You may remember that one of the characteristics shared by all living things is respiration. Respiration is a series of chemical reactions that happens inside every living cell. The kind of respiration that usually happens inside our cells is called aerobic respiration. Aerobic respiration uses oxygen. The cells produce carbon dioxide as a waste product. The air around you contains oxygen. When you breathe, you take air into your lungs. Some of the oxygen from the air goes into your blood. The blood delivers the oxygen to every cell in your body, so that the cells can use it for respiration. The blood collects the waste carbon dioxide from the cells, and takes it back to your lungs. The organs that help you to take oxygen out of the air, and get rid of carbon dioxide, make up the respiratory system. In this model of the human body, the lungs are shown in pink Can you name any of the other organs shown in the picture on the right?
The structure of the human
respiratory system This is a diagram of the human entrance to nose respiratory system. The white spaces in this diagram are the entrance to mouth ‘tubes’ (bronchi and bronchioles) voicebox (larynx) that air moves through, windpipe (trachea) as it goes into and out of your lungs. rings of cartilage lung bronchiole bronchus (plural: bronchi) air sacs
rib bone muscles between ribs (intercostal muscles) diaphragm