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This is to certify that Mr. Vandan Navnitbhai Vekariya (200470109001) has undergone
through Summer Internship at GETCO - 400 kV S/S Hadala. He has submitted the
internship report for the partial fulfilment for the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering in
Electrical Engineering Department, 7th Semester of Gujarat Technological University,
Ahmedabad during the academic year 2023-24.



Signature and Name of Guide Signature and Name of Head of Dept.

Signature and Name of Principal

Seal of the Institute





I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for the incredible opportunity
to complete my Summer Internship at GETCO 400kV Substation, Hadala. This experience
has been truly enriching and has contributed significantly to my personal and professional

I extend my sincere thanks to the entire team at GETCO for their guidance, mentorship, and
support throughout my internship journey. The knowledge and skills I have gained during my
tenure at the substation are invaluable, and I am deeply grateful for the chance to work
alongside such dedicated and knowledgeable professionals.

I am particularly grateful to entire GETCO team for providing me with constant

encouragement, insightful feedback, and the chance to take on challenging tasks. Your
guidance has been instrumental in helping me understand the intricacies of substation
operations and power distribution.
I would also like to express my gratitude and sincere thanks to my college faculties and my
mentor who helped me with the necessary documentation, guidance for the approach for the
GETCO internship. I am excited to carry forward the lessons learned and contribute positively
to the power and energy sector.

With sincere gratitude,

Vandan Vekariya



Submitted By
Vandan N Vekariya
Supervised By
400 kV Sub-Station, Hadala

The 400kV Substation in Hadala stands as a critical node within the power transmission and
distribution infrastructure. Serving as a pivotal hub for the conversion, transformation, and
transmission of electrical energy, this substation plays an essential role in ensuring efficient
and reliable power supply to the region.

Designed to handle high voltage transmission, the 400kV Substation features advanced
equipment and technology that facilitate the transformation of electricity to levels suitable for
long-distance transmission and subsequent distribution to local networks. This abstract offers
an insight into the primary functions and components of the substation, emphasizing its
significance in the broader energy landscape.

The abstract outlines the substation's primary functions, including voltage transformation,
circuit switching, and load distribution. It underscores the importance of robust engineering
and precise control mechanisms to maintain system stability, prevent power losses, and
ensure the safety of personnel and equipment.

Furthermore, the abstract touches upon the substation's role in enabling the integration of
renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, into the grid. As demand for clean energy
increased, the 400kV Substation of Hadala acts as an interface between traditional power
generation and emerging sustainable technologies, contributing to a more sustainable energy

In conclusion, this abstract provides a brief yet comprehensive overview of the 400kV
Substation at Hadala, shedding light on its vital functions, technological significance, and
contributions to the reliable and efficient distribution of electrical power.



Appendix – A……………………………………………………………………………...1
Appendix – B……………………………………………………………………………... 2
1. Chapter :- 1 400kV, 220kV & 66kV Switchyard Components and Equipments……..4
1.1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………...4
1.2. Single Line Diagram…………………………………………………………….4
1.3. LA(Lightning Arrester).…………………………………………………………5
1.4. Wave Trap……………………………………………………………………….5
1.5. IPF Pipe / Conductor…………………………………………………………….6
1.6. Bus Bar…………………………………………………………………………..6
1.7. Bus Coupler……………………………………………………………………...7
1.8. C.T……………………………………………………………………………….7
1.9. C.V.T. / P.T……………………………………………………………………...8
1.10. Line Isolator…………………………………………………………………...8
1.11. Bus Isolators…………………………………………………………………...9
1.12. Circuit Breaker………………………………………………………………...9
1.13. NIFPS system………………………………………………………………...10
1.14. ICT…………………………………………………………………………...10
1.15. Reactor……………………………………………………………………….13
2. Chapter :- 2 Control Room and Diesel Generator Room…………………………...14
2.1. Cable Room…………………………………………………………………......14
2.2. Control Room…………………………………………………………………...14
2.3. Protection Panels………………………………………………………………..15
2.4. Relay Panels…………………………………………………………………….18
2.5. Low Tension (LT) Panels……………………………………………………….19
2.6. Battery Room…………………………………………………………………...20
2.7. Diesel Generator………………………………………………………………...20
Work assigned to us at GETCO…………………………………………………………2

List of Figures
Figure 1 Tension Tower
Figure 2 Suspension Tower


Figure 3 Porcelain Insulators
Figure 4 Rubber Insulators
Figure 1.1 Single Line Diagram of 400kV S/S Hadala
Figure 1.2 Lightning Arrester
Figure 1.3 Wave trap
Figure 1.4 IPF Pipe/Conductor
Figure 1.5 Bus Bar
Figure 1.6 Bus Coupler
Figure 1.7 C.T.
Figure 1.8 Connections of C.T.
Figure 1.9 C.V.T.
Figure 1.10 Central Break Line Isolators of 3Phases of 400kV Line
Figure 1.11 Bus Isolator
Figure 1.12 Circuit Breaker
Figure 1.13 NIFPS Mechanism
Figure 1.14 NIFPS in Transformer
Figure 1.15 Transformer’s Conservator Tank, Oil Circulation Pipes and Cooling Fins
Figure 1.16 Bellows
Figure 1.17 Tap Changer
Figure 1.18 Reactor
Figure 2.1 Cable Room
Figure 2.2 Cable Trench
Figure 2.3 220kV (first) and 400kV (second) Protection Panels of Control Room of Hadala
Figure 2.4 Parameters and control settings of Protection Panel
Figure 2.5 Relay Panels
Figure 2.6 LT Panels
Figure 2.7 Battery Room


Appendix - A:
Tower Identification: The transmission of electricity or electric power of high voltages is
carried out with the help of huge transmission towers. The construction of these transmission
towers is such that it stands still on uneven lands, bears climate change and also mechanical
stress and mechanical tension.
In Hadala substation we learnt about the two of the types of power transmission towers.

a) Tension Towers b) Suspension Towers

a) Tension towers are those towers where line changes the direction or having some angle.

b) Suspension Towers are those towers which are used for straight line transmission of power
without any change in direction or angle.

Also the towers used for transmission are 400kV, 220kV 132kV and 66kV. For 11kV
transmission we are using underground cables.

The tower’s type and its steel lattice structure is shown here. Both towers can be identified
according to its construction.

Figure 1 Tension Tower Figure 2 Suspension Tower


Appendix – B:
Insulator Material: Types of insulators used in transmission towers and substation to
withstand high temperature, high voltages, high mechanical tension and stress, and to prevent
short circuits from line to tower through ionization of the air.

Insulator material Porcelain is used as insulation of equipment and wire insulation for towers.
They are made up of clay, quartz and feldspar. Multiple Porcelain disks combined as one
whole structure and made to form one whole insulator to prevent the short circuit.

Below image is of Porcelain Insulators used in power transmission through aluminium wires.

Figure 3 Porcelain Insulators

SRI type Insulators:

Recent Technology used in the insulators is the SRI – Silicone Rubber Insulator. This
insulator is made up of silicone rubber which gives us the advantage of cost cutting to a
major level. Extremely Lighter in mass compared to the porcelain insulators used for the
same application. Also the porcelain disks faces breaking down and maintenance issues a lot.
Porcelain disks needs to be timely cleaned as it should not allow dust or wetness due to
moisture on its surface. However silicone rubber is made with this criteria which does not
allow the dust particles or moist on its surface and it slips off rather. Hence it becomes
maintenance free.


Figure 4 Rubber Insulators



Chapter :- 1 400kV, 220kV & 66kV Switchyard Components

and Equipments

1.1 Introduction:
In any substation switchyard, a complex array of components work together to ensure the
reliable transmission and distribution of electricity. These components include various
devices for protection, measurement, operation and control. Here's a brief overview of
the key components installed in 400kV, 220kV and 66kV sub-station switchyard of
Hadala Substation.

The switchyard contains Lightning Arrestors (LA), Wave Traps, Bus Bars, Isolators,
Circuit Breakers, Current Transformers, Capacitor Voltage Transformers (C.V.T) /
Potential Transformers (PT), Bus Coupler, Reactors, Interconnecting Transformers
(ICT), NIFPS system, Telecommunication System.

1.2 Single Line Diagram:

This single line diagram shows entire switch yard. It starts from the incoming 3 phase
line to entire components of switchyard in symbolic and drawing representation.

Figure 1.1 Single Line Diagram of 400kV S/S Hadala



1.3 LA(Lightning Arrester):

Lightning Arrester (LA) for protection from lightning strokes. It is installed at starting of
substation where any power line is incoming or say entering into any substation. It is also
installed on both ends of ICT to protect it from both sides of the line from any lightning
stokes, as transformer is the costliest component of every substation. LA are filled with
zinc oxide material. When in normal condition it act as insulator, as it is connected to
ground, when lightning strikes occurs the zinc material will allow the least resistance on
it and lightning stroke will pass through the ground and protect entire system.

Figure 1.2 Lightning Arrester

1.4 Wave Trap:

Wave traps are used for communication between inter substations (also known as line
trap). Used to block unwanted signals. This technology has now been replaced Optical
Fibers based for communication purpose. It consist 6 core 24 fiber cables.

Figure 1.3 Wave trap



1.5 IPF Pipe / Conductor:

IPF pipes are used as conductor in 400kV side of equipment specially for stability and
high current transmission upto 2000A. Whereas on 220kV side, aluminum wire
conductors are used. There are 2-4 wires used to carry current with equal maintained
spacers or vibration dumper cum spacer. This type of wire arrangement is done to reduce
the current stress, when number of cables are increased.

Figure 1.4 IPF Pipe/Conductor

1.6 Bus Bar:

Here there are 3-bus system (Main Bus 1, Main Bus 2 and the Transfer Bus). Normally
Main Bus 1 and Main Bus 2 are divided in equal load sharing. When any maintenance
work is required in between ICT and any Main Bus 1 or Main Bus 2, at that time
particular load is transferred to Transfer Bus. But in Transfer Bus only one load is to be
connected at a time. The Transfer Bus is coupled with the on-line Main Bus through Bus
Coupler for equalising the potential of the both buses.
Below image shows the 400kV Bus Bar and Pantograph Isolator connected to the Bus

Figure 1.5 Bus Bar



1.7 Bus Coupler:

Bus coupler is used for connecting the two bus at same potential and it connected
through fly over. Generally bus coupler are connected most of time but when required
entire bus outage for maintenance purpose so it required to isolate from another bus.

Figure 1.6 Bus Coupler

1.8 C.T.
Current Transformer (C.T.) usage for current measurement. C.T. are connected series
with line. C.T. was oil filled inside and secondary of C.T. never should be open because
of it will induce high voltage in secondary side. It have turns ratio like for example -
400/1 amps, 100/5 amps, 1000/5 amps, etc.

Figure 1.7 C.T. Figure 1.8 Connections of C.T.



1.9 C.V.T. / P.T.

Capacitive Voltage Transformer (CVT) used on 400kV side for voltage measurement.
Potential Transformer (P.T.) usage for voltage measurement below 400kV. It was
connected parallel to line. It have ratio like 400kv/120v.

Figure 1.9 C.V.T.

1.10 Line Isolator:

These isolators are connected between the line and any feeder. Line isolator for isolating
lines when any maintenance work or repairing is done in any incoming line or any fault
is occurred and to be considered. Line Isolators are opened and closed horizontally. Line
isolators are only used for disconnecting the incoming line from the transmitting power
further. As maintenance work or fault cannot be repaired or handled or considered when
the line is energized. The line is isolated from both the ends, i.e. from the substation
where power was stepped up/stepped down first and the next substation where power
will be further stepped up/stepped down to protect the line from both ends and to handle
faulty condition.

Figure 1.10 Central Break Line Isolators of 3Phases of 400kV Line



1.11 Bus Isolators:

These isolators are connected to the main buses in the substation. The bus isolators are
used to isolate the line from the Main Bus line 1 or 2 when load is shifted on either of the
one bus for load shifting. Whenever there is a need for repair or replacement of any bus,
they are operated.

Figure 1.11 Bus Isolator

1.12 Circuit Breaker:

Circuit breaker are mainly two type where used air circuit breaker and sf6 circuit breaker.
In air circuit breaker air pressure will be 12-14 kg/cm2 and spring will charge and
discharge to open/close circuit breaker and compressor will required to fill air so breaker
size will bulky. In sf6 circuit breaker pressure of sf6 will be 4-5 kg/cm2 and it doesn’t
require compressor mechanism so size of circuit breaker will become compact. It will
use for open line and when fault occurs so it will be trip.

Figure 1.12 Circuit Breaker



1.13 NIFPS system:

NIFPS - Nitrogen Injected Fire Protection System is used for protection of transformer
from accidental fire. When transformer catches fire, the NIFPS system gets activated.
Following this, 10% of oil from transformer’s total oil gets separated from the
transformer tank and nitrogen gas will be injected in the transformer tank as temporary
replacement. The NIFPS will be activated only under the fulfillment of fire triangle
criteria. The separated 10% oil will be drained to pit, but can also be collected in other
tank and can be reused if filteration is possible after its quality testing.

Figure 1.13 NIFPS Mechanism Figure 1.14 NIFPS in Transformer

1.14 ICT:
ICT – Interconnecting Transformer. The ICTs were rated 315MVA and 500MVA
400/220kV. The winding is always Δ-Y connection for transformers. That means
transformers takes Delta (Δ) connection as its Primary and on Secondary it becomes
Star(Y) connection. That is it has neutral grounded on the secondary side.

Transformer has one oil conservator tank and cooling fins. Oil Conservator tank is half
filled with the oil of the Transformer tank. The conservator tank maintains the pressure
and cooling of the transformer. The cooling fins are having thin tubular structure to
provide path to the heated oil to cool down which is lifted up due to heat and pressure.
As the cooling fins are having long surface are, it helps the oil to cool down with natural
cooling. If temperature of the oil is still rised up then artificial cooling is provided to the
fins with the help of fans. Also the pump starts the oil circulation to repeatedly provide



fresh cool air to the fins which cools the oil. In unfavourable condition if the oil still rises
up above the conservator, then in that case, an extra protection is activated known as
Pressure Release Valve (PRV). Its function is to release some amount of oil as spray due
to pressure generated from inside the transformer.

The Transformer also breathes air from atmosphere, through breathers. There are two
types breather used in transformers.

1) Conventional Breather 2) Self Dehydrating Breather

1) Conventional Breather: Breather filled with Silica Gel which has a property of
absorbing moisture from the air and make the dry air. The dry air is inhaled by the
transformer. Silica Gel is timely replaced as a part of maintenance when it is fully
saturated and furthermore no absorption of atmospheric moisture takes place. It is
replaced when Silica Gel’s color is changed from blue to purple or pink.

2) Self Dehydrating Breather: It is an advanced technology breather, which intakes fresh

air from the atmosphere and dry air is separated and inhaled by the transformer by the
heating of the coil of breather. There is no need for maintenance as Silica Gel is
eliminated from it.

Figure 1.15 Transformer’s Conservator Tank, Oil Circulation Pipes and Cooling Fins



Bellows for tansformers are mainly used to compensate axial displacement and a few
lateral displacement, also reduces shock and noise. It also absorbs vibrations created on
land and thus protects oil circulating pipes.

Figure 1.16 Bellows

Taping in Transformer is done to step – up or step - down of transformer voltages using

tap changer. It has total numbers of 17 taps in which 315/500 MVA transformers are set
on 8/9 tap and it is unit by ±2.5% tapping variation for 400kV Transformers. Tap
Changer of Transformer is connected to the RTCC – Remote Tap Changer Controller to
automatically change the tapping remotely from the control room. Tap changer have
been designed to operate on load but still particular line is to be shut down the
transformer while changing the tapping of the transformer as a part of the fault
prevention. It is because if any accidental fault occurs while tap changing is done, then in
that case the transformer protection system won’t be operated and the transformer can get
damaged. As transformer is said to be the heart of the substation, and the costliest
equipment of the substation, we need to prevent any accidental damage which can cause
failure of the transformer.

Figure 1.17 Tap Changer



There are many types of protection used in transformer like Differential HV/LV
protection, Buchholz Relay Protection, PRV - Pressure Release Valve, oil and winding
temperature protection. It has on-load tap changing feature installed to control tap
manually as well as remotely.

1.15 Reactor:
Reactors are used to stabilize the voltage during load variations. Reactors are used to
compensate reactive power from line. It is mainly required when we need to charge the
line first time, because in no load condition, receiving end voltages are high as compared
to sending end voltages, so reactor will compensate reactive power and drop line voltage.
It is a star connection i.e. reactors can be identified as this way, 3 Phase and one Neutral
grounding circuitry in it.

Figure 1.18 Reactor



Chapter :- 2 Control Room and Diesel Generator Room

2.1 Cable Room:
The cable room consists of all the cables of entire components of the switchyard which
are gathered here in the control room and then connected to the control panels. The cable
wires from all the components are used for measuring electrical parameters, measuring
protection parameters, controlling and operating through wires. The cables are put in
underground cable trench to avoid damage or any inconvenience in terms of space or
safety of any individual. As it is all wired transmission of information, the cable wires
connects the components of switchyard with the control panels of the control panel room.

Figure 2.1 Cable Room Figure 2.2 Cable Trench

2.2 Control Room:

The control panels are built with measuring and control devices to control the switching
equipment, to measure the energy and to provide the annunciation at the transformer and
distribution ends. The control room monitors and controls the electrical equipment and
The Control Panel Room consists of the various Protection Panels, Relay Control Panels,
Remote Tap Changer Control Panel (RTCC Panel) which is a programmable device used
to control the output of the transformer through on load tap changing (OLTC) unit fitted
in transformer through control cables, Telecommunication Control Panels inter
substation communication, Fire Protection (NIFPS) Control Panels, Optic Fibres in latest
communication technology for inter substation communication technology which
eliminates the wave traps and telecom exchange facility.
The control Panels for opening and closing Line Isolators and Bus Isolators through
automated mode, controlling and reading the data and parameters of the Circuit Breakers,
Bus Couplers, C.T., P.T./C.V.T., LA, Reactors, ICTs.



As the control panels cannot work on AC/DC voltage more than AC220V or DC110V,
therefore the data collected from the transmission line to the end is stepped down to
220V AC from high voltages of any level. Also the control panels can work on DC
supply too. For that battery panel room is built for DC battery backup. The control panels
works on both, AC as well as DC power. And some of the equipment of switchyard like
Isolators, Breakers, etc. can be operated manually on yard and can also be operated
through control panel from Control Room.

2.3 Protection Panels:

The protection panels consists of various parameters for control, testing, and operation of
the equipments. The parameters like individual phase current of all 3 Phases of Feeder,
Feeder Voltage, Active Power, Reactive Power, Bus Voltage, Transformer Winding and
Oil Temperature alarms, etc. are shown in protection panels as parameters.

To identify the protection panels, alphabet ‘K’ is used as representation for the protection

The various tripping operations and current failure monitoring and visuals are also
displayed on the protection panels. They show the type of fault or any problem occurred
in the equipment of the switchyard.

Entire control room system and monitoring works on real time based criteria. That means
it is synchronized with real time monitoring and operation. It is because we need to
constantly fetch the data from the running system for its smooth operation and fault
prevented transmission.

There are multiple settings which are displayed in these control panels. Below shown
two images are of the Protection Panels of the control rooms of the Hadala S/S.
following that another image shows various parameters and function of the Protection



Figure 2.3 220kV (first) and 400kV (second) Protection Panels of Control Room of Hadala S/S.



Figure 2.4 Parameters and control settings of Protection Panel



2.4 Relay Panels:

The relay panels consists of the relays that are used for switching and protection of the
equipment, transmission line or power transmission from accidental cause. As faults
cannot be stopped from occurring in the transmission system, but we can prevent the
occurrence of faults by monitoring, controlling, sensing uncertainties and preventing
from outage or big failure. There are two relay panels for each incoming lines. That
means if incoming tower has two lines, then for each line two relays are put as a part of
protection. This is because if one relay fails to trip of any faulted line, then other relay of
that same line does the switching sensing at the same time of fault occurrence system.
Also for synchronization the relays installed are of two different companies so that the
system synchronization is also tested and the system is protected by this strategy.

Figure 2.5 Relay Panels



2.5 Low Tension (LT) Panels:

The LT Panels are those panels through which entire substation is operated at 430V 3
Phase, 50Hz supply, taken power distributor. It distributes electricity received from
generator or transformer and distributes the same to various electrical devices and
distribution boards. As the substation also needs power to run control room, substation
lights, computers for monitoring, etc. that runs on 220V AC supply. The LT panels are
used because the substation also consumes electric power to run the control room for
which the substation buys electric power from the distributor which is high in amount
compared to households total power consumed.

Figure 2.6 LT Panels



2.6 Battery Room:

The substation has a battery room to use it as a power backup of 220V DC. The battery
room has an arrangement of cells connected in series connection such that one cell is of
two volts, and the total number of cells are 110. Therefore in series summation it comes
to 220V DC power. The battery room is needed because if there is any outage or sudden
power failure of AC supply voltage can cause the shut down or cut off of the control
panels, as they are operated on AC supply. To provide uninterrupted flow of power
supply, battery is used as power backup for control and relay panels and monitoring

Figure 2.7 Battery Room

2.7 Diesel Generator :

The Diesel Generator room in the substation is used for generating the AC Power to
energise or blackstart the line when there is any power outage or blackout. It is only used
in the event of power outage to supply power to the relaying equipment.



Work assigned to us at GETCO:

At GETCO we rebuilt the wrecked Substation Model of 66/11kV as a part of learning.







Some of the glimpses of our Summer Internship at GETCO 400kV S/S. Hadala




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