98 Entrepreneurship
98 Entrepreneurship
98 Entrepreneurship
CÚ{_Vm (g¡ÕmpÝVH$)
:2 : 35
Time allowed : 2 hours Maximum Marks : 35
98 Page 1 P.T.O.
(i) 15
(v) : 1 6 6 2 6
(vi) : 7 11 5 3 5
(vii) : 12 15 4 5 4
6 4
1. D$Zr dñÌm| Ho$ {bE à{gÕ h¡ {OgH$m CX²^d ñWmZ bw{Y`mZm h¡ &
BgH$s g~go A{YH$ bmoH${à` {dH«$` _X ñdoQ>-eQ>© h¡ {Ogo < 1,000 à{V BH$mB© H$s Xa go
~oMm OmVm h¡ & AmXoe XoZo H$s VWm _mb H$mo àmßV H$aZo H$s bmJV < 500 à{V AmXoe h¡ &
BgH$s YmaU bmJV < 300 200
ñdoQ>-eQ>© h¡ &
ñdoQ>-eQ>© H$s dm{f©H$ _m±J H$s JUZm H$s{OE & 2
2. E|Ob {ZdoeH$m| ?
H$s{OE & 2
98 Page 2
General Instructions :
Please read the following instructions carefully and strictly follow them.
(i) This question paper contains 15 questions. Marks have been indicated
against each question.
(ii) All questions are compulsory.
(iii) This question paper is divided into three sections Section A, B and C.
(iv) Section-wise overall choice is given to the students.
(v) Section A : Questions number 1 to 6 (6 questions) carry 2 marks each.
Attempt any 4 questions out of 6 questions.
(vi) Section B : Questions number 7 to 11 (5 questions) carry 3 marks each.
Attempt any 4 questions out of 5 questions.
(vii) Section C : Questions number 12 to 15 (4 questions) carry 5 marks each.
Attempt any 3 questions out of 4 questions.
2. What is the job of Angel investors ? State any one feature of Angel
investors. 2
4. . 2
5. Give M 2
98 Page 3 P.T.O.
6. D$Om© Ed§ Ho$Q>rgr dmB©\$mB© ~«m¡S>~¢S> H$s godm àXmZ H$aZo dmbr Xmo H$ån{Z`m± h¢ Omo AnZm
n[aMmbZ X{jU-nyd -Xÿgao H$s H$ar~r à{VñnYu h¢ Am¡a
{nN>bo Hw$N> dfm] _| CÝhm|Zo AnZm _µO~yV Cn^moº$m AmYma {dH${gV {H$`m h¡ & H$mo{dS>-19
_hm_mar Ho$ H$maU H$m`m©b`m| VWm {dÚmb`m| Zo AnZm Cn^moº$m AmYma ~Xb H$a
Am°Z-bmBZ H$a {b`m h¡ & Bgr g_` EH$ ~hþamï´>r` godm àXmZ H$aZo dmbr H$ånZr, ñQmo
na AnZr godmAm| H$m ew^ma§^ {H$`m & ñ ~r.~r. H$ånZr Ûmam CËnÞ Vao H$m
_wµH$m~bm H$aZo Ho$ {bE XmoZm| H$ån{Z`m| D$Om© Ed§ Ho$Q>rgr dmB©\$mB© Zo AnZo ì`dgm` H$mo
g_o{H$V H$aZo H$m {ZU©` {b`m &
(A$) D$Om© VWm Ho$Q>rgr dmB©\$mB© Ûmam AnZm`r JB© CÚ{_Vm {dH$mg ì`yhaMZm H$s nhMmZ
H$s{OE &
(~) Cn`w©º$ ^mJ (A) _| nhMmZr JB© {dH$mg ì`yhaMZm Ho$ àH$ma
(g) Cn`w©º$ ^mJ (~) _| Cëbo{IV {dH$mg ì`yhaMZm Ho$ àH$ma H$m bú`
Xr{OE & + 1 +1=2
2 2
5 4
98 Page 4
6. Oorja and KTC Wifi are two broadband provider companies operating in
South-East Delhi. Both are close competitors and have developed their
strong customer base over the years. The COVID-19 pandemic made the
offices and schools switch their customer base online. Just then a
multinational service provider company, Storex BB, entered the market
and launched its services at a much cheaper price with better
connectivity. To counter the threat posed by the company Storex BB, both
companies Oorja and KTC Wifi decided to consolidate their business.
(a) Identify the enterprise growth strategy adopted by Oorja and KTC
(b) State the type of growth strategy identified in part (a) above.
(c) Give the goal of the type of growth strategy as stated in
1 1
part (b) above. + +1=2
2 2
98 Page 5 P.T.O.
8. ZrMo {XE JE {ddaU go df© 2020 2021 Ho$ {bE ZraOm B§Q>aZoeZb H$s g_Vm na àË`m`
(ROE) H$s JUZm H$s{OE : 3
i. {Zdoe 10,00,000
ii. ñQ>oQ> ~¢H$ Am°\$ B§{S>`m go 12% G U 2,00,000
iii. 8% G UnÌ 2,00,000
iv. à{V _mh ñWm`r ì`` :
doVZ 1,50,000
{H$am`m 50,000
{~Obr Am¡a Cn`mo{JVmE± 10,000
v. _yë`õmg 35,000
vi. H$a Xa 30%
_m{gH$ {dH«$` AmJ_ < 10,00,000 Wr VWm ~oMo JE _mb H$s bmJV < 4,00,000 Wr &
9. EH$ ~«mÊS> Ho$ VrZ KQ>H$m| H$mo g_PmBE & 3
10. {db` Ed§ A{YJ«hU Ho$ H$maU Ho$ ê$n _| Vmb_ob H$mo g_PmBE & 3
11. énmbr EH$ Eogm CÚ_ àma§^ H$aZo Ho$ {bE A{^ào[aV h¡ Omo Mm°H$boQ²>g Am¡a ewJa H«o$qd½g Ho$
ñdmñÏ`dY©H$ {dH$ënm| H$m CËnmXZ H$aoJm & bmoJm| H$s ñdmX-àmW{_H$VmAm| Ed§ gwJ§Y
(âboda) Ho$ g§^m{dV {dH$ënm| H$mo OmZZo Ho$ {bE CgZo EH$ Am°Z-bmBZ gd}jU {H$`m &
{Vb go ~Zr hþB© Mm°H$boQ²>g H$mo H$moH$mo S>o_raoam Ho$ ~«mÊS> Zm_ go ~mµOma _| CVmaZo H$m {ZU©`
{b`m & CgZo {ZU©` {b`m {H$ Ama§^ _| dh Mm°H$boQ> H$m AnojmH¥$V _yë` {ZåZ ñVa na
H$mo g§emo{YV H$aoJr &
(A) énmbr Ûmam AnZr Mm°H$boQ²>g Ho$ {bE à`wº$ _yë`-{ZYm©aU ì`yhaMZm H$s nhMmZ
H$s{OE &
(~) énmbr Ûmam MwZr JB© _yë`-
(g) Cn`w©º$ ^mJ (A) _| nhMmZr JB© \$_© H$s _yë`-{ZYm©aU ì`yhaMZm Ho$ {H$Ýht Xmo
bm^m| H$m CëboI H$s{OE & 3
98 Page 6
8. Calculate the Return on Equity (ROE) for Neerja International, for the
year 2020 2021 from the details given below : 3
Details Amount
i. Investments 10,00,000
12% Loan from State Bank
ii. 2,00,000
of India
iii. 8% Debentures 2,00,000
iv. Fixed expenses per month
Salary 1,50,000
Rent 50,000
Electricity & Utilities 10,000
v. Depreciation 35,000
vi. Tax Rate 30%
Monthly Sales revenue was < 10,00,000 and Cost of goods sold was
< 4,00,000.
98 Page 7 P.T.O.
4 3
13. {dVaU ûm¥§Ibm (_mÜ`_) H$m AW© Xr{OE & {dV[aV {H$E OmZo dmbo CËnmX H$s àH¥${V Ed§
JwUdÎmm Ho$ gå~ÝY _| {dVaU ûm¥§Ibm (_mÜ`_) H$mo à^m{dV H$aZo dmbo {H$Ýht Mma KQ>H$m|
H$mo g_PmBE & 5
14. H$nya _oarQ>mB_ {b{_Q>oS> VmµOo \$bm| Ed§ ImÚ gpãµO`m| go {Z{_©V Ed§ ñdm^m{dH$ ê$n go
gwJ§{YV AmBg-H«$såg _| EH$ à{gÕ Zm_ h¡ & H$ånZr H$m _hmamï´> Ed§ Jmodm _| A{YH$ Zm_
h¡ & BgH$s AmBg-H«$såg gpËdH$m ~«mÊS> Zm_ Ho$ AÝVJ©V ~oMr OmVr h¢ & _hmamï´> _| H$ånZr
Zo _µO~yVr go n¡a O_mE hþE h¢ bo{H$Z Jmodm Ho$ ~mµOma _| `h g\$bVm Ho$ {bE g§Kf© H$a ahr
h¡ & BgH$m H$maU ~mµOma _| noñQ>b AmBg-H«$såg {b{_Q>oS> Ûmam EH$ g\$b ñWmZr` ~«mÊS
H$s CnpñW{V h¡ & noñQ>b AmBg-H«$såg {b{_Q>oS> ñWmZr` àmW{_H$Vm Xr OmZo dmbr
ñdm^m{dH$ gwJ§{YV AmBg-H«$såg ~oMVr h¡ &
H$nya _oarQ>mB_ {b{_Q>oS> Zo AnZo VarHo$ go ~mVMrV H$aZo H$s MoîQ>m H$s bo{H$Z noñQ>b
AmBg-H«$såg {b{_Q>oS> H$s »`m{V Ho$ H$maU dh AnZo à`mgm| _| g\$b Zht hmo gH$s &
{Zame, H$nya _oarQ>mB_ {b{_Q>oS> Zo noñQ>b AmBg-H«$såg {b{_Q>oS> Ho$ à~ÝYZ na AnZm
(A) Jmodm Ho$ ~mµOma _| {dH$mg ì`yhaMZm Ho$ ê$n _| H$nya _oarQ>mB_ {b{_Q>oS> Ûmam
AnZmE JE AnZo ì`dgm` g§`moOZ Ho$ àH$ma H$mo nhMm{ZE Ed§ g_PmBE &
(~) H$nya _oarQ>mB_ {b{_Q>oS> Ûmam {S>µOmBZ H$s JB© AnZr ì`yhaMZm H$mo AnZmZo na Cgo
àmßV hmoZo dmbo {H$Ýht Xmo bm^m| H$mo g_PmBE & 5
98 Page 8
12. What is meant by Venture Capital ? State any four features of venture
capital finance. 5
affecting channels of distribution with relation to the nature and quality
of the product being distributed. 5
Ice-creams Ltd.
have by adopting its designed strategy. 5
98 Page 9 P.T.O.
15. àVmn \$ZuMg© {b{_Q>oS> _mopëS>S> \$ZuMa ~ZmZo _| ~mµOma _| AJ«Ur h¡ & A~, dh EH$ ZB©
\$ZuMa &
CËnmXZ Ama§^ H$aZo Ho$ {bE Cgo ZB© _erZ|, Hw$eb l{_H$ Ed§ gmW hr AÀN>r JwUdÎmm H$s
< 2 àVmn \$ZuMg©
{b{_Q>oS> {dda{UH$m {ZJ©{_V H$aHo$ H$mof EH${ÌV H$aZm MmhVr h¡ & bo{H$Z BgHo$ {ZXoeH$
_§S>b Zo {dda{UH$m Ho$ _mÜ`_ go A§e {ZJ©{_V H$aZo go nyd©, {dÚ_mZ A§eYm[a`m| H$mo
gå_mZ XoZo Ho$ {bE, AmZwnm{VH$ AmYma na CÝh| A§e {ZJ©{_V H$aZo H$m {ZÊm©` {b`m &
(A) Cg ny±Or ~mµOma Ho$ àH$ma H$s nhMmZ H$s{OE Ed§ Cgo g_PmBE {OgHo$ Ûmam àVmn
\$ZuMg© {b{_Q>oS> H$mofm| H$mo EH${ÌV H$aZm MmhVr h¡ &
(~) Cn`w©º$ pñW{V _| M{M©V H$mofm| H$mo EH${ÌV H$aZo H$s Xmo {d{Y`m| H$mo g_PmBE &
(g) O~ A§em| H$mo {dda{UH$m Ho$ _mÜ`_ go {ZJ©{_V {H$`m OmVm h¡, Vmo {ZdoeH$m| H$mo
\$b {_bVm h¡ ? 5
98 Page 10
15. leader in moulded furniture. Now,
it is planning to enter into a new product line, that is, furniture made of
wood and bamboo.
To start production it needs new machines and skilled labour along with
good quality wood. For all this it needs < 2 crore.
is planning to raise funds by issue of prospectus. But its Board of
Directors decided to honour the existing shareholders by offering them
the shares on pro-rata basis, before going for issue through prospectus.
(a) Identify and explain the type of capital market from which Pratap
(b) Explain the two methods of raising funds discussed in the above
(c) What reward do the investors get when shares are issued through
prospectus ? 5
98 Page 11 P.T.O.