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A Comprehensive Detailed Analysis of

Past KCSE Questions. Candidates are
Hereby Advised to Pay Key Attention to this
Crucial Quick Revision Kit.

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Lecturer rakdafha
1. In an experiment an unknown mass of anhydrous sodium carbonate was dissolved in water and
the solution made up to 250cm3. 25cm3 of this solution neutralized 20cm3 of 0.25M nitric
(Na = 23.0 C = 12.0 O = 16.0)
(a) Moles of Nitric acid used
(b) Moles of sodium carbonate in 25cm of the solution
(c) Mass of unknown sodium carbonate used
2. Element A has atomic mass 23 and element B has atomic mass 7 and also have 12neutorns
and 4 neutrons respectively.
(a) Write the electronic arrangement of A and B
(b) Which element has higher ionization energy? Explain
3. The table below shows the relative atomic masses and the percentage abundance of isotope
M1 and M2 of element M.

Relative atomic mass % abundance

M1 62.93 69.09
M2 64.93 30.91

Calculate the relative atomic mass of element M

4. (a) Element V has two isotopes. Two thirds of V and one third of V . What is the
relative atomic mass of element V?
(b) The following refers to element Y
Isotope A B C
Isotope mass 54 56 57
Given that isotope C contains 31 neutrons in its nucleus find the number of protons in
isotope B
5. The table below shows the relative atomic masses and the percentage abundance of the
isotopes L1 and L2 of element L.
Relative atomic mass % abundance

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L1 62.93 69.09
L2 64.93 30.91
Calculate the relative atomic mass of element K.
6. An element M has two isotopes M and M . The relative atomic mass of the naturally
occurring is 63.55. Calculate the percentage of each isotope

7. An oxide of element G has the formula as G2O3

(a) State the valency of element G
(b) In which group f the periodic table is element G?
8. The table below gives information about the ions T+ and Z2-
Ion T+ Z2
Electron arrangement 2.8 2.8.8
Number of neutrons 12 16
(a) How many protons are there in the nucleus of ?
(i) Element T?
(ii) Element Z?
(b) Determine the relative formula mass of the compound formed between T and Z
(c) State two conditions under which the compound would conduct electricity

9. Carbon and silicon belong to the same group of the periodic table, yet Carbon (IV) oxide is a
gas while silicon (IV) oxide is a solid with a high melting point. Explain this difference

10. An ion of oxygen is larger than oxygen atom. Explain

11. Copper (II) oxide and charcoal are black solids. How would you distinguish between the two

12. (a) Element X is found in period III and group IV. It consists of two isotopes 28X and QX.
A sample of X was found to consist of 90% of 28X.If the relative atomic mass of X is
28.3, work out the number of neutrons in QX
(b) Draw an electrochemical cell for the above cell
13. Study the table below and answer the questions that follows:- (Letters are not the actual
symbols of element)
Element Electronic arrangement Electrical conductivity
L1 2.8.2 Higher electrical conductivity
L2 2.8.1 High electrical conductivity
L3 2.8.3 Highest electrical conductivity

L3 has the highest electrical conductivity. Explain

14. Define the term melting point of a substance
15. Use the information in the table below to answer the questions that follow. (The letters do
not represent the actual symbols of the elements).
Element Q P R S T
Atomic 18 5 3 5 20

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Mass 40 10 7 11 40
(a) Which two letters represent the same element? Give a reason
(b) Give the number of neutrons in an atom of element R

16. The table below gives some elements in the periodic table. Use it to answer the questions that
follow. The letters do not represent the actual symbols of the elements.
Element A B C D E
Atomic number 12 13 14 15 16
Which of the above letters represent:
a) A metallic element which forms ions with the smallest ionic radius? Explain
b) A non metallic element with the largest bbatomic size? Explain
17. The grid below is part of the periodic table. Use it to answer the questions that follow:
(The letters are not the actual symbols).

a) Write down the formula of the compound formed between C and A.

b) Which element has the same electron arrangement as the stable ion of:
(i) F ……………………………. (ii) A ……………………..
c) Element Q has atomic number 15. Indicate its position on the grid.
d) Explain how the atomic radii of the following compare:
(i) C and F
(ii) C and D
e) Write the type of bond present in a compound formed between D and A.

f) Compound C and G were completely burned in oxygen.

(i) Write down equations to show the combustion of each of the elements.
(ii) State whether each of the oxides (i) above is basic or acidic.

18. The number of protons, neutrons and electrons in atoms A to F are given in the table

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below the letters do not represent the actual symbol of the elements:-

Atoms Protons Neutrons Electrons

A 3 4 2
B 9 10 10
C 12 12 12
D 17 18 17
EF 17 20 17
18 22 18

(a) Choose from the table the letters that represent:

(i) An atom of a metal ...........................................................................
(ii) A neutral atom of a non-metal .......................................................
(iii) An atom of a noble gas ........................................................... (iv) A
pair of isotopes ............................................................................... (v) A
cation ...............................................................................

19. (a) Study the table below and answer the questions that follow.

Particle Atomic number Ionic configuration Formula of oxide Atomic radii Ionic radii
P 4 ………….. …………… 0.110 0.031
Q …………... 2.8.8 QO 0.200 0.099
R …………… 2.8.8 R2 O 0.230 0.133
S 17 2.8.8 S2O7 0.099 0.181
T 16 …………… ……… 0.104 0.231

(i) Complete the table above

(ii) From the table, choose the most reactive metal. Explain
(iii) Which element is the most electronegative. Explain
(iv) Using dots (.) and crosses (x) to represent electrons, show the bonding in the chloride of Q
(v) Explain the solubility of element T in water
(b) (i) Why is aluminium used to make utensils yet it is a reactive metal?
(ii) Distinguish between valency and oxidation number

20. a) Work out the oxidation number of phosphorous in the following compound H3PO3 b)
Study the equation below:
Mg(s) + 2H2O(l) Mg(OH)2(aq) + H2 (g)
Which species has undergone oxidation .Explain

21. The grid below represents part of the periodic table. The letters do not represent the actual
symbols of the elements. Study it and answer the questions that follow:

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(a) Explain why element L appears in two different groups in the grid above
(b) State the name of the chemical family to which P and Q belong
(c) Write the formula of the compound formed between P and V
(d) Compare the melting points of Q and S. Explain
(e) Identify an element whose oxide dissolves in both acids and alkalis
(f) Write the equation for the burning of T in excess air
(g) Using dots (•) and cross (x) to represent electrons, draw a diagram to illustrate
bonding in the sulphide of Q (h) State
one use of element X

22. The grid below is part of the periodic table. The elements are not represented by their actual
symbols. Use the information to answer the questions that follow.

a) (i) Which is the most reactive

(I) Non — metal? *
(II) Metal?
Explain (ii)
Name the family to which elements T and Q belongs.
(iii) Write the formula of the compound formed when W reacts with S.

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(iv) Name the type of bond and structure formed when elements R and K react.
(v) Explain why element N doesn’t form compounds with other elements.
(vi) Compare the atomic radii of T and Q. Explain.

23. Study the data given in the following table and answer the questions that follow. The letters
are not the actual symbols of elements.

Element Number of protons Melting point Bpt oC

A 11 98 890
B 12 650 1110
C 13 60 2470
D 14 1410 2360
E 15 442 280
F 16 113 445
G 17 -101 -35
H 18 -189 -186

(i) State and explain the trend in melting point in A B C

(ii) Explain why the melting point and boiling points of element D is the highest
(iii) Explain why the element represented by letter E has two melting point values
(iv) Write down the chemical formula between element C and sulphate ions
(v) Name the chemical family in which H belong and state one use of the element (vi) What is
the nature of the oxide of the elements represented by letters C and F?
24. An element W has an atomic number 13.
a) Write the electronic configuration of the most stable ion of W
b) Write the formula of the oxide of the element W

25. Identify the particles that facilitate the electric conductivity of the following substances
(i) Sodium metal
(ii) Sodium Chloride solution
(iii) Molten Lead Bromide
26. Compare with a reason the atomic radius of Sodium to that of Aluminum.

27. Study the information in the table below and answer the questions that follow:

Ion No. of protons No. of electrons

P3- 7 10
Q+ 19 18
R2+ 12 10

a) Write the electron arrangement of element P.

b) Give the group and period to which elements Q and R respectively.

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Q ……………………………………………………
R ……………………………………………………

28. Ethanol is a liquid at room temperature but does not conduct electricity. Explain.

29. Electronic configuration for elements represented by P, Q, R and S are:- P= 2.8.6, Q=

2.8.2, R= 2.8.1 D= 2.8.8.
(a) Select the element which forms
(i) A double charged ion
(ii) A soluble carbonate
30. The table below gives information on four elements by letters K, L, M and N. Study it and
answer the questions that follow. The letters do not represent the actual symbol of the
Element Electron arrangement Atomic radius (nm) Ionic radius (nm)
K 2.8.2 0.136 0.065
L 2.8.7 0.099 0.181
M 0.203 0.133
N 0.174 0.099
Which two elements have similar properties? Explain (b)
What is the most likely formula of the oxide of L?
(c) Which element is non-metal? Explain
31. Study the information given below and answer the questions that follow:
Element Atomic radius (nm) Ionic radius (nm) Formula of oxide Melting point of oxide
A 0.364 0.421 A2O -119
D 0.830 0.711 DO2 837
E 0.592 0.485 E2O3 1466
G 0.381 0.446 G2O5 242
J 0.762 0.676 JO 1054
(i) Write the formula of the compound formed when J combined with G
(b) Explain why the melting point of the oxide of E is higher than that of the oxide of G

1. Study the information in the table below and answer the questions that follow:
Element Atomic radius (nm) Ionic radius (nm)
W 0.114 0.195
X 0.072 0.136
Y 0.133 0.216
Z 0.099 0.181
(a) Would these form part of a metallic or a non-metallic group? Explain
(b) Suggest an element in the table above likely to be the most reactive. Explain

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2 State the reason for using Argon in electric light bulbs 3.

Study the information in the table below and answer the questions that follow. The letters
do not represent the actual symbols of the elements.
Element Electronic configuration Boiling point
X 2.7 -188oC
Y 2.8.7 -35oC
Z 59oC

(a) What is the general name given to the group in which the elements X, Y and Z belong?
(b) Select two elements which are coloured gases
(c) Explain why Z has the highest boiling point
(d) Write an equation for the reaction of element Z with iron metal
(e) Element Y was dissolved in water and a piece of blue litmus paper was put into the resulting
solution. State and explain the observation that was made on the litmus paper
4. The table below shows elements A, B, C, E, F, and G. Elements in group X have a
valency of 2 while elements in group Y have a valency of 1. Use the table to answer the
questions that follow:-
Element A B C E F G
Atomic radius (nm) 14.0 19.5 19.7 5.2 7.9 11.3
Ionic radius (nm) 7.6 10.5 12.4 12.6 16.1 19.6
(i) Atomic radius increases from A to C and from E to G. Explain
(ii) Explain the difference in the atomic and ionic radii of group X elements
(iii) Elements C and G belong to the same period. Explain why the atomic radius of C is
greater than that of G
(iv) Give the formula of the compound formed when B and F react
(v) What type of bonding is formed in the compound above? Explain
(vi) Starting with the least reactive, arrange the elements in group Y in the order of

5. The information in the table below relates to elements in the same group of the periodic
table.Study it and answer the question that follows.

Element Atomic size

P 0.19
Q 0.23
R 0.15
Which element has the highest ionization energy? Explain
6. Starting with Lead (II) carbonate explain how you would prepare a pure sample of
Lead (II) sulphate

7. a) What is an isotope?
b) An element Q consists of 3 isotopes of mass 28, 29, 30 and percentage abundance of
92.2, 4.7, 3.1 respectively. Determine the relative atomic mass of the element?
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8. Study the information in the table below and answer the questions that follow. (The
letters do not represent the actual symbols of the elements)
Element Electronic configuration Ionization energy Kj/mol)
P 2.2 1800
Q 2.8.2 1450
R 1150

(a) What is the general name given to the group in which elements P, Q and R belong?
(b) Explain why P has the highest ionization energy
(c) Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction between element Q and water


1. Ethanol is a liquid at room temperature but does not conduct electricity. Explain.
2. a) Distinguish between a covalent bond and a co-ordinate bond.
b) Draw a diagram to show bonding in an ammonium ion. (N = 7, H = 1) 3. a)
Explain why the metals magnesium and aluminium are good conductors of electricity.
b) Other than cost, give two reasons why aluminium is used for making electric cables
while magnesium is not.
4. Explain why the boiling point of ethanol is higher than that of hexane.
(Relative molecular mass of ethanol is 46 while that of hexane is 86). 5. a) What is
meant by dative covalent bond?

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6. Sodium and Magnesium belong to the same period on the periodic table and both are
Explain why magnesium is a better conductor of electricity than sodium. 7.
Using dots and crosses to represent electrons, draw the structures of the following:
(a) Phosphorous chloride (PCl3)
(b) Hydroxonium ion (H3O+)
8. Between aluminium and copper which one is a better conductor? Explain
9. Water has a boiling point of 100oC while hydrogen chloride has a boiling point of – 115oC.
10. Explain why luminous flame is capable of giving out light and soot
11. When blue litmus paper is dipped in a solution of aluminium chloride it turns red.
12. Carbon and Silicon are in the same group of the periodic table. Silicon (IV) Oxide melts at
2440oC while solid Carbon (IV) Oxide sublimes at -70oC. In terms of structure and
bonding, explain this difference

13. Element A has an atomic number of 6 and b has an atomic number of 9:

(i) Write the electron arrangements for elements A and B
(ii) Using dot ( ) and cross (X )diagram, show how A and B combine to form a compound

14. (a) Explain why aluminium is a better conductor of electricity than magnesium
(b) Other than cost and ability to conduct, give a reason why aluminium is used for
making cables while magnesium is not
15. Explain how electrical conductivity can be used to distinguish between magnesium oxide
And silicon (IV) oxide

16. a) The diagram below represents part of the structure of sodium chloride crystal

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The melting and boiling points of sodium chloride are 801C and 1413C respectively.
Explain why sodium chloride does not conduct electricity at 25C, but does not at
temperature between 801C and 1413C

b) Give a reason why ammonia gas is highly soluble in water

c) The structure of ammonium ion is shown below;

Name the type of bond represented in the diagram

d) Carbon exists in different crystalline forms. Some of these forms were recently discovered in
soot and are called fullerenes
(i) What name is given to different crystalline forms of the same element

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(ii) Fullerenes dissolve in methylbenzene while the other forms of carbon do not. Given that soot is a
mixture of fullerenes and other solid forms of carbon, describe how crystals of fullerenes can be
obtained from soot
(iii) The relative molecular mass of one of the fullerenes is 720. What is the molecular mass of this
17. (a) Explain the following observations:-
(i) NaCl allows electric current to pass through them in molten state
(ii) Graphite is a non-metal yet it is a conductor of electricity
18. Study the table below and answer the questions that follow:-

Substance A B C D E F
Melting Point (oC ) 801 113 -39 5 -101 1356
Boiling point (oC) 1410 445 457 54 -36 2860
Electrical Solid Poor Poor Good Poor Poor Poor
Conductivity liquid Good Poor Good Poor Poor Poor

I Identify with reasons the substances that:

(i) Have a metallic structure (1½mk)
(ii) Have a molecular structure and exist in the liquid state at room temperature and pressure
(iii) Suggest a reason why substance B has two melting points
(iv) Substances A and C conduct electric current in the liquid state. State how the two
Substances differ as conductors of electric current

19. (I) Sodium metal tarnishes when exposed to the air where a white powder is formed on its
surface. A small piece of this sodium metal was dropped into 25g of ethanol and 1200cm3 of
hydrogen gas was evolved at r.t.p. The unreacted ethanol was evaporated and a white solid
remained. (Na=23, molar gas volume at r.t.p = 24dm3, C=12, O =16, H=1)
(a) Write a chemical equation for the reaction between ethanol and sodium metal (b)
Determine the mass of sodium that reacted with ethanol
(c) What mass of ethanol evaporated?
(d) The ethanol was evaporated at 80oC, while the white solid remained unaffected at this
temperature. What is the difference in structure of ethanol and the white solid?
(II) (a) Name an inorganic liquid which liberates hydrogen gas with sodium metal (b)
What two differences would you observe if similar pieces of sodium were
Dropped separately into small beakers containing equal amount of ethanol and the liquid
named in (II)(a) above respectively

20. Study the information in the table below and answer the questions that follow: (The letters do
not represent the actual symbols of the elements)

Element Electronic configuration Ionization energy KJmol-1

P 2:1 519
Q 2:8:1 494
R 2:8:8:1 418

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(i) What is meant by ionization energy?

(ii) Element R has the lowest ionization energy. Explain
(iii) When a piece of element Q is placed on water it melts and a hissing sound is
produced as it moves on the water surface. Explain these observations
(iv) Write the equation for the reaction between element Q and water

21. The table below shows the elements in the third period, the oxides of the third period and their
properties. The letters are not the actual symbols of the elements. Study the information and answer
the questions that follow:

Element Atomic Atomic Oxide State at oxide melting point

number radius(nm) RT ºC
M 11 0.191 M2 O Solid 1132
N ……… 0.160 NO Solid 2852
P 13 0.130 ……… Solid 2072
Q 14 0.118 QO2 ………. 1610
R ……… 0.110 ……… Solid 580
S 16 0.102 SO2 ……… -75
T 17 0.099 TO2 Gas -60
V 18 0.095 X X X
a) i) Complete the table above ii) Explain the trend in the atomic radius across the
period iii) Explain why the oxide of element V does not exist b) Name the type
of structure and bond in the following oxide
Oxide Structure Bond type


ii) Using dots and crosses to represent electrons. Show the bonding in the oxide, QO2 c)
i)Explain why elements P conducts electricity but T does not ii) The oxide of P reacts
both acids and alkalis. Give the name of this kind of oxide

22. The table below gives information about elements A1, A2, A3 and A4

Element Atomic number Atomic radius (nm) Ionic radius (nm)

A1 3 0.134 0.74
A2 5 0.090 0.012
A3 13 0.143 0.050
A4 17 0.099 0.181

(i) In which period of the periodic table is element A2? Give a reason

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(ii) Explain why the atomic radius of:

I. A1 is greater than that of A2
II. A4 is smaller than its ionic radius
III. Select the element which is in the same group as A3
IV. Using dots () and cross (x) to represent outermost electrons, draw a diagram to show the bonding
in the compound formed when A1 reacts with A4
23. The atomic number of element P is 11 and that of Q is 8
a) Write down the possible formula of the compound formed between P and Q
b) Using dots (·) and crosses(x) to represent electrons draw a diagram to represent
the bonding in the compound in (a) above
24. Name the type of bonding and structure found in: -
(a) Ice
(b) Magnesium chloride

25. (a) Using dots ( ) and crosses (x) to represent electrons show bonding in:
NH-2 ( N=7, H=1) S8 (S = 16)

(b) Show bonding in Carbon (II) Oxide by use of (__) or ( ) to represent bonds.
26. In terms of structure and bonding, explain why diamond is the hardest naturally occurring

27. Identify the bond types in the diagram below

28. Elements A, B, C, and D are not actual symbols, have atomic numbers 19, 9, 12 and 10 respectively.
(a) Which two elements represent non-metals
(b) Write the formula of the compound formed between elements B and C and identity
the bond present in the compound

29. (a) Distinguish between a covalent and dative bond

(b) Explain why nitrogen gas reacts with oxygen at very high temperature
30. Draw a dot ( ) and cross (x) diagram to show bonding in:-
(i) Ammonium ion (NH4+
(N = 7.0, H= 1)
(ii) Silane (SiH4)

(Si= 14, H = 1)
31. Below is a table oxides of some period three elements

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Oxides Na2O P4O6 SO2 Cl2O

State at room temp Solid Solid Gas Gas

(a) Give the systematic name of Cl2O

(b) Explain why Na2O exists as a solid whereas SO2 is a gas at room temperature

32. The table below shows properties of period three chlorides

Formular of compound NaCl MgCl2 AlCl3 SiCl4
o o
Bp C 1470 C 1420 C 180 C 60oC

Explain why AlCl3 solid has a much lower boiling point than MgCl2 solid

1. Study the flow chart below and answer the questions that follow:

a) Name reagent Z.
b) Describe the process which takes place in step 2.
c) Identify the white solid.
2. a) Starting from solid magnesium oxide, describe how a solid sample of magnesium
hydroxide can be prepared.
b) Give one use of magnesium hydroxide.
3. Starting with lead (II) oxide, describe how you would prepare a solid sample of

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lead (II) Carbonate

4. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow:

(a) Name the two salts formed in tube A

(b) State the observations made in tube C
(c) Name gas P

5. Study the information in the table below and answer the questions that follow:-


E 37 17 (i) 18
F 32 (ii) 16 16
G (iii) 19 20 18
H 40 20 (iv) 18

(a) Complete the table by filling in the blank spaces (i) , (ii) (iii), and (iv)
(b) Identify the particles which are electrically charged
6. Sodium Carbonate Decahydrate crystals were left exposed on a watch glass for two days.
(a) State the observations made on the crystals after two days.
(b) Name the property of salts investigated in the above experiment

7. Starting with sodium oxide, describe how a sample of crystals of sodium hydrogen
carbonate may be prepared
8. In an experiment, ammonium chloride was heated in test-tube. A moist red litmus paper placed at the
mouth of test first changed blue then red. Explain these observations:-

9. Using dots (•) and cross (x), show the structure of ammonium ion 10. a) Give the name of each
of the processes described below which takes place when salts are exposed to air for sometime
i) Anhydrous copper sulphate becomes wet ii)
Magnesium chloride forms an aqueous solution
iii) Fresh crystals of sodium carbonate, Na2CO3.10H2O become covered with white

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powder of formula Na2CO3.H2O

b) Write the formula of the complex ion formed in each of the following reactions
described below;
i) Zinc metal dissolves in hot alkaline solution
ii) Copper hydroxide dissolves excess ammonia solution
11 (a) Write an equation to show the effect of heat on the nitrate of:-
(i) Potassium (ii)

12. Describe how a solid sample of anhydrous magnesium carbonate is obtained

13. In the preparation of magnesium carbonate, magnesium was burnt in air and the product
collected. Dilute sulphuric acid was then added and the mixture filtered and cooled. Sodium
carbonate was added to the filtrate and the contents filtered. The residue was then washed and
dried to give a white powder.
(a) Give the name of the product
(b) Write the chemical equation for the formation of the product (c)
(i) Name the filtrate collected after sodium carbonate was added.
(ii) Write down the chemical formula of the white powder
(d) Write a chemical equation for the reaction between product in (a) and the acid (e)
Write an ionic equation to show the formation of the white powder. (f)
Write an equation to show what happens when the white powder is strongly heated. (g)
Identify the ions present in the filtrate after addition of sodium carbonate.
(h) What is the name given to the reaction that takes place when sodium carbonate was
added to the filtrate?
(i)Explain the observations made when crystals of sodium carbonate decahydrate are left
exposed to the atmosphere for two days
14. a) Give the name of each of the processes described below which takes place when salts
are exposed to air for sometime
i) Anhydrous copper sulphate becomes wet ii)
Magnesium chloride forms an aqueous solution
iii) Fresh crystals of sodium carbonate, Na2CO3.10H2O become covered with white
powder of formula Na2CO3.H2O
15. You are provided with the following:- solid lead (II) nitrate, magnesium oxide
Powder, dilute sulphuric (VI)acid and distilled water. Describe how you can prepare
a dry sample of lead (II) sulphate
16. When potassium nitrate is heated,it produces potassium nitrite and gas C
[a]Identify gas c
[b]Name the type of reaction undergone by the potassium nitrate

17. When exposed to air, crystals of hydrated sodium carbonate loses water of
i) Name this process
ii) Write the formula of hydrated sodium carbonate

18. A student poured sodium iodide solution into a small portion of solution Q, a yellow
precipitate was formed.

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i) Which ion was most likely in solution Q?

ii) Write an ionic equation leading to the formation of the yellow precipitate
19. Calcium oxide can be used as a solid drying agent for some laboratory gases. Explain  1

20. A piece of marble chips was strongly heated in air for about 30 minutes. Some drops of
water were added drop by drop to the product when it was still warm.
Using equation, explain:
i) What happens when the piece of marble chips is heated?
ii) The reaction that takes place when water is added to the final warm product. 21. Starting
withbarium nitrate solution,describe how a pure sample of barium carbonate can be prepared in
the laboratory

22. Potassium nitrate crystals in a test-tube were heated strongly for some time. State the observation
(a) When a glowing splint is introduced into the test-tube during the heating
(b) At the end of the heating
23. Name the process which takes place when:
(a) Anhydrous iron (III) chloride absorb water vapour from the air to form solution
(b) Zinc chloride vapour changes directly to zinc chloride solid
24. (a) Starting form solid magnesium oxide, describe how a solid sample of magnesium
hydroxide can be prepared
(b) Give one use of magnesium hydroxide

25. The diagram below represents a set-up that was used to show that part of air s used
during burning

(a) State two sources of errors in this experiment

26. In an experiment the following solids were provided to form three students; Ca(NO3)2(s), NaH2PO4(s);
Mg(OH)Cl(s) and Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2. 6H2O. They were then told to dissolve the given solids in
differently in 20ml of water.
(a) Classify the given salts accordingly
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(b) (i) Explain the process which takes place when FeCl3 is dissolved in water
(ii) A student placed a moist litmus paper on the product in (i) above. State and explain the
observation made


1. The set-up was used to electrolyse Lead (II) bromide. Study it and answer the questions that follow;


(a) Write an ionic equation for the reaction that occurred at the cathode
(b) State and explain what happened at the anode
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2. When an electric current was passed through two molten substances E and F in separate
voltammeters. The observations recorded below were made:-
Substance Observation Type of structure
E Conducts electric current and a gas is formed at
one of the electrodes
F Conducts an electric current and is not
Complete the table above

3. (a) Differentiate the following terms :-

Electrolyte and non-electrolyte
(b) The diagram below is a set-up used to investigate the conductivity of electric current
by some aqueous solution. Study it and answer the questions that follow;

(i) State the observation made on the bulb when each of the following solution were put
onto the beaker
(a) Sugar solution
(b) (i) Salt solution
(ii) Classify the substance in (i) above as either electrolyte or non-electrolyte
(b) If in the above set-up of apparatus, the substance to be tested is Lead II Bromide,
what modification should be included in the set-up?
(c) Write an Ionic equation at the electrodes and state the observation:-

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4. (a) The diagram below shows the set up used to investigate the effect of an electric current on
molten lead (II) bromide

i. Explain what happens to the lead II bromide during electrolysis

ii. Why is it important to carry out the experiment in a fume chamber?
5. (I) Define the following terms:
(a) Crystallization
(b) (i) Salting out as used in soap making
(ii) Starting with barium carbonate solid, dilute sulphuric acid and dilute nitric acid,
describe how you would prepare dry barium sulphate solid

(iv) Copper II chloride solution dissolves in excess ammonia solution to form a deep blue
solution. Give the ion responsible for the deep blue solution
(v) A solution of hydrogen chloride is an electrolyte but a solution of hydrogen chloride
in methylbenzene in a non-electrolyte. Explain
6. (i) State Faraday’s first law of electrolysis
(ii) The diagram below shows a set-up used for the electrolysis of molten Lead

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State the observations that would be made at the anode and cathode as the electrolysis
7. (a) (i) Describe how you would prepare pure crystals of lead II nitrate in the laboratory
from lead II oxide

(ii) Write an equation for the reaction that takes place in (a)(i) above
(b) (i) State what happens when lead II nitrate is strongly heated
(ii) Write an equation for the reaction in b(i) above
(c) (i) State what is observed when ammonia solution is gradually added to a solution of
lead II nitrate until the alkali is in excess
(ii) Write an ionic equation for the reaction that takes place in (i) above

8. The diagram show an experiment for investigating electrical conduction in lead (II) fluoride. Study

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it and answer the questions that follow:

Flow of electrons


Boiling tube

Lead (II)

(a) On the diagram

(i) Label the anode and the cathode
(ii) Show the direction of movement of electrons
(iii) Complete the diagram by indicating the condition that is missing but must be present for
electrical conduction to take place.
(b) Why is it necessary to leave a gap between the cork and the boiling tube?
(c) State the observations that are expected at the electrodes during electrical conduction
and at the experiment
(d) Write equations for the reactions that take place at the electrodes
(e) Why should this experiment be carried out in a fume chamber? II. The
table below shows the electrical conductivity of substance A, B and C
Substance Solid state Molten state Aqueous solution
A Conducts Conducts Not soluble
B Doesn’t conduct Conducts Conducts
C Doesn’t conduct Doesn’t conduct Not soluble

(a) Which one of the substance is likely to be plastic?

(b) Explain why the substance you have given in (a) above behaves in the way it does
(c) Which of the substances is likely to be sodium chloride? Explain
(d) Give the type of structure and bonding that is present in substance A

9. Study the diagram below and use it to answer the questions that follow:-

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(a) Identify electrodes A and B

(b) Name the product formed at the anode
(c) Write the electrode half equation of reaction at electrode A 10. Explain the
differences in electrical conductivity between molten sodium chloride and liquid mercury
11. Below is part of a flow diagram for the contact process:

(a) Name :
I. Liquid Y ………………………………………………………. II. Liquid
(b) Write the equation for the reaction taking place in;
I. Chamber Q
II. Chamber R

12. In an experiment to investigate the conductivity of substances, a student used the set-up
Shown below.
The student noted that the bulb did not light.

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a) What had been omitted in the set up.

b) Explain why the bulb lights when the omission is corrected.


1. (a) State one use of graphite
(b) Both graphite and diamond are allotropes of element Carbon. Graphite conducts
electricity whereas diamond does not. Explain

2. Below is a simplified scheme of solvay process. Study it and answer the questions that follow:

a) Identify gas R.
b) Write an equation for the process that takes place in the filter

c) Give one use of sodium carbonate.

3. A burning magnesium continues to burn inside a gas jar full of carbon (IV) oxide.
4. The diagram below shows a jiko when in use

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(a) Identify the gas formed at region H

(b) State and explain the observation made at region G
5. Study the diagram below and use it to answer the questions that follow.

(a) State the observation made in the combustion tube.

(b) Write an equation for the reaction that took place in the combustion
tube (c) Give one use of P
6. (a) Identify two substance that are reacted to regenerate ammonia gas in the solvary process
(b) Write down a balanced chemical equation for the reaction above
7. When the oxide of element H was heated with powdered Carbon, the mixture glowed and Carbon
(IV) oxide was formed. When the experiment was repeated using the oxide of
element J,there was no apparent reaction
(a) Suggest one method that can be used to extract element J from its oxide
(b) Arrange the elements H, J and Carbon in order of their decreasing reactivity
8. (i) Diamond and silicon (IV) Oxide have a certain similarity in terms of structure and
bonding.State it

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(ii) State one use of diamond 9.

(a) What is allotropy?
(b) Diamond and graphite are allotropes of Carbon. In terms of structure and bonding
explain why graphite conducts electricity but not diamond
10. The diagram below shows a charcoal stove with different regions

(a) Write an equation for the formation of the product in region B

(b) How would one avoid the production of the product at B? Give a reason for your
11. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow:

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(a) Explain the observation made in the combustion tube during the experiment
(b) Write an equation for the reaction that takes place in the combustion tube
12. Diamond and graphite are allotropes of carbon:-
(a) What is meant by allotropes?
(b) How do they differ in their structure and bonding
13. Study the experimental set-up below:

a) State two observations made in the set up as the experiment progressed

b) By use of a chemical equation, explain the changes that occurred in the boiling tube
c) Why was it necessary to burn the excess gas?
14. The diagram below shows the heating curve of a pure substance. Study it and answer the
questions that follow:

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(a) What physical changes are taking place at H and W?

(b) What are the physical states of the substance at Y and K?
(c) Using the simple kinetic theory of matter, explain what happens to the substance
between points A and C
(d) The substance under test is definitely not water; Give a reason for this
(e) What would happen to the melting point of this substance if it were contaminated
with sodium chloride?
(f) What happens to the temperature between points B and C?
15. Study the set-up below and answer the questions that follow:

(a) (i) Name Gas X ………………………………………………………………

(ii) State the effect of releasing gas X to the environment
(b) Write down equations for the reactions taking place in;
(i) Tube I
(ii) Tube II
(iii) Flask
(c) State the observation made in tube III
(d) Write down an equation for the reaction which could be used to generate Carbon
(IV) Oxide for the above set up
(e) Name the reagents used to generate gas x in the laboratory

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(f) Complete the diagram above to show how excess gas x can be collected

16.a) (i) Name three starting materials in the manufacturer of sodium carbonate.
(ii) Which substances are recycled in this process? b) State one commercial use for
(i) Sodium carbonate.
17. [a] (i) State one use of carbon (IV) Oxide gas apart from fire extinguisher
(ii) Give two properties that make carbon (IV) Oxide to be used as fire extinguisher
(b) PbO(s) + CO(g) Pb(s) + CO2(g)
Which property of carbon (II) Oxide is demonstrated by the above equation?
(c) Aluminium carbonate does not exist. Give a reason
(d) Ammonium carbonate decomposes when heated. Write a chemical equation to
represent this decomposition
18. State and explain the observation made when a piece of charcoal is dropped in a jar
containing concentrated nitric (V) acid
19. When Carbon (IV) oxide is passed through lime water, a white precipitate is formed but when
excess Carbon (IV) Oxide is passed, the white precipitate disappears;
(a) Explain why the white precipitate disappears
(b) Give an equation for the reaction that takes place in (a) above 20. The set-
up below was used to prepare a carbon (II) oxide gas.

(a) Give the name of substance A ………………………………………………………….

(b) Complete the diagram to show how the gas can be collected
(c)Write the equation for the reaction

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I’m Dr. Rakdafha a lecturer at daystar university I have been accessing leakages for the last 5
years so I have good connection and enough experience on how to access them.
As a candidate kindly learn how to use social media apps like @whatsapp and majorly @telegram this will help you
access the papers without any traces
Meanwhile spent much of your time reading so that it will be easy for you to use a leakage.
Work smart on subjects like mathematics and chemistry, because it’s not after cramming answers but instead it’s
about real concepts and calculations.
I know majority of you are working hard to eradicate poverty in their homes, if education is the only way to
archive what you want then you need to do anything possible to get what you want. Do what it takes to succeed
even if it involves leakages.

So therefore as I conclude I always access KCSE leakages and if you want them
just text me on whatsapp via 0742783642 FOR INFORMATION
Nothing is impossible!!

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