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1. IT Tools and Network Basics (M1-R5.1)
a. Chapter1: Introduction to Computer i. Computer, Evolution of Computers & its applications, Basics of Hardware and Software, Central Processing Unit, Input devices, Output devices, Computer Memory & storage, Application Software, Systems Software, Utility Software, Open source and Proprietary Software, Mobile Apps. b. Chapter2: Introduction to Operating System i. Operating System, Basics of Operating System, Operating Systems for Desktop and Laptop, Operating Systems for Mobile Phone and Tablets, User Interface for Desktop and Laptop, Task Bar, Icons & shortcuts, File and Folder management, types of file extensions. c. Chapter3: Word Processing i. Word Processing Basics, Title Bar, Menu Bar, Toolbars & Sidebar, Opening and Closing Documents, Save and Save As, Page Setup, Page Layout, Borders, Watermark, Print Preview, Printing of Documents, PDF file and Saving a Document as PDF file, Text Creation and manipulation, Document Creation, Editing Text, Text Selection, Cut, Copy and Paste, Font, Color, Style and Size selection, Alignment of Text, Undo & Redo, AutoCorrect, Spelling & Grammar Find and Replace, Formatting the Text, Creating and using user defined Styles, Paragraph Indentation, Bullets and Numbering, Change case, Header & Footer, Table Manipulation, Insert & Draw Table, Changing cell width and height, Alignment of Text in cell, Delete / Insertion of Row, Column and Merging & Splitting of Cells, Border and Shading, Mail Merge, Table of Contents, Indexes, Adding Comments, Tracking changes, Macros d. Chapter4: Spreadsheet i. Elements of Spread Sheet, Creating of Spread Sheet, Concept of Cell Address [Row and Column] and selecting a Cell, Entering Data [text, number, date] in Cells, Page Setup, Printing of Sheet, Saving Spreadsheet, Opening and Closing, Manipulation of Cells & Sheet, Modifying / Editing Cell Content , Formatting Cell (Font, Alignment, Style ), Cut, Copy, Paste & Paste Special, Changing Cell Height and Width, Inserting and Deleting Rows, Column, AutoFill, Sorting & Filtering, Freezing panes, Formulas, Functions and Charts, Using Formulas for Numbers (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division), AutoSum, Functions, Advanced Filter, Charts (Bar, Column, Pie, Line), Data Validation e. Chapter6: Introduction to Internet & WWW i. Basic of Computer Networks, Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), Network Topology , Internet, Concept of Internet & WWW, Applications of Internet, Website Address and URL, Introduction to IP Address, ISP and Role of ISP, Internet Protocol, Modes of Connecting Internet, Identifying and uses of IP/MAC of various devices, Popular Web Browsers, Exploring the Internet , Surfing the web, Popular Search Engines, Searching on Internet, Downloading Web Pages, Printing Web Pages.
f. Chapter7: Email & Social Networking
i. Structure of E-mail, Using E-mails, Opening Email account, Mailbox: Inbox and Outbox, Creating and Sending a new E-mail, Replying to an E-mail message, Forwarding an E-mail message, Searching emails, Attaching files with email, Email Signature, Social Networking & e-Commerce, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, Instant Messaging (Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger, Telegram) PRE NIELIT EXAM SYLLABUS JULY-24
2. Web Designing & Publishing (M2-R5.1)
a. Chapter1: Introduction to Web Design i. Introduction of Internet, WWW, Website, Working of Websites, Webpages, Front End, Back End, Client and Server Scripting Languages, Responsive Web Designing, Types of Websites (Static and Dynamic Websites). b. Chapter2: Editors i. Editors like Notepad++, Sublime Text Editor etc, making use of Editors, File creation and editing, saving c. Chapter3: HTML Basics i. HTML: Introduction, Basic Structure of HTML, Head Section and Elements of Head Section, Formatting Tags: Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Div,Pre Tag Anchor links and Named Anchors Image Tag, Paragraphs, Comments, Tables: Attributes – (Border, Cellpadding, Cellspacing , height , width), TR, TH, TD, Rowspan, Colspan Lists : Ordered List , Unordered List , Definition List, Forms, Form Elements, Input types, Input Attributes, Text Input Text Area, Dropdown, Radio buttons , Check boxes, Submit and Reset Buttons Frames: Frameset, nested Frames. HTML 5 Introduction, HTML5 New Elements: Section, Nav, Article, Aside, Audio Tag, Video Tag, HTML5 Form Validations: Require Attribute, Pattern Attribute, Autofocus Attribute, email, number type, date type, Range type, HTML embed multimedia, HTML Layout, HTML Iframe. d. Chapter4: CSS i. Introduction to CSS, Types of CSS, CSS Selectors: Universal Selector, ID selector, Tag Selector, Class Selector, Sub Selector, Attribute Selector, Group Selector, CSS Properties: Back Ground properties, Block Properties, Box properties, List properties, Border Properties, Positioning Properties, CSS Table properties. PRE NIELIT EXAM SYLLABUS JULY-24
3. Programming & Problem Solving Through Python (M3-R5.1)
a. Chapter1: Introduction to Programming i. The basic Model of computation, algorithms, flowcharts, Programming Languages, compilation, testing & debugging and documentation. b. Chapter2: Algorithms & Flowcharts i. Flow Chart Symbols, Basic algorithms/flowcharts for sequential processing, decision based processing and iterative processing. Some examples like: Exchanging values of two variables, summation of a set of numbers, reversing digits of an integer, GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) of two numbers, factorial computation, Fibonacci sequence. c. Chapter3: Introduction to Python i. Python Introduction, Technical Strength of Python, Introduction to Python Interpreter and program execution, Using Comments, Literals, Constants, Python’s Built-in Data types, Numbers (Integers, Floats, Complex Numbers, Real, Sets), Strings (Slicing, Indexing, Concatenation, other operations on Strings), Accepting input from Console, printing statements, Simple ‘Python’ programs. d. Chapter4: Operators, Expressions & Statements i. Assignment statement, expressions, Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, Bitwise operators and their precedence, Conditional statements: if, if-else, if-elif-else; simple programs, Notion of iterative computation and control flow –range function, while statement, for loop, break statement, continue Statement, Pass statement.