BCA I Syllabus

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BCA Program

BCA - I Semester
Code Description Pd/w Exam CIA ESE TOTAL
BCA111 Programming in C 3 3 hrs 20 80 100
BCA112 Web Designing 3 3 hrs 20 80 100
BCA113 Fundamentals of Computer 3 3 hrs 20 80 100
BCA114 Mathematics I 3 3 hrs 20 80 100
BCA115 Communicative Skills 3 3 hrs 20 80 100
BCA121 C Language Lab 4 3 hrs 20 80 100
BCA122 Office Automation Lab 4 3 hrs 20 80 100
BCA123 Web Design Lab 4 3 hrs 20 80 100

Unit BCA111: Programming in C

Concept of programming, algorithms and flowcharts, data types, structure of C program, constants and variables,
arithmetic operators, library functions, expressions, input/output statements, compound statements and blocks.
Operators - relational, logical, bit wise, unary, hierarchy of operators. Control statements - if-else, nested if, switch
case, goto and labels, looping statements - while, do-while and for, nested loops, break and continue.
Introduction of arrays - one-dimensional and multidimensional arrays, structures – simple and compound, unions,
III processing a structure. Pointers – declaration, increment and decrement operation, pointer to array, array of
pointers, pointers to structures
Functions - defining and accessing a function, function arguments, call by value, call by reference, calling
IV functions with arrays, external, state and register variables, scope of variables, local and global variables, type
conversion, block structure, recursion
Introduction of strings, library functions of strings - strlen, strcpy, strcat, strcmp. File handling – file input/output
statements, creating, reading, writing and modifying files
Suggested Readings
• Let Us C, Yashavant P. Kanetkar , BPB Publications
• Programming in ANSI C, Balaguruswamy, Mc Graw Hill

Unit BCA112: Web Design
Internet: History of the World Wide Web, difference between internet and intranet, web browser and its
I functions, URLs, web sites, domain names, search engines. Brief introduction to internet protocols – TCP/IP and
Introduction of HTML: markup language features, uses and versions, elements of html: syntax, head and body
sections, DOCTYPE tag, character formatting tags: B,U,I,SUB,SUP etc. Drawing ruler with HR tag. Creating lists: OL
tag and its attributes START, TYPE and VALUE, UL tag and its attribute TYPE, LI tag. Using font: FONT tag and
attributes like SIZE, COLOR and FACE. Inserting texts, text alignment.
Image Element: IMG tag and its attributes SRC, ALT, ALIGN, BORDER, WIDTH and HEIGHT. Presenting information
III in Table: Tags like TABLE, TR, TD and TH, Use of ROWSPAN and COLSPAN. Frames: Dividing window with frames
using FRAME and FRAMESET tag, inline frame using IFRAME tag
Anchor tag A and its various attributes HREF, TITLE, NAME ACCESSKEY and TARGET, Images and Text as hyper link.
IV Hyperlink and table elements. Forms: Use or FORM tag, Understanding of widgets, <INPUT> Tag, use of Submit
and Reset Buttons, Forms processing (Action and Method).
Dynamic HTML: CSS: Introduction – inline styles, creating style sheets with the style element, Conflicting styles,
linking external style sheets, user style sheets.
Suggested Readings
• HTML Complete, BPB Publication (Sybex)
• Internet and World Wide Web, H.M.Deitel, P.J.Deitel, A.B.Goldberg, Pearson -Prentice Hall

Unit BCA113: Fundamentals of Computer
Introduction to Computer, Characteristics of Computers, Generation of Computers, Classification of Computer,
I Basic Computer Orgnaisation, Applications of Computers, Input Devices, Output Devices, Soft Copy Devices,
Hard Copy Devices
Introduction to Computer Memory, Memory Hierarchy, Processor Registers, Cache Memory, Primary Memory,
Secondary Memory, Storage Devices- Hard Disk, Optical Drives, USB Flash drive, Memory Card, Mass Storage
II Devices,
Introduction to Computer Software, Classification of Computer Software- System, Application, Firmware,
Introduction to Operating System, Evolution, Process Management, Memory Management, File Management,
Device Management, Security Management, Command Interpreter, Algorithm, Control Structures, Flowcharts,
Pseudocode, Programming Languages, Generation of Programming Languages, Categorization of High level
Languages, Popular High Level Languages
Introduction to Networking, Connecting Media, Data Transmission Mode, Data Multiplexing, Data Switching,
IV Data Routing Techniques, Networking Topologies, Type of Network, Networking Devices, Introduction to
Internet, Internet Services, Types of Internet Connections, Internet Security
Introduction to Emerging Computer Technologies, Distributed Networking, Peer-to-Peer Computing, Grid
Computing, Cloud Computing, Utility Computing, On-demand Computing Wireless Network, Bluetooth
Suggested Readings
• Fundamentals of Computers – Reema Thareja, Oxford Publications

Unit BCA114: Mathematics I
Sets:-definition of sets, Representation of sets, Type of sets i.e. empty set, equal set, finite and infinite set,
subset, power set, universal set, operations on sets, intersection of sets, properties of operation on sets,
I complement of a set, properties of complement of set.
Relations:- Definition of relation, Types of relations
Functions:- Definition of function Types of functions, Cartesian product of sets, Binary operations.
Matrix:- Definition of matrix, Types of matrixes i.e. Row matrix, column matrix, equal matrix, square matrix,
Diagonal matrix, Scalar matrix etc., operation on matrixes i.e. addition, subtraction and product of matrixes.
Determinant:- Definition of determinants, expansion of determinants, operation on determinants, minors,
cofactor, singular and non-singular matrix, Ad joint of matrix, Inverse of a matrix.
Quadratic equations:-Definition of quadratic equation, solution of quadratic equation by factorization method
and shridharacharya’s formula, relation between the roots of a quadratic equation, Formation of quadratic
III equation from given roots.
Sequence & series: Introduction, Arithmetic progression (AP), General term of a AP , sum of n terms of a AP,
Arithmetic mean, Geometric progression (GP), general term of G.P., Sum of a G.P., Geometrical mean.
Trigonometry:- Angles, Degree measures, radian measures, Relation between radian and real number,
IV Relation between degree and radian, trigonometric functions and identities, sign of trigonometric functions,
sum and Difference of two angles of trigonometric functions.
Coordinate Geometry: The number plane, distance formula, area of a triangle, section formula, slope of a line,
V equation of a straight line: introduction, point form, slope form, two point form, intercept form, normal form,
distance of a point from a line, distance between two parallel lines, angle between two lines.

Suggested readings
• Matrices and Determinants; Kapoor & Gupta
• NCERT mathematics book

Unit BCA115: Communicative skills

Comprehension: Comprehension includes understanding the language by reading and writing. Passages will
be given to read and question will be asked to evaluate the level of comprehension.
Text: Remedial Course in English Book II
Short questions based on the passage from the text will be given.
III Functional Grammar:
Grammar will be taught in a functional, integrated and informal way, laying stress more on the usage rather
than defining them
Modal verbs
(Can, could, may, might, shall / will, should, must would, ought to, need and dare)
Tenses : Simple Present, Progressive, Present Perfect and perfect continuous, Simple past, progressive, past
perfect and perfect continuous. Indication of Futurity, future continuous and future perfect.
Active and Passive Voice (Simple present & Past, Present & Past perfect and to infinitive structure) Antonyms ,
synonyms, prefix and suffix
Writing Skills
IV Letter Writing :- (Formal and Informal), Various types of business and social letters and Applications
Report Writing:- (Newspaper Report and Factual Reports)
V Paragraph Writing (Descriptive and Factual) Précis Writing


Practical Exercises
Exercises based on data types, constants and variables, arithmetic operators, library functions, expressions, input/output
statements, compound statements and blocks, relational, logical, bit wise, unary operators, Control statements, arrays -
one-dimensional and multidimensional arrays, structures, Pointers – declaration, increment and decrement operation,
pointer to array, array of pointers, pointers to structures, Functions - call by value, call by reference, calling functions
with arrays, recursion, strings, file input/output statements, creating, reading, writing and modifying files


Practical Exercises
Essentials of Grammar, Conversational Skills


SNo Practical Exercises
1 Demonstrate the character formatting Tags like <B>, <I>, <U>, <STRIKE>, <SUB>, <SUP> and <KBD>
2 Create a page with a link at the top of it that when clicked will jump all the way to the bottom of the page. At
the bottom of the page there should be a link to jump back to the top of the page.
3 Design a Web page which show’s Special Character like ( © , ®, >, @ etc) with the help of ASCII Codes.(Start
from 34 to 132).
4 Demonstrate how to make a navigation frame. This navigation frame contains a list of links with the second
frame as the target.

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