so dwarves are known as staunch
defenders when their communities are
threatened. Dwur have found themselves
almost constantly thrust into this role
(Dwarves) throughout their history. Other races,
particularly euroz and jebli, have long
coveted the dwur mines and homes.
The dwur of Oerth, as is commonly
The history of these wars is ancient, but
known, are a highly structured, lawful
largely unknown to non-dwarves because
society, usually based on clan lines.
the battles have been fought underground
Those of the Flanaess being materialistic,
or in remote mountain ranges. Every
grim, and hard-working, are a militaristic
dwur is taught enough history to hate
people, endlessly engaged in wars against
orcs and goblinkind, and at the age of 30,
each other, humans, and many different
every dwarf capable of holding a weapon
humanoid and giant races for control of
receives gruelling training in the fighting
the vast mineral wealth in the mountains
techniques most useful to counter orc,
and hills where they make their home.
half-orc, goblin, and hobgoblin standard
fighting techniques.
Communities of hill dwur can be found
across most of eastern Oerik and their
In everyday life, dwur are taught to be
cultures will vary depending on region.
loyal to the clan and the gods first, the
These hardy dwarves also have established
dwur race second, and other allies third.
colonies as far west as the Tyurzi
They typically spend their days either
mountain range. The mountain dwur are
defending against or raiding enemy
exclusive to the Flanaess region of eastern
humanoids, travelling to conduct trade
Oerik while the enigmatic Korobokkuru
with humans or noniz, making music,
are exclusive to the far west, hailing from
telling tales and drinking, or prospecting
the wilderness regions of Pesh, Wunan
down a mine (or harvesting ironwood for the
and Minyeo. Finally there are the jungle
Korobokkuru). Mining and the attendant
and cloud forest dwelling Bwan hailing
riches are the most critical part of the hill
exclusively from Hepmonaland.
and mountain dwarven economy, as they
Amongst themselves, the dwur can
use both standard mining technology
show a capacity either for great solidarity
and their own particular forms of magic.
(such as among some elements of the
Both Bwan and Korobokkuru are unlike
Hateful Wars, in the Hestmark and Hollow
their Flanaess kin in that they eschew life
Highlands, the Principality of Ulek, the
beneath the oerth and instead focus their
Yatils, the Iron Hills, etc.) or great civil
artisan skills to forestry and woodworking
war (the Hateful Wars, the Crystalmists,
deep within the Rakers, etc.) Interclan
politics are of the highest importance
The dwur of the east recognize twelve
to dwarves, and great politicians have
deities, the most commonly worshipped
been able to form lasting bonds between
being Moradin the All-Father, Clanggedin
them, such as the clans who eventually
Silverbeard (god of battle and honour),
united under a dwur prince to form the
Dunathoin (god of mining), Berronar
Principality of Ulek. Dwur in the west tend
(demi-goddess of home and clan), and
to be insular and often avoid interactions
Ulaa (goddess of hills and mountains).
with outsiders.
Bwan have no known gods instead being
led spiritually by Shamans while the
The community is highly valued by
Korobokkuru clerics are all of the Nature
dwur, often valued over the individual,
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