(a) 2 (b) 1.5
7. If the given figure, 2EAD = EAC, BC = 40
(c) 2.2 (d) 1
cm, BA = 8 cm and CD = 24 cm, then AC is
5. In a ABC, AD is a median. The bisectors of
equal to
an by
ADB and ADC meet AB and AC at E and F
respectively. If the ratio of AE : BE = 3 : 4, fn;s x;s fp=k esa
2EAD = EAC, BC = 40 lseh]BA
= 8 lseh vkSj
CD = 24 lseh gS rks
AC cjkcj gS %
then find the ratio of EF : BC.
fdlh f=kHkqtABC esa AD ,d ekfè;dk gSAADB vkSj E
ADC ds lef}Hkktd AB vkSjAC ls Øe'k%E rFkkF
R s
ij feyrs gSaA ;fnAE : BE = 3 : 4 gks] rks
EF : BC dk
vuqikr Kkr dhft,A
a th
(a) 3 : 4 (b) 4 : 3
(c) 7 : 3 (d) 3 : 7
(a) 2 cm (b) 6 cm
6. In ABC, A = 90°, AD is the bisector o A
(c) 3 cm (d) 4 cm
ty a
meeting BC at D, and DE AC at E. If AB = 10
8. In a triangle ABC, AB : AC = 5 : 2, BC = 9 cm.
cm and AC = 15 cm then the length of DE, in
BA is produced to D, and the bisector of the
di M
cm, is:
Angle CAD meets BC produced at E. What is
ABC esa A = 90°, AD, A dk n~foHkktd gS tks
BC dks the length (in cm) of CE?
D ij feyrk gS] vkSjDE AC ;fn AB = 10 lseh vkSj
AC f=kHkqt
ABC esa AB : AC = 5 : 2, BC = 9 cm gSA BA
= 15 lseh gS rksDE dh yackbZ (lseh esa)] gS% dksD rd c<+k;k tkrk gS vkSj dks.k
CAD dk lef}Hkktd
(a) 7.5 (b) 6.25 c<+kbZ BCxbZls E ij feyrk gSACE dh yackbZ (lseh esa)
(c) 6 (d) 8
Kkr djsaA
External Angle Bisector of a Triangle SSC CGL 13/08/2021 (Shift-02)
(a) 9 (b) 10
f=kHkqt dk oká dks.k lef}Hkktd (c) 6 (d) 3
If a line bisects the exterior angle of a triangle,
then it is called external angle bisector of a
If AD, BE and CF are the angle bisectors of the Note : The bisector of the angle A of ABC
A, B and C respectively, then all the three may or may not intersect side BC at point E
bisectors of the angles pass through a point, where the incircle touches the side BC of the
which is called the incentre of the ABC. It is triangle and the same in true for other angle
generlly denoted by 'I'. bisectors.
;fn AD, BE vkSjCF Øe'k%A, B vkSjC ds uksV % f=kHkqt
ABC ds dks.kA dk lef}Hkktd HkqtkBC
lef}Hkktd gksa rks dks.kksa ds lHkh lef}Hkktd ,d dks
fcUnq fcUnqE ij izfrPNsn dj Hkh ldrk gS ;k ugha Hkh dj
ls gksdj xqtjrs gSa] ftls
ABC dk var%dsUnz dgrs gSaA bls
ldrk gS tcfd var%o`Ùk f=kHkqt dhBC Hkqtk
dks Li'kZ djrk
lkekU;r% I ls fu:ifr fd;k tkrk gSA
gS vkSj ;g nwljs lef}Hkktdksa ds fy, Hkh lR; gSA
In other word, the incentre is the centre of the
incircle of a triangle.
nwljs 'kCnksa esa] var%dsUnz f=kHkqt ds varo`Ùk dk dsUnz gksrk gSA
The bisector of angle A meets BC at D and
an by
I the side BC touches the circle at E.
A dk lef}Hkktd BC dks fcUnq D ij feyrk gS vkSj Hkqtk
B C BC o`Ùk dksE ij Li'kZ djrh gSA
(iii) A
I Incentre of ABC
I Incentre of the circle.
R s
Properties of incentre/var%dsUnz dh fo'ks"krk,¡
a th
fdlh f=kHkqt ds lHkh vkarfjd lef}Hkktd ,d fcUnq BIC = 2 + 2 or 90º + 2
(var%dsUnz) ls gksdj xqtjrs gSaA
di M
AIC = + or 90º +
(ii) The incentre of the triangle is equidistance 2 2 2
from all the three sides of the triangle and the C C
AIB = + or 90º +
distance is equal to the inradius. 2 2 2
9. In
f=kHkqt dk var%dsUnz f=kHkqt ds rhuksa Hkqtkvksa ls leku nwjh ij
ABC, A = 88°. If I is the incentre of the
gksrk gS vkSj ;g nwjh var% f=kT;k ds cjkcj gksrh gSA triangle, then measure of BIC is:
A ABC esa
, A = 88° gSA ;fn f=kHkqt dk var%dsaæ gS]
BIC dk eki crkb,A
SSC CGL 12/04/2022 (Shift- 02)
D F (a) 112° (b) 134°
r r
(c) 56° (d) 68°
I 10. In a ABC, the bisectors of ABC and ACB
r intersect each other at point O. If BOC is 125°,
then the BAC is equal to:
ABC esa]ABC vkSjACB ds lef}Hkktd ,d nwljs
If circle touches the side AB, BC and AC at
points D, E and F respectively and I be the dks fcanq
O ij izfrPNsfnr djrs gSaA ;fn
BOC dk eku
incentre, then 125º gS] rks
BAC dk eku fdlds cjkcj gS\
SSC CPO 05/10/2023 (Shift-01)
;fn o`Ùk Hkqtkvksa
AB, BC vkSjAC dks Øe'k% fcUnqvksa
D, E
vkSjF ij Li'kZ djrk gks vkSj
I var%dsUnz gks rks (a) 82° (b) 78º
(c) 75° (d) 70°
ID = IE = IF (inradius)
11. In OPQ, O = 50°, P = 70°, and the bisectors 14. Sides AB and AC of ABC are produced to
of P and Q meet at R. Find PRQ.
points D and E, respectively. The bisectors of
OPQ, O = 50°, P = 70° vkSj P rFkkQ ds
lef}Hkktd R ij feyrs gSaA
PRQ Kkr dhft,A
CBD and BCE meet at P. If A=78°, then the
SSC CGL MAINS 29/06/2022 15. The sides AB and AC of ABC are produced to
points D and E, respectively. The bisectors of
(a) 40° (b) 18° CBD and BCE meet at P. If A = 72°, then
an by
(c) 36° (d) 27° the measure of P is:
13. In ABC, A = 66° and B = 50°. If the ABC dh HkqtkvksaAB vkSjAC dks Øe'k% fcanq D vkSj
bisectors of B and C meet at P, then, BPC E rd c<+k;k x;k gSACBD vkSjBCE ds lef}Hkktd
– PCA = ? P ij feyrs gSaA ;fnA = 72° gS] rks
P dk eki Kkr
ABC esa, A = 66° vkSjB = 50° gSA ;fn B vkSj dhft,A
R s
C lef}Hkktd fcanqP ij feyrs gSa] rks
BPC – PCA SSC CHSL 10/07/2024 (Shift-3)
a th
dk eku fdruk gS\ (a) 55° (b) 65°
(c) 54° (d) 35°
SSC CGL MAINS 29/01/2022
(v) The ratio of area of triangle formed by incentre
(a) 93° (b) 91° and two vertex are in ratio in their correspond-
ty a
angles of a triangle is difference between right dk vuqikr mudh laxr Hkqtvksa ds vuqikr ds cjkcj gksrk gS
angle and half of the third angle. Ar BOC : Ar AOC : Ar AOB = a : b : c
f=kHkqt ds nks dks.kksa ds oká lef}Hkktdksa ds chp dk dks.k] A
Note: If in ABC, the internal bisectors of B B C
and C meet at O and the external bisectors of D
B and C meet at P, then BOC + BPC = Here, AD, BE and CF are angle bisectors of A,
180º. B and C respectively.
(ii) (a) In an acute-angled triangle the orthocentre 41. If O is the orthocentre of ABC then, A will
is always inside the triangle. be the orthocentre of which triangle?
fdlh U;wudks.k f=kHkqt esa yEc dsUnz ges'kk f=kHkqt ;fn
ds Hkhrj
O, ABC dk yEc dsUnz gks Arks
fuEu esa ls fdl
gksrk gSA f=kHkqt dk yEc dsUnz gksxk\
42. In an obtuse-angled triangle ABC, A is the
obtuse angle and O is the orthocentre. If BOC
= 54º, then BAC is :
an by
fdlh vf/ddks.k f=kHkqt
ABC esaA vf/ddks.k rFkkO
H yEc dsUnz gSABOC
;fn = 54º gS] rks
BAC dk eku gS%
(c) In an obtuse-angled triangle the orthocentre
is always outside of the triangle and will be at (a) 108º (b) 116º
R s
the back of the angle which is obtuse.
(c) 136º (d) 126º
vf/ddks.k f=kHkqt esa yEc dsUnz ges'kk f=kHkqt ds ckgj
a th
43. In ABC, A = 52º and O is the orthocentre of
vkSj vf/d dks.k ds ihNs dh vksj gksrk gSA
the triangle. (BO and CO meet AC and AB at
E and F respectively when produced). If the
bisectors of OBC and OCB meet at P, then
ty a
ABC esa A = 52º gS rFkk
O f=kHkqt dk yEc dsUnz gSA
di M
F E then what is the measure of A ?
ABC esa]BE AC, CD AB rFkkBE vkSjCD
,d&nwljs dksO ij dkVrh gSaA OBC rFkkOCB ds
(b) lef}Hkktd P fcUnq ij feyrs gSaA BPC
;fn = 148º rks
BHD =Cand CHD =B
A dk eku D;k gS\
CHE = Aand AHE = C
AHF = Band BHF = A SSC CGL TIER-II (13/09/2019)
Sum of the three altitudes of a triangles is less (a) 56º (b) 28º
than the sum of the three sides of the
triangles. (c) 32º (d) 64º
45. In ABC, the perpendiculars drawn from A, fn, x;s f=kHkqt esa]
H, yECkdsanz gS
f=kHkqt dk ifjdsanz
B and C meet the opposite sides at points D,
E and F, respectively. AD, BE and CF intersect
gSAHAB = 18°, rksOCA Kkr dhft;sA
at point P. If EPD = 110° and the bisectors A
of A and B meet a point Q. then AQB = ?
46. In the given triangle O, I and H are circum- altitudes of the triangle meeting AC and AB
at E and F and intersect each other at O. Find
centre, in-centre and orthocentre of ABC,
BOC & BIC respectively. Find angle BHC? the FOE if A = 65°
f=kHkqtABC esa]BE vkSjCF, f=kHkqt ds 'kh"kZyEc gSa t
an by
BAC = 40°
fn, x, f=kHkqt esa
O, I vkSj H vkSj Øe'k%
ABC, AC vkSj AB ls E vkSjF ij feyrs gSa vkSj ,d nwljs dks
O ij izfrPNsfnr djrs gSaA
FOE Kkr dhft;s] ;fn A
BOC vkSjBIC ds ifj&dsanz] vUr% dsanz vkSj yacdsUnz
gSaA dks.k
BHC [kkstsa \ = 65° gSA
(a) 115° (b) 125°
BAC = 40°
R s
(c) 105° (d) 95°
a th
50. In a triangle PQR, PX, QY and RZ be altitudes
intersecting at O. If PO=6cm, PX = 8cm and
80 QO=4cm, then what is the value (in cm) of QY?
O f=kHkqt
PQR esa] rhuks 'kh"kZyEcPX,Øe'k%
QY vkSj RZ
ty a
(a) 6.3 (b) 5.8
B C (c) 6 (d) 7
(a) 75° (b) 45° 51. In the triangle ABC, AD and BE are the altitude
(c) 50° (d) 60° of the triangle meets at H such that AH = 12
cm, HD = 9 cm, and HE = 4 cm. Find BH?
47. In ABC, H is the orthocenter, O is
circumcenter. If BAH = 30 then find OAC? f=kHkqtABC esa]AD vkSjBE, f=kHkqt ds 'kh"kZyEc gSa t
ABC esa] fcanq
H f=kHkqt dk yEcdsUnz gSO rFkk ij bl izdkj feyrs gSa fd AH = 12 lsaeh]HD = 9
ifjdsUnz gSA BAH=
;fn 30° rc OAC dk eku gksxk\ lseh] vkSjHE = 4 lseh gSABH Kkr dhft;sA
(a) 27 cm (b) 18 cm
A (c) 9cm (d) 36 cm
(a) 2 41 (b) 2 10
ABC dh ekfè;dk AD gSAABC dk dsUnzd G gSA ;fn
AG = 14 lseh- gS] rks
AD dh yackbZ fdruh gS\
(c) (d) 10
41 SSC CHSL 13/03/2023 (Shift-01)
60. In a triangle PQR, A is any point on side QR
(a) 42 cm (b) 28 cm
an by
such that PA is median. If PQ = 6 cm, PR = 8
(c) 35 cm (d) 21 cm
cm and QR = 2 14 cm, then find the length
of median PA. 64. G is the centroid of a triangle ABC, whose
sides AB = 35 cm, BC = 12 cm, and AC = 37
;fn f=kHkqt
PQR esa] Hkqtk
QR ij dksbZ fcUnq
A bl izdkj
cm. The length of BG is (correct to one
gS fd PA ekfè;dk gSA ;fn
PQ = 6 lseh]PR = 8 lseh
R s decimal place):
vkSjQR = 2 14 lseh gS] rks ekfè;dk
PA dh yackbZ Kkr
,d ,sls f=kHkqt
ABC dk dsanzd gS] ftldh Hkqtk,a
a th
G AB =
35 lseh, BC = 12 lseh vkSjAC = 37 lseh gSA BG dh
(a) 8 cm (b) 6 cm
(c) 2 cm (d) 10 cm yackbZ (n'keyo ds ,d LFkku rd lgh) fdruh gS\
ty a
1.(d) 2.(d) 3.(a) 4.(d) 5.(d) 6.(c) 7.(c) 8.(c) 9.(b) 10.(c)
11.(d) 12.(b) 13.(a) 14.(a) 15.(c) 16.(b) 17.(d) 18.(a) 19.(c) 20.(a)
an by
21.(b) 22.(d) 23.(a) 24.(c) 25.(b) 26.(a) 27.(d) 28.(d) 29.(a) 30.(a)
31.(a) 32.(a) 33.(b) 34.(d) 35.(a) 36.(c) 37.(a) 38.(b) 39.(a) 40.(b)
R s
41.(a) 42.(d) 43.(d) 44.(d) 45.(c) 46.(c) 47.(c) 48.(c) 49.(a) 50.(d)
a th
51.(a) 52.(a) 53.(a) 54.(a) 55.(b) 56.(b) 57.(c) 58.(c) 59.(a) 60.(b)
ty a
61.(d) 62.(a) 63.(d) 64.(b) 65.(a) 66.(b) 67.(c) 68.(a) 69.(a) 70.(b)
di M