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1.0 STADD Introduction 06

1.0 Introduction about STADD PRO 06
1.1 Graphic Environment
(A) Model Generation 07
(B) Modal Verification 07
1.2 Analysis and Design
(A) Static Analysis 07
(B) Dynamic/Seismic Analysis 08
1.3 Design of Different Mat
(A) Concrete Design 08
(B) Steel Design 08
2.0 STADD Pro Project
2.1 Analysis of simply supported beam and
compare it with analytically 09
2.2 Analysis of continuous beam 10
2.3 Analysis of single story frame and compare it
with provided with roller support and hinged support. 11
2.4 Analyses of space frame and compare it provided
with or without plinth beam 13
2.5 Analysis of frame for various combination
of loads as per IS 456:2000 14
2.6 Design and analysis of elevated intz tank 16
2.7 Analysis of Howe truss 19
2.8 Steel bolted connection using ram connection 20
2.9 Displacement analysis of tower supported by cables 21
2.10 Analysis of beam carrying rolling load
and compare it analytically 22

3.0 Introduction about OPEN JUMP 24
A) Features
B) Data
3.1 Steps for Selection of a site for nuclear power station in India 25
4.0 Information about GEO FIVE 26
4.1 Determination of Earth Pressure 28
4.2 Determination of earth Pressure of Cantilever Retaining Wall 31
4.3 Spread Footing Analysis 37
4.4 Slope Stability Analysis 44
5.0 Information about Major Project
5.1 Design of RCC Structure of GADVASU CAMPUS 47
5.2 Design of STEEL Structure of Malhotra IT Park 48
5.3 Design of RCC Structure of FC Sondhi Company, Jalandhar 49
5.4 Two Dimensional Plan of FC Sondhi Company, Jal. 50
6.0 Conclusion 51
7.0 References and Bibliography 52

1.0 Introduction about STADD PRO
STAAD PRO is a structural analysis and design computer program originally developed
by Research Engineers International in CA. In late 2005, Research Engineer International
was bought by Bentley Systems. STAAD PRO features state of the art user interface,
visualization tools, powerful analysis and design engines with advanced finite element
(FEM) and dynamic analysis capabilities. From model generation, analysis and design to
visualization and result verification STAAD PRO is the professional first choice. STAAD
PRO was developed by practicing engineers around the globe. It has evolved over 20
years and meets the requirements of ISO 9001 certification

Features of STADD PRO

• "Concurrent Engineering" based user environment for model development,

analysis, design, visualization and verification.
• Object-oriented intuitive 2D/3D graphic model generation.
• Pull down menus, floating toolbars, and tool tip help.
• Flexible Zoom and multiple views.
• Isometric and perspective views 3D shapes.
• Built-in Command File Editor.
• Simple Command Language.
• Graphics/Text input generation.
• State-of-the-art Graphical Pre and Post Processor.
• Rectangular/Cylindrical Coordinate Systems.
• Joint, Member/Element, Mesh Generation with flexible user-controlled
• Efficient algorithm minimizes disk space requirements.
• FPS, Metric or SI units.
• Presentation quality printer plots of Geometry and Results as part of run output.
• Compatible with Win95/98/NT
• On-line manual and context sensitive help

1.1Graphics Environment :

A) Model Generation

 Interactive Menu-driven Model Generation with simultaneous 3D display.

 2Dand 3D Graphic Generation using rectangular or polar coordinate systems.
 Generate Copy, Repeat, Mirror, Pivot, etc. or quick and easy geometry
 Quick/easy mesh generation.
 Comprehensive graphics editing.
 Graphical Specification and Display of Properties, Loadings, Supports,
 Import AutoCAD DXF files.
 Access to Text Editor.

B) Model Verification

 2D/3D drawings on screen as well as on plotter/printer.

 Sectional views or views with listed members only.
 Isometric or any rotations for full 3D viewing.
 Display of Properties, Loadings, Supports, Orientations, Joint/Member
numbering, Dimensions, Hidden line removed, etc.
 Plot manipulation according to the size, rotation, viewing origin and distance.

1.2Analysis &Design:

A) Static Analysis

 2D/3D Analysis based on state-of-the-art Matrix method to handle extremely

large job.
 Beam, Truss, Tapered Beam, Shell/Plate Bending/Plane Stress.
 Full/Partial Moment Releases.
 Member Offset Specification.

 Fixed, Pinned and Spring Supports with Releases. Also inclined Supports.
 Automatic Spring Support Generator.
 Active/Inactive Members for Load-Dependent structures.
 Tension-only members and compression-only members, Multi-linear spring

B) Dynamic / Seismic Analysis

 Mass modeling, Extraction of Frequency and Mode shapes.

 Response Spectrum, Time History Analysis.
 Modal Damping Ratio for Individual Models.
 Harmonic Load Generator.
 Combination of Dynamic forces with Static loading for subsequent design.

1.3 Design of different material

A) Concrete Design:

 Design of Concrete Beam/Column/Slab/Footing as per all major international

 Numerical and Graphical Design Outputs with complete reinforcement details.
 RC detailer as per IS 456-2000 has been implemented which has given a new
dimension to RCC design never witnessed in STAAD before.

B) SteelDesign:

 Built-in steel tables including AISC, Australian, British, Canadian, Chinese,

European, Indian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, and South African. Shapes include
I-Beam with or without cover plates, Channels, Angles, Double
Angles,/Channels, Pipes and Tubes.
 User-specified Design Parameters to customize design.
 Code Check, Member selection and Optimised Member Selection consisting of
Analysis/Design cycles.

Project: 2.1
Q). Calculate the Bending moment, shear force and deflection of simply supported beam
in staad pro and compare it with manually?
Sol.) Let us take example a beam of 5m span having cross section of (0.5 x 0.3)m and
having flexural rigidity 2x 10^5 mm4.

a) By using STAAD Pro:-

 S.F. at support = 10 KN
 B.M. at mid span = 12.5 KNm
 Deflection at mid span = 0.052 mm

Maximum Bending Moment using Staad Pro. Result

b) By analytically:-

 S.F. at support = ��/ 4 = 4 x �10 KN

 B.M. at mid span = wl /8 = 4 x 25/8 = 12.5 KNm
 Deflection at mid span = 5 wl3/384 EI= 0.052 mm

Conclusion: The result obtained from the software and analytically are hundred percent

Project: 2.2

Q).Draw the Shear force and bending moment diagram for the following beam using
Staad Pro.?

a) Shear force diagram:-

b) Bending Moment Diagram:-

b) Bending Moment Diagram

Project: 2.3
Q). Determine the Maximum Shear force and Bending Moment in single storey frame
given following diagram? Compare it when both supports are a) Hinged b) Fixed.

Variation (%)w.r.t.
Particular Hinged Support Fixed Support
hinged support

Max. S.F. Column 9.899 16.578 -67

(KN) Beam 100 100 0

Max. B.M Column 39.957 44.326 -13

(KN/m) Beam 60.043 55.674 8.33

Max. Deflection Column 4.897 3.150 25

(mm) Beam 10.552 9.508 10

Conclusion: - It is clear from the above figures that the B.M. and deflection are greater in
case of hinged support. Hence it always preferable to design the structure by assuming
the hinged support since it provides safer design of frame.

Hinged Support Fixed Support

S.F. Diagram S.F. Diagram

B.M. B.M.
Diagram Diagram


Project: 2.4
Q). Determine the maximum shear force and bending moment in Space frame given in
following figure and compare it when provided with plinth beam at 2m from base ?

Loading of 3KN/m on each beam

Beam = 0.3x0.25m
Column = 0.3x0.3m

Sol). Let us provide a Plinth Beam at distance of 1.5m from the support all around of
frame and size of Plinth beam is kept same as size of main beam.

Particular without Plinth Beam with Plinth Beam

Max. S.F. Column 0.6 1.6

(KN) Beam 6 6

Max. B.M Column 2.6 1.1

(KNm) Beam 3.4 3.1

Max. Deflection Column 0.3 0.1

(mm) Beam 0.4 0.3

Conclusion: - The frames which are provided with the plinth beam are less liable to
deflection and bending moment. Due to the provision of plinth beam the displacement is
not transferred to the column below the plinth beam and it also reduce the effect of
bending moment since column will become more short due the reduction its effective
length and shear force is approximately same in both cases.

With Plinth Beam Without Plinth Beam

Project: 2.5
Q). Analyze the following frame for the various combinations of loads as per IS456 limit
state of collapse?

Sol). The values of Shear force, Bending Moment and deflection for the various
combinations are described as followings:-
Load Combination Shear Force Bending Moment Deflection
IS456:2000 (KN) (KNm) (mm)
1.5 (D.L. +L.L.) -180 -106.5 7.1
1.5 (D.L. +W.L.) -136.5 81.8 10.6
1.5 (D.L.-W.L.) 136.5 81.8 -10.6
1.2(D.L. + L.L. +W.L.) -157.2 -85.6 9.5
1.2(D.L. + L.L.-W.L.) 157.2 -85.6 -9.5

Load Combination Shear Force Bending Moment Deflection/ Sway
IS456:2000 (KN) (KNm) (mm)
1.5 (D.L. +L.L.) -21.9 73.5 3
1.5 (D.L. +W.L.) 0 18 9.5
1.5 (D.L.-W.L.) -29.6 81.8 9.8
1.2(D.L. + L.L. +W.L.) -5.5 32.4 7.6
1.2(D.L. + L.L.-W.L.) -29.5 85.1 8.4

Load Combination Shear Force Bending Moment Deflection/Sway
IS456:2000 (KN) (KNm) (mm)
1.5 (D.L. +L.L.) 21.9 73.5 3
1.5 (D.L. +W.L.) 29.6 81.8 9.8
1.5 (D.L.-W.L.) 0 18 9.5
1.2(D.L. + L.L. +W.L.) 29.5 85.1 8.4
1.2(D.L. + L.L.-W.L.) 29.5 32.4 7.6

Conclusion: - The results obtained from the various combinations are different with each
other. In case of beam the bending moment and shear force is greater for the combination
of dead load and live load and for column the shear force and bending moment is
maximum for combination of dead load, live load and wind load. The lateral
displacement is higher in frame for the combination of dead load and wind load. The
staad pro will design the frame for the most critical case or combination.

Project: 2.6
Q). Write down the step for analysis and design of ELEVATED INTZ TANK shown in

Sol). The steps are as following for designing of elevated intz tank are described as
1. We select Grid origin option and set origin as 0,20,0. Then set the construction
lines 8, 6 at a distance of 1m apart. After construction of grid using the snap beam
join option make the tank as shown in figure.

2. Use the circular repeat option along the y axis to model the tank at angle of 20
degree and no of step kept 1. After that using the infill plate tool select the whole
section create the infill plate in structure diagram. Now assign the fixed support to
the bottom of plate.

3. Select the hydrostatic in plate load option and give water pressure to the plate by
knowing the density of water. Use the circular repeat option at angle of 360
degree no of steps kept 17 make it whole model.

4. Now Run the analysis and label the plate contour option showing the variations of
stresses. Make the plate at the hollow bottom of tank and apply the pressure to the
plate -5Mtom/m2.

5. After that construct the column and beam as per the modeling design and assign
the support to the column. Now assign the self weight and wind load in X OR Z
direction and describe the concrete design property as per IS 456:2000. Run the
analysis and go to the post processing mode to view the deflection, shear force,
plate stresses and concrete design.

In this way an intz tank can be analyzed and designed using the staad pro software.

Project: 2.7
Q). Determine the deflection of following frame 16m@2m having grade of steel
415N/mm2 and frame of IS 120x80x12using staad pro.

Sol). Deflection values and shape of frame is showing in diagram as following:

Project: 2.8
Q). In stiffened bolted connection an ISLB 350@ 485.6 N/m transmits an end reaction of
70 KN and a moment of 30 KNm, to a column ISHB 300@ 576.6 N/m. Design the
connection by Ram connection ?

Fig.: Design of Bolted Connection using RAM Connection

Project: 2.9
Q). Analysis the displacement of following tower supported with the six cables?

Data for structure

Attribute Data
Member properties All components of tower : Pipe section dia
600mm OD & 550 mm IDCable 650mm2
Material properties Steel
Cable initial tension 13.3 KN
Loads Load case 1 wind load 445N at each node on
windward face
Load case 2 ice load 730 N/m on each
horizontal member and Load case 3 : 1+2

Fig: Displacement Diagram of Tower

Project: 2.10
Q). Theload system shown in figure moves from left to right on a girder of span 10m.
Find the absolute maximum bending moment for the girder and also compare with

a) By analytically:
Let us determine the position of the resultant of all the wheel loads with respect to the
leading 70KN. Let the distance of the resultant load from the leading load, we have,
400x= 70x0 +150 x 1 + 60x1.5 + 120x2
x= 1.2m from the leading 70KN load.
Distance between the resultant load and the 150KN load, 1.20-1.00 = 0.2m
Hence, for the condition of absolute maximum bending moment, the 150 KN load should
be placed 0.1m on the right side of the centre of the girder
Taking moments about the end A, we have,
Vb x 10 =400x4.9, Vb=196KN and Va=400-196KN=204KN
Absolute maximum bending moment for the girder = B.M. Under the 150KN load
196x4.9-70x1KNm = 890.0KNm

b)By Staad Pro.:
Using vehicle definition application

Conclusion: The absolute bending moment value obtained from the staad pro. is 890.0
KNm. Hence it is concluded that the results obtained for rolling load in staad pro and
analytically are exactly same.


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