Lecture_01 Introduction to Zoonoses
Lecture_01 Introduction to Zoonoses
Lecture_01 Introduction to Zoonoses
Dr. Maina NGOTHO, BVM, MSc, PhD
Visiting Lecturer, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UON
Email: ngothomj@gmail.com
Tel: 0722 872 547
Expected Learning Outcomes
• any disease and or infection naturally transmissible from
vertebrate animals to man
• when transmitted from human to animals its called reverse
• Zoonosis vs Zoonoses
Classification of Zoonotic Diseases
A. Type of agent causing disease
1. Direct / Orthozoonosis
a. transmitted from infected to susceptible host by direct contact,
formite/mechanical vector
b. Agent undergoes little or no developmental change during
c. Can be maintained in nature by single vertebrate species
2. Cyclozoonosis
a. Requires more than vertebrate host species – not invertebrate
host- to complete the development lifecycle of the agent
3. Metazoonosis
a. transmitted mechanically by invertebrate vectors
b. in invertebrate host, the agent multiplies and or develops
c. there is always a extrinsic incubation (incubation) period
before transmission to another vertebrate host
4. Saprozoonosis
a. require a non-animal to serve either as true reservoir or site for
an essential phase of development
b. considered as non-animal organic matter e.g. food, soil
c. Usually acquired by ingestion or direct inoculation
b. Further classified by system affected e.g. skin and integument, gastro-intestinal tract
(GIT), systemic infections depending on body system affected and showing disease
c. considered as non-animal organic matter e.g. food, soil
d. Usually acquired by ingestion or direct inoculation
Medical Doctors view- pets bring joy but present potential danger
Vet view- its for the Vet to ensure sensible public perspective is
maintained rather than ‘us’ vs ‘them’