Assessing the Carbon Intensity of e-fuels Production in
European Countries: A Temporal Analysis
Romain Besseau * , Nicolae Scarlat, Oliver Hurtig , Vincenzo Motola and Anne Bouter
European Commission, Joint Research Center (JRC), 21027 Ispra, Italy; (N.S.); (V.M.); (A.B.)
* Correspondence:
Abstract: The transport sector heavily relies on the use of fossil fuels, which are causing major
environmental concerns. Solutions relying on the direct or indirect use of electricity through e-
fuel production are emerging to power the transport sector. To ensure environmental benefits
are achieved over this transition, an accurate estimation of the impact of the use of electricity is
needed. This requires a high temporal resolution to capture the high variability of electricity. This
paper presents a previously unseen temporal analysis of the carbon intensity of e-fuels using grid
electricity in countries that are members of the European Network of Transmission System Operators
(ENTSO-E). It also provides an estimation of the potential load factor for producing low-carbon
e-fuels according to the European Union legislative framework. This was achieved by building on
top of the existing EcoDynElec tool to develop EcoDynElec_xr, a python tool enabling—with an hourly
time resolution—the calculation, visualisation, and analysis of the historical time-series of electricity
mixing from the ENTSO-E. The results highlight that, in 2023, very few European countries were
reaching low carbon intensity for electricity that enables the use of grid electricity for the production
of green electrolytic hydrogen. The methodological assumptions consider the consumption of the
electricity mix instead of the production mix, and the considered time step is of paramount importance
and drastically impacts the potential load factor of green hydrogen production. The developed tools
are released under an open-source license to ensure transparency, result reproducibility, and reuse
regarding newer data for other territories or for other purposes.
• The direct use of electricity in battery electric vehicles, electric trains, or other trol-
ley vehicles;
• The indirect use of electricity to produce fuels that require a high amount of electricity as
input, such as hydrogen or hydrogen-derived fuel (the so-called e-fuels or electro-fuels).
Transport solutions that directly use electricity are already being largely deployed and
expanding, while solutions relying on an indirect use of electricity through the use of e-fuels
are at a lower commercial readiness level [7]. Several e-fuels or electro-fuel pathways, also
referred to as power-to-liquid (PtL), are candidates for the production of synthetic fuels
using hydrogen produced through water electrolysis [8–10]. Despite some technological
and nontechnological barriers to deployment, such electro-fuel pathways are promising
options for fuel synthesis, enabling the achievement of high GHG emission savings when
using low-carbon electricity [7,11]; these appear to be essential in terms of meeting the EU
climate targets of the transport sector [12,13].
In order to facilitate the emergence of a hydrogen economy and a low-carbon hydrogen
industrial ecosystem, the EU has developed a comprehensive legislative framework through
the Renewable Energy Directive 2018/2001 (RED) [14] that promotes the use of renewable
energy sources across the EU economy. The Renewable Energy Directive (EU) 2023/2413
(the so-called RED III) [15] has increased the level of ambition in terms of the use of
renewable energy in the EU and the use of renewables in transport by 2030. Member States
have the possibility to choose between either a binding target of a 14.5% reduction in GHG
intensity in transport from the use of renewables or a binding share of at least 29% of
renewables in the final consumption of energy in the transport sector. The Directive also
sets a binding combined subtarget of 5.5% for the use of advanced biofuels and renewable
fuels of non-biological origin (RFNBO), i.e., renewable hydrogen or derived synthetic fuels
to be used in the transport sector. Within this target, there is a minimum requirement of a
share of 1% of RFNBOs in the energy supplied to the transport sector in 2030.
Directive 2018/2001 (RED II) [14] defined RFNBO as fuels produced from renew-
able energy and requires greenhouse gas emissions savings from their use of at least 70%
compared to the fossil fuel comparator of 94 gCO2 eq/MJ. Two delegated regulations on
RFNBOs set out the detailed rules for their production and the methodology for calculating
emissions savings: EU 2023/1184 [16] and EU 2023/1185 [17]. The corresponding frame-
work, represented in Figure 1, introduces the three essential pillars aiming at ensuring that
hydrogen is effectively produced from low-carbon electricity:
• Additionality: The aim is to stimulate the deployment of new renewable electricity
generation capacities and avoid competition with other uses of renewable electricity;
• Temporal correlation: The aim is that RFNBO production takes place at times when
electricity is produced
• Geographical correlation: The aim is that RFNBO production takes place in grid areas
where renewable electricity is produced.
The criteria for RFNBO production make sense from a GHG emissions perspective by
using additional electricity when and where it is available. The regulation EU 2023/1184
proposed a flexible application of the criterion to temporal correlation in the initial phase.
From 1 January 2030, the temporal correlation condition requires the production of the RFNBO
during the same 1-h period as the renewable electricity production. Until 1 January 2030,
the temporal correlation condition shall be considered complied with if RFNBO is produced
during the same calendar month as the renewable electricity. Regulation EU 2023/1185 sets
the methodology to assess and calculate the life cycle GHG emissions savings.
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These two regulations are part of a wider context where hydrogen and derived fuels
are expected to become one of the main pillars of the EU decarbonisation strategy as a
clean solution for mobility, power generation, and industrial applications, according to the
European Green Deal (EGD) [19]. In order to promote renewable hydrogen production,
the European Commission adopted “A hydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe” in
2020 [20] by setting targets for the installation of at least 6 GW of electrolysers powered
by renewables in the EU by 2024 and 40 GW by 2030. The EU also recently proposed the
REPowerEU plan [21] for rapidly reducing the dependence of the EU on fossil fuels by
accelerating the green energy transition. RePower EU considers renewable hydrogen as
key to replacing natural gas, coal, and oil in hard-to-decarbonise industries and transport.
Thus, hydrogen can be used to replace fossil-based hydrogen for transport and industrial
processes and new industrial products, such as green fertilisers and steel. REPowerEU
proposed a target of producing 10 Mt of hydrogen using electrolysis within the EU, which
we expect to be equivalent to 60 to 70 GW of electrolysis capacity that has to be installed
in the EU by 2030; another 10 Mt of renewable hydrogen will have to be imported by the
EU in 2030, according to REPower EU. Hydrogen can be used to produce liquid synthetic
kerosene or other synthetic fuels to decarbonise the aviation and maritime sectors, in
addition to other uses.
While technological solutions are emerging, the European legislative framework
requires the saving of at least 70% of GHG emissions to avoid a simple shift of transport-
related pollution from fossil-based internal combustion engines to power plants generating
the electricity used for e-fuel production. Even though electric, hydrogen or e-fuel vehicles
are sometimes promoted as zero-emission or climate-neutral by considering only tailpipe
emissions, the production of both the vehicles and the energy used to power them is not
burden-free [22,23]. This is why performing a life cycle analysis (LCA) and a systemic
analysis [24–26] is necessary to ensure that the environmental impact is effectively reduced
and not simply shifted to another stage of the system or another environmental impact [22].
Many LCAs of electric, hydrogen, or e-fueled vehicles already exist. Reviews and
meta-analyses based on those numerous publications highlight how determinant the
impact of the electricity used is on the environmental footprint [27–29]. Alongside this,
other papers have focused on assessing the impact of the electricity consumed and not
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 10299 4 of 21
produced. Few papers provide details on the carbon intensity of used electricity, such
as Scarlat et al. [30], who considered annual data for electricity production and trade and
provided the carbon intensities of electricity produced and consumed as well. The study
from Tranberg et al. [31] makes use of hourly data for carbon accounting and confirms that
the carbon intensity of electricity consumed in a country can significantly differ from the
carbon intensity of the produced electricity. While studies regularly neglect greenhouse
gas emissions associated with e-fuels when produced from renewable electricity [32], other
studies [30] consider combustion emissions, upstream and downstream emissions, and
also the emissions from the manufacture of equipment, e.g., including GHG emissions
from renewable electricity. Thus, there is an essential need for an integrated method
that is consistent with the existing European legislative framework; this would provide
an accurate estimation of the environmental impact of the electricity used to power the
transport sector (at the right time resolution) to correctly inform decision-making [33,34].
The purpose of this paper is to propose an integrated method using the associated
Python tool to assess the carbon intensity of electricity used, directly or indirectly, in the
transportation sector. This method relies on the data from the European Network of
Transmission System Operators (ENTSO-E) to provide a comprehensive and retrospective
analysis of the historical carbon intensity of produced and consumed electricity with an
hourly time resolution for each member country of ENTSO-E. The consumed electricity is
calculated using the exchange data between countries and the tracking algorithm presented
by Tranberg et al. [31] and implemented in the Ecodynelec tool [35]. By building on top of
this, we developed EcoDynElec_xr, which contains some improvements over its previous
version to make its use easier, less prone to mistakes, and more efficient. Section 2 details
the step-by-step approach followed, relying on the improved tool to calculate a time-series
of the carbon footprint of electricity. The obtained time-series of carbon intensities was
then used to propose a retrospective statistical analysis of the potential load factor of
hydrogen (or derived fuels) under the European Union’s legislative framework. Those
results are presented and discussed for e-hydrogen, as it is a necessary intermediary step
for other e-fuels that can be derived from it; however, the discussion can be generalised
to the e-fuels mentioned in Section 3. This results section discusses the importance of
key methodological assumptions, such as considering the production or consumption of
electricity mix and the chosen time scale for the analysis. Finally, Section 4 outlines the
conditions for producing low-carbon e-fuels and their impact on economic performance.
It emphasizes the importance of considering the outcomes of this work in future studies
related to the environmental footprint of e-fuels or LCAs of other electro-intensive products
that require accurate and dynamic assessments of electricity impacts.
The GHG emissions of hydrogen are calculated from the GHG emissions associated
with electricity used for hydrogen production. The amount of electricity consumed is di-
rectly calculated considering the efficiency of water electrolysis. The thermodynamic limit
for dissociating water at ambient temperature through electrolysis is around 40 kWh/kgH2 .
For low-temperature electrolysis, around 50 to 55 kWh of electricity is needed to produce
1 kg of hydrogen. The typical electrolysis efficiency ranges from about 60% for proton
exchange membrane (PEM) electrolysers to 65 % for alkaline electrolysers [36–38]. Consider-
ing the potential future improvements in terms of efficiency, this value of 65% is considered
by default in the later calculations in this paper. One can easily adjust this parameter in the
code and generate all the graphs considering other electrolyser efficiency values.
Previous studies highlighted the fact that the carbon intensity of H2 is dominated by
the impact of electricity used [39] and the impact of the equipment and infrastructure can be
neglected; only emissions related to the use of electricity for H2 production are considered
in the scope of this work. In this paper, the carbon intensity of electricity is calculated
as the electricity mix multiplied by the emission factors of each electricity source. While
emission factors exclude emissions related to equipment and infrastructure, they include
both combustion emissions and upstream emissions related to fuel supply (extraction,
transport, and refining for fossil fuels and enrichment for nuclear fuel).
The calculations were made for the production mix of each country member of ENTSO-E,
listed in Appendix A, at 1-h resolution using the ENTSO-E production data, and then
for the tracked consumption mix calculated based on the production and exchange of
ENTSO-E data. The most recent ENTSO-E data available (for the year 2023) were used. By
using the tracking algorithm [31] implemented in the EcoDynElec tool [35], it is possible to
obtain the tracked electricity consumption mix. The algorithm was re-implemented in the
developed EcoDynElec_xr tool. With the assumption that H2 electrolysis uses electricity at a
high-voltage level, as expected for a Gigawatt scale project, the calculations considered only
the losses after transport, based on the grid loss data sourced from the EUROSTAT dataset
NRG_CB_E. Those transport losses referred to the difference between the fed-in (generation)
electricity at a high-voltage grid and the electricity delivered to distributors. The tool also
enables the inclusion of the grid distribution losses on top of the transport losses in the
case where an electrolyser is connected to a lower voltage grid. The use of the EUROSTAT
data [40] enables the calculation of average annual grid losses, which is a simplification
in the calculation of the hourly carbon intensity of electricity. The emission factors per
unit of electricity produced were calculated by considering power plant efficiency for each
country and each type of fuel input based on the EUROSTAT dataset NRG_BAL_C; this
determines the amount of primary energy needed to produce electricity. The most recent
available EUROSTAT data, corresponding to the year 2022, were used. This enables the
calculation of the average annual plant efficiency, which is assumed to be constant over
the year, which is a simplification in the calculations. Indeed, the efficiency varies over the
year, especially for plants generating both heat and power if the heat is not or less used
during the warm season [41]. Following the approach presented in Figure 2, it is possible
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 10299 6 of 21
to calculate the carbon intensity with a time resolution of 1 h. For some graphics, the data
were later resampled at a daily time resolution, only for display reasons. Moreover, in order
to test the sensitivity of the assessed carbon intensity, the calculations were also carried
out by down-sampling the hourly data for the calculation of carbon intensity at a lower
time resolution.
Once formatted, the data can be loaded and accessed much faster than from the csv. The
manipulation of the data is also facilitated and the user can filter data by country, energy
type, and datetime, which are the three dimensions for the generation of the data. A similar
function exists for the exchange data, and data can be filtered based on exporting countries,
importing countries, and datetime.
Figure 3. Heat map of missing data for the generation and exchange data.
need to run the tracking algorithm as explained below, but it is first necessary to identify
countries that are directly exchanging electricity between themselves.
the calculations, we have the emission factors per type of fuel input, but these values corre-
spond to the emissions per unit of primary energy and not per final electricity generated.
To convert the tracked electricity data into the primary energy, we need to calculate the
efficiency per type of electricity and per country. In a standard LCA approach, emission
factors could be obtained using LCA databases. Even if the present work focuses on carbon
intensity, it is possible to do the calculation for other impact categories relating, for instance,
to the emissions of particulate matter. Those efficiency values are calculated using the
Eurostat API (application programming interface) [44]. The corresponding code can be
found in the notebook Eurostat.ipynb. There are specific assumptions for allocation; the
allocation of the primary energy for electricity production and for heat in cogeneration was
made by considering alternative heat production with average efficiencies of 85%. More
details can be found in [30]. The data for the year 2022 from Eurostat statistics were used
as the most recent available data, whereas the ENTSO-E data were already available for
the year 2023. However, we expect this to have a very low impact on the results since
the changes in electricity conversion efficiency are low at the scale of a country from one
year to another. The efficiency values were calculated from the IEA data for the countries
having no available data for each type of power plant and fuel input. The preference is
given to Eurostat data over IEA data, as they offer a higher level of detail and are more
rapidly available. The calculated efficiencies are represented in Figure 6, which shows high
variations due to diverse conditions in different countries for different energy sources.
Once those efficiencies (by fuel input and by country) are calculated, we can easily
calculate the amount of primary energy consumed. These primary energy data then have
to be multiplied by the emission factors and extracted from the Commission Delegated
Regulation (EU) 2023/1185 [17], as represented in Figure 7, to obtain the emissions resulting
from electricity production for each source. Those emission factors include the emissions
of the following greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide (CO2 ), methane (CH4 ), and nitrous
oxide (N2 O). These emissions are converted into carbon dioxide equivalent emissions using
the Global Warming Potential (GWP) relative to CO2 over the 100-year time horizon, as
recommended in the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report [4].
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 10299 11 of 21
• The consumption mix of electricity: Those data are the outcome of the tracking
algorithm. They correspond to the output of a model assuming no preference in
direction and energy type in exchanges between countries (i.e., countries are always
exchanging electricity corresponding to their domestic mix);
• The power balance is also represented;
• The carbon intensity, per unit of electricity, of the production electricity mix. To ease
the readability, the same colours are used as for the above graph;
• The carbon intensity of the consumption electricity mix, per unit of electricity;
• A comparison of the carbon intensity of the production and consumption electricity
mix, as well as the limit for the used grid electricity to produce low-carbon hydrogen.
For the last three graphs, the left axis gives the values in gCO2 eq/kWh while the right
axis gives the values in gCO2 eq/MJ of electricity.
Figure 8 shows that, for instance, Italy consumes nuclear electricity, whereas Italy
does not produce nuclear electricity. This is because Italy imports a significant amount
of electricity from France and Switzerland, where nuclear is significant in the national
electricity mix. The graph for Italy shows that all over the year, Italy is importing electricity
to satisfy a demand that is higher than the national production. In August, the electricity
demand reduced and imports were at the lowest level. When looking at the previous graph,
it also corresponds to the moment when the consumption of nuclear electricity was also at
the lowest level.
Figure 8 also shows that Germany’s consumption mix includes a share of nuclear
and hydroelectricity, which contribute to the reduction in its carbon intensity. It is also
interesting to note that there is seasonality in electricity exchange. Germany exports
electricity to neighbours globally in winter when electricity production relies more on
fossil fuels and has a higher carbon intensity. It also globally imports electricity during
the summer, which reduces the use of fossil fuel plants. These aspects explain why the
consumption mix in Germany has a slightly lower carbon intensity than its production
mix. Even if the share of renewables is high during some periods, the remaining share of
electricity produced from fossil fuels prevents it from reaching the 18 gCO2 eq/MJ limit.
Austria was also chosen for illustration purposes since, in comparison to Italy or
Germany, its electricity mix sometimes reaches the threshold. Figure 8 shows that, in the
absence of production from fossil fuels, the carbon intensity of the electricity production
mix in Austria is very low. However, in winter, when the electricity consumption increases,
Austria becomes a net importer of electricity with high-carbon intensity. During those
periods, this imported consumption of fossil electricity leads to a significant increase in
carbon intensity. As a result, most of the time, the carbon intensity of electricity production
is below the threshold, but it is above the threshold most of the time when considering
electricity consumption.
Annual averaged carbon intensities are presented for all country members of ENTSO-E
in Section 3.2. The statistics on the number of hours below the threshold are presented and
discussed for all countries in Section 3.3. The carbon intensity of the consumption mix is
calculated and displayed for various time steps. The effect of the calculation time step is
discussed in Section 3.4.
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Figure 8. Dashboard of electricity mix and carbon intensities for selected cases.
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3.2. Annual Averaged Carbon Intensity of the Electricity Mix and e-H2
Figure 9A presents the annual averaged carbon intensity of electricity by countries.
This annual average is calculated after calculating the corresponding carbon intensity
for each hour of the year using the method previously described. The black dashed line
corresponds to the threshold for the carbon intensity of electricity used, enabling 70%
of the GHG emissions of e-hydrogen to be saved, assuming a 65% electrolysis efficiency,
compared to the fossil fuel comparator value represented by a red dashed line in Figure 9B.
Countries are sorted by the carbon intensity of their consumption mix. Only a few countries
have an average annual carbon intensity satisfying this criterion. We can also see that some
countries, such as Denmark, have a consumption mix cleaner than the production mix due
to the import of cleaner electricity. On the other hand, some countries have a consumption
mix with a higher carbon intensity than the production mix.
Figure 9B presents the carbon intensity of e-hydrogen production using grid electricity
(at high voltage) in each ENTSO-E country. The blue dashed line represents the value
calculated for the production of e-H2 in the EU27, with the exemption of Cyprus and Malta,
which do not provide data to ENTSO-E. The red and blue dashed lines are extremely close,
meaning that producing e-H2 with the electricity mix of the EU27 does not save any GHG
emissions in 2023 compared to the fossil fuel comparator. Out of the 34 countries that are
members of ENTSO-E, only five countries would have been able to produce, when averaged
over the whole year, e-H2 complying with the 70% GHG emission threshold, 13 would
still reach a lower carbon intensity than the fossil fuel comparator without reaching the
70% savings, and 16 would produce e-H2 with a higher carbon intensity than fossil fuels.
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Figure 10. Percentage of time where the carbon intensity of hydrogen is below the threshold.
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Figure 12 presents the potential load factor of low-carbon hydrogen production consid-
ering both the production and consumption mix for the different time steps, from annual
values to hourly values. When considering an annual time step, the load factor is 0 or
1, depending on the annual average and if it is above the limit or not. The load factor
is slightly affected by the considered time step. Indeed, as exemplified for Austria in
Figure 11, even if the monthly carbon intensity is above the limit for 1 month, it is possible
that within this month, there are some weeks, days, or hours for which the carbon intensity
is lower than the limit. On the other hand, there might be months with a monthly intensity
below the limit, and within this month, there might be some weeks, days, or hours over the
limit. The larger the time step is, the higher the risk of including periods of time where the
electricity is sourced from high-carbon intensity sources. Having a time step as low as an
hourly time step strongly limits this risk. A larger time step may facilitate the running of an
e-fuel power plant, but Figure 12 also shows that, for most countries, when looking at the
consumption mix, the shorter the time step is, the higher the potential load factor is. This is
due to the fact that every single hour below the limit can be used for plant operation.
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 10299 17 of 21
Figure 12. Influence of the considered time step on potential load factor for low-carbon e-fuel production.
having a time step that is not fine enough is using electricity when the production is not
sourced from low-carbon sources.
Regarding the limits of this study, it is important to mention that massive electrolytic
hydrogen production would require a massive amount of electricity and would involve
major changes to the electricity mix to produce the expected low-carbon e-fuels. It would
then become necessary to apply the proposed methods to prospective scenarios. This
represents an interesting perspective, but that would require prospective production and
exchanging time series between the considered territories, data the authors never found
published in the scientific literature. In addition, it is important to remember that emissions
related to the manufacture of infrastructures are not considered in the scope of this work;
we only cover combustion emissions and upstream emissions related to fuel production.
The inclusion of those emissions will necessarily increase the e-hydrogen footprint and
lower the load factor below the threshold.
Considering the importance e-hydrogen is expected to play inside the EU or outside
for its international trading partners [45], the same methodology might be needed for the
calculation of its carbon intensity. The work can be replicated in any other area of the world
depending on the availability of data at the same level of detail, in particular, a time series
by energy type and electricity exchange data at the right resolution.
Finally, the developed python tool, EcoDynElec_xr, is released under an open-source
license to ensure transparency, result reproducibility, reuse on data that are more recent
than 2023 (when they will be available), reuse for other geographical areas, or reuse in other
applications where a fine and dynamic assessment of electricity impact is needed.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, R.B., N.S., V.M. and A.B.; Methodology, R.B. and O.H.;
Software, R.B. and O.H.; Validation, R.B., N.S. and O.H.; Formal analysis, R.B. and N.S.; Investigation,
R.B., N.S., V.M. and A.B.; Resources, R.B., N.S., V.M. and A.B.; Data curation, R.B. and O.H.; Writing—
original draft, R.B., N.S. and A.B.; Writing—review & editing, R.B., N.S., O.H. and V.M.; Visualization,
R.B. and O.H.; Supervision, R.B. and N.S.; Project administration, N.S. All authors have read and
agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: The original data presented in the study are openly available in Zenodo
DOI:; Github realease:
EcoDynElec_xr/releases/tag/EcoDynElec_xr; Romain Besseau:;, (accessed on 24 October 2024).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
Disclaimer: The contents are the sole responsibility of the authors and can, under no circumstances,
be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Commission.
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 10299 19 of 21
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