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20130628 onenet summary

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OneNet Sum

mmary forr NMEA BoardB of Directors

Stevve Spitzer,, Technicaal Directorr
uly 2013

• NMEA OneNet
O is a network innterface staandard based upon the IEEE 802.33 Ethernet Standard
• OneNet is unique because
b it prrovides trannsport of staandard NM
MEA 2000 (N NMEA Nettwork)
messagees using Staandard Etheernet protocol in a com mmon non-proprietary format
o Manufacture
M er memberss of NMEA started to put p NMEA Network messages
m onn their
proprietary Ethernet
E networks, how wever these disparate implementtations offerred no
innteroperabillity betweenn different manufacturrers’ equipm ment
o OneNet
O doess not replacce NMEA 2000 2
ƒ OneN Net complem ments and interoperatees with an NMEA
N 20000 Network
ƒ OneN Net utilizes NMEA’s
N published staandardized Gateway ruules betweeen NMEA
2000 and OneNeet
ƒ OneN Net and NM MEA 2000 shhare the com mmon NMEA Networrk message database
• An NM MEA 2000 network
n has a capacity for 50 deviices, whereaas a OneNeet Network has
capacityy for more thhan 65,000 devices whhich will meeet future inntegration demands
d for many
more intterconnectioons and banndwidth
• OneNet supports hiigh bandwiddth applicattions such as a video, ussing standarrd Ethernet video
protocolls. NMEA 2000 does not n supportt video due to bandwiddth limitatioons.
• OneNet data transfeer speed is muchm fasterr than NME EA 2000
o OneNet
O dataa rate is 1000 Megabits to t 10 Gigabbits (from 400
4 to 40,000 times faaster than
NMEA 20000)
• OneNet enables mo ore power on o the Netw work. A minnimum of 155.4 Watts per device, utilizing
standardd IEEE Pow wer over Ethhernet (PoE E)
• OneNet is scalable and future proof
o OneNet
O willl continue too advance with
w the evoolution of Ethernet
E bassed applicattions
o OneNet
O willl evolve witth the onsett of higher speed
s physiical cables such
s as fibeer optics
o OneNet
O suppports the moost current networkingg innovationns by Internnet architectts
• The OneeNet standaard references internatiional netwoorking standdards knownn as RFC(s))
• OneNet proposes sttandardizedd cables andd connectorrs for the maarine enviroonment
• OneNet has supporrt from the USCG U and from the Caanadian Cooast Guard
• OneNet is supporte ed by RTCM M
• IEC havve not yet deeclared a poosition on OneNet
O but have expreessed interesst
• The One eNet develoopment com mmittee com mprises 25 manufacture
m er memberss of NMEA A. A list cann
be proviided on requuest.

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