Math 5
Math 5
Math 5
Example. Let us take the class interval 10 – 19. The exact lower
limit is 9.5 and exact upper limit is 19.5. the class size will be
19.5 – 9.5 = 10
∑ XW
CUMULATIVE FREQUENCY (CF) – the sum of the class
and all classes below it in a frequency distribution.
X W = weighted mean
W = weight of each item
2. MEDIAN ( Me ) –
3. MODE ( Mo )
Steps in constructing Frequency Distribution Quantiles are values that divide the distribution into a given
number of equal parts.
1. Determine the range (R) of the distribution.
a. QUARTILES – values that divide the distribution into 4 equal
The range refers to the difference between the highest and the parts
lowest scores.
The quartiles are Q1 (first quartile) which is 25% or less of
Range = Highest score - Lowest score the given distribution, Q2 (second quartile) which is 50%
or less of the given distribution, and Q3 (third quartile)
R = 90 - 40 which is 75% or less of the given distribution.
R = 50 b. DECILES – values that divide the distribution into 10 equal parts
2. Determine the class size (i) by dividing the range by the The deciles are D1, D2, D3, …, D10.
desired number of class intervals. The number of class intervals,
usually, is not less than 10 and not more than 20. Let us use 10. c. PERCENTILES - values that divide the distribution into 100
equal parts
Class size = Range divided by 10
The percentiles are P1, P2, P3, …, P100.
i = 50 / 10
P = position
i = 5
P/D = desired percentage
*If the obtained i is not exact, round it off to the nearest whole
number. n = number of items