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Q-1 30 years old para 10+0, presented with 38 weeks gestational amenorrhea on
per abdominal examination transverse lie and on P.V examination shoulder
presentation with 6cm cervical dilatation, what will you do?
a) ARM
b) Cesarean section
c) Augment with oxytocin
d) Prostaglandin E2
e) Wait for vaginal delivery

Q-2 35 years primi gravida with 38 weeks gestational amenorrhea and poor
bishop and pelvis in gyneacoid what will you do?
a) ARM
b) Cesarean section
c) Augment with oxytocin
d) Prostaglandin E2
e) Wait for vaginal delivery

Q-3 A primipara is in labor and an episiotomy is about to be cut. Compared with

a midline episiotomy, an advantage of mediolateral episiotomy is.
a) Ease of repair
b) Fewer breakdowns
c) Less blood loss
d) Less dyspareunia
e) Less extension of the incision

Q-4 Hypertonic dysfunctional labor generally can be expected to.

a) Be associated with rapid cervical dilation
b) Cause little pain
c) Occur in the active phase of labor
d) React favorably to oxytocin stimulation
e) Respond to sedation

Q-5 Which of the following abnormalities of labor is associated with significantly

increased incidence of neonatal morbidity?
A. Prolonged latent phase
B. Protracted descent
C. Secondary arrest of dilation
D. Protracted active-phase dilation

Station No. 1
Q-1 What is partograph showing?
 Slow progress of labor
 Prolong first stage of labor

Q-2 How will you identify the problem?

Problem in the
 Power
 Passenger
 Passage

Q-3 How will you correct the problem?

 If power => correct by ARM & Oxytocin
 If Passage => Deliver by Cesarean Section

 If Passenger Good size Deliver by Cesarean Section


Station No. 2
Q-1 Define Cardiotocography (CTG)

Q-2 What does it indicate?

 Head compression
 Cord Compression

Q-3 How will you manage?

 Expedite the delivery

Q-4 What the main draw back of CTG?

 Increase rate of cesarean section

Q-1 A 25 year old g1p0 patient at 41 weeks presents to labor and delivery
complaining of gross rupture of membranes and painful uterine contractions
every 2 to 3 min. on digital exam, her cervix is c/3 with fetal feet palpable
through the cervix. The fetus’s estimated weight is about 6 lb, and the fetal
heart rate tracing is reactive.

What is the best method is achieve delivery?

a) Deliver the fetus vaginally by breech extraction
b) Deliver the baby vaginally after external cephalic version
c) Perform an emergent cesarean section
d) Perform an internal podalic version

Q-2 A 35 year old g5p4 patient at 38weeks presents to labor and delivery
complaining of gross rupture of membranes and painful uterine contractions
every 2 to 3 min. on digital exam, her cervix is c/3 with fetal feet palpable
through the cervix.

What type of breech presentation is described above?

a) Frank
b) Incomplete, single footling
c) Complete
d) Double footling

Station No. 01
Q-1 What are types of breech?
 Flexed Breech
 Extended Breech
 Footling Breech

Q-2 What is incidence of breech at term?

 3-4%

Q-3 How will you deliver the footling breech if comes in labor with 4cm cervical
dilatation in take memberan?
 Cesarean Section

Q-4 What are the risks to the baby when delivered vaginally?
 Fracture of legs & arm and clavicle
 Dislocation of hip and shoulder
 Trama to abdominal viscera and chest
 Birth asphyxia
 Death

Station No. 02
Q-1 Identify presentation?
 Shoulder presentation
 Round Prolapse

Q-2 What are other malpresnetation?

 Breech
 Brow
 Face

Q-3 What are risk factors for this presentation?

 Multiparty
 Prematurely

Q-4 If she come in labor how will you manage?

 Cesarean Section

Station No. 01

Q-1 Identify the object?

 LNG – IUS (Marina IUCD)

Q-2 What are uses?

 Contraception
 Menorehagia

Q-3 What is the contraindication?

 Pregnancy
 Stenosed Cervix

Q-4 For how long it provide contraception?

 5 Days

Station No. 02

Q-1 Identify?
 Condom

Q-2 Advantage?
 Provide Contraception
 Protection from STD
 Cheep easy available?

Q-3 Disadvantage?
 High failure rate 15%
 Interfere with intercourse

Q-4 It should be not use in?

 Latix Allergy

Q-1 Which of following neoplasm has been associated with the use of oral

a) Breast Cancer
b) Ovarian Cancer
c) Endometrial Cancer
d) Hepatic Cancer
e) Hepatic Adenoma.

Q-2 Five patients sent for contraception counseling, each requesting the an IUCD
be inserted. A prior history of which of following is the contraindication to
the insertion of IUCD?

a) PID
b) Pregnancy with IUCD
c) DUB
d) Cervicitis
e) Chorioamnionitis

Q-3 For the sterilization.

a) Can not be performed immediately in postpartum

b) It is second most common contraception the can be consider effectively

Station No. 01
Q-1 What slide shows?
 Large hydrosalpinx of the left fallopian tube with a smaller hydrosalpinx on the
right side.

Q-2 Name the causative organism?

 Neisseria gonorrhea
 Chlamydia Tricomonas

Q-3 What will be the presentation of patient?

 Mucopurulent vaginal discharge

 Lower abdominal pain backach
 Pyrexia (>380 C)
 Dysuria with urethral discharge

Q-4 Which treatment will you give?

 Ceftriaxone 250mg single intramuscular

 Oral ofloxacin 400mg twice a day + oral
 Doxycycline 100mg orally twice a day +7days

Q-1 Define Labour
Q-2 Define different stages of labour
Q-3 When portogram start for monitoring?
Q-4 Enumerate three causes of abnormal labour
Q-5 List five risk factors for abnormal labour?


Ans01: Labour can be defiend as regular painful contractions bring about

effacement and dilation of cervix and descent of presenting pat, vtimately
leading to expulsion of fetus and placenta from mother.

Ans 02: 1st Stage: Time form onset of labour until complete cervical dilation
2nd Stage: time from complete cervical dilation to expulsion of fetus
3rd Stage From Expulsion of fetus to expulsion of placenta

Ans 03: In active phase of 1st Stage when cervix dilate 3-3.5cm

Ans 04: Passage (Txdilahion) Passenger power (unadequare contra here)

Ans 05: Older maternal age contracted pelvis macrosomia, short starere op
position High station of fehur post term pregnancy

Diabetes Metilus

Q-1: Enumerate types of DM in pregnancy.

Q-2: Which dmegtian to mearue fetal abnormities on DM?
Q-3: Enumerate three maternal & fetal complication of DM?
Q-4: At which gestation you advice investigation and diagnosis for GDM.
Q-5: Write the name agent for controlling sugar during pregnancy.

Ans: Pre-existing DM in Pregnancy gestational DM

Ans: HBA, C
Ans: Maternal
1. Increase insulin requirement
2. Hypoglycemia
3. Poly hydramnios, shoulder dystocia.
4. Infection Miscarriage.
5. Pre-eclampsia, ING: C/S Rate.

 Congenital Abnormalities
 Macrosomia, Polycythemia
 Late Still birth, neonatal Hypoglycemic
 At 24-28wk gestension

Ans: ……..

Station No. 01
Q-1 What slide shows?

Ans Cone – shaped flagellated organism cause Trichomoniasis vaginal infection.

Q-2 What are the sights & symptoms of patient is presented by?
 Vulval soreness & itching.
 Foul meaning vaginal discharge
 Some times frothy yellowish green in nature.
 Dysuria and abdominal discomfort
 Appearances of strawberry cervix
 Asymptomatic cancer

Q-2 How will you treat the patient?

Ans Treat both partners.

 Oral metronidozole 400mg XBD 7 days.

 Oral metronidazole 2g stat close.

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