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Series AQ@QA/C àíZ-nÌ H$moS>

Q.P. Code 89
amob Z§. narjmWu àíZ-nÌ H$moS> H$mo CÎma-nwpñVH$m Ho$
Roll No. _wI-n¥ð >na Adí` {bIo§ &
Candidates must write the Q.P. Code on
the title page of the answer-book.

H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _o§ _w{ÐV n¥ð> 9 h¢ &

àíZ-nÌ _| Xm{hZo hmW H$s Amoa {XE JE àíZ-nÌ H$moS H$mo narjmWu CÎma-nwpñVH$m Ho$ _wI-n¥>ð> na
{bI| &
H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _| >21 àíZ h¢ &
H¥$n`m àíZ H$m CÎma {bIZm ewê$ H$aZo go nhbo, CÎma-nwpñVH$m _| àíZ H$m H«$_m§H$ Adí`
{bI| &
Bg àíZ-nÌ 15 {_ZQ >H$m g_` {X`m J`m h¡ & àíZ-
10.15 ~Oo {H$`m OmEJm & 10.15 ~Oo go 10.30 ~Oo VH$ N>mÌ Ho$db àíZ-
Bg Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ do CÎma-nwpñVH$m na H$moB© CÎma Zht {bI|Jo &
Please check that this question paper contains 9 printed pages.
Q.P. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written
on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate.
Please check that this question paper contains 21 questions.
Please write down the serial number of the question in the
answer-book before attempting it.
15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question
paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the
students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on
the answer-book during this period.

gyMZm àm¡Úmo{JH$s

:1 : 25
Time allowed : 1 hours Maximum Marks : 25

89 Page 1 P.T.O.

(iii) 5 6
1 4
5 6
(iv) 12 12
7 12
13 18
(v) 8 3
19 21
(vii) /

(amoµOJma H$m¡eb) (3+2=5 A§H$)
4 3 3 1=3

1. {H$gr CÚ_r H$mo AnZr Ag\$bVmAm| H$mo ñdrH$ma H$aZo,

Jb{V`m| go grI boZo, hma Z _mZZo Am¡a {Za§Va à`moJ H$aVo ahZo _| ghm`H$ h¡ & 1

2. CÚ_r Ûmam àm`: CR>mE OmZo dmbo {H$Ýht Xmo gm_mÝ` Omo{I_m| Ho$ Xmo CXmhaU Xr{OE & 1

3. {H$Ýht Xmo n`m©daU g§~§Yr g_ñ`mAm| H$m Zm_ {b{IE {OgH$m g_mYmZ gVV² {dH$mg Ho$
Ûmam hmo gH$Vm h¡ & 1

4. gm¡a D$Om© H$m Cn`moJ H$aZo H ? 1

2 1 1 2=2

5. CÚ{_`m| H$s H$moB© Xmo ^y{_H$mE± ñnï> H$s{OE & 2

6. gVV {dH$mg CÔoí`m| H$s ny{V© Ho$ {bE {H$Ýht Xmo MwZm¡{V`m| H$mo gyMr~Õ H$s{OE & 2

89 Page 2
General Instructions :
(i) Please read the instructions carefully.
(ii) This question paper is divided into three sections, viz. Section A,
Section B and Section C.
(iii) Section A is of 5 marks and has 6 questions on Employability Skills.
(a) Questions number 1 to 4 are one mark questions. Attempt any
three questions.
(b) Questions number 5 and 6 are two marks questions. Attempt any
one question.
(iv) Section B is of 12 marks and has 12 questions on Subject Specific Skills.
(a) Questions number 7 to 12 are one mark questions. Attempt any
four questions.
(b) Questions number 13 to 18 are two marks questions. Attempt any
four questions.
(v) Section C is of 8 marks and has 3 Competency-Based Questions.
Questions number 19 to 21 are four marks questions. Attempt any
two questions.
(vi) Do as per the instructions given in the respective sections.
(vii) Marks allotted are mentioned against each section/question.

(Employability Skills) (3+2=5 marks)

Answer any 3 questions out of the given 4 questions. 3 1=3

1. Name the quality that helps any entrepreneur to accept failure, learn
from mistakes, not give up and continuously experiment. 1
2. Write any two examples of common risks that any entrepreneur takes. 1
3. Name any two environmental problems that can be solved with the help
of Sustainable Development. 1
4. What is the advantage of using solar power ? 1

Answer any 1 question out of the given 2 questions. 1 2=2

5. Explain any two roles of entrepreneurs. 2
6. List any two challenges to fulfil Sustainable Development Goals. 2

89 Page 3 P.T.O.
({df` {d{eï> H$m¡eb) (4+8=12 A§H$)

6 4 4 1=4

7. _________ B§Q>aqbH$ hmBna H$m EH$ {gñQ>_ h¡ Ohm± B§Q>aZoQ> Ho$ _mÜ`_ go nhþ±Mm Om
gH$Vm h¡ & 1

8. _________ nañna ZoQ>dH©$ H$s d¡pídH$ àUmbr ({gñQ>_) h¡ & 1

9. _________ \$sMa h¡ Omo CZ bmoJm| H$s ghm`Vm H$aVm h¡ {OÝh|

Hw§$OrnQ>b (H$s-~moS>©) `m _mCg `m XmoZm| Ho$ Cn`moJ _| H${R>ZmB© H$m AZw^d hmoVm h¡ & 1

10. S>mQ>m~og à~§YZ àUmbr Ho$ Xmo CXmhaU {b{IE & 1

11. Cg nX H$m Zm_ ~VmBE {OgH$m Cn`moJ A{^boIm| H$mo Amamohr `m Adamohr H«$_ _| àX{e©V
H$aZo Ho$ {bE {H$`m OmVm h¡ & 1

12. {dXoer Hw§$Or (\$m°aoZ H$s) H$mo n[a^m{fV H$s{OE & 1

6 4 4 2=8

13. XþK©Q>Zm Ho$ {H$Ýht Mma àH$mam| H$s gyMr ~ZmBE & 2

14. Hw$H$sµO {H$go H$hVo h¢ ? Hw$H$sµO Ho$ Ûmam {H$g àH$ma Ho$ {ddaU ^§S>m[aV {H$E OmVo h¢ ? 2

15. {nAa-Qy>- - -gd©a) AmH$s©Q> Ho$ ~rM _|

A§Va H$m EH$ q~Xþ {b{IE & 2

16. EH$ go AZoH$ g§~§Y g_PmBE & EH$ CXmhaU

Ho$ gmW AnZo CÎma H$m g_W©Z H$s{OE & 2

17. {ZåZ{b{IV H$mo n[a^m{fV H$s{OE : 2

(H$) S>mQ>m g§JVVm (H§${gñQ>|gr)

(I) S>mQ>m A{V[aº$Vm ([aS>§S>|gr)
89 Page 4
(Subject Specific Skills) (4+8=12 marks)

Answer any 4 questions out of the given 6 questions. 4 1=4

7. _________, is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via

the internet. 1

8. _________ is a global system of interconnected computer networks. 1

9. _________ is an accessibility feature that assists people that have

difficulty using a keyboard or a mouse (or both). 1

10. Write any two examples of Database Management Systems. 1

11. Name the term that is used to display the records in ascending or
descending order. 1

12. Define Foreign Key. 1

Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions. 4 2=8

13. Give a list of any four types of accidents. 2

14. What are cookies ? What details are stored by the cookies ? 2

15. Give one point of difference between peer-to-peer architecture and

client-server architecture. 2

Support your answer with an example. 2

17. Define the following : 2

(a) Data Consistency

(b) Data Redundancy

89 Page 5 P.T.O.
18. aqdXa S>r.~r.E_.Eg.
g§J«hrV H$aVm h¡ & BgHo$ {bE {H$Ýht Mma ñV§^m| H$m CZHo$ S>oQ>m àH$mam| Ho$ gmW Zm_ Xr{OE & 2

(`mo½`Vm-AmYm[aV àíZ) (2 4=8 A§H$)

3 2 2 4=8

19. am{YH$m ImZm ~ZmZo H$s em¡H$sZ h¡ Am¡a AnZr ImZm ~ZmZo H$s `w{º$`m| ({Q>ßg) H$mo Xþ{Z`m go
gmPm H$aZm MmhVr h¡ & CgHo$ EH$ {_Ì Zo Cgo gwPmd {X`m {H$ dh ãbm°J {bIm H$ao & 4

(H$) ãbm°J H$m CÔoí` ñnï> H$s{OE &

(I) {H$Ýht Xmo

(J) Am°ZbmBZ ãbm°J g§nmXH$ H$m CÔoí` ñnï> H$s{OE &

(K) {H$Ýht Xmo Am°\$bmBZ ãbm°J g§nmXH$m| Ho$ Zm_ {b{IE &

20. gr
g_ñ`mAm| H$m gm_Zm ^r h_ AmOH$b H$a aho h¢ & 4

(H$) ? {H$gr EH$ Am°ZbmBZ W«oQ> H$m

Zm_ {b{IE Am¡a Cgo g_PmBE &

(I) A§VOm©b (B§Q>aZoQ>) na gwajm gw{ZpíMV H$aZo Ho$ {bE Xmo gd©loð> Aä`mgm|

89 Page 6
18. Ravinder wants to create a table in DBMS that stores details of cricket
players. Name any four columns along with their data types for the
same. 2

(Competency-Based Questions) (2 4=8 marks)

Answer any 2 questions out of the given 3 questions. 2 4=8

19. Radhika is fond of cooking and wants to share her cooking tips with the
world. One of her friends suggested her to start writing blogs. 4

(a) Explain the purpose of a blog.

(b) List any 2 websites that provide blog service.

(c) Explain the purpose of an offline blog editor.

(d) Name any two free offline blog editors.

20. Every development has advantages as well as disadvantages. With the

enhanced use of internet there are many problems that all of us are
facing these days. 4

(a) What do you understand by internet security ? Name and explain

any one online threat.

(b) Suggest any two best practices for ensuring security over internet.

89 Page 7 P.T.O.
21. ZrMo {bIr Vm{bH$m (H$_©Mmar) na {dMma H$s{OE : 4

Vm{bH$m : H$_©Mmar
Zm_ doVZ H$m`© àma§^ {V{W {d^mJ qbJ
1001 amohZ 7000 10/04/2006 300 goëg M

1002 [aew 12000 08/12/2005 100 {dÎm F

1003 Xodm§e 9000 25/05/2004 500 goëg M

1004 gw_Z 10000 23/08/2005 300 {dnUZ F

1005 Am`©Z 11000 16/07/2005 500 goëg M

1006 V_Þm 15000 22/09/2005 200 {dÎm F

1007 amo{hV 8000 26/08/2004 900 goëg M

SQL H$_m§S> {b{IE :

(H$) goëg {d^mJ Ho$ H$_©Mm[a`m| Ho$ {ddaU H$mo àX{e©V H$aZo Ho$ {bE &
(I) {OgH$m EMPID 1007 h¡ CgH$m doVZ 1000

(J) {OZ H$_©Mm[a`m| H$m doVZ 10000 go A{YH$ h¡ CZH$m {dñV¥V {ddaU àX{e©V H$aZo
Ho$ {bE &
(K) g^r H$_©Mm[a`m| H$s gyMr H$mo doVZ Ho$ Adamohr H«$_ _| àX{e©V H$aZo Ho$ {bE &

{ZåZ{b{IV H$mo n[a^m{fV H$s{OE : 4

(H$) [aboeZb S>mQ>m~og _¡ZoO_|Q> {gñQ>_ (RDBMS)

(I) H$ånmo{OQ> H$s (Composite Key)

(J) \$sëS> (field)

(K) S>r.S>r.Eb. H$_m§S> (DDL Commands)

89 Page 8
21. Consider the following table : EMPLOYEE 4


1001 ROHAN 7000 10/04/2006 300 SALES M

1002 RISHU 12000 08/12/2005 100 FINANCE F

1003 DEVANSH 9000 25/05/2004 500 SALES M

1004 SUMAN 10000 23/08/2005 300 MARKETING F

1005 ARYAN 11000 16/07/2005 500 SALES M

1006 TAMANNA 15000 22/09/2005 200 FINANCE F

1007 ROHIT 8000 26/08/2004 900 SALES M

Write SQL Commands :

(a) To display the details of all employees of SALES Department.

(b) To increase the SALARY by 1000 whose EMPID is 1007.

(c) To display the details of all employees whose SALARY is more

than 10000.

(d) To display the list of all students in descending order of SALARY.


Define the following : 4

(a) Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)

(b) Composite Key

(c) Field

(d) DDL Commands

89 Page 9 P.T.O.

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