Roles of Theater Production - Crossword Labs
Roles of Theater Production - Crossword Labs
Roles of Theater Production - Crossword Labs
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Across Down
1. Works with Director to develop clothing, based 2. Coordinates and oversees all technical
on character analyses, for actors. Takes actor elements of the production. Supervises
measurements. Creates show's "look;" acquires purchasing of supplies and equipment,
all costumes and accessories; designs, purchases, construction, repairing, and striking of sets,
borrows or rents costumes; supervises fitting; building of props, etc.
organizes dress parade; may be responsible for
3. Responsible for the main vision of a
wigs, hair, beards, and mustaches. Crew
production; must interpret script and character
responsible for organizing costumes backstage
relations, lead rehearsals, determine blocking,
and assisting with quick-changes during the show.
and communicate needs to other departments.
6. Supports the director in various ways during Has the final say in every aspect of the
the production process. production.
9. Follows cues called by Stage Manager (SM) or 4. Works with the director to articulate vision for
Assistant Stage Manager (ASM) to initiate sound the location of the play, whether realistic or
and light changes. implied. Designs physical surroundings for the
10. Works with the director to establish lighting
and effects for each scene and each transition. 5. Has complete responsibility for the
Plans stage lighting, designs gel colors and coordination of everything that happens onstage
positions. Programs lighting cues and levels for and backstage in pre-production, rehearsals, and
operation of the light board. Crew services, performances. Line of communication between all
hangs, and focuses lights to meet the design other departments. Responsible for making a
given by the director and designer. production run smoothly.
12. Memorizes lines and performs onstage for a 7. Researches, designs, builds, or finds items that
production. Works independently and with the are held by actors for the production, based on
director to determine various aspects of the the director’s vision. Tracks position of props
character. Works with the director to fulfill the during a production.
overall vision. Umbrella term including lead roles,
8. Amplifies performers’ voices and musical
supporting roles, and understudies.
instruments. Creates and obtains recorded music
14. Works with the director to develop and sound effects. Supervises operations of the
appropriate makeup designs for actors. Crew sound board.
supports actors with applying makeup the night of
11. Gathers and compiles research about a play
a show.
to present to the actors to help them better
15. Responsible for placement and removal of set understand the play. Research may include past
and props during scene changes. Reports to productions, history and context of the time
Assistant Stage Manager (ASM). period, vocabulary in the script, information about
the author and more.
13. Coordinates and oversees all musical aspects
of a production including the vocal and
instrumental aspects.