5 2
Name: Date: +
8 8 =
1. a) Write these numbers in order from
lowest value to highest value. 2 7
8 + 8 =
312 700 700 101 304 985 17 020
7 3
9 − 9 =
b) Complete these comparisons using each of the
numbers above only once. 6 7
29 − 9 =
2 marks
4. Look at the operations given below. Choose the
> 2 marks
correct one to go in each of the empty circles in
the diagram.
2. Complete this calculation using the × 10 × 100 × 1000 ÷ 10 ÷ 100 ÷ 1000
column addition method.
9 0 3 5 4 250 2.5
+ 4 5 7 3 7
6. Which of these calculations would be easier to add five hundred thousand less
mentally? Circle your answer. four hundred more 2 marks
1 mark
1 mark
7. Order these fractions from smallest to greatest. 10. a) Complete the equivalent fractions represented
3 1 3 2
by the diagrams.
4 6 12 3
ascending order 1 mark 8
2 marks
12. A theme park has 119 458 visitors on Saturday. The Multiples Multiples Multiples
park has 16 500 fewer visitors on Sunday than it of 3 of 8 of 10
had on Saturday.
How many visitors did the park have over the 100
two days?
Not a
Number 1 mark
2 marks
2 4 2
b) When both races had finished 2854 3 + 12 + 6 = or
2 marks
92 − 72 39
33 + 52 45
43 − 52 52
62 + 32 32
2 marks
2 marks
18. Complete this Venn diagram using all of the
16. Use addition or subtraction to complete the numbers below. One has already been done for you.
calculations. 13 9 17 3 12
9 3 Factor of 27 Prime
10 − 5 = 13
1 mark
Mixed Numbers
2 marks
21. Follow the clues to create a six-digit number using
6 7 13
8 + 8 = 8 only the digits from the cards.
11 8 19
4 + 4 = 4 5 7 3 1 6 4
2 marks
• It is an even number.
20. This table shows how many people went on the
• The ten thousands digit is double the thousands
pirate ship and rollercoaster rides at a theme park
over three months.
• It rounds to 800 000 when rounded to the nearest
June July August
hundred thousand.
Pirate Ship 16 780 40 608 120 060
• The hundreds digit is the digit card with the
Rollercoaster 27 560 54 050 149 000
lowest value.
How many more people went on the rollercoaster
than the pirate ship over the three months? 1 mark
32 marks