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- Dr Kiran Thorat
• What is immunity?

• Body's ability to fight against harmful micro-organisms or pathogens that

invade it

• The immune system produces antibodies or cells that can deactivate

pathogens like fungi, protozoans, bacteria, and viruses
• What is an infectious disease?

• A disease in which minute organisms, invisible to the naked eye, invade and
multiply within the body

• Many of these organisms are contagious, that is they spread between people
in close contact
• Endemic diseases are those found normally in a population

• For example…….
• An epidemic disease is a disease that many people acquire over a short
period of time

• For example………
• The Immune System –

- includes all parts of the body that

help in the recognition & destruction
of foreign materials

- WBCs, phagocytes, bone marrow,

lymph nodes, tonsils, thymus &
spleen etc.

Active Passive

Innate Acquired Innate Acquired

Humoral Cell Mediated

• Innate Immunity - First-Line Defenses

• Skin – acts as a barrier to invasion

• Sweat – has chemicals which can kill different pathogens

• Tears - have lysozyme which has powerful digestive abilities that render
antigens harmless
What’s the first thing you do when you cut your finger ?

- Saliva - contains many chemicals that

break down bacteria

- Thousands of different types of

bacteria can survive these chemicals,
• Mucus - can trap pathogens, which are then sneezed, coughed, washed away,
or destroyed by chemicals
• Stomach - Swallowed bacteria are broken down by incredibly strong acids in
the stomach that break down your food
• Second-Line Defenses - If a pathogen is able to get past the body's first line of
defense, causing infection, the body can rely on it's
second line of defense

• Phagocytic cells - WBCs

• Inflammatory Response

• Antimicrobial proteins
- Lysozyme
- Interferon
• Inflammatory response which causes – Triple response -

• Redness & Heat - due to capillary dilation resulting in increased blood flow

• Swelling – due to passage of plasma from the blood stream into the damaged

• Pain – due mainly to tissue destruction and, to a lesser extent, swelling.

Inflammatory Response

Histamine & Capillaries dilate Chemotactic Phagocytes

prostaglandins Clotting begins factors attract consume
released phagocytic cells pathogens &
cell debris
• Antimicrobial proteins – Lysozyme & Interferon
• Lysozymes - are glycoside hydrolases → damage bacterial cell walls by
catalyzing hydrolysis

• Abundant in a number of secretions, such as tears, saliva ,human milk & mucus

• It is also present in cytoplasmic granules of the macrophages & neutrophils

• Interferon – released in ECF by infected cells (bacterial, viral, parasite)

• Function – Limits spread of infection by forming a protective ring of un-infected

cells &
- inhibit replication of viruses by (-) protein synthesis by promoting
degradation of mRNA
• Third-Line Defenses - i.e. the immune system - when second line of defense is
not enough

• The immune system recognizes, attacks, destroys, & remembers each

pathogen that enters the body
• Types of Immunity

• Naturally acquired – Active & Passive Immunity

• Artificially acquired - Active & Passive Immunity

Types of Acquired
Active Immunity

• The production of antibodies against a specific disease by the immune system

• Naturally acquired through disease - Innate

• Artificially through vaccination - Acquired

• Active immunity is usually permanent

Vaccination: Vaccines include inactivated toxins, killed microbes, parts of microbes,
& viable but weakened microbes

• But B lymphocytes recognize these antigen & react as if it were the "real thing“ &
produce MEMORY cells for long term immunity
Passive Immunity

• Passive Immunity - Protection against disease through antibodies produced by

another human being or animal

• Effective, but temporary

• Ex. Maternal antibodies - Innate

• Colostrum - Acquired
• Breast milk :Mother's milk contains antibodies that gives passive immunity.
These antibodies will only last several weeks.

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