BS EN 12520 vs ANSI BIFMA X5.1

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BS EN 12520
Test Property Test Method Requirements
Seating – back pull SGS In-house No failure at 150 lbs for 1 minute applied to 90 Seat Force: 1300N
Strength Method& Bifma degrees from back at 16 in. above the seat Back force: 450N
x 5.1 with Modification = Test load: 100lbs for domestic Cycles: 10
modification dinner/leisure chair;
Seating - seat static SGS In-house No structural failure under 300 lbs compression for 1
load Method minute.
If more than 1 seats, add a load of 250 lbs per
additional seat when testing
Seating – dynamic SGS In-house [Foldable beach chair] Allow the seat impactor (25 kg) to fall freely from the height
impact- single Method No structural breakage, when 200 lbs test load free - of 180 mm onto the seat loading position and other position
seater Bifma x 5.1 - falls from 6 in. to the center of the seat (1 drop) considered likely to cause failure, but not less than 100 mm
2011 Clause from any edge of the seat. Repeat above operation for 10
8.4.2 with [Other chair] times.
modification No structural breakage, when 225 lbs test load free -
(refer to Bifma falls from 6 in. to the center of the seat (1 drop)
5.4 for multi-
seating) Modification = Test load for foldable beach
chair :200lbs; Test load for other chair : 225lbs.
Seating - arm SGS In-house No permanent deformation for 1 minute. The vertical Apply the vertical force of 700N for 10 times at the points
strength vertical (if Method load is uniformly applied through a 5 in. area at the along one arm most likely to cause failure.
applicable) Bifma x 5.1- apparent weakest point.
2011 clause Rigid Arms - 169lbs

Seating - arm SGS In-house [Arm strength test horizontal - functional load] Apply an out ward force of 300 N to the arm rest at the point
strength horizontal Method along the arm rest most likely to cause failure.
(if applicable) Bifma x 5.1- No permanent deformation at 100 lb for 1 minute. The
2011 clause load is applied to the arm rest horizontally at the most
14.4 forward point of the arm rest area

Seating - leg SGS In-house No failure at 75 lbs applied to the leg at 1 in. from the Leg forward static load: Force: 400N, seat load: 1000N, 10
strength test Method end of the leg. Force is applied in four directions cycles.
Bifma x 5.1- (forward, rearward, and side to side) Leg sideways static load: Force: 300N, seat load: 1000N, 10
2011 clause cycles.
Seating –Footrest SGS In-house Apply a force F1 of 445 N (100 lbf.) uniformly along a Apply a vertical force of 1000 N for 10 cycles by means of
Static Load Test – Method 102 mm (4 in.) distance along the footrest but not the local loading pad acting 80 mm from front edge of the
Vertical Bifma x 5.1- greater than 51 mm (2 in.) from the outside edge at load bearing structure of the foot rest at those points most
2011 clause the apparent weakest point of the structure for one (1) likely to cause failure.
19.3 functional minute in the vertical downward direction.
load There shall be no loss of serviceability or sudden loss
of footrest height.
*Seat Impact Bifma x 5.1-2011 No loss of serviceability in 25,000cycles impact. A No required.
durability Clause 11.3 weight of 57kg (125lbs.) free falls onto the seat from
modified 1.2 in. height.
* Front Corner Bifma x 5.1-2011 Seat front edge durability test:
Load Ease Test– Clause 11.4 No loss of serviceability after 10,000 cycles to both Apply the vertical seat durability force of 800N for 20000
Cyclic – off Center modified front seat corners from a 734N (165 lbs.) load
cycles using the smaller loading pad alternately on two
positioned flush to both outer edges applied without
impact for a total of 20,000 cycles points each 100 mm from the front edge of the seat
Note: this test is done after “Impact test” on the same structure and as near as possible to either side of the seat
sample. but not less than 100 mm from the edges.

*Back durability test Bifma x 5.1-2011 No loss of serviceability in 25,000 cycles with a 102kg Seat Force: 1000 N
clause 16 (225lbs.) in the center of the seat and a 334N (75lbf.) Back Force: 300N
modified 90 degree to the center of the chair back. Cycles: 25000 cycles
Seating –front SGS In-house The chair is obstructed with a 13mm (½ in.) Apply a force of 600 N vertically (for multiple sitting places to
stability Method & Bifma obstruction to the chair casters/legs. A downward load a maximum of 2 places) by means of the loading pad acting
x 5.1-2011 12.4 of 600N (135lbs.) is centered 60mm (2.4in.) from the at those points 60 mm behind the front edge of the load
seat front center edge. The seat shall withstand a bearing structure most likely to result in overturning.
20N (4.5lbf.) horizontally from the front seat edge At each loaded position apply a force of 20 N for at least 5 s
without tipping. horizontally outwards along a horizontal line extended
forward from the point where the base of the loading pad
meets the upper surface of the seat.

Seating –rear SGS In-house Apply only to chairs with backrests greater than Apply a vertical force of 600 N to the seat by means of the
stability Method & Bifma 200mm loading pad at the seat loading point (A) determined by the
x 5.1-2011 Type III: loading point template.
12.3.1 for type Load the chair with 6 disks, apply a horizontal force to Determine the distance (H) in millimeters between the
III chairs the highest disk. The location of the force application loaded seat and the floor. For seating having a value of H ≥
is 6 mm (0.25 in.) from the top of the disk. 720mm uses a force F of 80 N.
The force shall be: For seating having a value of H < 720 mm calculate the
• F = 0.1964 (1195 – H) Newton. H is the seat height force F, in Newton, required from the following formula:
in mm. F = 0, 2857 (1000-H).
• [F = 1.1 (47 – H) pounds force.]. H is the seat height Where:
in inches. H is seat height in millimeters;
For chairs with seat height equal to or greater than F is horizontal rearward force in Newton.
710 mm (28.0 in.), a fixed force of 93 N (20.9 lbf.)
shall be applied.
The chair shall not tip over.

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