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Greyhawk Rebooted - 576CY

water from underground streams and showing through on some individuals.

channels. The dwur constitution is such
that they need less water than humans The status quo is very important to
to live on. Needless to say, the dwur can dwarves. What is important to dwur today
also trade gems and gold for additional is important because it was centuries ago.
food or water if needed. Korobokkuru Traditions tell a dwur when to wake up in
and Bwan, both living above ground, the morning, when and what to eat, and
find resources as other surface races how to comb his beard. There are at least
do, usually by foraging in the forests or 300 beard styles, each with significance
growing their own vegetables and herbs in dwarven culture.
on small garden plots (note Korobokkuru
have vegetarian diets). While dwur form marriage bonds and
procreate as other races do, their culture
Eastern dwur do not view gender as also not only allows, but encourages,
other races do. In fact, for many non-dwur, intimate and deep bonds between
it can sometimes be difficult to discern members of the same gender. Many dwur
between a male dwur and a female. Both form such bonds with their brothers in
sexes have similar external appearances; arms during war and these relationships
both are usually muscular and robust can be as committed and important as the
and both have facial hair although relationship between husband and wife.
on females it tends to be sparse and
finer than amongst the menfolk. Males Paradoxically, in some of the more evil
normally wear intricate beards. In fact, mountain dwur clans, these same-sex
one form of criminal punishment enacted relationships amongst males are preferred
by dwur is the shearing of the convicts and women are sadly forced into very
beard. While some Korobokkuru have repressive roles in which they have little
beards, many instead favour long, pencil- social freedom. They are expected to
thin moustaches. Bwan generally remain be child-bearers and little else, either
clean shaven with short tufts of a beard working at the loom, the forge, or other
means of producing food and goods while
the men conduct all the affairs of political
and social life. These are thankfully the
exception however as the vast majority of
dwur culture is as egalitarian as an
elf or halfling community would

Dwarves can either deal with

other clans as brothers, or with a
poisonous hate that exceeds even
that of their enmity with the jebli
and the euroz. They generally get on
well with gnomes, although some
gnomes resent the perceived
paternalism they receive at
the hands of some dwur. Most
dwur and olves prefer to avoid
each other at all times, the
exceptions being some of the

132 Greyhawk Rebooted 576CY is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan WotC Content Policy.

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