Prepared by:
23UHV02 Universal Human values – II L T P C
2 1 0 3
Course Outcomes:
• By the end of the course, students are expected to become more aware of
themselves, and their surroundings.
• They would also become sensitive to their commitment towards what they
have understood.
• They would become more responsible in life, and in handling problems with
sustainable solutions, while keeping human relationships and human nature
in mind.
Text Book:
Reference Books:
1. Human Values, A.N. Tripathi, New Age Intl. Publishers, New Delhi, 2004.
2. The Story of My Experiments with Truth - by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.
3. Economy of Permanence - J C Kumarappa
4. Rediscovering India - by Dharampal
5. Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule - by Mohandas K. Gandhi
6. India Wins Freedom - Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad
7. Vivekananda - Romain Rolland (English)
Unit – I: Course Introduction - Need, Basic Guidelines, Content and Process for Value
• Purpose and motivation for the course, recapitulation from Universal Human Values-I
• Self-Exploration–what is it? - Its content and process; „Natural Acceptance‟ and
Experiential Validation as the process for self-exploration
• Continuous Happiness and Prosperity- A look at basic Human Aspirations
• Right understanding, Relationship and Physical Facility- the basic requirements for
fulfillment of aspirations of every human being with their correct priority
• Understanding Happiness and Prosperity correctly- A critical appraisal of the current
• Method to fulfill the above human aspirations: understanding and living in harmony at
various levels.
Include practice sessions to discuss natural acceptance in human being as the innate
acceptance for living with responsibility (living in relationship, harmony and co-existence)
rather than as arbitrariness in choice based on liking-disliking
For this, it is essential to understand what a happy, fulfilling and successful life is –
what is really valuable for human being; what is our purpose as a human being?
Understanding human aspiration, or what is really valuable for human being, is the
value domain. The subject which enables us to understand this domain is called „Value
Education‟ (VE). It enables us to understand our aspirations and visualize our goals
for a fulfilling life and indicates the direction for their fulfillment. In relation to these
issues, it also helps to remove our confusions and contradictions. In that sense, VE
addresses the issues relatedto „what to do?‟.
It is also necessary to learn the skills to actualize our aspirations. This is the skill
domain. The subject which enables us to learn the skills is called „Skill Development‟
(SD). It enables us to learn the science, technology, management and other skills for
fulfilling our aspiration. In that sense, SD addresses the issues related to „how to
Values and skills go hand in hand. Both values and skills are required. There is an
essential complementarity between the two. The priority is values, then skills; i.e.
first understanding „what todo‟ and then developing the skills for „how to do‟. And of
course, checking if this results into a fulfilling life!
The present education system has largely become skill-biased. For developing
skills, the prime emphasis is on science and technology, without a base of values.
Skills can only help to provide the means to achieve what is considered valuable. It
is not within the scope of science and technology to provide a way to decide what
really is valuable. The consequence of skill-based education is clearly visible in the
form of serious crises at the individual, societal and environmental level. Thus, there
is astrong need to rectify this situation. Value education is a crucial missing link in
the present educationsystem.
But more importantly, the prime need of value education is to understand human
aspirations, to discover what is truly valuable in life; and work out the program for its
Universal: It has to be universally applicable to all human beings for all time and all
places. This implies that values should not change according to sect, creed,
nationality, gender, etc.
Rational: It has to appeal to reasoning; and not be based on dogmas or blind beliefs.
It has to be open to address the related questions. It cannot be a set of sermons or
do‟s and don‟ts.
Natural and Verifiable: It has to be 'naturally acceptable' to the human being and there
needs to be every provision in nature for its fulfillment. It needs to be experientially
verifiable, and not based on dogmas, beliefs or assumptions. It is not merely an
intellectual exercise or information transfer.
All Encompassing: It needs to cover all dimensions (thought, behaviour, work and
understanding) and levels (individual, family, society and nature/existence) of
human life.
Leading to Harmony: It ultimately needs to promote harmony within the individual,
among human beings and with the entire nature.
The value or role of a human being is its participation in the larger order. E.g. my role
in living with the other human being is to ensure the feeling of respect in the
relationship. Interestingly, I feel happy in fulfilling my role; and it is fulfilling for
the other as well!
This value is worth understanding, worth thinking about, worth living. The value of
human being is to ensure mutual fulfillment in the larger order 1, i.e. in the entire
nature/existence, but starting from withinthemselves, then extending in their family
and in the society.
Hence, to understand human values, we need to study the human reality along with
all that is there in the entire nature/existence which constitutes the larger order. We
need to explore and understand things as they are; so that we are able to recognize and
fulfill our participation with them.
That means the content or scope of study has to be all encompassing, i.e.
• It has to cover all dimensions of human being – thought, behaviour, work and
• It has to cover all levels of human living – individual, family, society, nature
and existence.
The answers are in affirmative yes. We have a natural acceptance for continuity of
happiness and prosperity. These are our basic aspirations.
Basic Requirements for Fulfillment of Human Aspirations
When we try to find out if we have fulfilled our basic aspiration, it is not always so
affirmative. Thereis quite a gap between our basic aspiration and our state of being.
When we reflect on all the effort we are making, we can easily see that we are
generally working foraccumulation of physical facility!
The basic problem is that we have assumed that „happiness and prosperity will
automatically comewhen we have enough physical facility‟.
This is something we need to explore in our own life. Where are we putting in our
When you explore into it, you will find that the major reason for the unhappiness in
the family is the lack of fulfillment in relationship and not just the lack of physical
Generally, most of the time and effort is being invested for physical facility,
assuming that everythingis going to be fine when there is enough physical facility, and
there will be no unhappiness in the family.
The problems are more due to lack of fulfillment in relationship, and we are investing
major part of ourtime and effort for physical facility.
With this discussion, the conclusion that we want to draw out of this is a very simple
For human being physical facility is necessary, but relationship is also necessary.
In fact, by seeing this, we can understand the difference between animals and human
beings. Physical facility is necessary for animals as well as for human beings. For
animals, it is necessary as well as adequate. But when it comes to human beings,
that is not the case – physical facility is a necessity, butphysical facility alone is not
going to suffice for the fulfillment of human being.
When a human being has lack of physical facility, (s)he becomes uncomfortable
and unhappy. Once (s)he gets the physical facility, (s)he forgets about it and starts
thinking about many other things.
So, we can conclude that physical facility is necessary for animals; it is necessary
for human beingsalso. However:
• For animals, physical facility is necessary as well as adequate.
• For human beings, physical facility is necessary, but physical facility alone is
not adequate.
Does this happen with you, with your brother, sister, father, mother, spouse, children,
with your friends, co-workers, etc.? Getting irritated, angry, not speaking for days,
dragging each other to court, divorces, etc. are indicators of the situation in
From the preceding discussion, it may be concluded that for fulfilment of human
being– physical facility, relationship and right understanding – all three are
We can see that physical facility, relationship and right understanding are three
distinct realities. All three are required for fulfilment of human being. One cannot
be substituted for the other.
If we investigate into the priority among these, we can see that right understanding is
the first priority, fulfilment in relationship with human being is the second priority
and ensuring physical facility withrest of nature is the third priority.
Human being wants to live with continuous happiness and prosperity and this is
possible by ensuringright understanding, fulfilment in relationship and physical facility
in the correct priority. This is living with „human consciousness‟.
On the other hand, if one is living for physical facility alone, and not ensuring right
understanding andright feeling in relationship, s(he) feels unhappy and makes others
unhappy too. This is one outcome.
The other outcome is that if the right understanding is missing, one is not able to
identify the need for physical facility. Now, if we are not able to identify our need
for physical facility then regardless of how much physical facility we accumulate, we
never feel that we have enough. We keep wanting more. This feeling of not having
enough is the feeling of deprivation. As a result, one is deprived, exploiting and
depriving others.
While physical facility alone may suffice for animals, it is not adequate for human
being to be fulfilled. Under this condition, one is living with „animal consciousness‟.
Now, if we are able to ensure all three, i.e. right understanding, relationship and
physical facility, in that order of priority, let us see the outcome (refer to fig. 3-5).
• Through right feeling in relationship, based on right understanding, we can
ensure mutual happiness – happiness for ourselves as well as happiness for
• With right understanding, we can identify the need for physical facility. We can
also learn how to produce using a mutually enriching production process.
Once we are able to ensure the availability of more than required physical
facility, we have a feeling of prosperity; isn‟t it?
Role of Education-Sanskar
(Enabling the Transformation to Human Consciousness)
The role of education is essentially to facilitate holistic development, i.e. the
individual transformation to human consciousness as well as the societal
transformation to a humane society.
For this, the education-sanskar has to ensure:
1. Right understanding in every child,
2. The capacity to live in relationship with other human beings, and
3. The capacity to identify the need for physical facility, the skills and practice
for sustainable production of more than what is required, leading to the
feeling of prosperity.
Key Takeaways
The prime need of value education is to understand human aspirations, to discover what
is truly valuable (human value) in life. Value of any entity is its participation in the
larger order of which it is a part. The value of human being is its participation
towards mutual fulfillment (harmony) starting from within themselves, then
extending in their family, in the society and in nature. The content of value education
has to be universal, rational, natural, verifiable and leading to harmony. The process of
value education has to be a process of self-exploration, rather than being
The basic aspiration of a human being is continuity of happiness and prosperity. To
fulfill this, three things are required in order of priority: right understanding,
relationship and physical facility, and onecannot be substituted for the other.
You can check if you want to be able to decide on your own right or you want
somebody else to decidefor you? This somebody may be a group of people; it may
be the society or the education system, etc.If you are not able to decide on your own
right then:
• Someone else is programming you (deciding what is valuable and what is not
valuable for you)
• Unconsciously you keep accepting those things as values
• You get busy with how to implement them, how to realise them and materialise
What is Self-exploration?
It is a process of seeing the reality on our own right, by our own investigation,
observation and analysis. Through this process, we are trying to understand the
reality that exists and our participation with it; this participation is what we are
calling values.
The first step is to verify the given proposal on your own right, by referring it to
your „natural acceptance‟. If the proposal is naturally acceptable to you, it is right
for you. If it is not naturally acceptable to you, it is not right for you.
proposals for your exploration. As you explore,you try to verify the proposals and start
asking these questions to yourself. Then, it turns into a dialogue within your own Self.
“What is naturally acceptable to me” is what I really want to be, that is my natural
acceptance. It is my intention. It is a basic reference which is a part and parcel of
every human being. We may or may not be referring to it at present, but it is always
When we are in harmony within, we are in state of happiness. When we are in a
state of contradictionwithin, we are in the state of unhappiness.
The Process of Self-exploration
Whatever is stated here is a proposal; do not assume it to be true or false, right or
wrong. Verify it – verify it on your own right, on the basis of your natural
acceptance. This is the first part of the process.
On the other hand, we have an acceptance for our likes and dislikes, assumptions,
pre-conditionings, beliefs, world-view, perspective, etc. but these may or may not be
naturally acceptable to us.
Of course, all acceptances are not wrong. Passing them through our natural
acceptance will validate them and contribute to our self-confidence.
In case the outcome of self-exploration does not fulfil any of the above three criteria,
it means that it is not the right understanding. It could be a pre-conditioning or we
have made a mistake in looking into our natural acceptance and so, we need to
continue exploring.
Self-exploration ultimately results in right understanding of the entire existence, i.e.
“realisation of co- existence”, “understanding of harmony” and “contemplation of
Key Takeaways
Self-exploration is a process of seeing the reality on our own right, by our own
investigation, observation and analysis. It is a process of dialogue between “what I
am” and “what is naturally acceptable to me”. It includes verifying the proposals on
the basis of natural acceptance (which is notthe same as acceptance) and validating
experientially in living.
Some exploration will show that when we are in a state of harmony within, we feel happy
because that state is naturally acceptable to us. When we are in a situation with the
outside world in which there is harmony, we feel happy as the feeling of being in that
situation is naturally acceptable to us. This state or situation of being in line with natural
acceptance is happiness. Similarly,
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The question is whether the feeling that we get is happiness or something else.
• What we get from the favourable sensation = happiness?
• Is the favourable feeling we get from the other = happiness?
What we get in both cases is a sort of momentary happiness. This is what is called as
excitement. There is confusion between excitement and happiness (a harmonious state
within). Excitement is short lived, not sustainable, while a harmonious state within is
something which can be continuous andsustainable.
We can have a feeling of prosperity only if we are able to do the right assessment of our
physical needs. The right assessment of physical needs, along with their required
quantity, will come through right understanding. Without that right assessment, the
feeling of prosperity cannot be assured, regardless of the availability or accumulation of
physical facility that we may have been able to do.
Just assessing the need is not enough. We need to ensure the availability or production of
more than the required quantity. This requires skills, technology and production. With
both of these, right assessment and availability, we have more than required physical
facility. Over and above that, it is a matter of feeling that we have more than enough.
When you have a feeling of prosperity, you will naturally think of nurturing and
enriching others. On the other hand, if we feel deprived then we think of exploiting and
depriving others.
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are, i.e. the more you have accumulated, the more prosperous you are. With this sort of
assumption, we pursue prosperity with anobsession for profit, for accumulation. That is
happening all around. The major focus in the society today is on accumulation of
physical facility. In particular, there is a major focus on accumulating money.
Today, most of the wealth (money) in the world is owned by a very tiny percentage of
people. Many such people are seen exploiting others, and exploiting the Earth, in an
effort to accumulate even more. Without clarity about how much is required, the effort is
for an unlimited quantity of physical facility, and by almost any means. First the efforts
may be by legal means, and then slip to even illegal means. This is all because the
quantity required is undefined and there is a feeling of deprivation!
We are living with all this expanse of our being, at these four levels; of course, we may
or may not beaware of it.
Therefore, the programme for ensuring the continuity of happiness is:
Key Takeaways
Happiness is to be in a state of harmony. The expanse of our living is at four levels
(individual humanbeing, family, society and nature/existence), and thus the program for
continuity of happiness is to be in harmony at all these levels. Prosperity is the feeling of
having more than required physical facility.
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Now we will start exploring the four levels of living of a human being, starting
from the level ofindividual.
To understand the two realities, we can start by looking at the needs, activities and
response of the Selfand the Body.
The other way to see the difference between the two is in terms of quantity and
quality. The need forfood is quantitative in nature. We can identify the quantity of the
food needed to nurture our body. Same is the case with the need of clothes, shelter,
etc. On the other hand, the feeling of respect, trust, etc. isnot quantitative. We don‟t
say, „today I got half kg of respect‟ or „two metres of trust‟. These feelings are
qualitative in nature.
Now, let us see how these two different types of needs are fulfilled. The need for
food is fulfilled by something physical. But when it comes to the need for respect, it
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is fulfilled by the feeling of respect.All the needs related to the Body are fulfilled by
some physio-chemical things. All the needs related tothe Self are in terms of feeling,
and they are fulfilled by right understanding and right feeling.
All the problems of a human being are due to assumptions without knowing, and
the solution lies in ensuring the activity of knowing. And this is possible only
through education-sanskar.
The Self as the Consciousness Entity, the Body as the Material Entity
The Self and the Body are two different types of reality. The Self is the domain of
consciousness, which is characterised by the activity of knowing, assuming,
recognising and fulfilling. The Body is the domain of material and it only has the
activity of recognising and fulfilling.
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To understand the human being, both the domain of consciousness as well as the
domain of material needs to be understood. For human being to be fulfilled, both
domains need to be fulfilled separately.
Key Takeaways
Human being is co-existence of the Self (Consciousness) and the Body (Material).
This can be seen on the basis of exploring into the need, fulfilment of need, activity
and response of the Self and the Body. In particular, the response of the body is
definite while the response of the self depends on assuming.With assuming based on
knowing, the conduct of a human being gets definite, otherwise it is indefinite.
It is needless to say that due to over-use of physical facility, there are widespread
repercussions at every level of human existence. On the one hand, there is exploitation
of natural resources for more and more physical facility. On the other hand, human
beings are exploited in the process and also, they are madeto compete for the limited
physical facility.
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Key Takeaways
The needs of the Self and the Body are of two different types, so they have to be
fulfilled separately. A gross misunderstanding is to assume the two to be the same,
and this leads to the feeling of deprivationand exploitation.
Desire is the name given to the activity of imaging. You are making an image in the
Self. Desire is inthe form of an image which you have created within. Thought is the
power for the activity of analysingbased on comparing various possibilities to fulfil
your desire. Expectation is the power for the activityof selecting based on tasting.
We have also referred to imagination as “what I am” and the natural acceptance as
“what I really wantto be”.
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State of Imagination
Once you start looking at your imagination, you will be able to find out the state of
your imagination.Your imagination could be well organised, in harmony or it could be
a random mixture of harmony and contradiction.
Another major source of our desire, our imagination is the sensation. Sensation is
the information we get from the Body through the five sense organs – of sound,
touch, sight, taste and smell.
The third source of imagination is our natural acceptance. It can also be referred to
as the inner voice or conscience. Self-verification on the basis of our natural
acceptance can be the third possible source. It may or may not be the predominant
source of motivation currently, but it can be the real source fordeciding our desire,
our imagination.
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And then there is a large possibility that there is contradiction in your desires,
leading to contradiction in your thoughts and then expectations. In such a state of
contradiction within, your imagination is enough to keep you unhappy all the time.
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Key Takeaways
The activities of desire, thought and expectation are together called imagination.
Imagination is continuously going on in the Self. The sources of imagination can be
sensation, pre-conditioning or natural acceptance. There is harmony in the Self
when the imagination is in line with one‟s natural acceptance. Harmony in the Self
is in continuity when all the activities of the Self are awakened.
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In this lecture, we will discuss the harmony of the Self with the Body, and try to
understand self- regulation and health.
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The feeling of self-regulation in the Self is primary. Health in the Body is a natural
When the Self has the feeling of self-regulation and there is health in the Body, there
is harmony of theSelf with the Body.
Appraisal of the Current Status
Over the last 100 years or so, there have been significant improvements in terms of
longer life-spans, in dealing with communicable diseases and trauma, but yet,
ensuring health remains a question mark1.The problem is in the wrong assumptions,
one of which is that human being is the Body. With this assumption, happiness is
sought through favorable sensation through the Body. Further, the assumption that we
will get happiness from sensation through the consumption of physical facility has led
to a high demand for it. Most of the present-day disorders are psycho-somatic in
nature. „Psycho‟ has to do with the Self and „Somatic‟ has to do with the Body.
Disharmony in the Self causes disharmony in the Body causing psycho-somatic
problems. These effects are very prominent when the individual is living with the
assumption “I am the Body”.
Key Takeaways
The Body is an instrument of the Self. Harmony of the Self with the Body is ensured
when Self has thefeeling of self-regulation and there is health in the Body.
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1a. The first part is the intake, all that the Body takes in. It includes the air it
breathes, the water it drinks, the sunlight it absorbs, the food given to it and so on.
1b. A regular routine is required in order to keep the Body healthy, like ensuring a
proper programme for sleeping, waking up, cleaning the Body, eating, doing
physical work, etc.
2a. The Body needs adequate movement to maintain health. Labour is the work on
the rest of nature. Few hours of labour a day provides sufficient body movements to
keep the Body in good health. It alsoensures production of physical facility.
A lifestyle which includes appropriate intake, routine and labour, would be generally
sufficient to keepthe Body in good health. However, if we are unable to do that, or
in spite of this effort, there is some disharmony in the Body, there are some more
aspects of the programme for self-regulation and health,below.
2b. If one is not able to labor, s(he) can do exercises for proper upkeep of the Body.
3a. There is a need for keeping the internal as well as the external organs in
harmony by appropriate means like postures, movements etc.
3b. Breathing is a significant activity for the Body. Balancing the breathing of body
is necessary, through appropriate breathing exercises.
For the most part, health of the Body can be maintained by these three (1a, 1b, 2a,
2b, 3a and 3b). Despite these, if there is some problem in the health of the Body then
we take medicine and ultimately,we also take treatment when all this does not work.
4a. The Body is self-organised and naturally in harmony. It is able to recover itself
from many disturbances. But if due to some reasons it runs into disharmony,
medicine is helpful in taking care oflifestyle disorders, non-communicable illnesses
as well as communicable diseases.
4b. In the event the Body is not in a state to recover itself back to a state of harmony,
there is a need fortreatment.
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Right utilization of the Body would mean that it is used in the process of fulfilling
human aspiration, which is basically the need of the Self. If one is using the Body in
the process of fulfilling the needs ofthe Self, it is right utilization of the Body. It would
include work with rest of nature to produce physical facility required for the Body.
Revisiting Prosperity in the Light of the Harmony between the Self and the
The need for the physical facility is essentially related to fulfillment of this feeling
of responsibility towards the Body, i.e. we need physical facility for nurturing the
Body (food…), for protecting the Body (clothes, shelter…) and for rightly utilizing
the Body (instruments…) and that‟s it. And if we cansee this clearly, we can also see
that the physical facility required to ensure each one of them is required in limited
quantity. Hence, prosperity is very much possible.
As an exercise, one can list all the physical facilities required for these three
purposes, and see whether they are limited. Next, one can assess the available
facilities, and see if they are more than required. Ifnot, then how much more will be
required can be worked out. This will clearly give a vision for ensuring prosperity.
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Every human being is born in a family and is part of a family. The family is the basic
unit or building block of human organisation. It provides a base for appreciating,
accepting, understanding and practicing to live in relationship and harmony (order).
Understanding Relationship
We will now explore into the four important aspects of relationship:
Relationship is between one Self and the other Self. It is the Self which is recognizing
the relationship, and not the Body. It is the Self which relates to the other, and not the
2. There are feelings in relationship – in one Self (I1) for the other Self (I2)
The important issue in human relationship is that of the feelings. We can see that
feelings arein the Self, not in the Body. It is the Self which has the feelings and which
recognises the feelings. To understand relationship, one has to understand the Self and
the naturally acceptablefeelings in the Self.
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5. Guidance
6. Reverence
7. Glory
8. Gratitude
9. Love (complete value)
4. Fulfilment of feelings in relationship and their evaluation leads to mutual happiness
When we have these naturally acceptable feelings in the Self, we share them with the
other and when we are both able to evaluate the feelings rightly, it leads to mutual
happiness, i.e. the happiness of oneself as well as the happiness of the other.
Key Takeaways
Relationship already exists – we don’t have to create it; rather we only have to
recognise and fulfil it. The family is the basic unit of human-human interaction. The
basic issue in family is that of relationship. In relationship, there are nine feelings
(values) that can be clearly understood and lived with. There is harmony in the family,
mutual happiness in the family, when we understand the feelings and ensure in our
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Now we will explore the first feeling, which is the foundational feeling (value) in
Feeling of Trust
Trust is to be assured that the other intends to make me happy and prosperous.
1a. Do I want to make myself happy? 1b. Am I able to make myself always
happy? 2a. Do I want to make the other happy? 2b. Am I able to make the other
3a. Does the other want to make 3b. Is the other able to make
himself/herself happy? himself/herselfalways happy?
4a. Does the other want to make me happy? 4b. Is the other able to make me
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Now that we have clarity about intention and competence, explore this question:
If you have unconditional, continuous trust on intention, on the natural acceptance of the
otherand if the other is lacking competence, what will you do?
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The answer is obviously (a). It is a response which indicates trust on intention. All
otheranswers are reactions based on doubt on intention.
Now with these indicators, find out how many people are there in your life on whom
you havetrust on intention (natural acceptance) which is unconditional and continuous.
Thus, if we are able to see intention and competence distinctly, we will be able to place
a tick mark in 4a. We will be assured of the intention of the other human being. And
with that, we will make a programme of interaction with right evaluation of our
competence and theircompetence (so, this is not ‘blind’ trust).
With the feeling of trust, one is able to see it clearly that the intention is same for all, to
be happy and make other happy. The only difference lies in the level of competence.
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Key Takeaways
Trust is to be assured that the other has a natural acceptance (intention) to make me
happy and prosperous. Trust on intention is the foundation of relationship. It is the
beginning of mutual development. A common mistake is to evaluate oneself on the
basis of one’s intention (and conclude that I am good) and the other on the basis of
their lack of competence (thus doubt their intention and conclude that the other is bad).
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Out of the nine feelings in relationship, we tried to understand the feeling of Trust.
With trust on intention, the relationship starts. We will now explore the feeling of
respect. Let us see, when do wefeel respected? How do I respect others?
Feeling of Respect
When we are rightly evaluated, we feel respected. When we are not rightly
evaluated, we feel disrespected.
Thus, we can see that the other (Self) is similar to me. This is the minimum
content of respect for ahuman being.
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First set of differentiation is on the basis of body– on the basis of age, gender, race and
physical strength. This is based on the gross misunderstanding that human being =
Body. The truth is that human being =co-existence of the Self and the Body.
The second set of differentiation is made on the basis of physical facility – on the
basis of wealth andpost. The gross misunderstanding here is that physical facility =
happiness. The truth is that happinessis to be in a state of harmony.
The third basis of differentiation is on the basis of beliefs – on the basis of different
isms (thought systems like socialism, capitalism, etc.), different sects, and different
sets of information prevalent in the society. This is founded on the
misunderstanding that if the pre-conditioning of the other matches with mine, then
the other is respectable, otherwise not. The truth is that pre-conditioning and right
understanding are two different things.
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The complete content of respect is to be able to see that ‘the other is similar to me
and we are complementary’.
Thus, respect is right evaluation (of intention and competence on the basis of Self).
We are similar at the level of purpose, programme and potential and we are
complementary at the level of competence.
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With the complete understanding of respect, we can see for every individual on the
earth that we all arethe same in terms of intention, program and potential. The only
difference may lie in the level of competence. I may be having higher level of
competence in relation to one, but may be having lower level of competence in
relation to another. With this evaluation, one can work out the program to be
complimentary to the other.
All the specific characteristics at the level of Body, physical facility, belief etc. can be
used to expressthat complementarity.
e.g. a person with greater physical strength do the heavy work
e.g. a person at a higher post can work for the development of more people and so on
Key Takeaways
Respect is right evaluation at the level of the Self. The complete content of respect
is to see that the other is similar to me in terms of purpose, programme and potential;
and we are complementary to each other in terms of competence.
Over evaluation, under/otherwise evaluation and discrimination are disrespect.
Page 39
In the previous three lectures, we explored the feelings of trust and respect. Now, we
will discuss otherfeelings, and understand our participation in the family.
3. Affection
Affection is the feeling of acceptance for the other as one’s relative. Lack of
affection is seen in the form of opposition, jealousy, etc. The feelings of trust and
respect are essential to have the feeling of affection. When we have the feelings of
trust, we feel related to the other; otherwise we may feel opposed to the other.
4. Care
With the feeling of affection, one naturally takes the responsibility for development
of the relative – both at the level of Self as well as at the level of Body. Being
responsible to the Body of one’s relativeis Care.
5. Guidance
6. Reverence
Page 40
There is a basic difference between working for excellence and competition. If you
have achieved excellence, you would naturally make effort for helping others to
achieve excellence. On the other hand, in competition, we not only do not help rather
we hinder the other to reach to our level.
7. Glory
Glory is the feeling of acceptance for those who have made effort for excellence.
For all those people whom we call great people, when we accept the effort made for
excellence by them,to whatever extent they are able to achieve it, we naturally have a
feeling of glory for them.
8. Gratitude
Gratitude is the feeling of acceptance for those who have made the effort for my
In our life, there may be so many people who have been of help to us in the process
of understandingharmony and living in harmony. So, we have this feeling of gratitude
for them. Gratitude is a significant feeling in the development of relationship.
9. Love
Love is the feeling of being related to everyone, to all. It starts from affection, which
we have alreadyexplored. If this feeling expands to many and ultimately to all, it is
the feeling of love. So, we begin with the feeling of affection, and complete it with
the feeling of love. That is why, Love is called complete value.
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Love is expressed in the form of compassion. The feeling of love is for all and it is
expressed to whosoever comes in contact.
Page 42
• Expressing (sharing) these feelings with the other. When the other is able to
make the right evaluation of these feelings, it leads to his/her happiness, thus
leading to mutual happiness. My participation is to be of help to the other in
their self-evolution, self-development.
With this preparation in the family, I have the ability to participate meaningfully in
the larger society –in the neighbourhood, in the community and so on.
Justice in Relationship
To expand it a bit:
• Recognition of relationship means recognizing the naturally acceptable
feelings in relationshiprightly.
• Fulfilment of relationship means
o Ensuring the naturally acceptable feelings in oneself.
o Living with responsibility with the other with these feelings,
forming the basis ofrelationship. This makes the other comfortable
and assured.
o Making effort for mutual development, i.e. development of one’s own
competence andbeing of help to the other in developing their
• Evaluation means verifying that I have the right feeling, I am able to express
it properly, theright feeling has reached to the other and the other is able to
identify it as the right feeling.
When the recognition, fulfilment and evaluation are right from my side, I feel happy.
When the other is able to evaluate the expression of my feeling rightly, then (s)he
also feels happy. Developing this competence may take time.
Justice is desirable in the family and beyond the family, all the way to the world
Key Takeaways
The other feelings in relationship include affection, care, guidance, reverence, glory,
gratitude and love. Love is the feeling of acceptance of all; it is the complete value.
Justice is ensuring these feelings in oneself and expressing them to the other, leading
to mutual happiness. Justice begins fromfamily and extends to the world family,
leading to undivided society.
Page 43
So far, we have explored harmony in the human being and harmony in the family. In
the sequence, thenext level of living for a human being is society. We can see very
much see that we can conceive of asociety only if it has families living together in a
relationship of mutual fulfillment otherwise it is justlike a crowd or battlefield.
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Page 45
Though all are interconnected, we can see a primary link of the systems
with the goals as:
Education- Sanskar (leads to) → Right understanding and right feeling
Health-self-regulation → (leads to) → Prosperity
Production-Work → (leads to) →Prosperity
Justice-Preservation -→ (leads to) → Fearlessness and Co-existence
Exchange–storage → (leads to) →Prosperity and Fearlessness
Education is to develop right understanding of the harmony at all levels of being – from
self to the entireexistence (individual, family, society, and nature/existence).
Sanskar is to develop the basic acceptances of the harmony at various levels.
Page 46
Health of the Body is indicated by the fact that it is able to act according to the
instruction of the Selfand the different parts of the Body are in harmony.
Work is the effort a human being does on the rest of nature and Production is the
physical facilityobtained from work.
Regarding what to produce, we have already discussed while exploring the proposals
about prosperity, health and self-regulation – we have to produce physical facility
required for nurturing, protection andright utilisation of the Body.
Similarly, pollution indicates that we are producing something which does not
return to the cycle in nature or it is produced at a rate that is faster than the rate at
which it can return to the cycle in nature. Plastic, for example, does not degrade, it
does not return to the cycle of nature for many years.
Page 47
We had discussed earlier that in human-human relationship, the feeling is the core
issue. In order to ensure justice in the society, we need to develop the competence
to understand and ensure justice in every individual. In case someone is not able to
develop this competence and ends up doing injusticethen:
a) Stop the him from doing further injustice, as well as
b) Help him/her to develop the competence for ensuring justice.
In the present system, mostly we seem to be restricting ourselves at (a) and not doing
Preservation has to do with relationship of human being with the rest of nature.
Preservation is the recognition of relationship of human being with the rest of nature,
its fulfilment andevaluation leading to mutual fulfilment.
Precisely, preservation would mean enrichment, protection and right utilization of the
rest of the nature.Preservation ensures 1. Prosperity in human being
2. Enrichment, protection and right utilisation of the rest of the
Justice ensures fearlessness (trust) in the society and preservation ensures the mutual
fulfilment (co-existence) with rest of the nature.
The sharing is within the family, or to the extent one has been able to accept
relationship. Beyond that is exchange. Through sharing and exchange of physical
facility, each family can have all that it needs,
i.e. there is mutual fulfilment.
Page 48
Scope: Harmony from Family Order to World Family Order – Universal Human
The scope of the society is from family order to world family order. Every human
being has a role inone or more of the social systems, starting from the family order,
then the family cluster order and so on to the nation family order and ultimately, the
world family order, leading to universal human order.
Family order refers to the system in a family of responsible people living together
for the common human goal. The family cluster order is the next larger unit. It is
the system that a group of families evolve in order to fulfil those goals of individual
families which require the participation of more people than the family has. The scope
of the system from the family order to the world family order is indicated below. It is
ensured through successively larger and larger complementary units,
Family Order → Family Cluster Order → Village Order → Village Cluster Order
→ … → Nation Order… → World Family Order
In this way, the society with happiness in every individual, prosperity in every
family, fearlessness (trust) in the society and co-existence (mutual fulfilment) in
nature/existence is realized. This is one’sparticipation (value) vis-à-vis society.
Page 49
On the other hand, if the child finds that the inputs are not right, it starts to have
doubts on elders, teachers and hence tries out something on his/her own. If yet the
knowing does not take place, the child’s conduct remains indefinite and inhuman.
The people around the child then try to restrain the child by more instructions, more
domination. Many of the bad habits form during this stage. It is basically that the
child is trying ways and means of happiness or escaping from unhappiness. This
further aggravates the state making way for dissatisfaction, lack of confidence,
opposition, revolt, struggle and war. So, one has to find out where do we stand today?
And what is the naturally acceptable way?
Key Takeaways
At the level of society, the human goal is right understanding and right feeling
(happiness) in every individual, prosperity in every family, fearlessness (trust) in
society and co-existence (mutual fulfilment) in nature/existence. This goal is fulfilled
by human order, i.e. systems for education-sanskar, health-self regulation, production-
work, justice-preservation and exchange-storage. These systems start with the family
order, and are interconnected right up to world family order, leading to universal human
order. The natural process of development of a child in an environment of
relationship needs to be understood and fulfilled so that the child grows into a
human being who can have the competence to participate in the universal human
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Page 51
So far, we elaborated on harmony in the individual, family and society. Now, we move to
the next level, i.e. nature. Human order is a part of nature; hence, it is essential to
understand the nature and the participation of human being in nature for a mutually
fulfilling and sustainable way of living. After discussing nature, we will move on to
understand the existence as a whole which is in the form of units (nature) submerged in
Understanding Harmony in Nature
Nature as Collection of Units
Nature is the collection of all the units – the air, soil, water, plants, trees,
animals, birds, other humanbeings and even things that are at a distant from us like
the sun, the moon, the other planets, etc.
Now, is the human being fulfilling for the other three orders? This is a big
question. Human being is not only unfulfilling for the other three orders, rather it is
dominating and exploiting them, to the extentof global warming and climate change.
Page 52
However, when we refer to our natural acceptance, we want to fulfil all the four
orders. Ask yourselfthis question, “what is naturally acceptable to you – to enrich these
four orders or to exploit them”? The answer is obvious – to enrich all the four orders.
Once human beings understand the mutual fulfilmentamong the four orders, they can
be fulfilling for all the orders.
Page 53
species is self-regulated. It never happens that the lions eat up all the deer or the deer
eat up all the grasses or that the plants grow to the extent that there is no space for
deer or that there is lack of soil for new plants and so on. The forest does not need to
be regulated by human being to be in harmony. With right understanding only,
human being will also be self-organised, in harmony within and participate in the
harmony in the larger order.
Abundance in Nature
Nature is organised in such a manner that the physical facility required for any order
is available in abundance. The quantity of soil is far more than that of plants and trees.
And both of these are availablein far greater quantities as compared to the quantity of
animals and birds. Human beings require all these three orders to survive, and the
quantity of all these three orders together is far more than the quantity of human
beings. By its very being, nature is organised in a manner where quantity of all four
orders is in a sequence:
Physical order >> Bio order >> Animal order >> Human
order. Therefore, the requirement of any order is already
available in abundance.
Key Takeaways
Nature is the collection of units. It can be classified into four orders, (physical, bio,
animal and human). There is a relationship of mutual fulfilment amongst these. It is
already going on in the first three orders. Human being also has the natural acceptance
for mutual fulfilment. All that we need to do is to understand it and live accordingly.
Page 54
There are two types of basic realities in existence – one is space and the other is units.
The units are inspace.
We can observe units all around – they are limited in size. Coming to space, it is
unlimited. It is spreadall around. It is all-pervading. There is no limited size of space.
It does not have any boundary.
Every unit is an activity and it is active with other units. In itself, one or the other
kind of activity is always taking place in the unit. Further, the unit is interacting with
other units, i.e. it is active in relation to other units. When it comes to space, it is no-
activity. There is activity only in the units.
Understanding Submergence
Units are in space – they are submerged in space. It means units are in space, they are
inseparable fromspace. Where ever a unit is there, space is also there.
Page 55
3. Units Recognise their Relationship and Fulfil it with Every Other Unit in Space
Being in co-existence with space, every unit recognises its relationship with every
other unit in spaceand fulfils that relationship.
Key Takeaways
Existence is co-existence, which is in the form of units submerged in space. Units
are energised, theyare self-organised and they recognise their relationship with other
units and participate with them in a mutually fulfilling manner (except for human
beings without right understanding).
Page 56
In the light of this discussion, we can now visualise the overall picture of the whole
Units are limited in size; they are activity and are active. Space is unlimited, all-
pervading and is no activity. Being submerged in space, units are energised, self-
organised and recognise their relationshipwith every other unit in space and fulfil it.
Units are of two types – material units and consciousness units. Material units are
temporary in time, while consciousness units (Self) are continuous. Material units
recognise and fulfil their relationship with other units– their conduct is definite.
Consciousness units recognise and fulfil their relationship on the basis of assuming
without knowing or assuming based on knowing – the conduct of the humanbeing is
definite if it is operating on the basis of assuming based on knowing; and it is
indefinite if it isoperating on the basis of assuming without knowing.
All material units are composed of other (simpler) material units. The smallest or
fundamental stablematerial unit is the atom. An atom may combine with another atom
to form a molecule. These molecules further combine to form molecular structure.
Page 57
Molecular structures can exist either as lumps, or fluids. Fluids provide nurturing of
cells and such cells combine to form plants, the animal body and the human body.
Coming to the domain of consciousness, there is just one type of unit which we have
referred to as the Self. We can classify all the units in existence into four orders.
Material units can be classified into two orders – physical order and bio order. The
animal order is the co-existence of consciousness (Self) and the animal body
(material). The human order is also the co-existence of consciousness (Self) and the
human body (material).
Development in the Existential Sense
Now, we can see that everything is in co-existence. Everything that exists is basically
the expression of this ever-present co-existence. It is expressing itself in the form of
harmony and relationship. This unfolding is something which is happening and has
to be completed through human being.
Whatever we do with the material world is cyclic. It will keep changing; keep going
back to initial state, no matter what we do. In that sense, there is no development here.
Only in the human order, there is apotential for development or transformation in the
Self which is not cyclic. Development or permanent change is possible only in the
domain of consciousness. It is in terms of
Page 58
2.living on the basis of right understanding and right feeling- part one is updating all
our desires, thoughts and expectations in line with right understanding and right
feeling; part two is the expressionin the form of behaviour, work and participation in
the larger order.
Sum Up
Now, we can sum up all that has been discussed in the workshop. We started by
explaining the meaningof value. It was put as shown in the figure:
Then we went on to discuss the value at all the levels which is explained below.
Page 59
With this background, we can see that all that we discussed about harmony at the
level of individual, family, society and nature are basically the systematic reflection
(the expressions) of existence as co- existence. The same is shown in figure below.
The whole discussion so far can be summed up in a simple chart given below. It can
be expressed in one word – „Co-existence‟.
Key Takeaways
Existence is co-existence, and the role of human being is to realise co-existence in
the Self and live inco-existence in nature/existence, extending up to universal human
order. In this way, the unfolding ofthe co-existence will be completed through human
being – resulting into universal order.
Page 60
Program of Action
With the discussion so far, now we can work out the program of action at the
individual level and at thelevel of society.
At the level of individual, what is expected is to understand harmony and live in
harmony. This is something that has been initiated in the workshop.
Page 61
One kind of program can be the people‟s education program meant for adults. People
with a definite level of competence can help grown-ups from different backgrounds to
self-explore and develop their competence. Going this way, on an average, if one person
takes 10 years to develop the commitment to understand and live accordingly in
completeness, and develops 10 more such people in the next 10 years, a population of
1000 crores can be developed in 100 years. But if the program of education-sanskar is
made value based, it will take a shorter time, say up to 50 years for the world, as the
program for right understanding will become a definite component of the system of
society. And if there is a program for undivided society and universal human order
including all the dimensions of the society, it will take even shorter time. This can be a
vision while making the policies at the level of society.
Page 62
Page 63
• It is right to say that we naturally accept Human Values in the light of our
understanding of Harmony and Co-Existence. Every Human being naturally expects
to be purposeful and successful. Our wisdom is the true source for realizing these
expectations. This source could never be obliterated -every person naturally accepts
goodness, Every person naturally expects goodness to happen. We all are waiting for
goodness to happen. The place where goodness would be realized will naturally be
in our relationships with other entities in existence. Recognition of a relationship in
existence is essentially recognizing of its innate purpose or value. This is study in
existence. Commitment in a relationship is a natural outcome of this recognition.
Thereafter perfection in Harmony in that relationship becomes inevitable. Perfection
naturally results in fruitfulness or success. Omni-dimensional resolution emanating
from Jeevan is always connected with all our relationships.
• Human values need to be lived. What will it take to fulfill this need? Human values
are realized by understanding of Jeevan, understanding of existence as co-existence,
and by natural acceptance of humane conduct. Wisdom is nothing else but this.
When we begin realizing human values only then we become capable of doing right,
and become proficient in doing right. Till then we are trapped in one mania or the
other -and there's no way for us to do right. Understanding Jeevan and understanding
Existence are essential for becoming wise. Moreover, values are realized only upon
recognition of the meaning or purpose of relationships.
Page 64
• The right understanding gained through self-exploration enables one to identify the
definitiveness of human conduct which may also be called the Ethical human
conduct. It is the same for all human beings, and is in agreement with the universal
human values.
Values (Mulya): Values can be witnessed in relationships. The ability to recognize the
relationships is due to imagination and being self organized in work. It enables us to
understand the relationship between various orders of nature too. We have many relations in
life, but the actual purpose of relationship is to be understood. For example, the purpose of
relationship between parents and children is fulfillment and protection and living in order.
Trust is the functional value that helps us to maintain the continuity of relationship.
Policy (Niti): The assets of an individual include the self „I‟, the body and the physical
resources. It is important that proper coordination existsbetween them. Policies are the rules
which when followed help us to protect, enrich and utilize adequately the various assets
possessed by us.
One must evaluate his conduct based on the above three dimensions and self exploration
alone bridges the gap between conduct and the ethical human conduct. A human being can
be called prosperous and successful if he blends his professional skills with ethical human
Character (Charitra): Character is determined by the values one incorporates in his life. It
is the outcome of the values he possesses, his perception, imagination and the experiences
gained during his life time.
• If one has the above he will be organized and has self harmony. By understanding
natural acceptance on gains self expression and self extension by participation in
Page 65
harmony at all levels of existence. This leads to right understanding which will result
in a prosperous undivided society of high human order.
• This definitiveness of human conduct in terms of values, policies and character is
termed as Ethics. The criterion to judge whether an act of human being is ethical or
unethical, and a definite way to work for ethics in life and profession are varying.
Ethics in the life of an individual can be imbibed only through inculcation of values,
policies and character, and this is possible through the process of ensuring right
understanding through self-exploration. At the same time, we can see that a human
being with ethical human conduct coupled with requisite professional skills only can
be a good professional, namely, a good engineer, a good manager, a good teacher
and researcher, a good technocrat, etc.
• 'Ethical conduct' implies that it is naturally acceptable and does not give rise to
conflict within. Thus, the 'ethical conduct' is self-satisfying, people-friendly, eco-
friendly and universal.
• Acceptance of Basic human values: Schwartz has identified 10 basic human values.
These include the core values recognized in cultures round the world and are
mentioned in different cultures, religions and philosophical discussions of values.
Each of the ten basic values can be characterized by describing its central motivational
5. Power: Social status and prestige, control or dominance over people and resources.
7. Conformity: Restraint of actions, inclinations, and impulses likely to upset or harm others
and violate social expectations or norms.
8. Tradition: Respect, commitment, and acceptance of the customs and ideas that traditional
culture or religion provide the self.
9. Benevolence: Preserving and enhancing the welfare of those with whom one is in
frequent personal contact (the „in-group‟).
Page 66
The model figure of representing the relationship among the values is mentioned
• The conflicts and congruities among all ten basic values yield an integrated structure
of values. This structure can be summarizedwith two orthogonal dimensions. Self-
enhancement vs. self-transcendence: On this dimension, power and achievement
values oppose universalism and benevolence values. Both of the former emphasize
pursuit of self-interests, whereas both of the latter involveconcern for the welfare
and interests of others.
• Openness to change vs. conservation: On this dimension, self-direction and
stimulation values oppose security, conformity and tradition values. Both of the
former emphasize independent action, thought and feeling and readiness for new
experience, whereas all of the latter emphasize self-restriction, order and resistance
to change. Hedonism shares elements of both openness and self-enhancement.
Page 67
• A correct appraisal of the comprehensive human goal welfare and the realization of
co-existence at all levels enable us to visualize and gradually evolve a viable
alternative to the prevailing pattern of human living. Thus the right understanding
prepares us for moving towards the holistic alternative (Universal Human Order)
which will be sustainable as well as conducive to fulfill the basic human aspirations
for all human beings. It will be a mode of living which is self satisfying, people
friendly and eco-friendly.
• Humanistic Education: Humanistic education will incorporate appropriate
integration of values and skills so that human being are able to understand their
physical needs correctly and adopt suitable techniques and production systems to
cater to these needs in an eco-friendly and people friendly manner. The humanistic
education will facilitate the process of self exploration which will lead to continuous
self evolution of human being. It will also enable the realization of once innateness
as well as the universality and definitiveness of ethical human conduct. It will also
develop the conviction that only value based living can be conducive to continuous
happiness and prosperity for one and all.
• Humanistic Constitution Presently, the human society is divided into various
castes, creeds, religions and nationalities whose objectives and interests are proving
contrary to those of others. Accordingly a major part of human endeavour is used in
handling those conflicts and contradictions. Paradoxically, the human beings are
spending substantial part of their energies and resources in preparing themselves for
war, only to ensure peace. When the parameters of human welfare are universal i.e.
commonly applicable to all human beings, the humanistic constitution can only
alternative for the fulfillment of human aspiration.
• Universal human order and its implications: On the basis of the understanding of
harmony we get the notion of an undivided society and universal human order.
• The universal human order will comprise of:
1. The five dimensions of human Endeavour towards a fragmented society.
2. The steps of organization from family to world family, each anchored in right
understanding will integrate in the following ways.
Page 68
1–.Clarity about the comprehensive human goal: Samadhana –Samriddhi –Abhaya Saha-
astitva and its fulfillment through universal human order from family order to world family.
4. Competence of mutually enriching interaction with nature, ability to assess the needs for
physical facilities for the family and their fulfillment through production systems ensuring
harmony in the nature.
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Page 71
home use of solar power systems will help ensure man's survival into the 21st
century and beyond.
Page 72
Strategy for transition from the present state to Universal Human Order:
All the problems are a direct outcome of an incorrect understanding, our wrong notion about
happiness and prosperity and their continuity.
The implications of value based strategies can be understood in the following terms:
1. At the level of the individual –Achieve happiness, peace, contentment and bliss in the
self, perseverance, bravery and generosity in living of the individual. The individual get rid
of the tensions, frustrations, depression, and other such situations
2. At the level of the family -Mutual fulfillment in relationships, prosperity in the family,
sustenance of joint families, family as the building block of societal order in place of law
enforcing bodies, respect for all without differentiation on the basis of age, gender, caste,
race, money, post, creed, etc.
3. At the level of the society –Fearlessness in the society, holistic systems for education,
health, justice, production, exchange and storage, harmony between nations, world growing
as a family. Differentiations on the basis of body, physical facilities and beliefs will be
4. At the level of nature –Co-existence of all units in nature, earth getting more and more
suited for sustenance of all entities on the globe, balance of seasons, proper development.
The problems of pollution and resource depletion can be solved.
Page 73
Strategy for transition from the present state to universal human order
❖ Promote the value based education for the ultimate betterment of society.
❖ Framing positive agenda, mission statement, objectives, values and behaviors of the
business and service etc.
❖ Sustainable development
❖ Assigning the possible social role to its respective members
❖ Promoting self awareness and enhancing healthy employer-employee relationship
and ultimately the human inter-relationship.
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