1. The energy that replaced as they are used are called ________ (a) Solar Energy (b) Wind
Energy (c) Renewable energy resources (d) Non-renewable energy
2. When a body of mass ‘m’ lifting through a height ‘h’ in the gravitational field of the earth,
________ is said to take place (a) Power (b) Work done (c) Energy (d) Play
3. A man of mass 50kg ascends a flight of stairs 5m high in 5 seconds. If acceleration due to
gravity is 10ms-2, the power expended is __________ (Take g=10ms-2) (a) 100W (b) 200W
(c) 250W (d) 500W
4. A mass of 10kg moves with a velocity of 4ms -1. Find the kinetic energy (a) 80Joule (b)
80Watt (c) 160Joule (d) 2 Joules
5. What is the increase in the gravitational potential energy of a 20kg block which is lifted 10m
from the ground (g=10m/s) (a) 100J (b) 2000J (c) 200W (d) 500J
6. The increase in the volume of 10cm3 of mercury when temperature rises by 100 oc is
0.182cm3. What is the cubic expansivity of mercury? (a) 0.000182k -1 (b) 0.0000182k-1 (c)
0.00182k-1 (c) 0.000178k-1
7. A room is heated by means of a charcoal fire. A man standing away from the fire is warmed
by _______ (a) Conduction (b) Reflection (c) Radiation (d) Convection
8. Which of the following surfaces will absorb radiant heat energy best? (a) White (b) Red (c)
Yellow (d) Black
9. It is advisable to wear white dresses in the tropics because white can ______ (a) Absorb
sweat readily (b) Absorb all radiant heat (c) Conduct heat away more readily from the body
(d) Reflect radiant heat
10. In which of the following is the expansion of solids a disadvantage? (a) The fitting of a
wheels in rims (b) Fire Alarms (c) The thermostat (d) The balance wheel of a watch
11. Which of the following are fundamental units? (a) Kg (b) Kg.m-3 (c) M3 (d) Nm-2
12. What is the reading accura of vernier calipers? (a) 0.1cm (b) 0.01cm (c) 0.001cm (d) 0.15cm
13. Which of the units of the following physical quantities are derived? (a) Area (b) Time (c)
Mass (d) Length
14. The internationally agreed system of units (S.I) for physical measurements are _______ (a)
Ib, ft, sec (b) g, m, sec (c) Kg, m, sec (d) Cm, g, Sec
15. Which of the following is not a fundamental S.I unit? (a) Meter (b) Ampere (c) Seconds (d)
16. A car travels for 3hours to a distance city 200km due east. What was its speed? (a) 70kmh-1
(b) 66.7kmh-1 (c) 200kmh-1 (d) 10.6kmh-1
17. Which of the following is not a consequences of force field? (a) Weight (b) Surface tension
(c) Gravitational pull (d) Magnetic force
18. The slope of a straight line displacement time graph indicates _________ (a) Distance
travelled (b) Uniform Velocity (c) Uniform Speed (d) Uniform Acceleration
19. Which of the following correctly gives the relationship between linear speed and V and
angular speed W of a body moving uniformly in a circle of radius r? (a) V = wr (b) V = w2r
(c) V = wr2 (d) V2 = wr
20. If no net force acts on an object the maintains a state of rest or constant speed in a straight
line. The above is a statement of Newton’s __________ (a) First law (b) Second law of
motion (c) Third law of motion (d) Law of gravitation
Instruction: Attempt all question s
1a. Define the following terms
i. Uniform Velocity
ii. Average Velocity
iii. Acceleration
iv. Retardation
v. Motin
bi. State the laws of static friction
ii. Describe an experiment to determine the coefficient of Static friction between two surfaces.
iii. State two advantages of friction
2a. State two disadvantages of friction
b. State two methods of reducing friction
c. Distinguish between centripetal force and force field
d. A mass of 10kg is moving in a circular path of radius 2m with a uniform speed of 50ms-1. Find the
centripetal acceleration and the corresponding centripetal force.
3a. Distinguish between work, energy and power
b. A pendulum swing, back and forth. Discuss the energy possessed by the pendulum at each stage of
its swing
c. Define the term (i) Potential Energy
(ii) Kinetic Energy
d. A body is displaced through a certain distance x by a force of 30N. if the work done is 100J and the
displacement is in the direction of force, what is the value of x?
4a. Draw a labelled diagram of a vacuum (Thermo) flask. Explain how its construction minimizes
heat exchange with the surroundings
b. Define linear expansivity of a solid
c. A metal of length 15.01cm is heated until its temperature rises by 60oc. If its new length is
15.05cm. Calculate its linear expansivity.
1. The shape of the earth is called ________ (a) Spherical (b) Geoid (c) Flat (d) Round
2. Geography deals with _______ (a) Men only (b) Earth only (c) The study of man and its
activities within his environment (d) earth and its resources
3. Geography touches all the following displacement except ________ (a) Agricultural Science
(b) Government (c) Literature (d) Economics
4. The earth rotates in _________ minutes in one hour (a) 10 (b) 15 (c) 20 (d) 60
5. It takes the earth _______ to complete one rotation (a) 365days (b) 1hours (b) 24hours (c)
6. The time when the sun is vertically over-head at the tropic of cancer or at the tropic of
capricon is called _______ (a) Equinoxes (b) Tropic (c) Auturm (d) Solstices
7. ________is the time which the mid-day sun is directly over-headed at the equator (a)
Solstices (b) Equinoxes (c) Season (d) Rotation
8. Solstices occur on _________ (a) January 22 and June 21 (b) June 21 and December 25 (c)
December 22 and June 21 (d) April 5 and November 10
9. Equinoxes occur on ___________ (a) March 21 and September 23 (b) January 22 and June
21 (c) December 22 and June 21 (d) November 15 and October 25
10. The brief period between sunset and complete darkness is called ________ (a) Dawn (b)
Twilight (c) Eclipse (d) Equinox
11. ________ is refers to the brief period between sunrise and full daylight (a) Dawn (b) Twilight
(c) Eclipse (d) Equinox
12. The line tat divides the earth into two equal parts is called _______ (a) Equator (b) Longitude
(c) Latitude (d) Tropic of Cance
13. Calculate the angular distance between the equator (lat 0oc) ad Egypt (30oN) (a) 3000km (b)
500km (c) 8660km (d) 3330km
14. ______ can be used to calculate the local time (a) Longitude (b) Equinox (c) Eclipse (d)
15. Any line that divides the earth into equal halves or hemisphere is called _______ (a) Circle
(b) Small Circle (c) Great Circle (d) Meridian
16. The Surface features of the land above the sea level is called _____ (a) Valley (b) Relief (c)
Land (d) Slope
17. A local government can be formed (a) Combination of different countries (b) Combination of
churches and mosque (c) Combination of several town and villages which have the same
physical and cultural features (d) Combination of environment
18. Jupiter has ___________ satellites (a) 4 (b) 10 (c) 9 (d) 12
19. It takes _______ for Mars to complete its or bits (a) 689years (b) 8days (c) 125months (d)
20. The clusters of stars is called ________ (a) Stars (b) Nebulas (c) Planet (d) Light
1a. Explain four ways in which lines of latitudes differ from lines of longitude
b. Calculate the approximate distance in a straight line between Tema (Longitude 6oN) and London
(Latitude 52oN). Show all working clearly
c. List and explain three effects of the revolution of the earth
2a. Highlight seven(7) importance line of latitude
bi. What is the Shape of the earth?
ii. List and explain six proofs to support your answer above
3a. Define the following terms
i. Solar Eclipse ii. Lunar Eclipse iii. Rotation
b. Explain two characteristics of each of first four planets
4a. List and explain five socio-cultural features of a town
b. In tabular form, state five (5) differences between town and village
Geography ss2
1. Industries are classified as ______ (a) Primary, manufacturing and secondary (b) Cocoa,
Processing mining and furniture (d) Fishing, mining and food processing
2. The manufacturing of textiles and garment is most popular in _________ (a) South Korea (b)
Japan (c) Taiwan (d) Thailand
3. Any data which possess locational characteristics is called ________ (a) Geographical data
(b) Geographic information system (c) Georeferencing (d) Settlement
4. All of the following use Geographic information system un their various field expect
_________ (a) Engineering (b) Planning (c) Orientation (d) Insurance
5. Where river starts or begins usually around high is called ________ (a) Mouth of a river (b)
River Capture (c) Source of a river (d) Distributaries
6. ________ refers to the velocity or speed of a river (a) River energy (b) River regime (c) River
Capture (d) Mouth of a river
7. The wearing away of the sides and floor of the river valley with the aid of sand, pebbles, sits
and boulders which are being transported is called ________ (a) Hydraulic action (b)
Corrosion (c) Appearance (d) Gorge
8. All the following are examples of output devices except ______ (a) Speaker (b) Mouse (c)
Monitor (d) Printer
9. The most important components of GIS is _______ (a) Data (b) Hardware (c) Software (d)
10. One of the reasons for concentration of industries in Urban centries is _________ (a)
Availability of capital (b) Environmental pollution (c) Increased earnings for rural people (d)
Development of rural
11. One of the features found in the upper course of a river is _____ (a) Gorge (b) U-shaped
Valley (c) mender (d) Levee
12. Abrasion, attribution and deflation are process of ______ (a) River erosion (b) Coastal
erosion (c) Wind erosion (d) Glacial Erosion
13. One of the major characteristics of heavy industries is that they (a) need low skilled man
power (b) are mainly concentrated in the rural areas (c) need mainly female labour force (d)
require high capital outlay
14. Spits and bars are formed by ________ (a) River erosion (b) Wind deposition (c) Wave
erosion (d) Wave deposition
15. A fan-shaped alluvial plain formed as a result of deposition of fire materials by a river as it
reaches or enters the sea ocean is called ________ (a) Delta (b) Ox-bow lake (c) Gorge (d)
16. When a river is given a new leave of life or being young again it is said to be _______ (a)
Estuarine (b) Rejuvenated (c) Meader (d) Branded Stream
17. All of the following are action of glacier erosion except __________ (a) Sapping (b)
Plucking (c) Abrasion (d) Attrition
18. Positional data are refers to data that identifies ________ (a) the precise location of the
device that collect geospatial data (b) another location of device (c) the devices that are not
recognized (d) no location
19. Delta has the following appearance except (a) fan-shaped (b) Bird’s foot (c) Caspate delta (d)
Ox-bow lake
20. The lifting and blowing away of loose sand and pebbles by wind is called ________ (a)
Abrasion (b) Deflation (c) Attrition (d) Wind
1a. Name two light industries and two heavy industries
b. List and explain four factors which an industrialist must consider before locating and industry
in a particular place
c. Highlight four contributions of manufacturing industries to the economy of any country
2a. Define Geographic information system (GIS)
b. Briefly list and explain four uses or importance of GIS
c. Highlight five sources of Geographic data
d. List and explain five importance of Geo-referencing
3a. List and explain five (5) components of GIS
b. Define the following terms:
i. Water Shed
ii. Course of a river
iii. River Capture
iv. Ice
v. Snow line
4a. Explain two characteristics of each of the following Course of the river
(i) Upper Course of the river (ii) Middle Course of the river (iii) Lower Course of the river
b. Explain four importance of delta to man
1. Which of the following mass wasting process results in curved tree trunks and learning
telegraph poles? (a) Rock fall (b) Earth Flow (c) Soil Creep (d) Mud flow
2. Chemical weathering takes place most effectively where it is ________ (a) Dry all the time
(b) Cold and wet (c) Warm and dry (d) Hot and wet
3. Weathering erosion, transportation and deposition are processes _______ (a) Mass wasting
(b) Vulcanicity (c) Denudation (d) Exfolation
4. The process which causes exposed rock surface to break and crumble is best describe as (a)
Denudation (b) Weathering (c) Transportation (d) Folding
5. The process of weathering in limestone region is mainly (a) Hydration (b) Exfoliation (c)
Solution (d) Oxidation
6. Which of the following is a feature of lime stone region? (a) Batholith (b) Cinder cone (c)
Crater (d) Stalagmite
7. The intensity of an earthquake depends on ________ (a) Power and energy (b) Amount of
shift and the size of the rock mass involve (c) the quantity of shift and the quality of shift (d)
Internal Process and external
8. The scale used to measure the power of earthquake is called __________ (a) Seismograph (b)
Voltmeter (c) Richter Scale (d) Richdaddy scale
9. The Scale measured between 4 and 7 is called ______ earthquake (a) Moderate (b) Minor (c)
Serve (d) Absolute
10. ________ is formed as a result of the intrusion of molten magma into cracks and joints (a)
rock (b) tsunamis (c) Laccoliths (d) Dyke
11. When earthquake occurs on the sea floor, it sets up huge wave called________(a) Tsunamis
(b) Tonado (c) Hurricane (d) Waves
12. A large mass of igneous mould with a dome-shaped upper surface and a level base is called
________ (a) Lopoliths (b) Laccoliths (c) Phacoliths (d) Phacoliths
13. Climate changes involves both changes in ________ and ________ (a) average condition and
variability (b) Wet and dry (c) Season and weather (d) Dawn and twilight
14. Depletion od ozone layer from the earth’s surface can lead to _______ (a) Cool weather on
the surface of the earth (b) Day and night (c) Increase on the intensify of heat on the earth
surface (d) Change of weather
15. _______ links the continental shelf with the deep sea plain or ocean floor (a) Continental
shelf (b) Continental deep (c) Ocean Island (d) Continental Slope
16. The lines drawn to join all places in the ocean having equal degree of salinity in map are
called _______ (a) Isobar (b) Isoyet (c) Isohalines (d) Isonet
17. The shallow water zone surrounding the continent in the ocean floor is called _______ (a)
Continental Shelf (b) Continental Slope (c) Ocean deep (d) Ocean ridge
18. How many member – states make-up ECOWAS? (a) 10 (b) 30 (c) 36 (d) 16
19. The administrative of ECOWAS is located at __________ (a) Togo (b) Liberia (c) Abuja (d)
20. All of the following are features of underground water except _______ (a) Solution (b)
Spring (c) Wells (d) Artesian basin
1a. Outline any three objectives of ECOWAS
b. Outline any six achievement of ECOWAS since formation
c. List and explain four problems that have limited the achievement of ECOWAS
2a. Define Salinity
b. List and explain three factors affecting the salinity of ocean
c. Draw a well labelled diagram of ocean floor
d. Explain four ways in which continental shelf is important to man
3a. What is mass movement?
b. Explain two differences between Erosion and mass movement
c. Explain two factors affecting mass movement
d. Highlight five effects of mass wasting or mass movement
4a. Define Earthquake
b. State four effects of earthquake
c. Highlight six effects of Volcanicity
d. In what four ways is limestone region important to man
1. The resultant of two forces X and Y will be greatest when the angle between X and Y is
_______ (a) 0o (b) 90o (c) 45o (d) 180o
2. Which of the following is not a vector quantity? (a) Speed (b) Velocity (c) Force (d)
3. Which of the following is not a scaler quantity? (a) Density (b) Weight (c) Speed (d) Mass
4. Two forces, whose resultant is 100N are perpendicular to each other. If one of them makes an
angle of 60o with the resultant, calculate its magnitude (Sin 60o = 0.8660, Cos 60o = 0.5000)
(a) 200N (b) 173.2N (c) 115.5N (d) 86.6N
5. A body is under the action of two forces 7N and 10N. Find the resultant of the two forces if
the, forces are parallel and act in the same direction (a) 7N (b) 17N (c) 3N (d) 70N
6. The single vector which would have the same effect in magnitude and direction as due
original vectors acting together are called ________ (a) Resultant Vector (b) Scalar (c)
Concept of vectors (d) Velocity
7. Component of a vector in a given direction is its ________ (a) opposite in that direction (b)
Along that direction (c) effective value in that direction (d) the same direction
8. A body starts from rest and removes with constant acceleration. Which of the following
quantities varies/vary linearly with the square of the time (I) Velocity (II) Displacement (III)
Momentum (a) I only (b) II only (c) III only (d) I and II only
9. The rate of change of velocity with time is called _______ (a) Displacement (b) Velocity (c)
Acceleration (d) Scalar
10. The distance travelled by a particle starting from rest is plotted against the square of the time
relapsed from the commencement of the motion. The resulting graph is linear. The speed of
the graph is a measure of ______ (a) Initial displacement (b) Initial Velocity (c) Acceleration
(d) Half the acceleration
11. A mango fruit drops to the ground from the top of its tree which is 5m high. How long does it
take to reach the ground? (a) 1.0s (b) 2.0s (c) 3.0s (d) 5s
12. A body moving with an initial velocity of 30ms-1 accelerates uniformly at a rate 10ms-2 until
it attains a velocity of 50ms-1. What is the distance covered during this period? (a) 80m (b)
60m (c) 90m (d) 100m
13. The distance travelled in unit time is called _______ (a) Distance (b) Displacement (c) Speed
(d) Velocity
14. The velocity of a moving body where equal distances are covered in equal time intervals no
matter how small the time may be is called ___________ (a) Acceleration (b) Uniform
Velocity (c) Deceleration (d) Speed
15. A projectile is fired with Initial velocity of 100ms-1 at an angle of 30o with the horizontal,
calculate the time of flight (a) 5secs (b) 20secs (c) 15secs (d) 10secs
16. For a projectile the maximum range is obtained when the angle of projection is ________ (a)
60o (b) 30o (c) 45o (d) 75o
17. The range of a projectile projected at 0o to the horizontal with a velocity U is given by (a)
2 2 2 2 2 2
U sin 2 0 (b) U sin 0 (c) 2U sin 2 0 (d) 2U sin 0
g g g g
18. A stone is projected at an angle of 60o and an initial velocity of 20ms-1. Determine the time
flight. (a) 34.6s (b) 3.46s (c) 1.73s (d) 6.92s
19. When the body is either not rotatory at all or is rotating at a constant angular velocity is said
to be in __________ (a) Constant (b) Equilibrium (c) Acceleration (d) Equilibrium
20. The conditions of equilibrium under the action of non-parallel forces they become ________
(a) Mass and gravity (b) Equilibrium (c) Forces and moments (d) Velocity and time
1a. State the principle of the parallelogram of Vector
b. Find by drawing and by calculation the resultant of two vectors 3units and 4units inclined to each
other at 30o
c. State two methods of adding or compounding vectors to find the resultant
2a. Four forces act as shown below. Calculate their resultant both Horizontal component and vertical
12N 10N
9N 15N
b. State the triangular law of vector additions
c. Name the four physical quantities that are associated with the equations of linear motion.
3a. Define the following terms
i. Uniform acceleration
ii. Instantaneous Velocity
iii. Uniform acceleration
b. Show how, from the velocity-time graph for a body
i. the acceleration at any instant
ii. average velocity can be calculated
c. A stone is thrown vertically upwards with an initial velocity, Ums-1. It reaches a maximum height
and returns to the ground.
Find an expression for
a. The maximum height
b. the velocity on hitting the ground
4a. A tennis ball is projected horizontally from the top of a vertical cliff 50m high with a velocity of
10ms-1. Find
i. The time taken to reach the ground
ii. The vertical component of the velocity when the ball hits the ground.
iii. The distance from the foot of the cliff where the ball hit the ground
b. Differentiate between dynamic and static equilibrium.