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Traveling Woman Collection Designed by Liz Abinante

A collection of projects for world travelers.

Traveling Woman • Traveling Scarf • Traveling Cowl • Traveling Socks

Liz Abinante ©2009-2011

Contents Introduction
A brief outline of the pattern.

Tips For Customizing

Customization tips applicable to all versions of the pattern.

Traveling Woman
Semi-circle shape. Top down.

Laceweight, medium and xlarge

Fingering weight, xsmall, small, medium and large
Sport/DK weight, xsmall, small and slarge
Worsted weight, large and xlarge

Traveling Scarf
Adapted to use maximum yardage.

Fingering weight, scarf

Worsted weight, stole
Additional sizing recommendations included

Traveling Cowl
Quick and cozy cowl knit in the round or flat.

Fingering weight, small and large

Worsted weight, small and large

Traveling Socks
Cuff down socks with a heel flap.

Fingering weight, small, medium, and large

Sport weight, small, medium, and large

A list of symbols and abbreviations used in the pattern

Thanks, copyright information, and about the designer. Version 5
Dearest knitter,

This booklet has been a long time coming. I released the original Traveling Woman pattern in August 2009. In December
2010, it reached 5,000 projects on Ravelry. Seriously, I’m flattered you’ve all chosen to knit my original free design. I ap-
preciate your support in purchasing the complete booklet - what I like to think of as the “deluxe” version of Traveling

In this booklet you will find four patterns:

Traveling Woman, the original crescent shaped shawlette. Upgraded to include instructions for lace,
fingering, sport, and worsted weight yarns in multiple sizes. A special set of instructions for a large laceweight
shawl with eyelets.

Traveling Scarf, a new version of the original pattern. Choose from a stole or scarf in worsted weight or a
large or small scarf in fingering weight. Eyelets have been added to the lace pattern to allow for an easier
transition to the lace chart and to spice up the stockette body.

Traveling Cowl, which has adapted the original pattern to be worked in the round. Instructions are
provided for fingering and worsted weights, both in small (tight) and large (loose) sizes. New bulky version knit
flat with buttons now included.

Traveling Socks, because no pattern is complete without some cozy socks to keep you warm. Includes 3 sizes
in each fingering and sport weight.

Each pattern also includes a separate set of instructions and detailed notes if you wish to customize your knitted object
to use a different yarn or gauge, or to be a different size.

In addition to these specialized custom notes, there are instructions for general customization tips on the following page.
Want a more prominent lace border? Prefer more pointed tips? In the mood for a manly knit? Itching to add beads? Sug-
gestions for all of these options (and more) can be found on the next page.

Thank you to all of the wonderful knitters who made this pattern possible!

Happy knitting.

Liz Abinante
twitter: feministy
ravelry: feministy

Liz Abinante ©2009-2011

Tips For Customizing
I cannot stress this enough: Before customizing a pattern and I’m not going to advise you knit something for anyone
in this booklet, be sure to read through all of the instruc- (regardless of their gender) is they aren’t going to wear it.
tions. While Traveling Scarf lends itself well to most men’s fashion
sensibilities, it can be modified to be more androgynous for
Each individual patterns includes a special section that those who are less experimental with their fashion choic-
contains customizations specific to your project. If you’re es. I think Traveling Scarf, Cowl, and Socks are your best
looking for: formulas for custom sizes, instructions on add- options for men, so many of these options are tailored to
ing lace to the body of your project, or alternating the lace those patterns.
repeats, please see the specific pattern.
To adapt the Traveling Woman patterns for men, you can
This section contains general information that applies to all think one of two ways:
of the patterns in this book (except Traveling Socks - see
below). These customizations can be worked without mak- Think functionality, not fashion. Keep the chart as is
ing adjustments to your knitting that involve a drastic re- and work it in a worsted weight for cozy winter warmth.
writing of the instructions to the pattern of your choice.
Think fashion, not cold weather wear. This will help
A Note on Traveling Socks... most with lighter weight yarns that make your project
Because Traveling Socks have a ribbed cuff and no edge look dainty. Work m1L and m1R increases instead of
(socks kind of need toes!), some of these modifications yarn overs.
will not apply to them. While you will easily be able to add
beads to embellish your sock or adjust the pattern to be Example: Instead of [yo, k5, slk2p, k5, yo]
more masculine, you will not benefit from emphasizing the
shawl points (there are no points). If you want to empha- Work [m1L, k5, slk2p, m1R, yo]
size the lace on your sock, I have included special instruc-
tions for this in the “Pronounced Lace Edge” section. General rules:

• Inside of the lace repeat: increases before slk2p

should be m1L; increases after slk2p should be m1R.
Pronounced Lace Edge
One of the most frequent questions I get about Traveling • (applies to Traveling Woman only) Outside of the
Woman is whether or not the lace edge can be extended. lace repeat: work the increase that matches the de-
The beauty of the lace pattern I’ve created for Traveling crease next to the yo (k2tog with m1R, ssk with m1L).
Woman is that it is easily repeated without hard math. Or you can omit the patterning outside of the lace re-
peat except on row 11. Work the increases before the
To emphasize your points, repeat the last two rows of Chart lace repeat as m1R; work the decreases after the lace
B until you’re satisfied with the length. I recommend 3 re- repeat as m1L.
peats of the last 2 rows (1 knit as part of the chart, plus 3
repeats of the last 2 rows).

If you really want to pull your shawl to pronounced points, I

recommend following the instructions for Emphasizing the
Points (next page) as well.

Traveling Woman for Men

I love men in scarves. If you’re a man, you should wear one.
If you’re a woman, you should make scarves for men so
they’re more fashionable. Or, even better, teach a man to
knit so he can make his own Traveling Woman project and
appreciate the term “labor of love” just a little bit more.

I think that scarves are manly enough as they are, but the
lace look just doesn’t fit into the wardrobe of every man,
Liz Abinante ©2009-2011
Emphasizing the Points
A lot of people have found the bind off that was included in Option #2: A Looser Bind Off
the original version of Traveling Woman to be too tight, re- There are so many different ways to bind off loosely. Seri-
sulting in their points not being as bold as they would like. ously, I couldn’t even name them all (and I can name a lot).

You have two options for emphasizing the points in your I like this bind off because it’s sturdy, but still flexible. It
project: will allow you to block your shawl thoroughly, but it will
also help the shawl hold up to repeated wear. I don’t know
1. Adjusting needle sizes about you, but my shawls always get snagged on zippers,
2. A looser bind off buttons, bobby pins, my glasses (don’t ask), and velcro
(maybe I should just wear leotards everywhere and shave
You can use these in conjunction with one another, or inde- my head?). This bind off holds up to the love (or abuse, de-
pendently, depending on how sharp you want your points pending on your perspective) that my shawls receive on a
to be. If you want razor sharp points that are dramatically daily basis.
extended beyond the shawl, also check out the next sec-
tion, Pronounced Lace Edge. Word of warning: this bind off eats up your yarn.

Worked on the WS:

Option #1: Adjusting Needle Sizes p2, sl sts back to left ndl, p2tog. [p1, sl sts back to left ndl,
You will need three additional needle sizes for this method.
p2tog] rpt to end.
The last 5 rows and the bind off row (6 rows including the
bind off row) are knit with larger needles, increasing the
Worked on the RS:
needle size with every other row. I recommend increasing
k2, sl sts back to left ndl, ssk. [k1, sl sts back to left ndl, ssk]
your needles according to their metric (mm) size, not their
rpt to end.
US (#) size.

I’ve explained this in two ways. (A) The first explains it from
the bind off row and works backwards: this helps if you
mark on your chart from top-to-bottom when to switch
needle sizes. (B) The second explains it as you would knit
the project: this helps for people who don’t like thinking
backwards. You will get the same results no matter which
set you follow.

(A) From bind off to body (backwards):

3. The bind off and the last RS row of Chart B should
be work in a needle three sizes larger than your proj-
ect needle.
2. The previous two rows (last WS row and second-to-
last RS row of Chart B) should be worked in a needle
two sizes larger than your body needle.
1. The previous two rows (second-to-last WS row and
third-to-last RS row of Chart B) should be worked in a
needle one size larger than your body needle.

(B) From body to bind off (as you would knit):

1. The third-to-last RS row and the second-to-last WS
row of Chart B should be worked in a needle one size
larger than your body needle.
2. The second-to-last RS row and the last WS row of
Chart B should be worked in a needle two sizes larger
than your body needle.
3. The last RS row of Chart B and the bind off should
be worked in a needle three sizes larger than your
body needle.
Liz Abinante ©2009-2011
Adding Beads
Once in my life I’ve knit a shawl with beads. It was a gor-
geous piece of knitting, and it almost led me to commit Placing Beads on Decreases
murder. One word can be used to describe knitting with All of the beads are placed on right side rows. Most of the
beads: tedious. But it’s worth it. beads are placed on decreases. For those stitches, place the
beads as follows:
I recommend using the crochet hook method to place
beads.* Because placing beads on a shawl can be tedious, Slip, slip, knit (ssk)
I’ve come up with a few different options in terms in bead Place the bead on the first stitch on your left needle.
placement. The number of beads you will need will change
depending on how many lace repeats you do and which Knit 2 together (k2tog)
option you select. Place the bead on the second stitch on your left needle.

Remember to buy the appropriate beads for your yarn Slip, knit 2 together, pass slip stitch over (slk2p)
choice. Itty bitty tiny seed beads are not going to work for Place the bead on the second stitch on the left needle.
your worsted weight shawl.

There are three different colors in the chart. For lots of

beads, follow the instructions for Red. For a moderate
Decide how many beads you want on your shawl. Lots? Go
amount of beads, follows the instructions for Purple. For a
with Red. Only a few? Follow Orange. Somewhere in the
project minorly accented by beads, follow the instructions
middle? Select Purple.
for Orange.
If you really like beads, you may choose to add them to the
For brave knitters and bead lovers.
spine of your Traveling Woman shawl. I recommend placing
Place beads on all stitches with red, purple, and orange
the beads on every other right side row (row 4, row 8, row
12, etc) on your center stitch.
I suggest going through the pattern of choice and highlight-
For moderate bead lovers who like a bit of flair.
ing the chart to indicate where you are placing beads.
Place beads on all stitches with purple and orange boxes.
The chart shown is the 14+1 repeat used for Traveling
Woman: it includes the lace repeat and the stitches that fall
For minor bead accents.
outside of the repeat. It does not include the garter stitch
Place beads on all stitches with orange boxes.
border. Traveling Woman uses this chart for every size.

Traveling Scarf, Cowl, and Socks have different charts for

their various sizes and don’t include the stitches outside of
the lace repeat. You can follow the suggested bead place-
ment by scanning the Beads chart from top-to-bottom and
highlighting the corresponding stitches on the pattern chart
from top-to-bottom.

* Rather than attempting to instruct you on the crochet hook method for beads, I’ve linked you to a tutorial. I’m a firm believer in acknowledging
when someone has done something better than you ever could: Knitty has a great article (link) on placing beads with a crochet hook.
Liz Abinante ©2009-2011
Chart A
41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
````````````` A ````````````` A `````````````
 ` ` ` ` K ` K ` ` ` ` ` A ` ` ` ` ` K s K ` ` ` ` ` A ` ` ` ` ` K ` K ` ` ` `  11
````````` A ````````````` A `````````
`ည` K ```` A ```` K `s ` K ```` A ```` K `V` 9
``````` A ````````````` A ```````
`ည K ``` A ``` K ``s `` K ``` A ``` K V` 7
6 ````` A ````````````` A `````
ည K `` A `` K ```s ``` K `` A `` K V 5
``` A ````````````` A ```
`` A ` K ````s ```` K ` A `` 3
Bead Charts

` K `````s ````` K ` 1

Liz Abinante
Chart B
51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

```` K V K V K V K s K ည K ည K ` A ` K V K V K s K ည K ည K ` A ` K V K V K s K ည K ည K ည K ````
````````````````` A ````````````` A `````````````````
``` K V K V K ` s ` K ည K ည K A K V K V K ` s ` K ည K ည K A K V K V K ` s ` K ည K ည K ```
``````````````` A ````````````` A ```````````````
`` K V K V```ည K ည K ` A ` K V K V```ည K ည K ` A ` K V K V```ည K ည K ``
````````````` A ````````````` A `````````````
` K V`````ည K `` A K V K V`````ည K ည K A `` K V`````ည K `
``````````` A ````````````` A ```````````
``ည K ```ည K ` A ` K V`` K s K ``ည K ` A `` K V`` K V``
````````` A ````````````` A `````````
``ည K ``ည K A K V`` K ` s ` K ``ည K A K V`` K V``
``````` A ````````````` A ```````
`ည K ``` A ``` K `` s `` K ``` A ``` K V`
````` A ````````````` A `````
ည K `` A `` K ``` s ``` K `` A `` K V
``` A ````````````` A ```
`` A ` K ```` s ```` K ` A ``
` K ````` s ````` K `

Traveling Woman
designed by Liz Abinante

photography by
Traveling Woman
Sizes and Customizations Sizes
designed by Liz Abinante

xsmall small medium large xlarge

This is the pattern that started it all. The original. The first.
Lace x x
The crazy idea that exploded into a series of four patterns.
This new version of Traveling Woman contains the follow- Fingering x x x x
ing sizes: lace (medium, xlarge), fingering (xsmall, small, Sport & x x x
medium, large), sport/dk (xsmall, small, xlarge), and wor- DK
sted (large, xlarge). Instructions are divided up based on Worsted x x
yarn weights. Yarn information, gauge, and needle sizes
are provided with each individual set of instructions. All of Customizing Your Traveling Woman
the instructions use the same charts except for lace weight.
Lace weight instructions have their own charts. Invisible Spine Increases
Rather than working the shawl with a yarn over spine, you
If you wish to do custom sizing, there is a section at the end may choose to use make one increases instead (pictured
of the pattern with information and formulas. To custom- right in the lace version). I have maintained yarn overs
ize your shawl further, please refer to the Customizing Your along the garter stitch border in this sample in order to
Traveling Woman section of the pattern. A special section facilitate easier blocking.
for adding eyelets to the body of the shawl is included in
this section. I’ve used k2 border here because all of the yarn weights
(except for lace) call for a k2 border. Lace weight calls for a
About the original Traveling Woman k3 border. Adjust accordingly.
Being an indecisive individual, this shawl is named after
two things. First, the song “Travelling Woman” by Bat for Work make one increases as follows for the spine:
Lashes (she’s British, hence the extra “l”). “Travelling Wom- (RS) k2, slm, yo, k to m, m1R, slm, k1, slm, m1L, k to m, yo,
an” is a song about a brilliant woman with a promising fu- slm, k2
ture, who loses it all because she fell in love with a man
who had too much potential, and not enough substance. m1R: with your left needle, pick up the strand that runs
She sings: “Hang on, travelling woman / Don’t sacrifice your between needles from back to front. Knit the st you just
plan / Cause it will come back to you / Before you lose it on picked up through the front of the loop.
the man.” The edge of the shawl represents the dangerous
web of love, as well as its highs and lows. m1L: with your left needle, pick up the strand that runs
between needles from front to back. Knit the st you just
Second, the character Angela Montenegro on Bones. If picked up through the back loop.
you’re familiar with Angela’s character, I think the song se-
lection makes sense: she’s artistic, a believer in love, and Custom Sizing
just the type who might get in a little too deep before she With a little bit of math, you can increase your shawl to
can find her way out (she did get married in Fiji to a com- almost any size.
plete stranger, afterall). This is the second in a series of
patterns based on the characters from the Bones television The basic math is as follows for a 2 stitch garter border:
____ # rpts across x 14 = ____ body sts
And finally, the yarn used for the original shawl traveled ____ body sts + 1= ____ chart sts
from California to London: it’s only fitting that the pattern ____ chart sts + 4= ____ total sts
be named Traveling Woman.
Change the +4 to +6 for lace weight.
Instructions are broken down based on yarn weights. All Most of the time the increase math will require you to add
patterns use the same lace chart and written lace pattern. decreases or extra increases on the last WS row before
Each set of instructions includes: yarn, needle, and gauge working Chart A. For examples on how to adjust your stitch
information; set up instructions; line-by-line increase count, see the different sets of size instructions.
charts; and repeat information for the lace charts. Please
read through the pattern thoroughly before beginning. Follow the set up instructions for any of the patterns (ex-
cept for lace weight) to increase.

Liz Abinante ©2009-2011

Traveling Woman Lace Weight
Notes A looser bind off, if yardage is not a concern (seriously,
If one set of numbers is provided, it applies to all sizes. this thing eats up yarn): p2, sl sts back to left ndl, p2tog.
Size-specific information is provided as follows: medium [p1, sl sts back to left ndl, p2tog] rpt to end.
(xlarge). Row by row stitch counts can be found after the
charts. Lace Chart Written Instructions
Charts on next page.
US #6 (4.0mm) needle Chart A
Row 1 (RS): k3, yo, k1, [yo, k5, slk2p, k5, yo, k1] to last 3 sts,
Gauge, after blocking yo, k3
Per 1 inch: 6 sts. 6.5 rows. Row 2: (and all WS rows) k3, yo, work sts in pattern (p the
Per 4 inches: 24 sts. 26 rows. yos) to last 3 sts, yo, k3
Row 3: k3, yo, k2, p1, [k1, yo, k4, slk2p, k4, yo, k1, p1] to
Medium last 5 sts, k2, yo, k3
Finished size: 16” depth, 57” wingspan Row 5: k3, yo, k2tog, yo, k2, p1, [k2, yo, k3, slk2p, k3, yo,
Approximately 470 yards lace weight. k2, p1] to last 7 sts, k2, yo, ssk, yo, k3
Row 7: k3, yo, k1, k2tog, yo, k3, p1, [k3, yo, k2, slk2p, k2,
XLarge (shown) yo, k3, p1] to last 9 sts, k3, yo, ssk, k1, yo, k3
Finished size: 23.5” depth, 70” wingspan Row 9: k3, yo, k1, k2tog, k1, yo, k4, p1, [k4, yo, k1, slk2p, k1,
Sample knit in Little Red Bicycle Penny Farthing Lace yo, k4, p1] to last 11 sts, k4, yo, k1, ssk, k1, yo, k3
(80% superwash merino, 10% cashmere, 10% nylon. 580 Row 11: k3, yo, k4, yo, k1, yo, k5, p1, [k5, yo, slk2p, yo, k5,
yards/115 grams), shown in Seaglass. Approximately 500 p1] to last 13 sts, k5, yo, k1, yo, k4, yo, k3
yards used. Row 12: as row 2

Instructions Chart B
CO 3 sts. Knit 6 rows. Pick up and knit 6 sts along the long Row 1 (RS): k3, yo, k1, [yo, k5, slk2p, k5, yo, k1] to last 3 sts,
edge and cast on edge (9 sts). yo, k3
(RS): k3, pm, yo, k1, yo, pm, k1, pm, yo, k1, yo, pm, k3 (13 Row 2: (and all WS rows) k3, yo, work sts in pattern (p the
sts) yos) to last 3 sts, yo, k3
Row 3: k3, yo, k2, p1, [k1, yo, k4, slk2p, k4, yo, k1, p1] to
Increases last 5 sts, k2, yo, k3
Row 1: (WS) k3, slm, yo, p to last m, yo, slm, k3 (15 sts) Row 5: k3, yo, k2tog, yo, k2, p1, [k2, yo, k3, slk2p, k3, yo,
Row 2: k3, slm, yo, k to m, yo, slm, k1, slm, yo, k to m, yo, k2, p1] to last 7 sts, k2, to, ssk, yo, k3
k3 (19 sts) Row 7: k3, yo, k1, k2tog, yo, k3, p1, [k3, yo, k2, slk2p, k2,
Row 3: k3, slm, yo, p to last m, yo, slm, k3 (21 sts) yo, k3, p1] to last 9 sts, k3, yo, ssk, k1, yo, k3
Row 4: k3, slm, yo, k to m, yo, slm, k1, slm, yo, k to m, yo, Row 9: k3, yo, [k2, k2tog, yo] 2x, p1, [yo, ssk, k2, yo, k1,
k3 (25 sts) slk2p, k1, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, p1] to last 11 sts, [yo, ssk, k2]
2x, yo, k3
Repeat rows 3-4 a total of 28 (33) times: 187 (217) sts total. Row 11: k3, yo, k3, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k1, p1, [k1, yo,
See next page for row-by-row increase counts. ssk, k2, yo, slk2p, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k1, p1] to last 13 sts, k1,
yo, ssk, k2, yo, ssk, k3, yo, k3
Size Medium only Row 13: k3, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k5, k2tog, yo, k2, p1, [(yo, ssk)
Next row: k3, slm, yo, pfb,p to last m (removing both cen- 2x, k5, (k2tog, yo) 2x, p1] to last 15 sts, k2, yo, ssk, k5,
ter markers as you come to them), pfb, yo, slm, k3. (189 k2tog, yo, k1, yo, k3
sts) Row 15: k3, yo, k2, [yo,ssk] 2x, k3, [k2tog, yo] 2x, k1, p1,
[k1, (yo, ssk) 2x, k3, (k2tog, yo) 2x, k1, p1] to last 17 sts, k1,
Size XLarge only [yo, ssk] 2x, k3, [k2tog, yo] 2x, k2, yo, k3
Next row: k3, yo, p2tog, p to last 4 sts (removing both cen- Row 17: k3, yo, k3, yo, [ssk, yo] 2x, k1, slk2p, k1, yo, [k2tog,
ter markers as you come to them), p2tog, yo, k3. (217 sts) yo] 2x, p1, [yo, (ssk, yo) 2x, k1, slk2p, k1, yo, (k2tog, yo) 2x,
p1] to last 19 sts, yo, [ssk, yo] 2x, k1, slk2p, k1, yo, [k2tog,
Lace Charts yo] 2x, k3, yo, k3
Work 2 (4) repeats of Chart A. Row 19: k3, yo, k4, yo, [ssk, yo] 3x, slk2p, yo, [k2tog, yo] 2x,
Work 1 repeat of Chart B. k1, p1 [k1, yo, (ssk, yo) 2x, slk2p, yo, (k2tog, yo) 2x, k1, p1]
to last 21 sts, k1, yo, [ssk, yo] 3x, slk2p, yo, [k2tog, yo] 2x,
Bind Off k4, yo, k3
Liz Abinante ©2009-2011
51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29
Chart A
28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

A A A K ````````````` A ````````````` A ````````````` K A A A
``` K ```` K ` K ````` A ````` K s K ````` A ````` K ` K ```` K ```
A A A K ````````` A ````````````` A ````````` K A A A
``` K `ည` K ```` A ```` K ` s ` K ```` A ```` K `V` K ```
A A A K ``````` A ````````````` A ``````` K A A A
``` K `ည K ``` A ``` K `` s `` K ``` A ``` K V` K ```
A A A K ````` A ````````````` A ````` K A A A
``` K ည K `` A `` K ``` s ``` K `` A `` K V K ```
A A A K ``` A ````````````` A ``` K A A A
``` K `` A ` K ```` s ```` K ` A `` K ```
A A A K ````````````````` K A A A
``` K ` K ````` s ````` K ` K ```

Liz Abinante
61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35
Chart B
34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
``` K ```` K V K V K V K s K ည K ည K ` A ` K V K V K s K ည K ည K ` A ` K V K V K s K ည K ည K ည K ```` K ```

A A A K ````````````````` A ````````````` A ````````````````` K A A A
``` K ``` K V K V K ` s ` K ည K ည K A K V K V K ` s ` K ည K ည K A K V K V K ` s ` K ည K ည K ``` K ```
A A A K ``````````````` A ````````````` A ``````````````` K A A A
``` K `` K V K V```ည K ည K ` A ` K V K V```ည K ည K ` A ` K V K V```ည K ည K `` K ```
A A A K ````````````` A ````````````` A ````````````` K A A A
``` K ` K V`````ည K `` A K V K V`````ည K ည K A `` K V`````ည K ` K ```
A A A K ``````````` A ````````````` A ``````````` K A A A
``` K ``ည K ```ည K ` A ` K V`` K s K ``ည K ` A `` K V`` K V`` K ```
A A A K ````````` A ````````````` A ````````` K A A A
``` K ``ည K ``ည K A K V`` K ` s ` K ``ည K A K V`` K V`` K ```
A A A K ``````` A ````````````` A ``````` K A A A
``` K `ည K ``` A ``` K `` s `` K ``` A ``` K V` K ```
Traveling Woman Lace Weight Charts

These charts are only for shawls knit using lace weight.

A A A K ````` A ````````````` A ````` K A A A

``` K ည K `` A `` K ``` s ``` K `` A `` K V K ```
A A A K ``` A ````````````` A ``` K A A A
``` K `` A ` K ```` s ```` K ` A `` K ```
A A A K ````````````````` K A A A
``` K ` K ````` s ````` K ` K ```

The garter stitch border is charted and included in the written instructions.

If you’re worried about running out of yarn, Row 8 of Chart A & B are the same. Place a life line on Row 8 of each Chart A. If you
run out of yarn during Chart B, you can frog back to your last lifeline and work rows 9-19 of Chart B.

Lace Row-by-Row Counts
Increases Chart A–Size Medium Chart A–Size XLarge
rs # sts # of rpts # sts # of rpts # sts # of rpts
Row 4 25 1 Row 1 191 Row 1 219
Row 6 31 2 Row 3 195 Row 3 223
Row 8 37 3 Row 5 199 Row 5 227
Row 10 43 4 Row 7 203 Row 7 231
Row 12 49 5 Row 9 207 Row 9 235
Row 14 55 6 Row 11 215 Row 11 243
Row 16 61 7 Row 12 217 1 Row 12 245 1
Row 18 67 8 Row 1 219 Row 1 247
Row 20 73 9 Row 3 223 Row 3 251
Row 22 79 10 Row 5 227 Row 5 255
Row 24 85 11 Row 7 231 Row 7 259
Row 26 91 12 Row 9 235 Row 9 263
Row 28 97 13 Row 11 243 Row 11 271
Row 30 103 14 Row 12 245 2 Row 12 273 2
Row 32 109 15 Row 1 275
Row 34 115 16 Chart B–Size Medium Row 3 279
Row 36 121 17 # sts Row 5 283
Row 38 127 18 Row 1 247 Row 7 287
Row 40 133 19 Row 3 251 Row 9 291
Row 42 139 20 Row 5 255 Row 11 299
Row 44 145 21 Row 7 259 Row 12 301 3
Row 46 151 22 Row 9 263 Row 1 303
Row 48 157 23 Row 11 267 Row 3 307
Row 50 163 24 Row 13 271 Row 5 311
Row 52 169 25 Row 15 275 Row 7 315
Row 54 175 26 Row 17 279 Row 9 319
Row 56 181 27 Row 19 283 Row 11 327
Row 58 187 28 Row 12 329 4
Row 60 193 29
Row 62 199 30 Chart B–Size XLarge
Row 64 205 31 # sts
Row 66 211 32 Row 1 331
Row 68 217 33 Row 3 335
Row 5 339
Row 7 343
Row 9 347
Row 11 351
Row 13 355
Row 15 359
Row 17 363
Row 19 367
Liz Abinante ©2009-2011
Traveling Woman Fingering Weight
Notes Next row: k2, slm, yo, p to last 4 sts (removing both center
If one set of numbers is provided, it applies to all sizes. markers as you come to them), yo, slm, k2 (215 sts)
Size-specific information is provided as follows: xsmall
(small, medium, large). Row by row stitch counts are on Lace Charts
the following pages. Lace charts and written lace instruc- Work 2 (3, 4, 4) repeats of Chart A.
tions for fingering, sport/dk, and worsted weight sizes can Work 1 repeat of Chart B.
be found at the end of the pattern.
Bind Off
Needle A looser bind off, if yardage is not a concern (seriously,
US #6 (4.0mm) needle this thing eats up yarn): p2, sl sts back to left ndl, p2tog.
[p1, sl sts back to left ndl, p2tog] rpt to end.
Gauge, after blocking
Per 1 inch: 5 sts. 7.25 rows. Increases
Per 4 inches: 20 sts. 29 rows. rs # sts # of rpts
Row 4 21 1
XSmall (shown)
Finished size: 15” depth, 48” wingspan Row 6 27 2
Sample knit in The Plucky Knitter Merino Cashmere Nylon Row 8 33 3
Fingering Weight (80% superwash merino, 10% cashmere, Row 10 39 4
10% nylon. 385 yards/115 grams), shown in Queensway.
Row 12 45 5
Approximately 310 yards used.
Row 14 51 6
Small Row 16 57 7
Finished size: 17” depth, 56” wingspan
Row 18 63 8
Approximately 380 yards fingering weight.
Row 20 69 9
Medium Row 22 75 10
Finished size: 18” depth, 58” wingspan Row 24 81 11
Approximately 440 yards fingering weight.
Row 26 87 12
Large Row 28 93 13
Finished size: 24” depth, 75” wingspan Row 30 99 14
Approximately 600 yards fingering weight.
Row 32 105 15
Instructions Row 34 111 16
CO 3 sts. Knit 6 rows. Pick up and knit 6 sts along the long Row 36 117 17
edge and cast on edge (9 sts).
Row 38 123 18
Increases Row 40 129 19
Row 1: (WS) k2, pm, yo, p to last 2 sts, yo, pm, k2 (11 sts) Row 42 135 20
Row 2: (RS) k2, slm, yo, k3, yo, pm, k1, pm, yo, k to marker,
Row 44 141 21
yo, slm, k2 (15 sts)
Row 3: k2, slm, yo, p to last marker, yo, slm, k2 (17 sts) Row 46 147 22
Row 4: k2, slm, yo, k to marker, yo, slm, k1, slm, yo, k to Row 48 153 23
marker, yo, slm, k2 (21 sts) Row 50 159 24
Repeat rows 3-4 a total of 24 (24, 24, 33) times: 159 (159, Increases–Size Large Only
159, 213) sts total. See next page for row-by-row increase
rs # sts # of rpts rs # sts # of rpts
Row 52 165 25 Row 62 195 30
Sizes XSmall, Small, and Medium only Row 54 171 26 Row 64 201 31
Next Row: k2, yo, p2tog, p to last 4 sts (removing both cen- Row 56 177 27 Row 66 207 32
ter markers as you come to them), p2tog, yo, k2. (159 sts)
Row 58 183 28 Row 68 213 33
Size Large only Row 60 189 29
Liz Abinante ©2009-2011
Fingering Row-by-Row Counts
Chart A–Sizes XSmall, Small, & Medium Chart A–Size Large
# sts # of rpts # sts # of rpts # sts # of rpts # sts # of rpts
Row 1 161 Row 1 217 Row 1 217 Row 1 273
Row 3 165 Row 3 221 Row 3 221 Row 3 277
Row 5 169 Row 5 225 Row 5 225 Row 5 281
Row 7 173 Row 7 229 Row 7 229 Row 7 285
Row 9 177 Row 9 233 Row 9 233 Row 9 289
Row 11 185 Row 11 241 Row 11 241 Row 11 297
Row 12 187 1 Row 12 243 3 Row 12 243 1 Row 12 299 3
Row 1 189 Row 1 245 Row 1 245 Row 1 301
Row 3 193 Row 3 249 Row 3 249 Row 3 305
Row 5 197 Row 5 253 Row 5 253 Row 5 309
Row 7 201 Row 7 257 Row 7 257 Row 7 313
Row 9 205 Row 9 261 Row 9 261 Row 9 317
Row 11 213 Row 11 269 Row 11 269 Row 11 325
Row 12 215 2 Row 12 271 4 Row 12 271 2 Row 12 327 4

Chart B, Size XSmall Chart B, Size Small Chart B, Size Medium Chart B, Size Large
# sts # sts # sts # sts
Row 1 217 Row 1 245 Row 1 273 Row 1 329
Row 3 221 Row 3 249 Row 3 277 Row 3 333
Row 5 225 Row 5 253 Row 5 281 Row 5 337
Row 7 229 Row 7 257 Row 7 285 Row 7 341
Row 9 233 Row 9 261 Row 9 289 Row 9 345
Row 11 237 Row 11 265 Row 11 293 Row 11 349
Row 13 241 Row 13 269 Row 13 297 Row 13 353
Row 15 245 Row 15 273 Row 15 301 Row 15 357
Row 17 249 Row 17 277 Row 17 305 Row 17 361
Row 19 253 Row 19 281 Row 19 309 Row 19 365

Liz Abinante ©2009-2011

Traveling Woman Sport & DK Weights
Notes 159 (159, 201) sts
If one set of numbers is provided, it applies to all sizes.
Size-specific information is provided as follows: xsmall Lace Charts
(small, xlarge). Row by row stitch counts are on the fol- Work 1 (2, 4) repeats of Chart A.
lowing pages. Lace charts and written lace instructions for
fingering, sport/dk, and worsted weight sizes can be found Sizes XSmall and Small only: Work 1 repeat of Chart B.
at the end of the pattern. Size XLarge only: Work rows 1-17 of Chart B.

Needle, Sizes XSmall & Small Bind Off

US #7 (4.5mm) needle A looser bind off, if yardage is not a concern (seriously,
this thing eats up yarn): p2, sl sts back to left ndl, p2tog.
Gauge, Sizes XSmall & Small [p1, sl sts back to left ndl, p2tog] rpt to end.
Per 1 inch: 4.25 sts. 6.5 rows.
Per 4 inches: 17 sts. 26 rows. Increases
rs # sts # of rpts
XSmall, Sport Row 4 21 1
Finished size: 14” depth, 50” wingspan
Row 6 27 2
Approximately 250 yards sport weight.
Row 8 33 3
Small, Sport Row 10 39 4
Finished size: 16” depth, 54” wingspan
Row 12 45 5
Approximately 335 yards sport weight.
Row 14 51 6
Needle, Size XLarge Row 16 57 7
US #8 (5.0mm) needle Row 18 63 8
Gauge, Size XLarge Row 20 69 9
Per 1 inch: 4 sts. 6 rows. Row 22 75 10
Per 4 inches: 16 sts. 24 rows. Row 24 81 11

XLarge, DK (shown) Row 26 87 12

Finished size: 24” depth, 72” wingspan Row 28 93 13
Sample knit in Femme Fatale Fibers Lilith DK (100% super- Row 30 99 14
wash merino. 260 yards/115 grams), shown in Mystic. Ap-
Row 32 105 15
proximately 520 yards used.
You will have no yarn left. Check your gauge carefully and Row 34 111 16
have spare or matching yarn handy. Row 36 117 17
Row 38 123 18
CO 3 sts. Knit 6 rows. Pick up and knit 6 sts along the long Row 40 129 19
edge and cast on edge (9 sts). Row 42 135 20
Row 44 141 21
Row 1: (WS) k2, pm, yo, p to last 2 sts, yo, pm, k2 (11 sts) Row 46 147 22
Row 2: (RS) k2, slm, yo, k3, yo, pm, k1, pm, yo, k to marker, Row 48 153 23
yo, slm, k2 (15 sts) Row 50 159 24
Row 3: k2, slm, yo, p to last marker, yo, slm, k2 (17 sts)
Row 4: k2, slm, yo, k to marker, yo, slm, k1, slm, yo, k to Increases–Size XLarge Only
marker, yo, slm, k2 (21 sts)
rs # sts # of rpts rs # sts # of rpts
Repeat rows 3-4 a total of 24 (24, 31) times: 159 (159, 201) Row 52 165 25 Row 60 189 29
sts total. See next page for row-by-row increase counts. Row 54 171 26 Row 62 195 30
Row 56 177 27 Row 64 201 31
Next Row: k2, yo, p2tog, p to last 4 sts (removing both cen-
ter markers as you come to them), p2tog, yo, k2. Row 58 183 28
Liz Abinante ©2009-2011
Sport & DK Row-by-Row Counts
Chart A–Sizes XSmall & Small Chart A–Size XLarge
# sts # of rpts # sts # of rpts # sts # of rpts
Row 1 161 Row 1 203 Row 1 259
Row 3 165 Row 3 207 Row 3 263
Row 5 169 Row 5 211 Row 5 267
Row 7 173 Row 7 215 Row 7 271
Row 9 177 Row 9 219 Row 9 275
Row 11 185 Row 11 227 Row 11 283
Row 12 187 1 Row 12 229 1 Row 12 285 3
Row 1 189 Row 1 231 Row 1 287
Row 3 193 Row 3 235 Row 3 291
Row 5 197 Row 5 239 Row 5 295
Row 7 201 Row 7 243 Row 7 299
Row 9 205 Row 9 247 Row 9 303
Row 11 213 Row 11 255 Row 11 311
Row 12 215 2 Row 12 257 2 Row 12 313 4

Chart B–Size XSmall Chart B–Size Small Chart B–Size Large

Total sts Total sts Total sts
Row 1 189 Row 1 217 Row 1 315
Row 3 193 Row 3 221 Row 3 319
Row 5 197 Row 5 225 Row 5 323
Row 7 201 Row 7 229 Row 7 327
Row 9 205 Row 9 233 Row 9 331
Row 11 209 Row 11 237 Row 11 335
Row 13 213 Row 13 241 Row 13 339
Row 15 217 Row 15 245 Row 15 343
Row 17 221 Row 17 249 Row 17 347
Row 19 225 Row 19 253

Liz Abinante ©2009-2011

Traveling Woman Worsted Weight
Notes Increases
If one set of numbers is provided, it applies to all sizes.
rs Total sts # of rpts
Size-specific information is provided as follows: large
(xlarge). Row by row stitch counts are on the following Row 4 21 1
pages. Lace charts and written lace instructions for finger- Row 6 27 2
ing, sport/dk, and worsted weight sizes can be found at Row 8 33 3
the end of the pattern.
Row 10 39 4
Needle Row 12 45 5
US #9 (5.5mm) needle Row 14 51 6
Row 16 57 7
Per 1 inch: 4 sts. 5 rows. Row 18 63 8
Per 4 inches: 16 sts. 20 rows. Row 20 69 9
Row 22 75 10
Large (shown)
Finished size: 18.5” depth, 60” wingspan Row 24 81 11
Sample knit in Malabrigo Rios (100% superwash merino. Row 26 87 12
210 yards/100 grams), shown in Pearl Ten. Approximately Row 28 93 13
390 yards used (<2 skeins).
You will not have enough yarn for 3 repeats of Chart A with Row 30 99 14
two skeins at this yardage. Row 32 105 15
Row 34 111 16
Finished size: 20” depth, 62” wingspan. Row 36 117 17
Approximately 500 yards worsted weight. Row 38 123 18
Row 40 129 19
Row 42 135 20
CO 3 sts. Knit 6 rows. Pick up and knit 6 sts along the long
edge and cast on edge (9 sts). Row 44 141 21
Row 46 147 22
Row 48 153 23
Row 1: (WS) k2, pm, yo, p to last 2 sts, yo, pm, k2 (11 sts)
Row 2: (RS) k2, slm, yo, k3, yo, pm, k1, pm, yo, k to marker, Row 50 159 24
yo, slm, k2 (15 sts)
Row 3: k2, slm, yo, p to last marker, yo, slm, k2 (17 sts)
Row 4: k2, slm, yo, k to marker, yo, slm, k1, slm, yo, k to Chart A
marker, yo, slm, k2 (21 sts)
Total sts # of rpts
Repeat rows 3-4 a total of 24 times: 159 sts total. See next Row 1 161
page for row-by-row increase counts. Row 3 165
Row 5 169
Next Row: k2, yo, p2tog, p to last 4 sts (removing both cen-
ter markers as you come to them), p2tog, yo, k2. (159 sts) Row 7 173
Row 9 177
Lace Charts
Row 11 185
Work 2 (3) repeats of Chart A.
Work 1 repeat of Chart B. Row 12 187 1

Bind Off
A looser bind off, if yardage is not a concern (seriously,
this thing eats up yarn): p2, sl sts back to left ndl, p2tog.
[p1, sl sts back to left ndl, p2tog] rpt to end.

Liz Abinante ©2009-2011

Worsted Row-by-Row Counts
Chart A Chart B, Size Large Chart B, Size XLarge
Total sts # of rpts Total sts Total sts
Row 1 189 Row 1 217 Row 1 245
Row 3 193 Row 3 221 Row 3 249
Row 5 197 Row 5 225 Row 5 253
Row 7 201 Row 7 229 Row 7 257
Row 9 205 Row 9 233 Row 9 261
Row 11 213 Row 11 237 Row 11 265
Row 12 215 2 Row 13 241 Row 13 269
Row 1 217 Row 15 245 Row 15 273
Row 3 221 Row 17 249 Row 17 277
Row 5 225 Row 19 253 Row 19 281
Row 7 229
Row 9 233
Row 11 241
Row 12 243 3

Liz Abinante ©2009-2011

49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28
Chart A
27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
A A K ````````````` A ````````````` A ````````````` K A A
`` K ```` K ` K ````` A ````` K s K ````` A ````` K ` K ```` K ``
A A K ````````` A ````````````` A ````````` K A A
`` K `ည` K ```` A ```` K ` s ` K ```` A ```` K `V` K ``
A A K ``````` A ````````````` A ``````` K A A
`` K `ည K ``` A ``` K `` s `` K ``` A ``` K V` K ``
A A K ````` A ````````````` A ````` K A A
`` K ည K `` A `` K ``` s ``` K `` A `` K V K ``
A A K ``` A ````````````` A ``` K A A
`` K `` A ` K ```` s ```` K ` A `` K ``
A A K ````````````````` K A A
`` K ` K ````` s ````` K ` K ``

Liz Abinante
Chart B
59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

`` K ```` K V K V K V K s K ည K ည K ` A ` K V K V K s K ည K ည K ` A ` K V K V K s K ည K ည K ည K ```` K ``
A A K ````````````````` A ````````````` A ````````````````` K A A
`` K ``` K V K V K ` s ` K ည K ည K A K V K V K ` s ` K ည K ည K A K V K V K ` s ` K ည K ည K ``` K ``
A A K ``````````````` A ````````````` A ``````````````` K A A
`` K `` K V K V```ည K ည K ` A ` K V K V```ည K ည K ` A ` K V K V```ည K ည K `` K ``
A A K ````````````` A ````````````` A ````````````` K A A
`` K ` K V`````ည K `` A K V K V`````ည K ည K A `` K V`````ည K ` K ``
Traveling Woman Charts

A A K ``````````` A ````````````` A ``````````` K A A
`` K ``ည K ```ည K ` A ` K V`` K s K ``ည K ` A `` K V`` K V`` K ``
A A K ````````` A ````````````` A ````````` K A A
`` K ``ည K ``ည K A K V`` K ` s ` K ``ည K A K V`` K V`` K ``
A A K ``````` A ````````````` A ``````` K A A
`` K `ည K ``` A ``` K `` s `` K ``` A ``` K V` K ``
A A K ````` A ````````````` A ````` K A A
`` K ည K `` A `` K ``` s ``` K `` A `` K V K ``
A A K ``` A ````````````` A ``` K A A
`` K `` A ` K ```` s ```` K ` A `` K ``
These charts are for shawls knit using fingering, sport, dk, or worsted weight.

A A K ````````````````` K A A
`` K ` K ````` s ````` K ` K ``

The garter stitch border is charted and included in the written instructions.

If you’re worried about running out of yarn, Row 8 of Chart A & B are the same. Place a life line on Row 8 of each Chart A. If you
run out of yarn during Chart B, you can frog back to your last lifeline and work rows 9-19 of Chart B.

Traveling Woman Written Instructions
These instructions are for shawls knit using fingering, sport, dk, or worsted weight.
Chart A
Row 1 (RS): k2, yo, k1, [yo, k5, slk2p, k5, yo, k1] to last 2 sts, yo, k2
Row 2: (and all WS rows) k2, yo, work sts in pattern (p the yos) to last 2 sts, yo, k2
Row 3: k2, yo, k2, p1, [k1, yo, k4, slk2p, k4, yo, k1, p1] to last 4 sts, k2, yo, k2
Row 5: k2, yo, k2tog, yo, k2, p1, [k2, yo, k3, slk2p, k3, yo, k2, p1] to last 6 sts, k2, yo, ssk, yo, k2
Row 7: k2, yo, k1, k2tog, yo, k3, p1, [k3, yo, k2, slk2p, k2, yo, k3, p1] to last 8 sts, k3, yo, ssk, k1, yo, k2
Row 9: k2, yo, k1, k2tog, k1, yo, k4, p1, [k4, yo, k1, slk2p, k1, yo, k4, p1] to last 10 sts, k4, yo, k1, ssk, k1, yo, k2
Row 11: k2, yo, k4, yo, k1, yo, k5, p1, [k5, yo, slk2p, yo, k5, p1] to last 12 sts, k5, yo, k1, yo, k4, yo, k2
Row 12: as row 2

Chart B
Row 1 (RS): k2, yo, k1, [yo, k5, slk2p, k5, yo, k1] to last 2 sts, yo, k2
Row 2: (and all WS rows) k2, yo, work sts in pattern (p the yos) to last 2 sts, yo, k2
Row 3: k2, yo, k2, p1, [k1, yo, k4, slk2p, k4, yo, k1, p1] to last 4 sts, k2, yo, k2
Row 5: k2, yo, k2tog, yo, k2, p1, [k2, yo, k3, slk2p, k3, yo, k2, p1] to last 6 sts, k2, yo, ssk, yo, k2
Row 7: k2, yo, k1, k2tog, yo, k3, p1, [k3, yo, k2, slk2p, k2, yo, k3, p1] to last 8 sts, k3, yo, ssk, k1, yo, k2
Row 9: k2, yo, [k2, k2tog, yo] 2x, p1, [yo, ssk, k2, yo, k1, slk2p, k1, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, p1] to last 10 sts, [yo, ssk, k2] 2x, yo,
Row 11: k2, yo, k3, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k1, p1, [k1, yo, ssk, k2, yo, slk2p, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k1, p1] to last 12 sts, k1, yo,
ssk, k2, yo, ssk, k3, yo, k2
Row 13: k2, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k5, k2tog, yo, k2, p1, [(yo, ssk) 2x, k5, (k2tog, yo) 2x, p1] to last 14 sts, k2, yo, ssk, k5, k2tog, yo,
k1, yo, k2
Row 15: k2, yo, k2, [yo,ssk] 2x, k3, [k2tog, yo] 2x, k1, p1, [k1, (yo, ssk) 2x, k3, (k2tog, yo) 2x, k1, p1] to last 16 sts, k1, [yo,
ssk] 2x, k3, [k2tog, yo] 2x, k2, yo, k2
Row 17: k2, yo, k3, yo, [ssk, yo] 2x, k1, slk2p, k1, yo, [k2tog, yo] 2x, p1, [yo, (ssk, yo) 2x, k1, slk2p, k1, yo, (k2tog, yo) 2x, p1]
to last 18 sts, yo, [ssk, yo] 2x, k1, slk2p, k1, yo, [k2tog, yo] 2x, k3, yo, k2
Row 19: k2, yo, k4, yo, [ssk, yo] 3x, slk2p, yo, [k2tog, yo] 2x, k1, p1 [k1, yo, (ssk, yo) 2x, slk2p, yo, (k2tog, yo) 2x, k1, p1] to
last 20 sts, k1, yo, [ssk, yo] 3x, slk2p, yo, [k2tog, yo] 2x, k4, yo, k2

Liz Abinante ©2009-2011

Traveling Woman with Eyelets
To add eyelets, you’ll need to determine where in the stocki-
nette body you’d like them to begin. For ease of substitu-
tion, the eyelet lace repeat is the same number of rows and
stitches across as Chart A.

To make the eyelets more aesthetically pleasing, I did not in-

clude the purl stitches on RS rows in Charts A and B: I worked
them as knit stitches on RS rows instead. As a result, the eye-
let chart does not contain purl stitches.

In the sample shown, I increased to work 11 repeats across

(161 sts). I worked 2 repeats of the eyelet chart, increasing as
written to 217 sts (enough for 15 repeats across of Chart A).

The eyelet chart shown has a two stitch garter border. If you
are knitting the lace weight version, you’ll need to work the
border with 3 stitches as opposed to 2.

Lace Written
Row 1 (RS): k2, yo, k1 [k5, yo, slk2p, k6] to end, yo, k2
Row 2 (and all WS rows): k2, yo, p to last 2 sts, yo, k2
Row 3: k2, yo, k3, [k5, yo, slk2p, k6] to end, k2, yo, k2
Row 5: k2, yo, k5, [k5, yo, slk2p, k6] to end, k4, yo, k2
Row 7: k2, yo, k1, yo, k6, [k5, yo, slk2p, yo, k6] to end, k5, yo,
k1, yo, k2
Row 9: k2, yo, k1, yo, slk2p, yo, k6, [k5, yo, slk2p, yo, k6] to
end, k5, yo, slk2p, yo, k1, yo, k2
Row 11: k2, yo, k1, kfb, k1, yo, slk2p, yo, k6, [k5, yo, slk2p, k6]
to end, k5, yo, slk2p, yo, k1, kfb, k1, yo, k2

Liz Abinante ©2009-2011

Traveling Scarf designed by Liz Abinante

photography by
Traveling Scarf
The stitch pattern used in Traveling Woman lends itself well
designed by Liz Abinante
When you’ve almsot exhausted your yarn, graft the two
to a scarf: a simple stockinette body, followed by eyelets pieces together.
that blend into the lace edging.
Method #2: Using a scale
Complete instructions are provided for two sizes: a finger- If you don’t want to seam your scarf together and you have
ing weight scarf (shown in red), and a worsted weight stole access to a food scale, this is the way to go. Using a pro-
(shown in brown). visional cast on, you will knit one edge. Weigh your yarn
and note the number of grams used. Pick up from the pro-
Two pages with tips on customization are included at the visional cast on and knit the body in stockinette until you
end of the pattern. One focuses on lace customizations. have the number of grams remaining needed to complete
The second includes instructions for custom sizing alone the edge. No seaming necessary!
with a table for different yarn weights.
Fingering Weight Version, Scarf
125g fingering weight yarn To work the entire body in lace:
Sample knit in Little Red Bicycle Hipster Sock (80% super- You can begin the scarf in the same manner as written in
wash merino, 20% nylon), shown in Leonidas. Approxi- the pattern. Make sure you begin with a wrong side row.
mately 450 yards. When you in-zip your provisional cast on, you may be off by
Finished size: 7” wide, 79” long one stitch. If your eyelets don’t line up, try and find where
the problem is. You may have to increase or decrease a
Needle stitch somewhere to make it work.
US #6 (4.0mm) needle
To work the entire body in the main lace chart, work 1
Gauge, after blocking wrong side row before beginning the lace chart. When you
Per 1 inch: 6.25 sts. 5.25 rows. unravel your provisional cast on, begin with the first lace
Per 4 inches: 25 sts. 21 rows. row of the chart. Each side of the scarf should use half of
your yarn.
Worsted Weight Version, Stole
300g worsted weight yarn To prevent the edges from flaring:
Sample knit in Madelinetosh tosh vintage (100% super- Because stockinette stitch isn’t as stretchy as the lace used
wash merino), shown in Kale. Approximately 600 yards. for this pattern, the edges of the scarf will flare out slight-
Finished size: 11” wide, 84” long. ly. Knit the eyelets and main lace chart in the same size
needle. When you reach the edge chart, work this is in a
Needle needle 1-2 sizes smaller than the remainder of the scarf.
US #9 (5.5mm) needle To achieve sharper points, you may want to bind off with
the original needle.
Gauge, after blocking
Per 1 inch: 4 sts. 5 rows. To prevent the skinnier scarf from curling:
Per 4 inches: 16 sts. 20 rows. You have a few options here. The first of which is to allo-
cate more garter stitch for the edges. That’s kind of boring,
Instructions though.
There are two sets of instructions in this pattern, choose
which one works best for you based on your skill level or You can also work the entire body in eyelets (see above).
tools available. Both methods are designed to use every Optionally, you can work the entire body in eyelets and add
last yard of yarn you have. a purl stitch in between them. Remember to k these stitch-
es on the next row! They will line up with the p stitches in
Method #1: Without a scale the main lace chart.
I don’t like making gauge swatches for things like scarves,
so I’m guessing there’s a good chance you don’t either. If Fingering/scarf (12 +1 chart):
you don’t want to knit a gauge swatch, this method is for [border], p1, [k4, yo, slk2p, yo, k4, p1] rpt to end, [border].
you. You’ll make two edge pieces beginning with a provi-
sional cast on, working the lace repeats and binding off. Worsted/stole (14 + 1 chart):
Select one of your two edge pieces and pick up from the [border], p1, [k5, yo, slk2p, yo, k5, p1] rpt to end, [border].
provisional cast on to work the body in stockinette stitch.
Liz Abinante ©2009-2011
Traveling Scarf Method #1, Without a scale
Instructions are written as follows: fingering
(worsted). When one set of instructions are pro- Row 1 (WS): k3(4), slm, p to m, slm, k3(4).
Row 2 (RS): k0(1), k2tog, yo, k1(1), slm, k to m, slm, k0(1),
vided, it applies to both worsted and fingering k2tog, yo, k1(1).
weight versions. [Brackets] indicate a repeat.
Repeat rows 1-2 until you have almost exhausted your
There are two sets of charts, be sure to read yarn, be sure to end with a RS row. Leave enough yarn to
from the correct chart when knitting. The garter graft your two pieces together.
border is not included on any of the lace charts.
Written instructions for the lace charts are pro-
vided as well. Joining
If you don’t like grafting, you can use the three needle
Garter Lace Border bind off to join your two pieces together.
Worked over two rows. Using a spare needle of the same size, unravel and pick
Row 1 (RS): k0(1), k2tog, yo, k1(1). Work body as up the sts from the provisional CO of the other edge
indicated to last 3(4) sts. k0(1), k2tog, yo, k1(1). piece. Graft together both pieces together using a tapestry
Row 2: k border sts, working body as indicated. needle.

Hold both scarf pieces together with the right side out: the
wrong sides should be facing inwards towards each other.
Make two.
The edge piece without the stockinette body should be
facing you.
Provisionally CO 43(51) sts.
Work one WS row as follows: k3(4), pm, p to last 3(4) sts, Using your tapestry needle and the yarn from the edge
pm, k3(4). piece with the stockinette body, work set-up as follows:
Insert the tapestry needle into the piece closest to you
Row 1 (RS): k0(1), k2tog, yo, k1(1), slm, k to m, slm, k0(1), (this should be the unworked edge) and thread it through
k2tog, yo, k1(1). the first stitch as if to purl. Then insert the tapesty needle
Row 2: k3(4), slm, p to m, slm, k3(4). into the first stitch on the body piece as if to knit.
Repeat rows 1-2 three times, 6 rows total. Ready to begin
a RS row. Repeat the following steps:
Edge piece: Insert the tapesty needle into the first stitch
Eyelets as if to knit, slipping the stitch off the needle. Insert the
Repeat the eyelet chart 20(26) times. tapestry needle into the next stitch as if to purl.
Written instructions: Body piece: Insert the tapestry needle into the first stitch
Row 1 (RS): k0(1), k2tog, yo, k1(1), slm, k1(1) [k4(5), yo, as if to purl, slipping the stitch off the needle. Insert the
slk2p, yo, k5(6)] 3x, slm, k0(1), yo, k2tog, k1(1). tapestry needle into the next stitch as if to knit.
Row 2: k3(4), slm, p to m, slm, k3(4).
Repeat these steps, carefully maintaining proper tension
Main Chart as you continue. Block and wear with love.
Repeat the main chart 3 times, maintaining the garter lace

Edge Chart
Work the edge chart 1 time, maintaining the garter lace
border. Bind off as follows:
p2, sl sts back to left ndl, p2tog. [p1, sl sts back to left ndl,
p2tog] rpt to end.

Select one completed edge piece. Pick up from the provi-
sional CO.
Liz Abinante ©2009-2011
Traveling Scarf Method #2, Using a scale
Instructions are written as follows: fingering (wor- have 43(51) sts. Work in stockinette st as follows:
sted). When one set of instructions are provided, it
applies to both worsted and fingering weight ver- Row 1 (WS): k3(4), slm, p to m, slm, k3(4).
sions. [Brackets] indicate a repeat. Row 2 (RS): k0(1), k2tog, yo, k1(1), slm, k to m, slm, k0(1),
k2tog, yo, k1(1).
There are two sets of charts, be sure to read from the Repeat rows 1-2, weighing your yarn as you go. When you
correct chart when knitting. The garter border is not have _____g remaining, work the edge in the same manner
included on any of the lace charts. Written instruc- as you did previously.
tions for the lace charts are provided as well.
If you’re worried about running out of yarn, I’ve taken care
Garter Lace Border of that for you: your edge weight includes 7 extra rows
Worked over two rows. that you won’t need to work for the second edge. If you
Row 1 (RS): k0(1), k2tog, yo, k1(1). Work body as indi- want to cut it close, you can work a few extra rows before
cated to last 3(4) sts. k0(1), k2tog, yo, k1(1). beginning the second edge.
Row 2: k border sts, working body as indicated.
Work the second edge identical to the first:

Weigh your yarn before beginning! Eyelets

Repeat the eyelet chart 20(26) times.

Provisionally CO 43(51) sts.
Written instructions:
Row 1 (RS): k0(1), k2tog, yo, k1(1), slm, k1(1) [k4(5), yo,
slk2p, yo, k5(6)] 3x, slm, k0(1), yo, k2tog, k1(1).
Work one WS row as follows: k3(4), pm, p to last 3(4) sts, Row 2: k3(4), slm, p to m, slm, k3(4).
pm, k3(4).
Main Chart
Row 1 (RS): k0(1), k2tog, yo, k1(1), slm, k to m, slm, k0(1), Repeat the main chart 3 times, maintaining the garter lace
k2tog, yo, k1(1). border.
Row 2: k3(4), slm, p to m, slm, k3(4).
Repeat rows 1-2 three times, 6 rows total. Ready to begin Edge Chart
a RS row. Work the edge chart 1 time, maintaining the garter lace
border. Bind off as follows:
Eyelets p2, sl sts back to left ndl, p2tog. [p1, sl sts back to left ndl,
Repeat the eyelet chart 20(26) times. p2tog] rpt to end.
Written instructions:
Row 1 (RS): k0(1), k2tog, yo, k1(1), slm, k1(1) [k4(5), yo, Block and wear with love.
slk2p, yo, k5(6)] 3x, slm, k0(1), k2tog, yo, k1(1).
Row 2: k3(4), slm, p to m, slm, k3(4).

Main Chart
Repeat the main chart 3 times, maintaining the garter lace

Edge Chart
Work the edge chart 1 time, maintaining the garter lace
border. Bind off as follows:
p2, sl sts back to left ndl, p2tog. [p1, sl sts back to left ndl,
p2tog] rpt to end.

Weigh your yarn and note how many grams are needed to
complete the edge. Write that number here: _____g, you’ll
need it soon.

Pick up from the provisional CO, double checking that you

Liz Abinante ©2009-2011

Traveling Scarf, Fingering Weight Lace
Chart Instructions
13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Read charts from right to left,
bottom to top. Odd num- ````````````` 2

bered rows are right side ````` K s K ````` 1

rows. Eyelet Chart

R1 (RS): k1 [k4, yo, slk2p, yo, k5]
R2: p to end
Stitches outlined in red are
to be repeated until the edge
markers. The first stitch on
each chart is not to be re-
peated: it should be worked 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

once at the beginning of ev- A ``````````` A 10

ery row. A ```` K s K ```` A 9

A ``````````` A 8

Work charts as follows: A ``` K ` s` K ``` A 7

Work garter lace border, slip A ``````````` A 6

marker, work chart to mark- A `` K `` s`` K `` A 5

er, slip marker, work garter A ``````````` A 4
lace border.
A ` K ``` s``` K ` A 3

The garter lace border is not A ``````````` A 2

charted. A K ```` s```` K A 1

Main Chart
R1 (RS): p1 [yo, k4, slk2p, k4, yo, p1]
R2 and all WS rows: k1 [p11, k1]
Edge R3: p1 [k1, yo, k3, slk2p, k3, yo, k1, p1]
R5: p1 [k2, yo, k2, slk2p, k2, yo, k2, p1]
13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
R7: p1 [k3, yo, k1, slk2p, k1, yo, k3, p1]
A KV KV K s Kည Kည K A 17
R9: p1 [k4, yo, slk2p, yo, k4, p1]
A ``````````` A 16 R10: k1 [p11, k1]
A ` K V K `s` K ည K ` A 15

A ``````````` A 14

A KV KV K s Kည Kည K A 13

A ``````````` A 12

A ` K V K V`ည K ည K ` A 11

A ``````````` A 10

A KV KV K s Kည Kည K A 9
Edge Chart
A ``````````` A 8
R1 (RS): p1 [yo, k4, slk2p, k4, yo, p1]
A ` K V K `s` K ည K ` A 7
R2 and all WS rows: k1 [p11, k1]
A ``````````` A 6 R3: p1 [k1, yo, k3, slk2p, k3, yo, k1, p1]
R5: p1 [k2, yo, k2, slk2p, k2, yo, k2, p1]
A `` K `` s`` K `` A 5
R7: p1 [k1, yo, ssk, yo, k1, slk2p, k1, yo, k2tog, yo, k1, p1]
A ``````````` A 4
R9: p1 [yo, ssk, yo, ssk, yo, slk2p, yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, p1]
A ` K ``` s``` K ` A 3 R11: p1 [k1, yo, ssk, yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, k1, p1]
R13: p1 [yo, ssk, yo, ssk, yo, slk2p, yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, p1]
A ``````````` A 2
R15: p1 [k1, yo, ssk, yo, k1, slk2p, k1, yo, k2tog, yo, k1, p1]
A K ```` s```` K A 1
R17: p1 [yo, ssk, yo, ssk, yo, slk2p, yo, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, p1]
Liz Abinante ©2009-2011
Traveling Scarf, Worsted Weight Lace
Chart Instructions 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Read charts from right to left, ``````````````` 2
bottom to top. Odd num-
`````` K s K `````` 1
bered rows are right side
Eyelet Chart
rows. R1 (RS): k1 [k5, yo, slk2p, yo, k6]
R2: p to end
Stitches outlined in red are
to be repeated until the edge
markers. The first stitch on
each chart is not to be re- 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

peated: it should be worked A ````````````` A 12

once at the beginning of ev- A ````` K s K ````` A 11

ery row. A ````````````` A 10

A ```` K ` s` K ```` A 9

Work charts as follows: A ````````````` A 8

Work garter lace border, slip A ``` K `` s`` K ``` A 7

marker, work chart to mark- A ````````````` A 6
er, slip marker, work garter A `` K ``` s``` K `` A 5
lace border.
A ````````````` A 4

The garter lace border is not

A ` K ```` s```` K ` A 3

charted. A ````````````` A 2

A K ````` s````` K A 1

Main Chart

15 14 13 12 11 10
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
R1 (RS): p1 [yo, k5, slk2p, k5, yo, p1]
R2 and all WS rows: k1 [p13, k1]
A ``` K V K s K ည K ``` A 19
R3: p1 [k1, yo, k4, slk2p, k4, yo, k1, p1]
A ````````````` A 18 R5: p1 [k2, yo, k3, slk2p, k3, yo, k2, p1]
R7: p1 [k3, yo, k2, slk2p, k2, yo, k3, p1]
A `` K V K ` s` K ည K `` A 17
R9: p1 [k4, yo, k1, slk2p, k1, yo, k4, p1]
A ````````````` A 16
R11: p1 [k5, yo, slk2p, yo, k5, p1]
A ` KV KV K s Kည Kည K` A 15 R12: k1 [p11, k1]
A ````````````` A 14

A K V K V K V`ည K ည K ည K A 13

A ````````````` A 12

A ` KV KV K s Kည Kည K` A 11

A ````````````` A 10
Edge Chart
A K V K V K `s` K ည K ည K A 9
R1 (RS): p1 [yo, k5, slk2p, k5, yo, p1]
A ````````````` A 8 R2 and all WS rows: k1 [p13, k1]
A ` K V K `` s`` K ည K ` A 7 R3: p1 [k1, yo, k4, slk2p, k4, yo, k1, p1]
R5: p1 [k2, yo, k3, slk2p, k3, yo, k2, p1]
A ````````````` A 6
R7: p1 [k1, yo, ssk, yo, k2, slk2p, k2, yo, k2tog, yo, k1, p1]
A `` K ``` s``` K `` A 5
R9: p1 [(yo, ssk) 2x, yo, k1, slk2p, k1, (yo, k2tog) 2x, yo, p1]
A ````````````` A 4 R11: p1 [k1, (yo, ssk) 2x, yo, slk2p, (yo, k2tog) 2x, yo, k1, p1]
A ` K ```` s```` K ` A 3 R13: p1 [(yo, ssk) 3x, k1, (k2tog, yo) 3x, p1]
R15: p1 [k1, (yo, ssk) 2x, yo, slk2p, (yo, k2tog) 2x, yo, k1, p1]
A ````````````` A 2
R17: p1 [k2, yo, ssk, yo, k1, slk2p, k1, yo, k2tog, yo, k2, p1]
A K ````` s````` K A 1
R19: p1 [k3, yo, ssk, yo, slk2p, yo, k2tog, yo, k3, p1]
Liz Abinante ©2009-2011
Traveling Scarf Custom Sizing
The lace chart is a multiple of 12 + 1 (or 14 + 1 for the worsted weight/stole version). The 12 + 1 finger-
ing weight chart is for scarves. The 14 + 1 worsted weight chart is for stoles. Scarves scarves have an
edging of 3 stitches, stoles have an edging of 4 stitches.

To adjust sizing, use the following formula (changing “12” to “14” if you use the larger chart):

Z = number of lace repeats across

Y = number of edge stitches, each side

(Z x 12) + 1 = W

W + V = cast on number

Provisionally cast on W + V sts. Follow the instructions for either Method #1 or #2, whichever you
prefer. Make sure you use the correct chart.

If you’re not sure where to start, I’ve provided some suggestions below for scarves and stoles in dif-
ferent yarn weights.

Sizing And Needle Suggestions For Other Yarn Weights

Scarf & Stole Lace Sport DK Aran Bulky
Needle size US5 3.75mm US7 4.5mm US8 5.0mm US10 6.0mm US11 8.0mm

Sizing for scarves Lace Sport DK Worsted Aran Bulky

# of rpts across (width) 4 3 3 2 2 1
# of border sts (each side) 3 3 3 3 3 3
CO # (using fingering wt charts) 55 43 43 31 31 19
# of eyelet rpts 25 20 20 15 15 10
# of main chart rpts 4 3 3 3 2 2

Sizing for stoles Lace Fingering Sport DK Aran Bulky

# of rpts across (width) 6 5 5 5 4 3
# of border sts 4 4 4 4 4 4
CO # (using worsted wt charts) 93 79 79 79 65 51
# of eyelet rpts 35 25 30 35 25 20
# of main chart rpts 5 4 4 4 3 3

Liz Abinante ©2009-2011

Traveling Cowl designed by Liz Abinante

photography by
Traveling Cowl
I love cowls. This love I have for cowls is a newly discovered
designed by Liz Abinante

one, something I’ve only recently given into. I didn’t really Instructions
understand their purpose, and they kind of reminded me Two sets of instructions are included in this pattern: knit-
of a noose. But then I knit one and realized how awesome ting in the round or worked flat.
they are. My love for cowls is complicated: on warm days
when I ride my bike, I prefer a looser fit (pictured right) Customizations
that gently falls. On cold days when I’m forced to leave the
house, I grab a snug fitting cowl to keep the warmth in. To adjust the height of the cowl
For a shorter cowl, work fewer rows in stockinette stitch.
In honor of my love for cowls and my indecisiveness, this Maintaining the same number of lace repeats will empha-
pattern provides instructions for both loose and snug fit- size the lace rather than the plain body of the cowl. For a
ting cowls in fingering and worsted weight (pictured). The longer cowl, work the amount of stockinette stitch as called
pattern includes instructions for both working in the round for. Add more repeats of the lace chart to emphasize the
and working flat. Although I’m partial to working anything lace pattern.
and everything in the round, imagine how cute your Travel-
ing Cowl would look with some exotic buttons! To make a double wrap cowl
If you would like to make a cowl that can be wrapped
For working in the round, you will need a 16” circular nee- around your neck twice, you’ll need to increase your stitch
dle in the size listed below. count 2.5 times over. I would recommend this only for the
knit in the round version.
Fingering Weight
Approximately 100g fingering weight yarn Cast on estimates, moderately snug fit, but not choking you
(using smaller needle):
Needle, Gauge, and Sizes Fingering: 252 (46”)
Large, round: 22” circumference, 9” long (to point) Worsted: 216 (43“)
Large, flat: 24” circumference, 9” long (to point)
US #6 (4.0mm) needle. Gauge per inch: 5 sts, 7 rows. Adding Eyelets: Worsted & Fingering
Small, round: 18” circumference, 9.5” long (to point) To add eyelets to your cowl, knit fewer inches of stocki-
Small, flat: 19” circumference, 9.5” long (to point) nette stitch. Repeat the eyelet chart 6 times (fingering) or
US #5 (3.75mm) needle. Gauge per inch: 5.5 sts, 8 rows. 5 times (worsted) for each lace chart repeat you plan on
working. For extra eyelets, work the eyelet chart 12 times
Worsted Weight (fingering) or 10 times (worsted) for each lace chart repeat.
Large sample knit in Fiberphile Super Squish Worsted
(100% superwash merino), shown in Mossy Bank. 200 Worsted, Round
yards per 100 grams. Row 1: k4, yo, slk2p, yo, k5
Row 2: k12
Needle, Gauge, and Sizes
Large, round: 21” circumference, 9.5” long (to point)
Large, flat: 22.5” circumference, 9.5” long (to point)
US #9 (5.5mm) needle. Gauge per inch: 4 sts sts, 5 rows. Worsted, Flat
Row 1: k1 (k4, yo, slk2p, yo, k5)
Row 2: k13
Small, round: 17” circumference, 9” long (to point)
Small, flat: 16” circumference, 9” long (to point)
US #7 (4.5mm) needle. Gauge per inch: 5 sts, 6 rows.
Fingering, Round
Bulky Weight Row 1: k5, yo, slk2p, yo, k6
Medium sample knit in Schulana Capo Nord (100% wool), Row 2: k14
shown in #56, 1 skein. Approximately 92 yards bulky

Medium, flat: 20” circumference (approximately 1” overlap, Fingering, Flat

actual product 21” long laid flat), 7.6” long (to point) Row 1: k1 (k5, yo, slk2p, yo, k6)
US #11 (8mm) needle. Gauge per inch: 2.5 sts, 3.5 rows. Row 2: k15
Liz Abinante ©2009-2011
Traveling Cowl, In the Round
Instructions are provided for all sizes in tables. If one set Fingering Weight
of instructions are present, it applies to all 4 sizes.
14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Using a 16” circular needle in the size required, cast on: A ````````````` 12

fingering sm fingering lg worsted sm worsted lg A ````` K s K ````` 11

98 112 84 84 A ````````````` 10

stitches, place marker, and join in the round. A ```` K ` s` K ```` 9

Garter stitch:
A ````````````` 8

Row 1: k A ``` K `` s`` K ``` 7

Row 2: p A ````````````` 6

Repeat rows 1-2

A `` K ``` s``` K `` 5

fingering sm fingering lg worsted sm worsted lg

A ````````````` 4

4 4 3 3
A ` K ```` s```` K ` 3

times, for a total of A ````````````` 2

fingering sm fingering lg worsted sm worsted lg A K ````` s````` K 1

8 8 6 6
Row 1: yo, k5, slk2p, k5, yo, p1
Row 2 (and all even rows): k13, p1
Row 3: k1, yo, k4, slk2p, k4, yo, k1, p1
Work in stockinette stitch (knit every row) for
Row 5: k2, yo, k3, slk2p, k3, yo, k2, p1
fingering sm fingering lg worsted sm worsted lg Row 7: k3, yo, k2, slk2p, k2, yo, k3, p1
4.5 5 5 6.5 Row 9: k4, yo, k1, slk2p, k1, yo, k4, p1
inches. Row 11: k5, yo, slk2p, yo, k5, p1

Switch to lace chart. Work

fingering sm fingering lg worsted sm worsted lg
4 3 3 2 Worsted Weight
rpts of lace chart. 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Bind off as follows: k2, sl sts back to left ndl, ssk. [k1, sl sts
A ``````````` 10

back to left ndl, ssk] rpt to end. A ```` K s K ```` 9

A ``````````` 8

Block your cowl by pulling the purl stitches to points. A ``` K ` s` K ``` 7

A ``````````` 6

A `` K `` s`` K `` 5

A ``````````` 4

A ` K ``` s``` K ` 3

A ``````````` 2

A K ```` s```` K 1

Row 1: yo, k4, slk2p, k4, yo, p1

Row 2 (and all even rows): k11, p1
Row 3: k1, yo, k3, slk2p, k3, yo, k1, p1
Row 5: k2, yo, k2, slk2p, k2, yo, k2, p1
Row 7: k3, yo, k1, slk2p, k1, yo, k3, p1
Row 9: k4, yo, slk2p, yo, k4, p1

Liz Abinante ©2009-2011

Traveling Cowl, Worked Flat, Fingering & Worsted
Instructions are provided for all sizes in tables. If one set Fingering Weight
of instructions are present, it applies to all 4 sizes.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Button Holes A ````````````` A 12

I recommend placing button holes every 1.5-2 inches. A ````` K s K ````` A 11

Work your button holes at the beginning or end of each A ````````````` A 10
row in the garter stitch border.
A ```` K ` s` K ```` A 9

Fingering weight (or smaller buttons): A ````````````` A 8

Row 1 (RS): k2, k2tog, yo, k3. A ``` K `` s`` K ``` A 7

Row 2: k all sts A ````````````` A 6

A `` K ``` s``` K `` A 5

Worsted weight (or larger buttons): A ````````````` A 4

Row 1 (RS): k1, k2tog, yo 2x, k2tog, k1 A ` K ```` s```` K ` A 3

Row 2: k2, [k1, p1] in the double yo, k2 A ````````````` A 2

A K ````` s````` K A 1
Cast on:
fingering sm fingering lg worsted sm worsted lg Repeat is outlined in red.
104 119 77 90
stitches. Do not join in the round. Row 1: p1 [yo, k5, slk2p, k5, yo, p1]
Row 2 (and all WS rows): k1 [p13, k1]
Mark your button band as follows on the first row: Row 3: p1 [k1, yo, k4, slk2p, k4, yo, k1, p1]
Row 1: k Row 5: p1 [k2, yo, k3, slk2p, k3, yo, k2, p1]
Row 7: p1 [k3, yo, k2, slk2p, k2, yo, k3, p1]
fingering sm fingering lg worsted sm worsted lg
Row 9: p1 [k4, yo, k1, slk2p, k1, yo, k4, p1]
7 7 6 6
Row 11: p1 [k5, yo, slk2p, yo, k5, p1]
sts, pm, k to last
fingering sm fingering lg worsted sm worsted lg
7 7 6 6 Worsted Weight
sts, pm, k to end.
13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Knit A ``````````` A 10

fingering sm fingering lg worsted sm worsted lg A ```` K s K ```` A 9

8 8 6 6 A ``````````` A 8

rows in garter stitch. A ``` K ` s` K ``` A 7

A ``````````` A 6

Keeping the border in garter stitch, work cowl body in A `` K `` s`` K `` A 5

stockinette stitch (k one row, p one row) for A ``````````` A 4

fingering sm fingering lg worsted sm worsted lg A ` K ``` s``` K ` A 3

4.5 5 5 6.5 A ``````````` A 2

inches. A K ```` s```` K A 1

Switch to lace chart. Work Repeat is outlined in red.

fingering sm fingering lg worsted sm worsted lg
4 3 3 2 Row 1: p1 [yo, k4, slk2p, k4, yo, p1]
rpts of lace chart. Row 2 (and all WS rows): k1 [p11, k1]
Row 3: p1 [k1, yo, k3, slk2p, k3, yo, k1, p1]
Bind off on a WS row as follows: p2, sl sts back to left ndl, Row 5: p1 [k2, yo, k2, slk2p, k2, yo, k2, p1]
p2tog. [p1, sl sts back to left ndl, p2tog] rpt to end. Row 7: p1 [k3, yo, k1, slk2p, k1, yo, k3, p1]
Row 9: p1 [k4, yo, slk2p, yo, k4, p1]
Block your cowl by pulling the purl stitches to points.

Liz Abinante ©2009-2011

Traveling Cowl, Worked Flat, Bulky
For this version, you will need slightly less than one skein Bulky Weight, Main Chart
of the yarn called for.
13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
To add height to the cowl, you can cast on additional
stitches for the garter stitch border. With the yardage and
````````````` 12

gauge listed, you would be okay to add 2-4 more stitches

````` K s K ````` 11

(total). ````````````` 10

```` K ` s` K ```` 9

Button Holes ````````````` 8

There are no button holes written into this pattern. The ``` K `` s`` K ``` 7

button holes are formed by the lace used in the edge ````````````` 6

chart. `` K ``` s``` K `` 5

````````````` 4

Instructions ` K ```` s```` K ` 3

Cast on 21 sts. Do not join in the round. ````````````` 2

Row 1: k4, pm, k13, pm, k4 K ````` s````` K 1

Row 2-4: k all sts

Row 1: yo, k5, slk2p, k5, yo
Switch to stockinette stitch: Row 2 (and all WS rows): p all sts
Row 1: k4, slm, k to m, slm, k4 Row 3: k1, yo, k4, slk2p, k4, yo, k1
Row 2: k4, slm, p to m, slm, k4 Row 5: k2, yo, k3, slk2p, k3, yo, k2
Work rows 1-2 a total of 10x (20 rows total). Row 7: k3, yo, k2, slk2p, k2, yo, k3
Row 9: k4, yo, k1, slk2p, k1, yo, k4
Switch to lace chart. The 4 edge stitches on each side Row 11: k5, yo, slk2p, yo, k5
should be worked in garter stitch. These stitches are not
charted. Bulky Weight, Edge Chart
Work 3 repeats of the Main Chart (36 rows).
Work 1 repeat of the Edge Chart (13 rows). 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

K V K V K V`ည K ည K ည K 13

Bind off on a WS row as follows: p2, sl sts back to left ndl, ````````````` 12

p2tog. [p1, sl sts back to left ndl, p2tog] rpt to end. ` KV KV K s Kည Kည K` 11

````````````` 10

Block your cowl by pulling the stitches to points. Sew three K V K V K `s` K ည K ည K 9

buttons onto the garter stitch cast on edge. ````````````` 8

` K V K `` s`` K ည K ` 7

````````````` 6

`` K ``` s``` K `` 5

````````````` 4

` K ```` s```` K ` 3

````````````` 2

K ````` s````` K 1

Row 1: yo, k5, slk2p, k5, yo

Row 2 (and all WS rows): p all sts
Row 3: k1, yo, k4, slk2p, k4, yo, k1
Row 5: k2, yo, k3, slk2p, k3, yo, k2
Row 7: k1, yo, ssk, yo, k2, slk2p, k2, yo, k2tog, yo, k1
Row 9: (yo, ssk) 2x, yo, k1, slk2p, k1, (yo, k2tog) 2x, yo
Row 11: k1, (yo, ssk) 2x, yo, slk2p, (ky, k2tog) 2x, yo, k1
Row 13: (yo, ssk) 3x, k1, (k2tog, yo) 3x

Liz Abinante ©2009-2011

Traveling Socks
designed by Liz Abinante

photography by
Traveling Socks
To convert Traveling Woman into socks, I had to get a little
designed by Liz Abinante
These instructions are written for 2 circular needles or
creative. There’s no defined edge to a sock other than the magic loop and require 2 markers.* To work a star toe:
cuff, and you don’t want a lacey cuff that can’t keep your
sock up. These socks can be knit myriad ways, so be sure A.) Divide the number of stitches by 4: ____.
to check out the section on customizing if you want some- B.) Subtract 2 from that number: ____. (x)
thing a little different.
*If you’re using 5 DPNs, arrange your stitches evenly and
The lace pattern is extremely stretchy and very forgiving. do not use markers.
If you’re worried the sock will be too narrow, you will be
pleasantly surprised. The stretchy nature of the stitch pat- Work as follows, starting with the beginning of a needle:
tern was taken into account during the sizing process. Row 1: [k x sts, k2tog, pm, k x sts, k2tog] 2x
Row 2: k all sts
Fingering Weight Version Row 3: [k to 2 sts before m, k2tog, k to 2 sts before end of
Small (US women’s 7-7.5 shoe) ndl, k2tog] 2x
Sample knit in Malabrigo Sock (100% superwash merino),
shown in Abril. Repeat rows 2-3 until 8 sts remain. [k2tog]4x and cut yarn,
This is a light fingering weight yarn. If you use a standard pull through the remaining sts and cinch toe.
fingering weight your sock may work up larger. Try going
down a needle size. For the fingering weight medium, you’ll have to work two
k3togs (one on each needle) as follows:
Medium (US women’s 8-8.5 shoe), 400 yards
Large (US women’s 9-10 shoe), ~475-500 yards Row 1: [k14, pm, k3tog, k14, k2tog] 2x
Row 2: k all sts
Needle, all sizes Row 3: [k to m, k2tog, k to 2 sts before end of ndl, k2tog]
US #1 1/2 (2.25mm) needle
Repeat rows 2-3 until 8 sts remain. [k2tog]4x and cut yarn,
Gauge, after blocking cinching the toe together.
Per 1 inch: 7.5 sts
Toe Up
Sport Weight Version You can knit these toe up as well. You will need to flip the
Small (US women’s 7-7.5 shoe), 250 yards charts to do this. It’s fairly easy: instead of beginning with
Medium (US women’s 8-8.5 shoe), 300 yards row 1, begin with the last row of each chart.
Large (US women’s 9-10 shoe), ~350 yards
If you are working a pattern that incorporates toe decreas-
Needle, all sizes es into the edge chart, you’ll need to begin the edge chart
US #2 1/2 (3.0mm) needle while working the increases for your toe. Because of this,
you probably shouldn’t do a short row heel. My preferred
Instructions method is to use Judy’s Magic Cast On and either do deco-
This pattern is written for 2 circular needles (or Magic rative increases (yarn overs) or kfb.
Loop). If you prefer using DPNs, you may want to use stitch
markers as well. Yarn Weights
I have written 6 different sizes into this pattern for fin-
Each eyelet repeat is knit over two rows, so you can easily gering and sport weight yarns, but there’s no reason you
adjust the length of the leg and foot if you’re concerned couldn’t adjust them further to use worsted weight. The
about size. Yardages are approximations and may vary de- pattern knits up extremely quickly, and a pair of worsted
pending on the length of the leg. weight Traveling Socks would make a very comfortable and
warm gift for anyone worthy.
Some sizes feature toe decreases in the edge chart. Be sure
to read through your instructions carefully!


Star Toe
Begin working the star toe after you finish the edge chart.
Liz Abinante ©2009-2011
Traveling Socks
Numbers for each size are provided in table format immediately beneath the instructions to which they apply.

Cast on ____ sts. Join in the round and work in (p1, k2) ribbing until the cuff measures 1” from CO.
sm. fingering sm. sport med. fingering med. sport lg. fingering lg. sport
60 52 66 56 72 60

Work ____ repeats of the eyelet chart.

sm. fingering sm. sport med. fingering med. sport lg. fingering lg. sport
10 5 10 10 15 10

Work ____ repeats of the main chart.

sm. fingering sm. sport med. fingering med. sport lg. fingering lg. sport
3 3 3 3 3 3

Heel Flap
The heel is knit across ____ sts on ndl2 only.
sm. fingering sm. sport med. fingering med. sport lg. fingering lg. sport
30 26 33 28 36 30

Row 1: (ws) sl1, p to end, turn work

Row 2: (rs) sl1, k to end, turn work
Work these two rows ____ times more (___ times total, adding up to ____ rows total).
sm. fingering sm. sport med. fingering med. sport lg. fingering lg. sport
14 (15, 30) 12 (13, 26) 14 (15, 30) 14 (15, 30) 16 (17, 34) 14 (15, 30)

Heel Turn
Row 1: (rs) k____, ssk, k1, turn work
sm. fingering sm. sport med. fingering med. sport lg. fingering lg. sport
16 14 17 15 19 16
Row 2: (ws) sl1, p5, p2tog, turn work
Row 3: sl1, k to 1 st before gap, ssk, k1, turn work
Row 4: sl1, p to 1 st before gap, p2tog, p1, turn work
Repeat rows 3-4 until all sts have been worked, ending with a WS row.
(Medium fingering will have an odd number of stitches, do not work an extra decrease, leave 1 st unworked)

(ndl2) k across heel sts. Pick up and k every sl st along the heel flap.
(ndl1) worked in eyelet chart, k sts in lace pattern as established.
Work this extra st as a k st on every row, you will need it later.
Continue working ndl1 & 2 in this manner, picking up every sl st along the other side of the heel. Rearrange your sts so
that all of the picked up gusset sts are on ndl 2.

Gusset Decreases
Row 1: (ndl2) k1, ssk, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. (ndl1) work in eyelet pattern as established
Row 2: k all gusset and heel sts, keeping ndl2 in pattern
Repeat rows 1-2 until you have ____ sts on ndl2 (for med. fingering , work 1 dec as k3tog instead of k2tog)
sm. fingering sm. sport med. fingering med. sport lg. fingering lg. sport
30 26 32 28 36 30

Liz Abinante ©2009-2011

Traveling Socks
Work ___ rpts main chart (ndl1 only, ndl2 k all sts).
For sizes sm. fingering, med. sport, lg. fingering, and lg. sport: inc 1 st at the end of ndl1 on the first row. Work as p st
on all rows with main chart (____ sts total)
sm. fingering sm. sport med. fingering med. sport lg. fingering lg. sport
3 (31) 2 (26) 3 (33) 2 (29) 3 (37) 3 (31)

Sizes sm. sport and med. sport: Work 1 rpt edge chart, proceed to Toe Decreases. The extra stitch you created earlier
is charted on the edge chart.

Sizes sm. fingering, med. fingering, lg. fingering, lg. sport: work toe set-up as follows.
Next row (ndl1 only, ndl2 k all sts): k____, pm, edge row 1, pm, k____
sm. fingering med. fingering lg. fingering lg. sport
10, 10 11, 11 12, 12 10, 10

Repeat this row 10x total on ndl1, following the edge chart and slipping markers as you come to them. You should be
ready to begin edge chart row 11. Begin Toe Decreases.

Toe Decreases By Size

Sm. Sport Med. Sport
Row 1: (ndl2) k1, ssk, k to last 3 sts on ndl, k2tog, k1. (ndl2) Row 1: (ndl2) k1, ssk, k to last 3 sts on ndl, k2tog, k1. (ndl2)
k1, ssk, k to last 3 sts on ndl, k2tog, k1. k1, ssk, k to last 3 sts on ndl, k2tog, k1.
Row 2: both ndls, k all sts Row 2: both ndls, k all sts
Repeat rows 1-2 until 20 sts remain. Graft toe together Repeat rows 1-2 until 25 sts remain (12 on ndl2, 13 on
and weave in ends. ndl1).
Next row: (ndl2) k1, ssk, k tolast 3 sts on ndl, k2tog, k1.
(ndl1) k1, ssk, k to last 4 sts on ndl, k3tog, k1. 20 sts total.
Graft toe together and weave in ends.

Sm. Fingering, Med. Fingering, Lg. Sport Lg. Fingering

Row 1: (ndl2) k1, ssk, k to last 3sts, k2tog, k1. (ndl1) k1, ssk, Row 1: [ndl2] k1, ssk, k to last 3sts, k2tog, k1. [ndl1] k1, ssk,
k to m, edge row 11, k to last 3sts, k2tog, k1. k to m, edge row 11, k to last 3sts, k2tog, k1.
Row 2: (ndl2) k all sts. (ndl1) k to m, edge row 12, k to end. Row 2: [ndl2] k all sts. [ndl1] k to m, edge row 12, k to end.
Row 3: (ndl2) as row 1. (ndl1) k1, ssk, k to m, edge row 13, k Row 3: [ndl2] as row 1. [ndl1] k1, ssk, k to m, edge row 13, k
to last 3sts, k2tog, k1. to last 3sts, k2tog, k1.
Row 4: (ndl2) k all sts. (ndl1) k to m, edge row 14, k to end. Row 4: [ndl2] k all sts. [ndl1] k to m, edge row 14, k to end.
Row 5: (ndl2) as row 1. (ndl1) k1, ssk, k to m, edge row 15, k Row 5: [ndl2] as row 1. [ndl1] k1, ssk, k to m, edge row 15, k
to last 3sts, k2tog, k1. to last 3sts, k2tog, k1.
Row 6: k all sts (removing markers as you come to them) Row 6: k all sts
Row 7: (ndl2) k1, ssk, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. (ndl1) k1, ssk, Row 7: [ndl2] as row 1. [ndl1] k1, ssk, k to m, edge row 17, k
k to last 3sts, k2tog, k1. to last 3sts, k2tog, k1..
Row 8: k all sts Row 8: k all sts (removing markers on ndl1 as you come to
Repeat rows 7-8 until ____ sts total remain (____ on ndl2, ____ them)
on ndl1). Row 9: [ndl2] k1, ssk, k to last 3sts, k2tog, k1. [ndl1] k1, ssk,
sm. fingering med. fingering lg. sport k to last 3sts, k2tog, k1.
Repeat rows 8-9 until 29 sts total remain (14 on ndl2, 15 on
29 (14, 15) 26 (13, 13) 29 (14, 15) ndl1).
Next row: k all sts
Graft toe together and weave in ends for med. fingering. Next row: [ndl2] k1, ssk, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. [ndl1], k1,
Next row, sm. fingering & lg. sport: ssk, k to last 4 sts, k3tog, k1. (24 sts total)
(ndl2) k1, ssk, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. (ndl1), k1, ssk, k to Graft toe together and weave in ends.
last 4 sts, k3tog, k1. (24 sts total)

Liz Abinante ©2009-2011

Charts & Written Lace
Small Fingering & Large Sport
Eyelet Toe
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Eyelet Chart
`````````` 2 Row 1: k4, yo, slk2p, yo, k3. A ` KV K s Kည K` A 15
Row 2: k all sts
``` K s K ```` 1 A ````````` A 14

A K V K `s` K ည K A 13
Main A ````````` A 12
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

````````` A 8
A ` KV K s Kည K` A 11

``` K s K ``` A 7
A ````````` A 10
Toe Chart
````````` A 6 Row 1: p1, yo, k3, slk2p, k3, yo, p1.
A K V K V`ည K ည K A 9

`` K ` s` K `` A 5
Row 2 (and all even rows): p1, k9, p1. A ````````` A 8

````````` A 4
Row 3: p1, k1, yo, k2, slk2p, k2, yo,
k1, p1.
A ` KV K s Kည K` A 7

` K `` s`` K ` A 3 Row 5: p1, yo, ssk, yo, k1, slk2p, k1, A ````````` A 6

````````` A 2
yo, k2tog, yo, p1.
Row 7: p1, k1, yo, ssk, yo, slk2p, yo,
A K V K `s` K ည K A 5

K ``` s``` K A 1 k2tog, yo, k1, p1. A ````````` A 4

Main Chart
Row 9: p1, (yo, ssk)2x, k1, (k2tog,
yo)2x, p1
A ` K `` s`` K ` A 3

Row 1: p1, yo, k3, slk2p, k3, yo. Row 11: as row 7. A ````````` A 2

Row 2 (and all even rows): p1, k9.

Row 3: p1, k1, yo, k2, slk2p, k2, yo, k1.
Row 13: as row 5. A K ``` s``` K A 1
Row 15: as row 7.
Row 5: p1, k2, yo, k1, slk2p, k1, yo, k2.
Row 7: p1, k3, yo, slk2p, yo, k3.
Row 8: as row 2.

Small Sport
Eyelet Main
13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

````````````` 2 A ``````````` A 10

````` K s K ````` 1 A ```` K s K ```` A 9

Eyelet Chart
Row 1: k5, yo, slk2p, yo, k5.
A ``````````` A 8

Row 2: k all sts A ``` K ` s` K ``` A 7

A ``````````` A 6

Toe A `` K `` s`` K `` A 5
13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

A `` K V K s K ည K `` A 17
A ``````````` A 4

A ``````````` A 16
A ` K ``` s``` K ` A 3

A ` K V K `s` K ည K ` A 15
A ``````````` A 2

A ``````````` A 14
A K ```` s```` K A 1

Main Chart
A KV KV K s Kည Kည K A 13
Row 1: p1, yo, k4, slk2p, k4, yo, p1.
A ``````````` A 12 Row 2 (and all even rows): p1, k11, p1.
Row 3: p1, k1, yo, k3, slk2p, k3, yo, k1, p1.
A ` K V K V`ည K ည K ` A 11
Row 5: p1, k2, yo, k2, slk2p, k2, yo, k2, p1.
A ``````````` A 10 Row 7: p1, k3, yo, k1, slk2p, k1, yo, k3, p1.
Row 9: p1, k4, yo, slk2p, yo, k4, p1.
A KV KV K s Kည Kည K A 9
Row 10: as row 2.
A ``````````` A 8 Toe Chart
Row 1: p1, yo, k4, slk2p, k4, yo, p1.
A ` K V K `s` K ည K ` A 7
Row 2 (all even rows):
A ``````````` A 6 p1, k11, p1.
Row 3: p1, k1, yo, k3, slk2p, k3, yo, k1, p1.
A `` K `` s`` K `` A 5
Row 5: p1, k2, yo, k2, slk2p, k2, yo, k2, p1.
A ``````````` A 4 Row 7: p1, k1, yo, ssk, yo, k1, slk2p, k1, yo, k2tog, yo, k1, p1.
Row 9: p1, (yo, ssk) 2x, yo, slk2p, (yo, k2tog) 2x, yo, p1.
A ` K ``` s``` K ` A 3
Row 11: p1, k1, (yo, ssk) 2x, k1, (k2tog, yo) k1, p1.
A ``````````` A 2 Row 13: as row 9.
Row 15: as row 7.
A K ```` s```` K A 1
Row 17: p1, k2, yo, ssk, yo, slk2p, yo, k2tog, yo, k2, p1.
Liz Abinante ©2009-2011
Charts & Written Lace
Medium Fingering
Eyelet Toe
11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Eyelet Chart 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
``````````` 2 Row 1: k4, yo, slk2p, yo, k4. A ` KV K s Kည K` A 15
Row 2: k all sts
```` K s K ```` 1
A ````````` A 14

A K V K `s` K ည K A 13
Main A ````````` A 12
11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
A ` KV K s Kည K` A 11
A ````````` A 8
A ````````` A 10
A ``` K s K ``` A 7
A K V K V`ည K ည K A 9
A ````````` A 6
Toe Chart A ````````` A 8
A `` K ` s` K `` A 5 Row 1: p1, yo, k3, slk2p, k3, yo, p1.
A ` KV K s Kည K` A 7
Row 2 (and all even rows): p1, k9, p1.
A ````````` A 4
Row 3: p1, k1, yo, k2, slk2p, k2, yo, k1, p1. A ````````` A 6
A ` K `` s`` K ` A 3
Row 5: p1, yo, ssk, yo, k1, slk2p, k1, yo,
A K V K `s` K ည K A 5
A ````````` A 2 k2tog, yo, p1.
Row 7: p1, k1, yo, ssk, yo, slk2p, yo, k2tog, A ````````` A 4
A K ``` s``` K A 1
yo, k1, p1. A ` K `` s`` K ` A 3
Main Chart Row 9: p1, (yo, ssk)2x, k1, (k2tog, yo)2x, p1
Row 1: p1, yo, k3, slk2p, k3, yo, p1. Row 11: as row 7. A ````````` A 2

Row 2 (and all even rows): p1, k9, p1. Row 13: as row 5.
Row 15: as row 7.
A K ``` s``` K A 1
Row 3: p1, k1, yo, k2, slk2p, k2, yo, k1, p1.
Row 5: p1, k2, yo, k1, slk2p, k1, yo, k2, p1.
Row 7: p1, k3, yo, slk2p, yo, k3, p1.
Row 8: as row 2.

Medium Sport
Eyelet Toe
14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

`````````````` 2 A ``` K V K s K ည K ``` A 19

````` K s K `````` 1 A ````````````` A 18

Eyelet Chart A `` K V K ` s` K ည K `` A 17

Row 1: k6, yo, slk2p, yo, k5. A ````````````` A 16

Row 2: k all sts A ` KV KV K s Kည Kည K` A 15

A ````````````` A 14

A K V K V K V`ည K ည K ည K A 13

Main A ````````````` A 12

14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A ` KV KV K s Kည Kည K` A 11

````````````` A 12 A ````````````` A 10

````` K s K ````` A 11 A K V K V K `s` K ည K ည K A 9

````````````` A 10 A ````````````` A 8

```` K ` s` K ```` A 9 A ` K V K `` s`` K ည K ` A 7

````````````` A 8 A ````````````` A 6

``` K `` s`` K ``` A 7 A `` K ``` s``` K `` A 5

````````````` A 6 A ````````````` A 4

`` K ``` s``` K `` A 5 A ` K ```` s```` K ` A 3

````````````` A 4 A ````````````` A 2

` K ```` s```` K ` A 3 A K ````` s````` K A 1

````````````` A 2 Toe Chart

K ````` s````` K A 1 Row 1: p1, yo, k5, slk2p, k5, yo, p1.
Row 2 (and all even rows): p1, k13, p1.
Main Chart
Row 3: p1, k1, yo, k4, slk2p, k4, yo, k1, p1.
Row 1: p1, yo, k5, slk2p, k5, yo.
Row 5: p1, k2, yo, k3, slk2p, k3, yo, k2, p1.
Row 2 (and all even rows): p1, k13, p1.
Row 7: p1, k1, yo, ssk, yo, k2, slk2p, k2, yo, k2tog, yo, k1, p1.
Row 3: p1, k1, yo, k4, slk2p, k4, yo, k1.
Row 9: p1, (yo, ssk) 2x, yo, k1, slk2p, k1, (yo, k2tog) 2x, yo, p1.
Row 5: p1, k2, yo, k3, slk2p, k3, yo, k2.
Row 11: p1, k1, (yo, ssk) 2x, yo, slk2p, (yo, k2tog) 2x, yo, k1, p1.
Row 7: p1, k3, yo, k2, slk2p, k2, yo, k3.
Row 13: p1, (yo, ssk) 3x, k1, (k2tog, yo) 3x, p1.
Row 9: p1, k4, yo, k1, slk2p, k1, yo, k4.
Row 15: as row 11.
Row 11: p1, k5, yo, slk2p, yo, k5.
Row 17: p1, k2, yo, ssk, yo, k1, slk2p, k1, yo, k2tog, yo, k2, p1.
Row 12: as row 2.
Row 19: p1, k3, yo, ssk, yo, slk2p, yo, k2tog, yo, k3, p1.
Liz Abinante ©2009-2011
Charts & Written Lace
Large Fingering
12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Eyelet Chart
```````````` 2
Row 1: k5, yo, slk2p, yo, k4.
```` K s K ````` 1 Row 2: k all sts

12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Main Chart
``````````` A 10
Row 1: p1, yo, k4, slk2p, k4, yo.
```` K s K ```` A 9 Row 2 (and all even rows): p1, k11.
Row 3: p1, k1, yo, k3, slk2p, k3, yo, k1.
``````````` A 8
Row 5: p1, k2, yo, k2, slk2p, k2, yo, k2.
``` K ` s` K ``` A 7 Row 7: p1, k3, yo, k1, slk2p, k1, yo, k3.
Row 9: p1, k4, yo, slk2p, yo, k4.
``````````` A 6
Row 10: as row 2.
`` K `` s`` K `` A 5

``````````` A 4

` K ``` s``` K ` A 3

``````````` A 2

K ```` s```` K A 1

13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

A `` K V K s K ည K `` A 17
Toe Chart
A ``````````` A 16
Row 1: p1, yo, k4, slk2p, k4, yo, p1.
A ` K V K `s` K ည K ` A 15 Row 2 (and all even rows): p1, k11, p1.
Row 3: p1, k1, yo, k3, slk2p, k3, yo, k1, p1.
A ``````````` A 14
Row 5: p1, k2, yo, k2, slk2p, k2, yo, k2, p1.
A KV KV K s Kည Kည K A 13 Row 7: p1, k1, yo, ssk, yo, k1, slk2p, k1, yo, k2tog, yo, k1, p1.
Row 9: p1, (yo, ssk) 2x, yo, slk2p, (yo, k2tog) 2x, yo, p1.
A ``````````` A 12
Row 11: p1, k1, (yo, ssk) 2x, k1, (k2tog, yo) k1, p1.
A ` K V K V`ည K ည K ` A 11 Row 13: as row 9.
Row 15: as row 7.
A ``````````` A 10
Row 17: p1, k2, yo, ssk, yo, slk2p, yo, k2tog, yo, k2, p1.
A KV KV K s Kည Kည K A 9

A ``````````` A 8

A ` K V K `s` K ည K ` A 7

A ``````````` A 6

A `` K `` s`` K `` A 5

A ``````````` A 4

A ` K ``` s``` K ` A 3

A ``````````` A 2

A K ```` s```` K A 1

Liz Abinante ©2009-2011

Legends & Abbreviations
k: knit
Chart Legend
p: purl
sl: slip
tbl: through the back loop
kfb: knit through the front and back loop
psso: pass the slipped stitch over
k2tog: knit two together
k3tog: knit three together
ssk: slip, slip, knit two slipped stitches together
p2tog: purl two together
slk2p: sl1, k2tog, psso
CO: cast on
BO: bind off
st: stitch
sts: stitches
rem: remain(ing)
rpt: repeat
rpts: repeats
ndl: needle
yo: yarn over
RS: right side
WS: wrong side

I cannot possibly thank everyone who helped me with this pattern, but I’ll do my best to try.

Didi of Little Red Bicycle for her gorgeous yarns, tech editing, and all around amazingness.

Special thanks to Jana for being my sample guru even when my head was falling off.

Georgia of Fiberphile Yarns for sending me some of her beautiful worsted weight.

Colin of for patiently taking and editing hundreds of photos, and for making me tea while
I knitted endless versions of this pattern.

To the folks at Ravelry for introducing me to designing and for the wonderful community members who encouraged me
to re-release Traveling Woman.

And, most importantly, to my mom for raising me to think that knitting was inferior to crocheting. I keep designing in
the hopes that I’ll prove her wrong someday.

About Liz
Liz Abinante is the author of numerous popular patterns, including Traveling Woman and Saroyan. She is best known for
creating unique patterns for a wide range of skill levels that include options for easy customization and sizing. Her favor-
ite things to knit are shawls and scarves. She loves to teach, read, write, and bake bread (and somehow manages to
take obsessive notes for all three). In an attempt to prove she has ambitions that actually include her college education,
she studies for her second Master’s degree in Literature when she’s not knitting. She knits (and lives) in scenic northern
California and blogs at

Please direct all love letters and design inquiries to

Need help? Contact

She really likes to make funny faces when having her picture taken.

Copyright Information
The entire contents of this pattern and the knitted design to which it refers are subject to copyright. By purchasing this
pattern you have the right to print and use this pattern only for your personal non-commercial use. Without the permis-
sion of Liz Abinante you may not distribute or sell copies of this pattern. You may not sell any items produced using the
directions in this pattern without purchasing a Sellers License. You may not teach a class using this pattern without pur-
chasing a Course Instruction License.

All photos are property of Colin FitzGerald and Liz Abinante and may not be republished under any circumstances.


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