effect of staircase on building
effect of staircase on building
effect of staircase on building
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2 authors:
All content following this page was uploaded by Azadeh Noorifard on 01 January 2019.
doi: 10.21307/ACEE-2018-058
b Assistant Prof.; Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
E-mail address: tabeshpour@sharif.edu
Staircase has a potential to change the seismic behavior of structures, but it is often neglected during design. In this
research, effects of staircase in 5 groups including 27 models have been studied. Results show that staircase constructed
with the use of RC slab, performs as a K-shaped bracing in longitudinal direction and as an inclined shear wall in trans-
verse direction, so in both directions structural stiffness increases, period and lateral displacement of structure decrease,
but staircase constructed by means of stringer beam only acts as a bracing in longitudinal direction. Stiffness caused by
small span, inclined RC slabs and perimeter infill walls of staircase, based on the staircase location and the number of
structural bays could change mode shape and lead to torsion. Along ladder running, staircase leads shear force and bend-
ing moment of columns adjacent to the landing to increase, while the internal forces of others to decrease. The majority of
adverse effects of the staircases can be prevented by isolating the staircase from master structure. In this case, only the
changes in geometry of the structure due to location and dimension of staircase and arrangement of infill walls should be
Bastami et al. studied a steel structure building with case and semi-isolated staircase [4]. Tegos et al. stud-
two types of structural systems including moment ied five different types of staircases in a model. They
frame and braced frame and six different types of concluded that staircase increases the stiffness of the
construction details of staircase. The results indicate structure, decreases structure’s natural period vibra-
that the effect of staircase on the period of both tion and relative displacements in longitudinal direc-
structures is negligible. In moment frame, displace- tion and the influence of the vertical component of
ment of center of mass and torsional effect in the the earthquake in staircases with a free landing and
direction perpendicular to the stringer beam is little, helical one, is significant [11]. Cao et al. reported that
and in the direction parallel to the stringer beam is the staircase increases the lateral stiffness, story
significant, but in braced frame, depending on the shear and overturning moment and decreases the
number and cross section of bracings in two direc- period, based on the studies along the length of the
tions is less affected by the staircase. In braced frame, staircase on two reinforced concrete structures [9].
staircase has affected only the internal forces of Alirezaei et al. have reported increase in stiffness of
columns adjacent to the landing, but in moment structure and torsional effect, reduction in natural
frame, leads to increase the internal forces of these period of structure and lateral displacement in the
columns and reduce the force of other columns. In models with staircase especially in direction parallel
their opinion, if the staircase is suspended, modeling to the stringer beam, insufficient sections of structur-
the stair can be neglected with acceptable approxi- al elements around staircase and structural perfor-
mation [1]. Results of Bastami et al. studies on a rein- mance enhancement [5]. Hoseini and Jafarnejad’s
forced concrete structure with three different types of research on two reinforced concrete structure has
construction details of staircase have shown that shown that staircase causes the increase of the stiff-
bracing behavior of staircase in longitudinal direction ness of the structure, base shear and internal force of
and its inclined shear wall behavior in transverse structural elements around the staircase and reduc-
direction causes the reduction of the natural period tion of the natural period of structure. Moreover,
of structure and lateral displacement and increase in changing center of rigidity may lead to significant tor-
the stiffness of the structure. By increasing the struc- sional effect [6].
ture height, effect of staircase on stiffness reduces. It is obvious that horizontal slab of stair kinks and out
Eliminating the staircase from the model of structure of plane bending occurs, but axial force of K-shaped
is safe for columns and beams away the staircase, but brace elements is transmitted to columns. Also every-
it is unreliable for the ones near the staircase. The one knows that reinforced concrete is different in
behavior model with suspended stair is similar to the compression and tension. But this fact does not vary
models without stair, but stair with this construction the result of force distribution globally. The main aim
detail will be unstable during earthquakes [2]. Singh of this paper is to show the effect of stair on columns
and Choudhary’s studies on two types of geometrical (locally) and structure (globally).
plan configuration with RC structure and on 4 differ-
In this study, inclined slab of staircase is not the only
ent heights have shown reduction in period of struc-
variable, it has been attempted to study all effects of
ture, increase in internal forces of landing beams and
staircase on seismic behavior of building, by focusing
columns and reduction in inter story drift ratio along
on the geometry of conventional residential buildings
two directions of models with staircase [3]. Feng et al.
plan in Tehran. Based on carried out investigation,
analyzed 18 RC structure models. They concluded
this effects can be categorized into three main groups
that in the direction parallel to ladder running the
including increase in stiffness, changes in stiffness
stiffness of structure increases and the story displace-
distribution and changes in force distribution. Each
ment ratio reduces, but in the direction perpendicu-
of them can be the cause of others or affected by
lar to the ladder running effects of staircase on struc-
other factors. These factors and variables have been
ture can be neglected. Irrational layout of staircase
studied in many groups which are shown in Fig. 1.
may lead to torsional effect on structure. Staircase
increases the internal forces in the members of struc-
ture, especially the columns at the location adjacent
to the landing platform, where short column formed,
while in the frames away the staircase the internal
forces are reduced. To avoid the detrimental effects
of staircase on structure, they proposed two details
for isolating the staircase including full-isolated stair-
Figure 1.
A chart for effects of staircase on seismic behavior of structure and variables studied in defined groups
2. ARCHITECTURAL AND STRUCTURAL walls on the north side. The first group is called
SPECIFICATIONS OF SELECTED southern building which is located on south of street
and the next group is called northern building which
BUILDINGS is located on north of street. The arrangement of
To study variables quantitatively, three main types of interior spaces and method of natural lighting in the
five-story single unit residential buildings in Tehran northern buildings is different from the southern
are selected. In architectural design of multi-unit res- ones, so both of them have been studied in this paper.
idential buildings, staircase is usually located in the Obviously, the layout of other cities will be subset of
center of the plan to provide desirable access to all this type in term of condition of perimeter walls.
units, so in these buildings, location of staircase does Buildings with a width of 6 meter usually have one
not have significant effects on stiffness distribution. structural bay and staircase is located at the corner.
On the contrary, in smaller and single-unit buildings, In southern lots, entire building is in the form of one-
there are more location for staircase based on the bay structure and only the staircase side is in the form
arrangement of interior spaces, natural lighting and of two-bay structure (Fig. 2). Buildings with a width
circulation. It can be located at corner, middle of of 10 meter usually have two structural bays and the
length or even middle of width of the building. In this most common locations of staircase are at the corner
study, buildings with a width of six and ten meters are and middle of length (Fig. 3, 4).
selected. Structural system of selected buildings is reinforced
In the compact urban layout which is common in concrete intermediate moment resisting frame in two
most cities of Iran and many other countries, after directions, applied forces have been determined
each two rows of lots, a street is designed and build- based on provisions of the Iranian national building
ings are located on the northern part of the lots. In code-part 6 and seismic forces have been calculated
this way, daylight is available for half of the buildings based on Iranian seismic code of practice No. 2800
on the both sides of the north and south, and for the [12, 13]. Concrete and rebar properties are summa-
other half, only from the south and there are solid
Figure 2. Figure 3.
Architectural plan of southern building with a width of Architectural plan of southern building with a width of
6 meter and staircase at corner 10 meter and staircase at corner
Table 1.
Concrete and rebar properties
fy fys
Mass per unit Modulus Bending Shear
Poisson’s Ratio Concrete
volume of Elasticity Reinforcement Reinforcement
- compressive Strength
kg/m3 N/mm2 Yield Stress Yield Stress
N/mm2 N/mm2
2500 24516 0.15 24.5 392 392
rized in Table 1. Walls have been constructed with structural analysis and design software. In modeling,
20 cm hollow clay block and staircase with 15 cm beam-column elements used for beams, columns, and
thick reinforced concrete slab which is usually inte- equivalent diagonal strut of infill walls and shell ele-
grated with landing beam. Only in group No. 1, stair- ments for staircases. The connections of all elements
case is modeled by using beam to compare effects of except for equivalent diagonal strut of infill walls are
staircase with beam and staircase with slab. In rein- rigid.
forced concrete buildings, staircase is usually con-
structed with slab and sometimes by means of joist
and block, but in steel buildings, it is always con- 3. EFFECTS OF STAIRCASE ON SEIS-
structed with the use of stringer beam. MIC BEHAVIOUR OF BUILDINGS
According to the purpose of this paper and related
3.1. Increase in stiffness
variable, such as natural period, distance between
center of mass and center of stiffness, drift, torsional One of the most important effects of staircase on the
effect and distribution of internal forces, using the building structure is increase in the stiffness [1, 3, 4,
elastic analysis is appropriate [4]. It is performed by a 5, 6, 9, 11, 14]. Increasing the stiffness cause a reduc-
Figure 5.
Model of southern building with a width of 6 meter and stair-
Figure 4.
case slabs
Architectural plan of northern building with a width of
10 meter and staircase at the middle of length
Table 2.
Period and mode shape of southern building with a width of 6 meter
Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3
Period (s) Dir. UX UY Period (s) Dir. UX UY Period (s) Dir. UX UY
Bare frame 0.90 X 69.45 0.00 0.74 Y 0.03 68.82 0.70 T 1.15 1.04
Frame with staircase slabs 0.75 X 46.33 1.73 0.59 Y 14.37 47.47 0.52 T 12.26 24.05
Frame with stringer beams 0.93 X 71.58 0.05 0.72 T 0.29 14.12 0.62 Y 0.00 58.87
Figure 6.
Drift ratio of southern building with a width of 6 meter in X direction
Figure 7.
Drift ratio of southern building with a width of 6 meter in Y direction
ing on the stories the drift ratio is reduced from 37%
to 57% in both directions. But, in the model with
stringer beams, the reduction of drift ratio is not con-
siderable in X direction and it is about 23% to 43%
in Y direction. In fact, reinforced concrete slab per-
forms as a K-shaped bracing in longitudinal direction
and as an inclined shear wall in transverse direction
of staircase and therefore makes fundamental
changes in stiffness, period and lateral displacement
in both directions. But, stringer beam performs as
bracing only in longitudinal direction and its effects Figure 8.
in transverse direction is negligible. K-shaped bracing performance of staircase attached to the
3.2. Changes in stiffness distribution the stiffness of staircase is more than moment frames,
One of the most adverse effects of staircase on the so it could absorb more forces [4, 8] and stiffness con-
seismic behavior of structure is changes of stiffness centration in a part of the structure will occur. Since
distribution and increase in torsion potential. these elements are not considered in structural mod-
Especially where the staircase is located asymmetri- eling as usual, so their effects on the structure are not
cally in building and leads to eccentricity, it is much analyzed.
more important [4, 8, 9, 11, 16]. So, the staircase can
change the mode shapes of the structure [11]. In this
3.2.3. Modelling infills around the staircase
section, first, the following three main factors which
affect the stiffness distribution are discussed, then According to fire standards, walls around the stair-
provisions of seismic codes about torsion as a tool for case should be fire stopping, so they are constructed
comparing the results are reviewed and finally the as 20 cm thick walls. On the other hand, there are
cases in three main groups are modeled to study the structural frames around the staircase, so these
variables of this section. walls act as infill walls against lateral forces and lead
1. Geometry of architectural and structural plan to concentrating the stiffness in a part of the struc-
ture. The stairs, which were usually placed in an
2. Inclined slab of staircase eccentric position, often emphasizes the irregular
3. Infills around the staircase stiffness distribution provided by the position of the
infill panels [16].
3.2.1. Geometry of architectural and structural plan As it has been attempted to study detrimental effects
of staircase on the structure, so simulation is based on
An important part of staircase effects on seismic
macro model. In this method infill walls are modeled
behavior of structures is related to the geometry of
with an equivalent compression diagonal strut.
architectural and structural plan. Three main vari-
Accordingly, the assumptions of a research paper
ables including the number of structural bays, dimen-
about infill walls with similar material are used.
sion of staircase frame and location of staircase in
Modulus of elasticity has been assumed 800 times of
building can be investigated. Since the span of stair-
compressive strength of wall, the effective width of
case frame is usually shorter than other frames, so
equivalent strut, 0.2 times of wall diameter and thick-
stiffness concentration is formed because of shorter
ness of strut, the same as wall. The compressive
length of this beam. This is very important in one-bay
strength of wall with hollow clay blocks and cement
structures and especially in moment frames.
mortar is assumed 3.8 MPa [17]. For considering the
effect of opening on the strength and stiffness of walls,
3.2.2. Inclined slab of staircase Equation 1 recommended by the New Zealand Society
When the staircase is connected to the structure, it for Earthquake Engineering, has been used [18].
performs as a structural element. Due to inclined
form, it acts as a diagonal strut and half-turn landing ଵǤହ ో౦ౝ
ɉ୮ୣ୬୧୬ ൌ ͳ െ (1)
staircase forms K-shaped bracing (Fig. 8). Because
Table 3.
Period and mode shape of southern building with a width of 10 meter and staircase at the corner
Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3
Period (s) Dir. UX UY Period (s) Dir. UX UY Period (s) Dir. UX UY
All frames the same 1.01 X 73.76 0.00 0.97 Y 0.01 73.43 0.82 T 0.19 1.04
One different frame 0.97 X 68.80 3.93 0.95 Y 3.42 69.95 0.78 T 2.82 0.39
Two different frames 0.96 X 42.19 31.50 0.94 Y 30.81 43.05 0.78 T 2.81 0.00
Table 4.
Eccentricity of southern building with a width of 10 meter and staircase at the corner
Story 1 Story 2 Story 3 Story 4 Story 5
%ex %ey %ex %ey %ex %ey %ex %ey %ex %ey
All frames the same 4.26 6.61 2.65 6.50 2.32 5.58 1.88 5.01 -1.46 2.28
One different frame 8.26 7.82 5.89 11.70 5.26 14.99 4.29 15.49 0.10 10.68
Two different frames 10.04 7.86 8.38 11.73 8.11 14.89 7.25 15.39 3.06 11.08
Table 5.
Ratio of the maximum relative story drift to the average relative story drift in story 3 of southern building with a width of 10 meter
and staircase at the corner
All frames the same 1.00 1.11 1.07 1.02 1.06 1.02
One different frame 1.21 1.12 1.30 1.00 1.04 1.02
Two different frames 1.21 1.12 1.29 1.02 1.01 1.05
Table 6.
Period and mode shape of northern building with a width of 10 meter and staircase at the middle of length
Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3
Period (s) Dir. UX UY Period (s) Dir. UX UY Period (s) Dir. UX UY
All frames the same 1.00 X 73.01 0.14 0.90 Y 0.37 68.61 0.79 T 1.03 3.39
One different frame 0.96 X 69.28 2.24 0.91 Y 2.56 72.60 0.77 T 1.37 0.90
Two different frames 0.95 X 72.61 0.63 0.93 Y 0.68 75.46 0.77 T 0.98 0.14
Table 7.
Eccentricity of northern building with a width of 10 meter and staircase at the middle of length
Story 1 Story 2 Story 3 Story 4 Story 5
%ex %ey %ex %ey %ex %ey %ex %ey %ex %ey
All frames the same 2.12 1.23 0.96 3.99 2.54 2.81 3.49 2.02 5.62 2.50
One different frame 2.07 1.28 0.43 4.25 1.79 3.13 2.65 2.36 4.43 2.87
Two different frames 1.74 2.29 -0.80 4.14 0.23 2.57 0.83 1.55 2.31 1.70
Table 8.
Ratio of the maximum relative story drift to the average relative story drift in story 2 of northern building with a width of 10 meter
and staircase at the middle of length
All frames the same 1.07 1.04 1.19 1.03 1.02 1.08
One different frame 1.08 1.21 1.03 1.01 1.01 1.06
Two different frames 1.07 1.03 1.19 1.00 1.04 1.04
3.2.4. Provisions of seismic code loading is minimized. For this purpose it is recom-
According to Iranian seismic code of practice [19], mended that the eccentricity between the center of
lateral load resisting elements shall be configured in mass and center of stiffness, at each floor level, be
a manner that the torsion resulting from earthquake less than 5% of the building dimension in that level
and in the direction under consideration [19]. In this
Group 2
In moment frame, due to shorter span of staircase
frame, its stiffness is more than other spans, so it
absorbs more seismic forces [7]. In this group, to
study architectural and structural geometry, two vari-
ables including dimension of staircase frame and its
location are investigated. To study the location of
staircase, two buildings with a width of 10 meter and
Figure 9. two-bay structure are selected. In southern building,
Southern building with a width of 10 meter; (a) All frames the staircase is located at the corner and in the north-
with the same dimension, (b) Frame with shorter length on
the landing, (c) Both frames of staircase with shorter length
ern building it is located at the middle of length. In
each of these two plans, three types of structural
geometry are selected. In the first type, stairs, eleva-
tor and entrance space of each floor are designed in
a structural bay, so the entire structure has a regular
geometry. In the second type, only the frame dimen-
sion of staircase landing is determined based on the
staircase dimension. In the third type, dimension of
both frames of staircase is determined based on the
staircase dimension. The entire structure of three
types is in the form of two-bay (Fig. 9, 10). Models of
Figure 10.
Northern building with a width of 10 meter; (a) All frames this group are bare frame without inclined slab of
with the same dimension, (b) Frame with shorter length on staircase. In this group, six models are analyzed.
the landing, (c) Both frames of staircase with shorter length
According to the results, mode shapes of three types
of structure in southern building with staircase at the
standard there is no mandatory for the maximum corner are the same and torsion occurs at the third
allowable amount of eccentricity. In Australian stan- mode of modal analysis. But, in two cases of one
dard 1170.4–1993, when the distance between center shorter frame and two shorter frames, eccentricity
of mass and center of rigidity is in excess of 10% of along Y axis is greater than 10% of building dimen-
the structure dimension perpendicular to the direc- sion and the ratios of the maximum relative story
tion of earthquake force, torsional irregularity shall drift to the average relative story drift are greater
be considered but this provision is omitted in new than 1.2 (Table 3 to 5). In the northern building with
version of 2007 [20, 21]. In Nepal National Building staircase at the middle of the length, due to proximi-
Code about mandatory rules for reinforced concrete ty of shorter frames to the center of mass, in all three
buildings with masonry infill walls, the distance cases torsion occurs at the third mode of modal
between center of mass and center of rigidity includ- analysis and eccentricity is less than 10% of building
ing the effects of infill wall shall be less than 10% of dimension. Only in a few cases the ratios of the max-
building dimension at the same direction [22]. imum relative story drift to the average relative story
There is another provision in seismic codes to con- drift are greater than 1.2. Therefore, torsional irreg-
trol torsion. According to this, in each story the ularity of this building in all structural geometry is
maximum drift, including accidental torsion, at one very low (Table 6 to 8). Based on the results, when the
end of the structure shall not exceed 20% of the staircase is located at the corner, even in the absent
average of the story drift of the two ends of the of staircase inclined slabs and infill walls, structural
structure [19, 23, 24, 25]. geometry is prone to torsion alone. Therefore, in this
As shown in Fig. 1, three groups have been defined to case, the most appropriate geometry of the structure
study torsional effects of staircase on building struc- is to design stair, elevator and entrance space in one
ture. In the following, characteristics of each group, structural bay and use a uniform geometry in the
outputs of analysis and results are presented. To eval- entire structure. When the staircase is located at the
uate torsional effects of each model, mode shapes middle of the length, structural geometry has no sig-
and two above criteria are used as the main tools. nificant impact and all three types are acceptable.
Due to the large amount of outputs of the second cri- Although using uniform geometry in the structure
terion, only the results of one story will be presented. has its advantages.
Table 9.
Period and mode shape of southern building with a width of 6 meter and staircase at the corner
Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3
Period (s) Dir. UX UY Period (s) Dir. UX UY Period (s) Dir. UX UY
(a) Main structure 0.79 X 60.41 0.30 0.74 Y 0.33 69.75 0.61 T 10.69 0.02
(b) Structure with Hinge connections 0.90 X 69.45 0.00 0.74 Y 0.03 68.82 0.70 T 1.15 1.04
(c) Structure with extra column 0.74 Y 0.07 69.32 0.71 X 69.09 0.07 0.59 T 1.44 0.01
(d) Structure with stronger columns 0.74 X 63.85 2.70 0.73 Y 2.72 67.26 0.59 T 4.00 0.03
Table 10.
Eccentricity of southern building with a width of 6 meter and staircase at the corner
Story 1 Story 2 Story 3 Story 4 Story 5
%ex %ey %ex %ey %ex %ey %ex %ey %ex %ey
(a) Main structure -0.33 9.29 -0.48 12.37 -0.18 14.08 -0.42 12.65 0.61 10.53
(b) Structure with Hinge connections -0.33 4.11 -0.48 3.42 -0.15 2.65 -0.33 0.69 0.68 -2.56
(c) Structure with extra column -0.26 7.42 -0.51 6.89 -0.26 6.55 -1.05 5.98 0.06 5.37
(d) Structure with stronger columns -0.22 -3.25 -0.42 3.71 -0.15 8.34 -0.20 8.78 0.75 7.22
Table 11.
Ratio of the maximum relative story drift to the average relative story drift in story 3 of southern building with a width of 6 meter and
staircase at the corner
(a) Main structure 1.26 1.17 1.33 1.01 1.01 1.04
(b) Structure with Hinge connections 1.03 1.12 1.05 1.01 1.02 1.04
(c) Structure with extra column 1.06 1.04 1.13 1.01 1.02 1.03
(d) Structure with stronger columns 1.20 1.09 1.26 1.01 1.01 1.03
Table 12.
Period and mode shape of southern building with a width of 6 meter and staircase at the corner
Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3
Period (s) Dir. UX UY Period (s) Dir. UX UY Period (s) Dir. UX UY
(a) Bare frame 0.90 X 69.45 0.00 0.74 Y 0.03 68.82 0.70 T 1.15 1.04
(b) Bare frame with
0.75 X 46.33 1.73 0.59 Y 14.37 47.47 0.52 T 12.26 24.05
slabs of stair
(c) Infilled frame 0.75 X 72.73 0.00 0.48 T 0.84 0.72 0.42 Y 0.00 78.42
(d) Infilled frame with
0.60 X 69.86 0.01 0.43 T 4.44 5.72 0.38 Y 0.32 72.76
slabs of stair
Table 13.
Eccentricity of southern building with a width of 6 meter and staircase at the corner
Story 1 Story 2 Story 3 Story 4 Story 5
%ex %ey %ex %ey %ex %ey %ex %ey %ex %ey
(a) Bare frame -0.33 4.11 -0.48 3.42 -0.15 2.65 -0.33 0.69 0.68 -2.56
(b) Bare frame with
-7.05 13.96 -12.17 18.51 -13.03 19.89 -13.98 19.94 -14.09 18.70
slabs of stair
(c) Infilled frame -0.37 -0.08 -0.44 -0.04 -0.07 -1.22 0.51 -2.87 2.17 -5.76
(d) Infilled frame with
-4.35 9.58 -6.84 13.87 -6.57 14.71 -5.78 14.18 -3.89 12.24
slabs of stair
Table 14.
Ratio of the maximum relative story drift to the average relative story drift in story 3 of southern building with a width of 6 meter and
staircase at the corner
(a) Bare frame 1.03 1.12 1.05 1.01 1.02 1.04
(b) Bare frame with slabs of stair 1.43 1.33 1.52 1.12 1.20 1.10
(c) Infilled frame 1.07 1.12 1.01 1.04 1.04 1.08
(d) Infilled frame with slabs of stair 1.20 1.14 1.25 1.05 1.15 1.00
of the main variable of architectural and structural the average relative story drift are greater than 1.2. In
geometry and two other variables including inclined these models due to plan geometry, infills balance the
slab of staircase and infills around the staircase are concentration of stiffness caused by inclined slabs of
studied. All three selected building in the form of staircase (Table 12 to 14). In the southern building
one-bay and two-bay structure with staircase at the with a width of 10 meter, torsion is at the second
corner and middle of the length are analyzed. In the mode in cases with infilled frames. The distance
buildings with a width of 10 meter, the case in which between center of mass and center of rigidity, in all
all frames have the same dimension and in the south- cases with the exception of bare frame is greater than
ern building with a width of 6 meter, the case in which 10% and the ratios of the maximum relative story
the structure has hinge connection on the side of drift to the average relative story drift are greater
staircase are selected. To study inclined slab of stair- than 1.2 in the models with inclined slabs of staircase
case and infills around the staircase, four cases (Table 15 to 17). In the northern building with a width
including bare frame, bare frame with inclined slabs of 10 meter, for all models torsion occurs at the third
of staircase, infilled frame and infilled frame with mode and eccentricity is less than 10%. Only in the
inclined slabs of staircase are modeled. There are 12 models with infills the ratios of the maximum relative
models in this group. story drift to the average relative story drift for seis-
According to the results of the southern building with mic force along X direction with negative eccentrici-
a width of 6 meter, in the cases with infills, torsion ty are greater than 1.2. In this case where the stair-
occurs at the second mode. The distance between case is located at the middle of length, torsional
center of mass and center of rigidity, in the cases with effects are less than others (Table 18 to 20).
inclined slabs of staircase is greater than 10% and
also the ratios of the maximum relative story drift to
Table 15.
Period and mode shape of southern building with a width of 10 meter and staircase at the corner
Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3
Period (s) Dir. UX UY Period (s) Dir. UX UY Period (s) Dir. UX UY
(a) Bare frame 1.01 X 73.76 0.00 0.97 Y 0.01 73.43 0.82 T 0.19 1.04
(b) Bare frame with slabs
0.92 X 61.95 3.17 0.83 Y 8.78 57.92 0.69 T 4.47 15.91
of stair
(c) Infilled frame 0.89 X 74.93 0.00 0.62 T 1.36 3.37 0.59 Y 0.05 77.04
(d) Infilled frame with
0.84 X 71.22 0.08 0.59 T 4.24 26.98 0.53 Y 1.22 53.69
slabs of stair
Table 16.
Eccentricity of southern building with a width of 10 meter and staircase at the corner
Story 1 Story 2 Story 3 Story 4 Story 5
%ex %ey %ex %ey %ex %ey %ex %ey %ex %ey
(a) Bare frame 4.26 6.61 2.65 6.50 2.32 5.58 1.88 5.01 -1.46 2.28
(b) Bare frame with slabs
10.70 11.64 13.24 12.40 15.63 12.62 17.38 12.92 17.27 11.12
of stair
(c) Infilled frame 4.03 9.49 2.51 11.47 4.52 12.57 6.19 13.48 6.02 12.48
(d) Infilled frame with
7.52 13.47 7.41 15.65 9.66 16.93 11.37 17.83 11.19 16.67
slabs of stair
Table 17.
Ratio of the maximum relative story drift to the average relative story drift in story 3 of southern building with a width of 10 meter
and staircase at the corner
(a) Bare frame 1.00 1.11 1.07 1.02 1.06 1.02
(b) Bare frame with slabs of stair 1.14 1.06 1.24 1.15 1.09 1.18
(c) Infilled frame 1.12 1.06 1.18 1.00 1.02 1.10
(d) Infilled frame with slabs of stair 1.19 1.12 1.25 1.12 1.05 1.21
Table 18.
Period and mode shape of northern building with a width of 10 meter and staircase at the middle of length
Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3
Period (s) Dir. UX UY Period (s) Dir. UX UY Period (s) Dir. UX UY
(a) Bare frame 1.00 X 73.01 0.14 0.90 Y 0.37 68.61 0.79 T 1.03 3.39
(b) Bare frame with slabs
0.87 X 73.39 0.03 0.81 Y 0.83 50.39 0.74 T 1.04 23.82
of stair
(c) Infilled frame 0.76 X 72.82 0.05 0.57 Y 1.29 63.40 0.53 T 3.28 15.78
(d) Infilled frame with
0.71 X 72.25 0.00 0.53 Y 0.30 74.46 0.52 T 4.53 5.22
slabs of stair
Table 19.
Eccentricity of northern building with a width of 10 meter and staircase at the middle of length
Story 1 Story 2 Story 3 Story 4 Story 5
%ex %ey %ex %ey %ex %ey %ex %ey %ex %ey
(a) Bare frame 2.12 1.23 0.96 3.99 2.54 2.81 3.49 2.02 5.62 2.50
(b) Bare frame with slabs
-1.86 -0.21 -6.00 2.87 -6.97 1.83 -7.82 1.09 -8.07 1.43
of stair
(c) Infilled frame 2.36 3.28 1.59 7.73 2.95 8.11 3.67 8.47 5.71 10.22
(d) Infilled frame with
0.15 2.01 -1.87 6.67 -1.06 7.08 -0.59 7.45 1.21 9.14
slabs of stair
Table 20.
Ratio of the maximum relative story drift to the average relative story drift in story 3 of northern building with a width of 10 meter
and staircase at the middle of length
(d) Infilled frame with slabs of stair 1.18 1.08 1.27 0.98 1.05 1.07
Figure 12.
Shear distribution under seismic force along Y direction (ton): (Left side) Model without stair case, (Right side) Model with staircase
Figure 13.
Moment distribution under seismic force along Y direction (ton.m): (Left side) Model without stair case, (Right side) Model with stair-
Figure 14.
Shear distribution under seismic force along X direction (ton): (Left side) Model without stair case, (Right side) Model with staircase
Figure 15.
Moment distribution under seismic force along X direction (ton.m): (Left side) Model without stair case, (Right side) Model with
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