Abstract - The drastic increase in solar energy dependency would yield a tremendous amount of waste worldwide,
and sustainably managing the emerging PV waste prevents potential environmental impacts and harm to
humanity. This paper presents a systematic review of literature to identify strategies for PV module waste
management and an internet-based assessment of PV module waste regulations in the Philippines. The systematic
review utilized four key phrases to identify relevant articles. The title and abstract of the resulting articles from
2012 to 2022 were screened based on selection criteria and relevance, and 54 articles were selected. In addition,
an internet-based assessment was conducted to determine the regulations of PV module waste in the country.
Several key themes were also discussed that include waste assessment, global regulatory framework and policies,
and end-of-life management encompassing monitoring, collection, recycling, and supply chain for recovered
secondary materials. In addition, strategies for the various stages of the life cycle of PV modules were presented
in the review. The identified waste management strategies include carefully designed PV modules to withstand
breakage, utilization of recovered secondary materials, correct installation procedures, regular PV waste
assessment and monitoring, efficient collection and fast classification of PV module waste, and sustainable
recycling and recovery methods and technologies. Furthermore, the assessment shows that there is no specific
regulation in the country that deals with PV module waste. Policies for PV module waste monitoring, take-back
scheme, and subsidization should be explored. Indeed, PV module waste management strategies and regulations
in the Philippines are critical to managing emerging waste effectively.
Keywords: photovoltaic module, waste management, strategies, regulations, framework, circular economy
In response to the threat posed by global warming and climate change, it has been the
global consensus to reduce carbon footprint towards the concept of sustainable development.
One way to curb the effects of global warming and climate change is the utilization, production,
and consumption of energy from renewable resources [1]. The fundamental renewable energy
resource that has immense potential to help sustain electricity generation is solar energy.
However, the drastic increase in the solar energy dependency would yield the creation of a
tremendous amount of waste worldwide, and there is a need to sustainably manage emerging
waste to prevent potential environmental impacts and harm to humanity [2].
Copyright 2023 | Philippine Engineering Journal Phil. Eng’g J. 2023; 44(1): 45-64
Due to the abrupt increase in population worldwide [3], there will be a corresponding
increase in energy consumption since anthropogenic activities such as livelihood,
transportation, and leisure heavily depend on electricity. The utilization of fossil fuels for
energy production receives criticism since it produces substantial greenhouse gases (GHGs).
Cleaner and greener energy production through the utilization of renewable energy sources
were explored in recent studies. One advantage of increasing renewable energy in the energy
mix is that it can help decrease global warming by around two to four degrees by 2100.
However, there have been concerns about the worldwide displacement phenomenon resulting
from the production and utilization of technologies harvesting renewable resources, which
needs to be carefully understood by all stakeholders [4].
The current state of the literature has given little attention to the end-of-life management
(EOL) of PV module waste, and there is a need for continuous review of PV waste management
in light of new knowledge [10]. Studies reviewed several recycling methods and techniques
for PV waste, focusing on dismantling and retrieving materials [11], significant impacts of the
EOL of PV module waste focusing on the entire life cycle [12], various barriers, drivers, and
enablers of PV systems and battery waste management [13], understanding the trend of EOL
treatment procedures for PV modules [14], solar PV research, and potential risks and
regulatory approaches [15]. Based on the assessment using Focus Group Discussion, SWOT
analysis, and readiness assessment, Bergado determined that the country still needs to be ready
to deal with PV module waste and recommended establishing recycling facilities to manage
emerging PV waste [16]. There is still a lack of information regarding comprehensive waste
management strategies to guide policymakers, researchers, and stakeholders in the Philippines
and improvement approaches of regulatory frameworks in the country.
This paper presents a review of related literature on PV module waste management that
utilizes a systematic review (SR) approach for identifying strategies available in the literature
and internet-based assessment of regulatory frameworks in the Philippine setting. The review
focuses on i.) examining global sustainable PV module waste management strategies at the
various phases of PV module life cycle and ii.) assessment of national and local regulations for
PV module waste in the Philippine context. The central question of the systematic review is:
What are the sustainable waste management strategies towards the circularity of the entire life
cycle of PV modules? Indeed, the successful adoption of the identified comprehensive waste
management strategies can help policymakers, researchers, and all stakeholders become
knowledgeable and employ effective and efficient PV module waste management in the
country. In addition, the assessment of regulations can aid in creating regulatory and policy
frameworks for sustainable PV module waste management toward resource sustainability and
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A.L. Diccion and J.Z. Duran 47
circularity in the country. Furthermore, the findings of the study will greatly help with research
and development in the country.
The study utilized SR methodology proposed by Denyer and Tranfield to address clear
and specific research questions [17]. SR methodology provides practitioners, researchers, and
policymakers with empirical and research-based evidence from the existing body of knowledge
through gathering, analyzing, and synthesizing scientific contributions. Table 1 presents the
detailed steps of the SR methodology.
The researchers have identified four key phrases that include: i.)“solar PV module waste”
AND “management,” ii.) “solar PV waste” AND “management,” iii.) “photovoltaic waste”
AND “management,” and iv.) “end-of-life management” AND “solar PV” were searched
through accessible open databases. There are 54 journal articles, thesis manuscripts, and
conference proceedings selected from 1,623 resulting articles after the screening, and relevant
details of the paper were stored in an Excel file. The title and abstract of the resulting articles
from the databases were screened based on selection criteria and relevance. The study
considered literature from 2012 to 2022. Figure 1 shows the flow diagram of the SR.
Copyright 2023 | Philippine Engineering Journal Phil. Eng’g J. 2023; 44(1): 45-64
In addition, an internet-based assessment was carried out following the study of Saplala-
Yaptenco [18] to identify national laws and regulations that deal with PV module waste. An
internet search through Google advanced search was conducted using the keyword phrase “PV
module waste management” in the Philippine region.
The discussion will follow several themes that have been identified in the study that
include: 1) structure and composition of PV modules, 2) PV waste assessment, 3) global PV
waste management regulatory and policy framework, and 4) EOL management of PV module
waste: transport, collection, recycling techniques and technologies, and supply chain for
recovered materials, 5) strategies for PV module waste management, 6) Philippine energy
profile and development plan, and 7) regulatory framework for PV module waste management
in the Philippines. The findings of the study need to be presented forthwith to all stakeholders
in the country. However, there is a need to conduct future studies that may use interviews and
focus group discussions to determine the appropriate prioritization and roadmap of the
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A.L. Diccion and J.Z. Duran 49
proposed strategies and regulations based on the state of PV module waste management in the
The market for PV modules is rapidly evolving. The majority of PV modules in 2014 were
crystalline PVs, with a 90% market share percentage. By 2050, the share of thin-film PVs will
increase to 44.1%, which is close to the 44.8% share of crystalline PVs. It could be identified
that emerging PV technologies’ market share is increasing. The composition of PV modules
includes several metals that can be potentially recovered, such as base metals that include iron,
nickel, copper, aluminum, silver, and critical substances like tellurium, manganese, and
gallium. They may also contain hazardous metals like cadmium, lead, and selenium [22].
It is also important to track and understand PV product flows. However, material flow
analysis has been less explored in recent studies. Mahmoudi et al. conducted material flow
analysis in Australia towards appropriate recycling plans, policies, and regulations [6]. In
addition, Mahmoudi et al. conducted further assessments of decommissioned PV modules in
OECD countries [23]. They have estimated the material composition for PV module waste in
2058 for OECD countries presented in Figure 2. The estimated PV module waste mainly
consists of glass, aluminum, steel, ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA), nickel, copper, silicon, iron,
and magnesium, having percent composition of 68.10%, 13.99%, 7.98%, 5.94%, 1.317%,
0.908%, 0.680%,0.503%, and 0.4405%, respectively. The main substances have high recycling
yields except for nickel and magnesium, which need to be improved by further studies.
Copyright 2023 | Philippine Engineering Journal Phil. Eng’g J. 2023; 44(1): 45-64
Mahmoudi et al. utilized the Weibull function under various scenarios to forecast the
estimated volume of PV waste compared to the other works that use a linear function [27],
making it suitable for understanding the projection of the emerging waste. Furthermore,
according to Mahmoudi et al., the economic feasibility of recycling initiatives and facilities
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A.L. Diccion and J.Z. Duran 51
heavily relies on forecasting the volume of PV module waste based on three types of failures:
early, constant accidental, and wear-out [29].
Copyright 2023 | Philippine Engineering Journal Phil. Eng’g J. 2023; 44(1): 45-64
scheme to monitor and regulate the recycling of PV waste [30]. In addition, Jain et al.
developed a more holistic national-level policy framework, which defines PV waste
management guidelines to address the social, financial, and technical factors adequately [5].
The study of Weiner et al. suggested an improvement in the e-waste management in Brazil to
include PV module waste in the category of special waste and recommended that proper
monitoring of the collection and waste recycling of PV module waste is essential [31]. In
addition, Mahmoudi et al. suggested understanding EOL management of PV modules in multi-
levels, namely: macroscopic, mesoscopic, and microscopic [29]. Furthermore, the review of
Bajagain et al. pointed out that understanding the fundamental processes of EOL management
of PV waste and existing regulatory approaches can help policymakers craft suitable and
appropriate PV module waste management [15]. The presented frameworks can guide
policymakers and stakeholders in dealing with emerging PV waste.
Some studies have extensively emphasized the crucial role of circular economy (CE) and
EPR in EOL PV module waste management. CE promotes waste minimization and resource
sustainability. Jain et al. argued that EPR provides circularity in dealing with PV waste [5]. In
addition, Balaji and Hiremath suggested integrating the CE principle in dealing with PV
module waste [32] and identified that recycling and recovery require significant financial
investments [33]. Mahmoudi et al. argued that a recycling initiative and a suitable regulatory
framework would promote a CE [6]. Furthermore, Mathur et al. proposed that an Industrial
Park utilizing the Life Cycle Symbiosis principle following a CE approach can help prevent
the potential direct disposal of PV module waste in landfills and recover valuable secondary
materials [34]. Recycling and recovery of materials are vital components of the CE approach,
however, the cost of establishing recycling and recovery facilities remains to be a challenge.
Policymakers can utilize the proposed framework of Ndzibah et al. to address financial
concerns in recycling PV module waste [4]. The authors argued that EOL management of PV
waste would produce value creation [4, 35], such as the generation of jobs, specialized
logistics, creation of new businesses, and opportunity for business of recovered secondary
material, but the participation of environmentally aware public and private entities is critical.
The utilization of CE approach highly promotes sustainable development, environmental
protection, and resource sustainability.
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A.L. Diccion and J.Z. Duran 53
A further study by Nain and Kumar has identified several reasons for the failure and
degradation of PV modules: defective modules in production, breakage during transportation,
breakage during installation and operation, and environmental and human damage [38]. In
addition, Mahmoudi et al. presented three PV module failure factors: early failure, constant
accidental failure, and wear-out failure [29]. Furthermore, Chowdhury et al. argued that poor
design causes PV module failure [8]. Understanding the cause of failure is critical in potentially
decreasing the early disposal of PV module waste.
3.4.2 PV Module Waste Transport, Collection, Recycling Methods and Technologies, and
Supply Chain
According to Goe and Gaustad, due to limited scope and data insufficiency, precursory
literature suggested that recycling has a higher significant environmental impact than disposal
Copyright 2023 | Philippine Engineering Journal Phil. Eng’g J. 2023; 44(1): 45-64
in landfills [39]. On the other hand, the latest studies contradict these findings due to the
leaching of hazardous materials from landfills and the ecotoxicity of PV modules [40].
Energy consumption and emissions are significant from the recycling and collection of PV
waste. The transport, landfilling, and recycling of PV waste have an estimated emission of 7
to 252 g CO2 eq/ kWh, and roughly 28-47 % of the emissions of EOL management of PV
waste come from transportation [41], which makes it an essential factor in the sustainability of
EOL management [42].
Several approaches were developed to optimize the collection and transport of PV waste.
A framework was proposed to determine the ideal locations of recycling facilities using a
mathematical model considering economic performance [43-44]. In addition, a mathematical
approach utilizing mixed-input linear programming was used to optimally locate recycling and
collection networks [45]. Lu explored a GIS-based approach to optimally locate recycling
facilities for PV waste management [46]. There are a limited number of studies for
transportation optimization of PV module waste [10], and optimization of reverse logistics
should be incorporated in policies [47].
Some studies recommended creating a labeling system that will contain information about
the composition and structure of PV modules to sort the waste at the processing facilities
quickly. Protopapa et al. explored the vibrational spectroscopy approach for PV module waste
to automate sorting at processing facilities in the absence of waste labeling schemes [49].
Furthermore, the study by Ardente et al. pointed out that the information on the composition
of the PV module waste is critical to improving recycling efficiency [50].
There are several studies that explored recycling methods and technologies. Macalova et
al. reviewed the trends in PV module recycling, which focused on the process of mechanical
and thermal recycling [51]. Aravelli et al. identified the core recycling processes for respective
types of PV modules and developed a smart recycling technology using a Programmable Logic
Controller [52]. Majewski et al. focused on regulations and product stewardship in PV
recycling [53]. In addition, it was found out that pyrolysis as a recycling method maximizes
the recovery potential of c-Si PV modules [54]. Furthermore, it is essential to note that as
recycling efficiency increases, the energy payback time decreases[55].
Other works looked into the economic feasibility of PV waste recycling. According to Liu
et al., the potential of PV waste recycling in China is low, and a strategy to boost the economic
value of recycling PV module waste is to establish fiscal policy and improve the recycling
strategy [56]. Cuchiella et al. agreed that recycling PV module waste has high economic losses
and suggested that bigger plants will have better economic benefits [40]. In addition, the study
of Prabhu et al. presented a net loss for recycling PV modules, and government subsidy was
identified to be necessary to ensure a break-even point [57]. Markert et al. determined that the
net economic benefit of recycling c-Si PV modules using a novel process called the ‘Full
Recovery End-of-Life Photovoltaic’ (FRELP) method is $1.19/m^2 [58]. FRELP is a high-
efficiency recycling process for c-si PV modules with key processes that include: transport,
unloading, disassembly, cable treatment, incineration, disassembly, glass separation and
refinement, cutting, sieving, acid leaching, filtration, electrolysis, neutralization, and filter
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A.L. Diccion and J.Z. Duran 55
press. In addition, an estimated revenue rate of 28% was identified with the simulation of Lim
et al. for PV module waste recycling, having a payback time of less than a year with
government subsidization [59]. Ganesan and Valderrama mentioned that high-value and
decentralized mobile PV recycling are the top sustainable management approaches [60].
Furthermore, a supply chain for recovered substances in PV module waste recycling must
be established. The study of Mahmoudi et al. suggested that proactive policies must be
established to ensure that there will be a healthy supply chain of the recovered secondary
materials from recycling to promote value creation [23]. In addition, Kim and Jeong proposed
two mathematical models to help manufacturers with the supply chain of PV module waste
management [61]. In addition, Gautam et al. developed a supply chain using the circular
economy approach in dealing with PV module waste [62]. Moreover, Ansanelli et al. suggested
a supply chain where secondary materials recovered from PV module recycling can be utilized
in the production of new PV modules [63].
Copyright 2023 | Philippine Engineering Journal Phil. Eng’g J. 2023; 44(1): 45-64
The management of PV module waste is critical to promote the circularity of resources and
prevent direct disposal of PV modules to landfill that poses health risks to nearby communities.
A sustainability framework for PV Module Waste Management is presented in Figure 4 based
on the proposed unified CE framework. The framework also puts strong emphasis at the crucial
role of transport throughout the life-cycle of PV modules. Waste management strategies for
PV modules at the production, installation, and decommissioning phase are discussed in the
succeeding sections.
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A.L. Diccion and J.Z. Duran 57
Regular waste assessment and monitoring of the current state of PV module waste
management and policies in the country should be conducted to identify the barriers and
enablers of PV module waste management, improve the management practices, and
recommend the most suitable regulatory and policy framework approaches.
Optimizing the location of recycling facilities and collection networks and route
optimization can ensure efficient collection. In addition, the type and composition of the
collected PV module waste should be identified quickly using a labeling system or vibrational
spectroscopy to automate sorting.
The utilization of smart technologies to minimize cost, optimized energy use, and increase
the efficiency of PV module recycling and recovery can be one strategy to make PV module
waste management sustainable. Furthermore, optimized processes, such as mechanical,
chemical, and thermal recycling, should be explored and used in recycling facilities.
Understanding the nexus of cost, energy, and recovery efficiency is critical to the sustainability
of PV module waste management.
Waste or by-products from recycling and recovery should be stored and disposed of
securely to prevent leaching. Recycling should also be able to recover secondary materials with
low levels of impurities. Furthermore, a healthy supply chain should support the utilization of
recovered secondary materials from recycling by producers. It is important to note that
transportation will play a significant role in reducing environmental impact in the
Copyright 2023 | Philippine Engineering Journal Phil. Eng’g J. 2023; 44(1): 45-64
the Philippines, the energy reliance on this source might not be beneficial in the long term due
to its adverse effect on the environment and climate change [65]. In addition, the Department
of Energy, which actively promotes clean energy transition for decarbonization and lower
GHG emissions, identified a clean energy scenario under the Philippine Energy Plan 2020-
2040 aims to increase the solar PV capacity by around 45 gigawatts [66]. Thus, alternative
energy sources are to be considered for eliminating or at least reducing the usage of non-
renewable sources and steering towards renewable sources.
In an energy assessment report by ADB, the potential solar capacity in the Philippines is
estimated to have an average global horizontal irradiance of 5.1 kWh/ m2-day [67].
Furthermore, it is projected to increase to 3.5% of the total energy mix in a clean energy
scenario, a big leap from its 0.20% counterpart in a business-as-usual setting. With efforts to
transition to a low-carbon economy, the Philippines have the opportunity to optimize the
utilization of its solar energy potential. The formation of RA 9513 has given light to the search
for alternative and relatively clean energy, particularly for the energy sector companies. Based
on the National Renewable Energy Program (NREP) projections, the Philippine government
aims to increase around 16 GW of installed capacity for renewable sources, including solar
energy [64].
In conjunction with increasing renewable energy in the energy mix profile of the
Philippines, the supply and demand for PV module materials must be well-defined. A
significant increase in the demand for critical metals, such as indium, gallium, tellurium, and
cadmium, will be expected due to the rise in solar power utilization. In addition, raw metallic
materials will not be sustainable in the future if we constantly use virgin materials for
production. Thus secondary materials pose a solution to this problem, granted that proper metal
management in the form of material flow is imposed [67]. Another area to be looked upon is
efficiency. In 2018, Philippine RA No. 11285, known as the Energy Efficiency and
Conservation Act, was enacted to establish energy sufficiency and stability, mitigate the high
prices of fuels, and support the economic and social development goals, among others through
environmental protection. This can be properly administered by ensuring the quality of the
material for the PV module being used. As future research, this area gives a good starting point
for further development to give justification for secondary materials to be mixed in PV module
production. Furthermore, this will involve more opportunities to prove the right amount or mix
of secondary materials that will give comparable or better energy from solar-based products.
In addition to the Philippine government's effort in supporting low carbon transition, solar
energy also has the advantage of supplying power to remote areas. This kind of scenario is
common and scattered across the country, in rural and agricultural plots of land. Supplying
energy from fossil fuel sources, such as diesel, will cost significantly higher distribution costs
in far-flung areas, as compared to those near the supply. Strategic locations and installations
must also be considered so that solar farms may be optimized for remote areas that have limited
access to power.
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A.L. Diccion and J.Z. Duran 59
frameworks should be established to deal with PV modules installed in the country that are
prone to breakages contributing to the rapid increase of emerging PV waste. The Philippines
is ranked fifth among countries most affected by extreme weather events and other natural
calamities, such as typhoons, floods, rising sea levels, and earthquakes, to name a few. This
may be attributed to its geographic location within the typhoon belt and Pacific Ring of Fire
[68]. With this, frequent exposure to such natural disasters may entail losses and damages to
properties and infrastructure, thus affecting delays in productivity and, consequently increase
in waste. In relation to structural damage, PV modules are no exception to this because of their
delicate, brittle nature. In fact, PV module breakage is a common theme even in its transport
In the Philippines, PV module waste is subjected to the DOE Department Circular No.
2021-06-0018, commonly referred to as the Solar Code, which complies with RA 9003 and
RA 6969 [47]. PV module waste can be classified as special waste under RA 9003 or waste
electrical and electrical waste (WEEE) under RA 6969. The Ecological and Waste
Management Act of 2000 or RA 9003, lays out the incentives and mechanisms for the
management of solid waste that ensures the conservation, utilization, and recovery of
resources, while the Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Control Act of 1990
or RA 6969, deals with the management of toxic and hazardous waste, including nuclear waste.
The inclusion of solar energy systems in the development plan of the nation, technological
advancement, and economic growth [69] are key enablers in the increasing adoption of PV
systems in the country. There is really need to establish recycling facilities to deal with
emerging PV module waste. Recycling facilities for PV module waste follow DAO 2013-22,
which is the IRR of RA 6969 that expedites the procedures for handling toxic substances and
toxic waste. Waste generators, transporters, and treaters are key actors in the management of
hazardous waste and toxic substances guided by the procedural manual implemented by the
Department of Environment Natural Resources - Environmental Management Bureau.
There are no specific national regulations created to deal with PV waste and PV module
waste in the country. Furthermore, the 10-year solid waste management plan of municipalities
has not yet incorporated strategies to manage PV waste [16]. These two crucial observations
support the conclusion that the country is not yet ready to deal with emerging PV module
waste. Indeed, there is a need to formulate regulatory frameworks and policies and adopt
suitable strategies that deal with PV module waste. The composition, waste assessment, and
management strategies to address PV module waste should be included in the regulatory
framework. Furthermore, policies in terms of monitoring the PV waste in the country, take-
back schemes, and funding and subsidization can be explored.
In this work, the authors have investigated PV module waste management in the Philippine
setting, where there is scarce discussion in the literature, and presented key waste management
strategies and frameworks. The increasing volume of PV module waste must be managed
effectively to achieve sustainability and prevent environmental harm and degradation through
Copyright 2023 | Philippine Engineering Journal Phil. Eng’g J. 2023; 44(1): 45-64
integrated frameworks. This paper identified waste management strategies on the various
stages of the life-cycle of PV module waste based on a systematic review of literature. It also
assessed the existing regulations of PV module waste management in the Philippines. It has
been found out that the country is not yet ready to deal with PV module waste due to the lack
of specific regulations and standard waste management strategies. The collaboration of all
stakeholders, PV module waste assessment, robust design of PV modules, the establishment
of an optimized recycling network, utilization of efficient recycling technologies, healthy
supply chain of recovered secondary materials, and practical regulatory frameworks and
approaches are vital elements towards PV module waste management. This work can help
researchers and policymakers create practical and effective approaches and policies to manage
emerging PV module waste.
We thank the Department of Science and Technology- Science Education Institute for
supporting this paper.
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Copyright 2023 | Philippine Engineering Journal Phil. Eng’g J. 2023; 44(1): 45-64