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ME106: SEMESTER 2; 2022/23, LECTURE 2


ME106: 2022/23: SEMESTER 2
LECTURE 2: 2nd WEEK OF CLASSES (03 April 2023)

 What is a load? A load is anything that tends to deform a body or structure by exerting a
force/moment to the body/structure. There are 3 main classification of loads, i.e. by time,
by area of application, and by effect on the body/structure.
1.1. Loads Classified According to Application Time
 Static Loads: These loads are applied slowly, and hence the change in their intensity (see later)
also increases slowly. Equilibrium is reached in a relatively short time. Give examples.
 Sustained loads: These remain constant over a long period of time. Generally, they are treated as
static loads. Examples include the self-weight of the structure. At elevated temperatures,
sustained loads lead to creep failure.
 Dynamic loads: These are loads that vary in intensity with time e.g. Fatigue. These are covered
in detail in the subject of dynamics.
 Impact loads: These are rapidly applied loads, e.g. falling weight of a forging hammer onto a forge.
They sometimes treated as dynamic loads.
1.2. Loads classified according to area of application
In this respect, there are 2 main classes, i.e. concentrated loads, and distributed loads.

 Concentrated Loads: These are applied on a very small area compared to the size of the loaded
member. They are also referred to as point loads and shown on diagrams as single pointed arrows.
Give examples.
 Distributed Loads: These are distributed over an area or along a length. The distribution may be
even (uniform) or uneven (non-uniform). Give Examples.
1.3. Loads Classified According to Effect on a Structure
There are 6 different types of loading depending on the type of failure they tend to cause to a structure.
 Tension: It is a loading form in which the body is subjected to pulling. Also, called tensile
loading. It is possible even with collapsible bodies, e.g. cables and ropes. Give examples.
 Compression. It is the exact opposite of tension. Unlike tension, compression is not possible with
collapsible bodies. It is also called compressive loading. Give examples
 Shearing: Shear loading tends to cause slipping (sliding) of the adjacent cross-sections of the
structure. Give examples.
 Bending: Bending is a form of loading that causes the structure to bend. In general, bending
loads act transversely to the longitudinal axis of the structure. Bending loads are
characterized by bending moments, M. Give examples.
 Torsion: It is a special form of shearing in which the load causes twisting of the structure about
a longitudinal axis. Consider a haft acted upon by a twisting moment (also called torque). Give
 Buckling: It is a special type of compressive loading which leads to instability problems. The
instability occurs in slender struts under compressive force F, which exceeds a certain limiting value
called critical or Euler load. This will be done in your 2nd year of study.

Note: most problems in mechanical engineering are of the mixed type. Nevertheless, before
we can deal with complex cases of loading, we have to study all the six pure cases mentioned above.

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ME106: SEMESTER 2; 2022/23, LECTURE 2


The study of Mechanics of Materials basically deals with the determination of stresses and the
resulting deformation of structural members, such as bolts, rivets, shafts, pressure vessels, beams,
columns, etc.

By definition, Mechanics of Materials (or Mechanics of Solids or Strength of Materials) is the

study of the behavior of structural and machine members under the action of external loads, taking
into account the internal forces created and the resulting deformations. The concepts and relations
derived from this subject are essential and useful in the engineering design process.


Consider the cross section at C of a bar AB of cross-sectional area A in tension by a force F as shown

Draw a FBD of AC as shown

Internal forces are developed so as to maintain equilibrium. These forces are distributed over the
area A. And by equilibrium the resultant, F R, of these forces must equal to the applied force F. The
intensity (force per unit area) of the internal forces is known as stress and given the symbol σ. Thus,

𝜎= = (1)

Note that, the resultant force FR will have a normal component Fn (causing normal stress or direct stress)
and a tangential component Ft (causing tangential stress or shear stress). Normal stress can be tensile
(+ve stress) or compressive (-ve stress). The SI basic unit of stress in N/m2 or Pascal (Pa). In practice
stress is given in MN/m2 (=N/mm2) or MPa.

𝜎𝑛 = normal stress (or direct stress)

𝜎𝑡 = 𝜏 = tangential stress (or shear stress)

Design of Components in Tension/Compression

A member in tension is called a tie and one in compression is called a strut. Usually the force F
is known or given and the stress σ is also known (from handbooks) as the allowable stress,
σall, for the material. Your job as the design engineer is to specify the material and the area, A,
required to safely carry the load F. Thus, by equation (1) above we have,

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ME106: SEMESTER 2; 2022/23, LECTURE 2

𝐴= (2)

Design of Simple Components in Shear: Rivets

Rivets in Single Shear Mode (see diagram in class): The shear stress in the rivet is given by,
𝜏𝑟 = , where As = shear area = Ar = shear area for 1 rivet. Given the allowable shear stress
for the material as τall, you should be able to determine the dimensions of the cross-section of the
𝐴𝑠 = 𝐴𝑟 = 𝜏 , and for a circular rivet of diameter d, d is given by,

4𝐹 4𝐹
𝑑=√ , and for n rivets 𝑑 = √
𝜋𝜏𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑛𝜋𝜏𝑎𝑙𝑙

Rivets in Double Shear Mode (see diagram in class): The shear stress in the rivet is given by
𝜏𝑟 = Where A s = shear area =2A r = shear area for 1 rivet. Again, given the allowable
shear stress as τall you should be able to determine the dimensions of the cross-section of the rivet
and for one circular rivet of diameter d, d is given by,

4𝐹 4𝐹
𝑑=√ , and for n rivets 𝑑 = √
2𝜋𝜏𝑎𝑙𝑙 2𝑛𝜋𝜏𝑎𝑙𝑙

Same is applied for rivets in triple shear mode

Example 2.1:Consider the stepped bar shown in Fig. CE2.1. Section AB is square, 20x20 mm, Section
BC is square, 40x40 mm, and Section CD is round with a diameter of 30mm. The bar is subjected
to an axial tensile load of F=60 kN. Sketch FBDs for the 3 sections and hence determine the stress in
each section, in MPa. Note that the lengths of the sections are not indicated and are not needed for
the purpose of calculating the stresses.

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ME106: SEMESTER 2; 2022/23, LECTURE 2

Example 2.2: Consider the compression bar shown in Fig.CE2.2. It is compressed between two
rigid end plates A and C by a force F=150 kN as shown. Section AB is solid and has a diameter of
50 mm. Section BC is a hollow cylinder with an internal diameter of 30 mm. Sketch FBDs of the 2
sections and find the stress in each, in MPa.

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ME106: SEMESTER 2; 2022/23, LECTURE 2

Example 2.3: A block of mass 80 kg is to be suspended by a MS steel wire of diameter d. If the stress
in the steel is not to exceed 150 MPa determine the value of d in mm. If the following standard MS
wires are available, which one would you specify to carry the block: 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3.5, and 4 all
in mm. Explain your answer. Then calculate the stress in the wire you choose when carrying the
80 kg mass. Take the value of g=9.81m/s2.

Example 2.4: Consider the riveted lap joint joining two flat bars 30x8mm shown in Fig. CE2.4. The joint
has 6 rivets each with a diameter of 10 mm as shown. The tensile load F=40 kN, (a) calculate the
tensile stress in the plates far from the joint. (b) Calculate the shear stress in each rivet in MPa.

Example 2.5: Two flat bars 40x10 mm are joined by a lap joint similar to the one shown in Fig.CE2.4
above. The joint has MS 4 rivets each of diameter d. If the tensile force F= 85 kN and the allowable
shear stress in each rivet is not to exceed 120 MPa, determine the value of d, in mm. The following
standard MS rivets are available to you: 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 all in mm. Which one would you
choose for the joint? Explain your answer. Then calculate the shear stress in each of the 4 rivets so

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ME106: SEMESTER 2; 2022/23, LECTURE 2


ME106: TUTORIAL #2 base on Lecture 2

Tut2.1: A solid mild steel (MS) round bar of diameter d is to carry a tensile load F=50kN. Determine
the minimum value of d if the maximum allowable tensile stress for the MS is 150 MPa. If the following
MS standard bars are available to you; which one would you specify to carry the load: 8, 10, 12, 14,
16, 18, 20, 22, 24, and 26? (all in mm). Give a reason for your answer. Then calculate the stress in
the bar you specify.

Tut2.2: Consider the stepped tension round bar shown in Fig. Tu2.2. Section AB has a diameter of
20mm, Section BC has a diameter of 30 mm, and Section CD has a diameter of 25 mm. The bar is
subjected to an axial tensile load of F=50 kN. Sketch FBDs for the 3 sections and hence determine the
stress in each section. Note that the lengths of the sections are not indicated and are not needed for the
purpose of calculating the stresses.

Tut2.3: A long component is in the form of a steel square bar a x a = 50 x 50 mm with a hole of
diameter D = 30 mm centrally drilled through the entire length. Four other holes each with diameter
of d = 10 mm are also drilled through the length of the component, o ne near each corner of the
square. The holes will be used as conduits to accommodate service cables. In operation, the
component will be used as a tie carrying a total tensile load, F = 222 kN acting along the centroidal
longitudinal axis of the component. (a) Sketch the cross-section of the component (b) Determine
the axial tensile stress in the component, in MPa, to 1 decimal place.

Tut2.4: Consider the riveted lap joint joining two flat bars 30x12mm shown in Fig. Tut2.4. The joint
has 6 rivets each with a diameter of 12mm as shown. If the tensile load F=60kN, calculate the
shear stress in each rivet in MPa. Calculate also the tensile stress in the flat bars, in MPa.

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Tut2.5: Two flat bars 40x10 mm are joined by a lap joint similar to the one shown in Fig.Tu2.4 above.
The joint has MS 4 rivets each of diameter d. If the tensile force F= 100 kN and the allowable shear
stress in each rivet is not to exceed 130 MPa, determine the value of d, in mm. The following standard MS
rivets are available to you: 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 all in mm. Which one would you choose for the joint?
Explain your answer. Then calculate the shear stress in each of the 4 rivets so chosen.

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