Table 6.1 Sewage to Cement quantity 29

2 Table 6.2 Weights of aggregate 29

3 Table 6.3 Slump cone test 33

4 Table 6.4 Result after 28 days 34




The increasing population has resulted in a higher generation of domestic and industrial

wastewater sludge. The sludge ends up as a landfill in designated areas which makes the land

unusable. The search for lightweight materials for construction has led to the use of sludge as a

viable replacement for the basic composition of concrete due to its low density.

The dry sludge collected from PMC Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in Pune Province was

used as a partial replacement of cement in concrete. The sludge content in the sand varied from 5,

10, 15, 20 %. The outcomes of the analysis indicate that the partial replacement of cement with dry

sludge in the concrete mix is viable and useful.

The result showed that up to 7.5 % of cement could be replaced with dry sludge in concrete for

structural applications. The unit weight of the concrete decreased with increasing sludge content,

which was attributed to the lower density of the sludge. The SEM image revealed a porous nature

and irregular surface morphology of the sludge and the concrete.


Concrete is a basic engineering material used in most civil engineering structures. Its popularity

as a basic building material in construction is linked to its strength, economic use, good durability,

and ability to be manufactured on-site. The ability to mold it into any shape and size because of its

plasticity in its fresh stage and its subsequent hardening to achieve strength is particularly useful. All

countries in the world have a high dependence on concrete for the construction of many different

infrastructures. However, the cost of concrete in developing countries has increased drastically in the

past two decades due to its high demand and production cost in the construction industry. This has

necessitated finding alternative materials for concrete composite production. These materials could

be used to partially replace cement, sand and/or coarse aggregate. One of the materials used as a

partial replacement in concrete is sewage sludge. The objective of sewage treatment is to produce

treated sewage water and sewage sludge suitable for safe discharge into the environment or reuse.

The most common treatment options for sewage sludge include anaerobic digestion, aerobic

digestion, and composting.

Snyman et al., reported that most of the wastewater treatment plants in South Africa dispose their

sewage sludge on dedicated land disposal (DLD) sites (also known as sacrificial lands) since this is

the quickest and cheapest way to dispose of the sewage sludge. Tantawy et al., stated that in the past

decades, sewage sludge was primarily disposed of on the land (landfill) and sea waters. Space

limitations for existing landfills and increasing environmental concerns such as groundwater

pollution from land leachate, odor emission and soil contamination have prompted an investigation

of alternative disposal routes. In trying to make good and practical use of this material, to reduce the

dangerous effect on the environment and reduce landfill, it was introduced into concrete as part of

the basic components. Yagua et al., reported that the performance of concrete containing dry sludge

depends on sludge composition, organic material content and volume of incorporation. Sludge has

been reported to be a viable composition in concrete.

Sludge has a devastating effect on the environment and the health of people. The utilization of

sewage sludge ashes (SSA) for agricultural purposes was discontinued due to environmental and

health concerns regarding the heavy metals and toxic elements present in the sludge. Both share the

same sentiments that there is a need to research different options to improve sludge disposal while

ensuring that people’s health and the environment are compromised. No research has been done in

Pune to use wastewater dry sludge in concrete pavement bricks, neither has the SSA from this region

been evaluated for heavy metals’ leakage to the environment. Based on these reasons, concrete cubes

containing sludge can be made at an industrial scale to evaluate the impact of Pune based wastewater

sludge in concrete and on the environment. Hence, the need to further research on the optimal

design’s method for the incorporation of sludge in concrete and area of suitable application.


Environmental Sustainability: Traditional concrete production is resource-intensive and

contributes to significant carbon emissions. Using sewage byproducts or other sustainable materials

can help reduce the carbon footprint of construction.

Waste Reduction: Incorporating sewage byproducts or treated wastewater into construction

materials can provide a useful outlet for waste materials that might otherwise be disposed of in

environmentally harmful ways.

Cost Savings: In some cases, using sewage byproducts or alternative materials may be more cost-

effective than traditional concrete, especially if they are locally sourced.

Improved Energy Efficiency: Some alternative construction materials, such as those made from

sewage byproducts, may offer better insulation properties, which can contribute to improved energy

efficiency in buildings.

However, it's important to note that using sewage byproducts in construction would require careful

consideration of safety compliance, and long-term durability.



Yagüe, Valls, and Vàzquez studied the impact of utilizing dry sewage sludge on

physical and mechanical properties of Portland cement mortar as an additive with

different percentages (5, 10, 15, 20) % by weight of cement. The result showed a

decrease in mechanical strength when adding 10% sludge, as well as the longest initial

and final setting times. The strengths of the 2.5 and 5% mortars are relatively similar,

and there is a considerable decrease in strength at 10% sludge content. They

concluded that there was a reduction in the mechanical strength and density of the

mortar due to the addition of sludge to the increase in its porosity, also there was a

retard in the hydration process of the cement. Sewage sludge stabilized and the

quantity of leachable heavy ions was reduced in comparison with that of control


Paper Title: 1 Using Sewage Sludge as additive.

Author: Yagüe, Valls and Vàzquez, 2002

Al-Nasrawi, 2003

Matar, 2008

Jamshidi et al., 2012

Mohammed et al., 2013

Al-tersawy and Sergany, 2016

Mourtada Rabie, 2016

Chen and Poon, 2017

Mandlik and Karale, 2018

Chen, Li and Poon, 2018

Rabie et al., 2019

Krasinikova et al., 2020

Findings from the paper: - The reduction in strength was increased with the increase of sludge

percentage to the concrete mixture.

- Dry and wet sludge can be feasibly utilized in concrete mixtures to 15%.

- No significant changes were made to the pore structure of the pastes when replacing cement with

SSA till 10%.

- Utilizing SSA together with GC could produce acceptable mechanical, durability, and leaching


Paper Title: 2 Using Sewage Sludge as aggregate.

Author: Mun, 2007

Jamshidi et al., 2013

Tay et al., 2014

Nagar and Bhargava, 2016

Mathye, Ikotun and Fanourakis, 2020

Findings from the paper: - Physical properties of the produced aggregate incorporated with sewage

sludge are similar or better than that of the commercial type especially for water absorption.

- Reduction in concrete strength due to using artificial aggregate in comparison with granite


- Workability of concrete decreased with the addition of waste dry sludge as a partial replacement

of fine and coarse aggregate with the optimum percentage of 15%.

Paper Title: 3 Using Sewage Sludge in Brick Industry.

Author: Eliche-Quesada et al., 2011

Hegazy, Fouad and Hassanain, 2012

Babu and Ramana, 2013

Ahmadi et al., 2013

Juel, Mizan and Ahmed, 2017

Ukwatta and Mohajerani, 2017

Mohajerani et al., 2019

Findings from the paper: - Utilizing a mixture of 50% of sludge, 25% of SF, and 25% of RHA at the

temperature used in the brick kiln was the optimum percentages for brick production.

- Increase in water absorption and thermal insulation with a reduction in the compressive

strength of produced brick.

- The quality of produced bricks at 5% of sludge replacement is preferable to that of only clay

incorporated bricks.

- The ash generated from sludge incineration, which contains high amounts of Fe, Al, Ca and Si can

be utilized as a raw material in brick production.

- The consumed firing energy decreased by up to 48.6% for bricks incorporating 25% of SS due to

its higher organic content.

Paper Title: 4 Using Sewage Sludge in Eco Block Production.

Author: Rayees Ali Khan, Chhavi Gupta, Shamshad Alam.

Findings from the paper: Using SSA as an additive in concrete block production resulted from density

and strength similar to that of the control sample (without SSA) at 28 days of curing with a


reduction in water absorption.

- Sludge and/or waste produced from water, sewage treatment, and power plants can be feasibly

utilized in paving concrete block production.




A. The Pre-Construction Stage

1.Calculating values of fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, and cement for concrete mix:

When developing a mix design for concrete, there is always a Target Design Strength (TDS) in

mind. This TDS help to categorise which range the concrete falls into, which could be a low

strength (≤20 MPa), medium strength (20–25 MPa) or high strength (>25 MPa). This strength will

inform the ratio of the cement, sand, stone, and water level. Concrete containing other components

other than the general natural aggregates tend to show low strength. Concrete with a compressive

strength greater than 25 MPa after 28 days, are applicable for structural applications. Due to the

lower density of the sludge, the concrete will be lightweight concrete. For this research work, the

design strength was 25 MPa, making it applicable for the lightweight high-strength structural

application. The TDS was determined using a standard deviation of 3 MPa.

TDS = CS + 1.64(SD)

Where TDS is the target design strength, CS is the characteristic strength, and SD is the standard


2.Calculating water cement ratio:

The water cement ratio (w/c) of 0.65 was adopted based on the trial mix that was conducted. The

concrete was hand mixed in line with SANS 5861-1:2006. Based on the mix design in Table 2, a

trial mix was conducted, and the optimal mix was adopted. The partial sand replacement with dry

sludge ranging between 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10 and 12.5 %, represented by C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5

respectively done. Concrete cube compacting done using vibrating table method. The cast cubes

were allowed to set on a non-vibrating floor and covered with polyethylene bags to prevent rapid

evaporation. The cubes were cure in wastewater and potable water and were crushed after 7, 14

and 28 days. The temperature of the water bath where the concrete cubes cured were maintained

between 23 and 25 °C.

B. The Construction Stage

1.Oven drying sludge ash for 48 hours.

2.Making concrete mix by replacing cement with 0, 5, 10, 15, 20% of sludge ash.

3.Slum cone test.

4.Water absorption test.

5.Mixing, casting, and curing of cubes.

6.Tensile member test for checking the strength of the concrete mix.

Fig. 3.1 Mixing of concrete

Fig. 3.2 Casting of beam

Fig. 3.3 Initial setting of beams

Fig. 3.4 Curing of beams.




The basic construction materials used for the beam structure are –

1. Cement

2. Sand

3. Aggregate

4. Sludge ash

5. Concrete Blocks Mold

The details of the above listed materials used on site is as follows –


Company: - ULTRATECH

Type: - Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) Grade: - 53

Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) the most widely and commonly used cement in the world.

This type of cement is manufactured as a powder by mixing limestone and other raw materials

which consist of argillaceous, calcareous and gypsum. It is preferred in places where there is a

need for fast construction and setting time. This cement is available in the market in three grades

namely OPC 33, OPC 43 and OPC 53. These grades imply the maximum strength of the particular

cement after 28 days.

OPC 53-Grade- It is mostly used in RCC structures, buildings, pre-stressed concreting, 53

Grade attains 27 Mpa in 7days compared to 23 Mpa by 43-grade cement and achieves a final

compression strength of 53 Megapascals in 28 days. Where OPC is used- OPC is widely used for

the construction of high-rise buildings, roads, dams, bridges, flyovers where high strength and fast

setting is required.

Fig. 4.1 Cement


Type: - River Sand / Wash Sand

It is a fine quality white-grey sand used in concrete and masonry work. It can also be used for

plastering, brickworks, RCC etc. This sand has a better grain shape with a smooth texture and

demands less moisture since water is already trapped within its particles. It consists of 5-20% of

silt content and is also budget friendly.

Fig. 4.2 Sand


Both types of aggregates i.e., Fine and Coarse Aggregates are used for the preparation of concrete.

The Natural Aggregates are in rough shape, and it can get stuck in the concrete pipe while

pumping so, there is maximum use of Aggregates in construction.

Fig. 4.3 Coarse Aggregate Fig. 4.4 Fine Aggregate

4.Sludge Ash

The dry sludge used for this research was collected from PMC Wastewater Treatment Plant

(WWTP) of Pune Province, Maharashtra. The environmental friendliness of the dry sludge was also

considered to promote its use in lightweight concrete. The sludge was air dried and was crushed until

it could pass through the 4.75 mm sieve.

Fig. 4.5 Sludge Ash

5.Concrete Block Mold

Fig. 4.6 Concrete Block Mold




Safety is the most important factor when it comes to working on a construction site. Especially the

workers working at high-rise structures are most prone to accidents. Hence the safety of workers

and employees should be taken care of. Safety measures on the site were taken as follows:

1.Due to the hazardous nature of wastewater sludge, proper handling was ensured to prevent direct

or physical contact with the material.

2.Also, inhaling of the material was prevented by using a dust mask.

3.For proper handling of the material, some basic precautions were followed throughout the

experiment, this include but not limited to the use of gloves, glasses, dust mask, safety shoes and

protective clothing.





In this chapter, experiments and tests were carried out in order to examine the achievement of

sewage sludge ash as a filler in concrete. The procedure of preparing the sewage sludge, the

materials used for the experiment and the type of testing such as Workability test,

compressive test, and flexural are being discussed. The methodology and setup of the

experiments for the concrete were conducted according to Indian standards.

The concrete mix design is calculated by using a trial mix design method. The trial mix

design method is used to acquire a perspective on the constituents of the concrete based on

specific requirements. The proportion of the cement, water, coarse aggregate, and fine

aggregate was calculated based on the specified values by Indian standard. The concrete

strength is specified to be 30 N/mm2. Standard deviation of 5 N/mm2, percentage deflection

of 10% due to freshness and lack of experience in casting concrete and the slump is specified

to be in the allowable range of +/- 25 mm for the concrete mix.

Preparation of SSA:

To ensure the consistency of samples, the sewage sludge is acquired from the same treatment

plant. The sewage sludge is collected after 7 consecutive non-raining days for best quality

control purposes and to ensure the sewage sludge is in dry condition. When collecting the

sludge, impurities such as grass, roots and trash is filtered and removed. Only the top layer of

sewage sludge is being collected to prevent over deep excavation which may cause the

bottom sand layer of the drying beds to be mixed with the sewage sludge. Before the oven

drying and incineration process of sewage sludge, the sewage sludge was kept in a container

to prevent the sewage sludge from contact with other impurities. The sewage sludge is

oven dried at the temperature of 100°C for a period of 24 hours to ensure that the samples are

dry prior to incineration process.

The sewage sludge is incinerated in a closed-lid method to make sure that all the sewage


ash is fully trapped inside the cup. The sewage sludge is incinerated from room temperature to

the maximum temperature of 600°C for a duration of 3 hours. Time taken to incinerate from

room temperature to 600°C is approximately 15 minutes and cooling down duration from

600°C to 200°C is approximately 5 hours. The sewage sludge ash is removed from the

incinerator at the lower temperature of about 200°C.

Fig. 6.1 Flow chart of the process

Yield of SSA:

The average yielding percentage results obtained from 10 times of incineration at the temperature

of 600 °C for the duration of 3 hours of sewage sludge ash is 47.45 %. This shows that the

waste has been reduced by more than half and the leftover residue, which is the sewage

sludge ash, isa potential cement replacement material. the reduction in the volume due to

during the incineration process, the organic compounds and microorganisms been removed

from the sludge.

Casting of cubes:

1.Grade of concrete - M 25

2.Proportion - 1: 1: 2

3.No of beams - 5

4.Water cement ration-0.45

 Sewage Percentage %  Sewage Sludge Ash  Cement (gm.)


00 0 1870 gm.

05 98.5 1776 gm.

10 187 1683 gm.

15 280.5 1590 gm.

20 374 1496 gm.

Table 6.1 Sewage to Cement quantity.

Fine Aggregates 1.87 Kg.

Coarse Aggregate 3.74 Kg.

Table 6.2 Weights of aggregate

Fig. 6.2 Weight of containers with sludge ash

6.2 Test to be performed on the concrete:

1.Workability Test:

Slump cone test is to determine the workability or consistency of concrete mix prepared at the

laboratory or the construction site during the progress of the work. A concrete slump test is

carried out from batch to batch to check the uniform quality of concrete during construction. The

slump test is the simplest workability test for concrete, involves low cost and provides

immediate results. Due to this fact, it has been widely used for workability tests since 1922.

Fig. 6.3 Slump cone test

2.Water absorption Test:

The water absorption test of concrete measures the amount of water that a concrete sample can

absorb. This test is important for determining the durability and resistance to water of the

concrete and helps to ensure that the concrete will perform as expected in its intended


3.Compression Test:

The compressive strength of the concrete cube test provides an idea about all the

characteristics of concrete. By this single test one judge that whether Concreting has been

done properly or not. Compressive strength of concrete depends on many factors such as

water-cement ratio, cement strength, quality of concrete material, and quality control during

the production of concrete, etc.

4.Flexural Test:

Flexural strength of Concrete, also known as Modulus of rupture, is an indirect measure of the

tensile strength of unreinforced concrete. Modulus of rupture can also be defined as the

measure of the extreme fiber stresses when a member is subjected to bending. Apart from

external loading, tensile stresses can also be caused by warping, corrosion of steel, drying

shrinkage and temperature gradient. Concrete is strong in compression but weak in tension

because of which the flexural strength accounts for only 10% to 20% of the compressive


5.Appearance Test:

Appearance test shows us that with the increasing Sewage Sludge Ash how the Appearance.

and Color of Concrete Changes.

6.Workability Test:

Slump cone test determines the

% of Replacement Slump cone value (mm)
consistency and workability of all
0% 75
concrete mixtures. Slump cone 5% 76
10% 76
test utilizing a metallic slump 15% 76
20% 78
mold. The difference in level
Table 6.3 Slum Cone Test
between the height of the mold

and that of the highest point of

the subsided concrete is


7.Flexure Strength Test:

The beams were cast for this test having dimensions (150mmX150mmX1000mm). The

specimen was placed in a machine for uniform loading. The load was applied to uppermost

part of mound along with two loading points. Applying loads two steel rollers were used in

the assembly. The load continuously applied 180kg/min until failure occurs. The Flexural

strength test at 28 days (N/mm2) when the sludge is added in increasing order then test reading

of the tensile reading get deceasing gradually for the M30 grade concrete.

Spilt tensile strength at 28 days (N/mm2)

Sr. No Sludge %

1 0 4.52

2 5 4.06

3 10 3.89

4 15 3.05

5 20 2.89

Table 6.4 Result after 28 days

8.Appearance Change:

The first change in concrete after using SSA appeared in the appearance of the specimens.

Fig. 10 shows six concrete specimens in which the content of sludge ash was increased

from left to right. In this figure, the con- troll specimen, with no SSA, is shown on the

left, while the specimen in which 30% of cement was replaced with SSA is shown on the

right. As can be seen, the color of specimens has become darker as the content of SSA has

increased, such that the specimen containing 30% SSA is entirely dark.

9.Water absorption test:

The 100mm Dia x 50 mm height cylinder after casting were immersed in water for 90 days

curing. These specimens were then oven dried for 24 hours at the temperature 110°C until the

mass became constant and again weighed. This weight was noted as the dry weight (W1) of

the cylinder. After that the specimen was kept in hot water at 85°c for 3.5 hours.

Then this weight was noted as the wet weight (W2) of the cylinder.

% water absorption = [(W2 – W1) / W1] x 100


W1 = Oven dry weight of cylinder in grams

W2 = after 3.5 hours wet weight of cylinder in grams.

10.Tensile test performed on the beam:

Fig. 6.4 Shear Failure

Fig. 6.5 Flexural Failure



1.5% replacement of cement by wastepaper sludge ash showed 10% increase in compressive

strength at 7 days and 15% increase in compressive strength at 28 days.

2.Cement in concrete can be replaced by wastepaper sludge ash up to 5% by weight showing

15% increase in compressive strength at 28 days.

3.With increase in wastepaper sludge ash content, percentage water absorption increases.

4.With increase in wastepaper sludge ash content, average weight decreases by 4.58% for mixture

with 20% wastepaper sludge ash content thus making wastepaper sludge ash concrete light weight.

5.The workability of concrete mix decreases with increase in wastepaper sludge ash content.

6.Splitting tensile strength decreases with increase in wastepaper sludge ash content and is more

than reference concrete at 5% replacement.

7.Use of wastepaper sludge ash in concrete can prove to be economical as it is non useful waste

and free of cost.

8.Use of wastepaper sludge ash in concrete will eradicate the disposal problem of wastepaper

sludge ash, reduce emission of harmful pollutants by cement manufacture industry into our

environment and thus prove to be environment friendly, paving way for greener concrete.

9.Use of wastepaper sludge ash in concrete will preserve natural resources that are used for cement

manufacture and thus make concrete construction industry sustainable and wastepaper sludge can

be used as fuel before using its ash in concrete for partial cement replacement and also the

disposal problem for paper industries for this waste material is fully solved.


We have studied in the work that the wastepaper sludge has the cementations properties, during

the entire course of we have got some clues where further work can be done:

The study may be further extended to check the ability of concrete to pumping purpose, because

nowadays concrete is needed at heights.

The wastepaper sludge is a constructional element, and it is mandatory to check such concrete

under flexure, shear, torsion, and compression provide a framework for ensuring quality and

safety in construction practices. Finally, initiatives to raise public awareness and promote

acceptance of sludge-based construction materials are necessary for fostering widespread adoption

and overcoming potential barriers to implementation. There will be several aspects that can be

provided in-depth inside of the study for further proceeding:

1.Thermal characterization & Thermal conduction study (Fire Hazard)

2.Flexure test with different permutations and combinations of various percentages of


3.MES (Microscope Structure View)

4.XRD (Xray Diffraction)

5.Life cycle assessment (LCA)



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