Electronics MQP 1
Electronics MQP 1
Electronics MQP 1
1. For PART-A questions, only the first written answers will be considered for evaluation.
5. For questions having diagrams, alternate questions are given at the end of the
question paper in separate section for visually challenged students.
II. Fill in the blanks by choosing appropriate answer from those given in the bracket: 5 x 1 = 5
29. What are drain characteristics? Obtain a relation between FET parameters.
30. Define the terms open loop gain, closed loop gain and feedback fraction.
31. Draw the circuit diagram of phase shift oscillator. Write the expression for its
frequency of oscillations.
33. Sketch the carrier, modulating signal and AM wave when (a) ma = 0.5 (b) ma = 1 and
(a) ma = 1.5
34. Determine Vdc and Idc of SCR HWR. Given firing angle is 300 and rms voltage of ac
input to the rectifier is 230 V and load is 10 Ω.
PART D (Section I)
39. Draw the pin diagram of IC 7400. Realize NOT, AND, OR and XOR gates using NAND
40. Write ALP program to divide EDH by 1EH and store the quotient in R0 and
remainder in R1.
41. Write a C program to accept two integer numbers and print whether they are equal or
not equal.
PART D (Section II)
VI. Answer any TWO questions: 2 x 5 = 10
43. Find the output voltage for the op-amp circuits given below.
43. (a) An op-amp subtractor circuit is given with R1 = 1 kΩ, R2 = 1 kΩ, R3 = 5 kΩ, Rf = 5 kΩ,
V1 = 1 V, V2 = 2V. Determine the output voltage V01. 3
(b) An op-amp inverting amplifier circuit is given with Ri = 5 kΩ, Rf = 12 kΩ, Vin = 3 V
Determine the output voltage V02. 2