Narmina, error correction in TLP,2024

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ISSN 2076-586X (Print), 2524-2660 (Online) Серія «Педагогічні науки». Випуск № 2.


(за предметними спеціальностями)
Ph.D student, Baku Slavic University
УДК 372.881.111.1(045)
The article discusses error correction as an im- error making indicates that the teaching pro-
portant part in English language teaching. The cess is taking place. The main thing is not
reasons for making errors and types of errors, as errors themselves, but the reasons for their
well as the timing and focus of error correction, are making, when and how to correct and by
The theoretical basis of the article is the views
whom these mistakes must be corrected.
of D. Tedik, J. Edge, P. Ur, and J. Scrivener on er- Commonly, when to correct mistakes is an
rors and their correction, which have been taken individual matter, because if the mistakes
into consideration and developed in relation to the are frequently corrected, then students may-
context of Baku Slavic University. It is demonstrat- be come unmotivated, lose their interest and
ed that errors can be attributed to interlanguage, self-confidence, and answer only when they
intralanguage factors, contextual, and situational are sure. On the other hand, if mistakes are
aspects. The types of errors may include lexical, not corrected at all, students will never speak
phonological, grammatical, and pragmatic mis- and write accurately.
takes. Errors can be corrected by teachers, stu-
dents themselves or by classmates.
The opinions on error correction of differ-
The aim of this article is to assist teachers and ent scholars and experts in the fields of
instructors in dealing with errors made by stu- methods and approaches to foreign language
dents. acquisition differ. Specifically, some of them
While writing the article, methods of theoretical are for correcting mistakes right on the spot,
analysis and generalisation are used. others think that immediate error correction
As a result of the study, it has been found that
errors are an inherent part of the educational pro-
will have no result, even may have negative
cess. A controversial issue arises regarding that influence on the teaching and learning pro-
who, when, and how mistakes should be corrected. cess. Modern researchers point out that the
The conclusion drawn is that, first, it is necessary right approach is to correct only for a helping
to determine the cause of the error. purpose. The adherents of the Audiolingual
The article concludes by providing information method claim that mistakes must not be al-
on various methods of oral and written correction of
errors. It is noted that there is no single approach
lowed, whereas the adherents of the Natural
that is suitable for all students or circumstances. method (Krashen, 1983) assert that error
The correction of errors depends on the individual making is a sign of natural development and
teacher. Given that learning without error is not the proponents of Communicative Language
possible and that errors play a significant role in Teaching avouch that errors are part of the
the development of the learning process, this article learning process. J. Hattie and G. Yates
has exceptional importance.
Keywords: error making reasons; types of er-
(Hattie, Yates, 2013) posit that error correc-
rors; tasks for error correction; exercises; learning tion badly influences students’ motivation.
the Englishlanguage. But P. Ur (Ur, 2012) states that error correc-
tion depends on context and individual dif-
Introduction. It is a rare process to do ferences of students. At the same time, it
something for the first time without mis- should be taken into account that error cor-
takes. The same thing is about second lan- rection is supposed to differ for junior and
guage learning. It is unavoidable to make senior students.
mistakes while learning English. Typically, it The main goal of this article is to show
is the students who make mistakes and the causes of errors during learning foreign
teachers who correct them. It does not matter languages (specifically, English) and propose
how clearly the teacher explains, which activities conducive to error correction.
methods he/she uses, students make nu- Reasons of error making. Before correct-
merous mistakes,they will have mistakes, ing mistakes, we must investigate why stu-
because this is a natural process. In reality, dents make mistakes. So, there are three

Вісник Черкаського національного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького

main reasons why students make mistakes. 4. Who must correct the mistake?
They are: 5. How must the mistake be corrected?
1. The interlanguage reason (the influence Types of mistakes. There are the
of the mother tongue) – this reason is mainly following types of mistakes:
encountered at the beginning of the English  Lexical mistakes – word mistakes;
language teaching, for example, in  Phonological mistakes – pronounciation
Azerbaijani thenoun does not agree with the mistakes;
numeral, so instead of five pens an Azerbai-  Syntactical mistakes – grammatical
jani student says five pen? The sentence mistakes;
structure in the Azerbaijani Language is as  Descriptive mistakes – wrong
“subject-object-predicate”, but in English it understanding of the speaker’s aim and wish;
differs and is as “subject–predicate-object”.  Pragmatic mistakes – breaking
So, because of the interlanguage reason an communication rules.
Azerbaijani student says “Melanie the poor Lexical mistakes. Before, lexical mistakes
helps”, but he/she has to say “Melanie helps were not given much attention, but this has
the poor”. recently changed. In fact, sometimes the
2. The internal language reason – it is a significance of lexical errors is greater than
frequently faced reason. For example, that of grammatical errors. The main reasons
students learn that the plural form of nouns for making lexical errors include:
is formed by “-s / -es”, that is why he/she  Borrowings – as it is known, approxi-
says childs, not children, oxes not oxen, oras mately 35% of words in the English language
they learned that making a plural form of are derived from French. The words with Lat-
countable nouns ending, with “f” they have in (anonymous), German (wanderlust), and
to change “f” to “v” then add “-es”, and the other origins also make up a significant por-
word chief becomes chieves, but it is chiefs. tion of the English lexicon, although in recent
Orfor making Past Simple he/she knows that years, we have seen an increasing number of
he /she has to add “– ed” at the end of the words from Italian (pizza, macaroni), Japa-
verb, as in play – played, so he adds “–ed” to nese (karaoke, sushi), Chinese (ketchup),
go – goed,read – readed, cut – cutted, too. Arabic (Safari), Turkic (kebab), and Portu-
That is why for each rule additional time guese (massage) origin. This trend is due to
must be given to exceptions. the increasing internationalization of our
3. The context of teaching. While speaking society and the development of trade and
about this reason, three factors – the cultural exchanges with other countries.
material under study, learning conditions  Lexical adaptation L1 to L2, for example,
and teacher are taken into account. Error instead of “Hello, friend” an Azerbaijani
making may be caused by the teacher’s student says “Salam, bro”.
unclear instruction, the inappropriatness of  Semantic mistakes – the student learns
the material or its inconformity withthe that “very” and “ many” have the same
students’ level, in which case they may not meanings and instead of “many” they can
understand it. That is why it is for the mis
teacher to use the relevant method, and pick
 use “very”, as:
up the adequate material, and teach it clearly
– There are very bookstores in my city
to motivate students.
(here not very, but many must be used);
Scholars have investigated the reasons for
– I love apple many much (must be
students’ making mistakes. One of them is J.
very, not many).
Edge. In her book “Mistakes and Correction”
Let’s have a look at another example – “I
(Edge, 1989), she defines four main causes of
have ten years old”, but it must be “I am ten
making mistakes:
years old”.
 students’ mother tongue interferes with
 Spelling errors are one of the most
teaching English;
common types of lexical errors, for example,
 students learn rules, but they cannot beautiful - beatifull , speak – spiik, brown –
apply it: it is part of the teaching process; braun, and so on.
 students try to express their feelings and  Construction mistakes – while making a
ideas despite he/she is right or wrong; sentence, students often make this type of
 when he/she is in a hurry. mistake.
J. Scrivener (Scrivener, 2011) notes that I do a lot of mistakes. – I make a lot of
while correcting mistakes, teachers must mistakes.
take into account the following: I want to intoduce you myself. – I want to
1. What is the type of mistake? introduce myself to you.
2. Must this mistake be corrected? Phonological errors. When one phoneme is
3. When must this mistake be corrected? substituted for another, phonological errors

ISSN 2076-586X (Print), 2524-2660 (Online) Серія «Педагогічні науки». Випуск № 2.2024

occur. For example, in the word “machine”,  Using a lot of abstract words;
students may pronounce it as [ məˈtʃiːn ] To avoid descriptive errors, speakers and
instead of [ məˈʃiːn ]. This is because they writers should use adjectives and adverbs,
have learned that the letter combination “ch” rather than abstract words (for example,
is pronounced as [tʃ]. Let’s take another instead of “poverty”, they could describe the
example, such as the word “cycle”. In this location and living conditions). The author
case, there are two “c” sounds, but they are should first define the genre - romance,
pronounced differently. The first “c” is thriller, detective, science fiction, etc.
pronounced [s] and the second “c” is Pragmatic errors. These are errors that
pronounced [k]. The correct pronunciation of occur during communication and can lead to
“cycle” is [saɪkl]. misunderstandings. They can include:
Morphological errors can also occur in this  linguistic pragmatic errors;
context. The suffix -ed, used to form the Past  social pragmatic errrors.
Simple Tense of verbs, may be pronounced as J.Edge has also defined a classification of
-t, -d, or -id. For example, when a student errors. She has categorized errors into three
hears [wɒʃt], he/she writes washt instead of categories: omission, misspelling, and effort.
washed. The plural suffix -(e)s can be pro- An omission is a minor error that a student
nounced as [s], [z] or [iz]. For example, stu- can correct with the help of a teacher or
dents may write “penz” instead of “pens”, or other students, such as omitting the “-s” at
they may pronounce “pens” as “penz”.
the end of a verb in the third person singular
Syntactical errors. Grammar is a
in Present Simple. However, if a student is
fundamental part of language. Without a
unable to correct his or her error with the
sound knowledge of grammar, we cannot
express our feelings, thoughts, and ideas assistance of others, this type of error is
accurately. Syntax, as a component of classified as a misspelling. If none of the
grammar, teaches us how words and phrases students are able to correct the error, the
are organized within a sentence and make teacher must re-teach the rule. Sometimes,
sense. In the following example, we can see students attempt to use an untaught rule
the significant role that syntax plays in our when expressing their thoughts, which is
speech and written communication: referred to as an effort error. J. Edge
Ayan helped Leyla with great pleasure. emphasizes that not all errors need to be
Leyla helped Ayan with great pleasure. corrected; rather, they should be selected.
Helped Ayan Leyla with great pleasure. Let’s discuss the concepts of “error” and
With great pleasure Ayan helped Leyla. “mistake”. A mistake occurs when a student
Syntactical errors include: makes a slip due to fatigue or self-correction.
 incorrect comma usage. An error, on the other hand, is a recurring
I love helping my mummy and feeding mistake, such as when a student
my cat. consistently uses the incorrect form of a verb
I love helping, my mummy, and feed- in a sentence. For example, if a student
ing, my cat. repeatedly says “She can sing”, it indicates
The first sentence is grammatically that they do not understand the rule
correct, but due to the use of commas,
regarding the use of “-s” or “-es” after modal
the second sentence is not correct and
verbs. Therefore, it is essential for the
has a different meaning and intonation.
teacher to employ various methods to teach
 Incorrect use of sentence fragments: The
this grammatical concept.
students with a strong command of a foreign
language can understand sentence frag- Error correction. Currently, the term
ments, but those who do not have a good “feedback” is predominantly used instead of
command of English may misinterpret them. “error”. D. Tedick (Tedick, 2013) views
Descriptive errors. In order to attract the feedback as a remedial process and identifies
attention of our interlocutors in oral and the following types of error correction:
written communication, we must make our  Explicit correction – the teacher shows
speech lively and interesting. Therefore, one that the student makes a mistake and
of the important aspects is to avoid corrects it. For example:
descriptive errors. By descriptive errors, we S: He read a novel.
mean: T: He reads a novel.
 Repeating the same words;  Recast – the teacher does not directly
 Being subjective rather than objective; correct the student’s mistakes. Instead, they
 Not using the five senses – sight, repeat the sentence in the correct form.
hearing, smell, touch, and taste; S: He read a novel.
 Using an indefinite genre of speech; T: Yes, he reads a novel.

Вісник Черкаського національного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького

 Clarification request – the teacher centered approach and discouraging

indicates that there may be an error and the students to correct themselves are negative
student corrects it independently. aspects. The teachers should use different
S: He read a novel. techniques to correct mistakes, as using the
T: Sorry? same method repeatedly can reduce its
S: He reads a novel. effectiveness. Students can record their
 Metalinguistic cues – the teacher does speech and listen to it later to correct their
not provide the correct answer directly, but mistakes. When other students correct, all
rather asks questions related to the students are more attentive and motivated,
grammatical rules, allowing the student to which can lead to better collaboration.
self-correct their mistakes. However, this approach also has the
S: He read a novel. potential to cause conflict among students or
T: third person singular “-s” lead to incorrect corrections. Students
S: He reads a ovel. should be aware that:
 Elucidation, prompting – the teacher  A student is not corrected directly, but
interrupts the student, asks them to identify mistakes in their speech are corrected.
and correct the error.  Making mistakes is normal and students
S: He read a novel. should learn from them.
T: Say it again.  It is more appropriate for students to
S: He reads a novel. correct their own mistakes or those of their
 Repetition – the teacher replicates the peers.
student’s mistake by altering their tone of  If necessary, the teacher will make
voice and intonation. corrections, but this is only the first stage, as
S: He read a novel. during communication, students should
T: He read a novel. strive for accurate and fluent speech.
S: He reads a novel. At the same time, the teacher should be
 Body language and mimics. attentive to mistakes, whether they are new
Mistakes can be corrected promptly or or repeated. If a mistake is new, it is
deferred. This depends on various factors. understandable, as it may be an indication of
One such factor is the nature of the lesson. the student learning new words or
For example, if new vocabulary is being grammatical structures. However, if a
taught, pronunciation errors should be mistake is repeated, this is a cause for
corrected immediately, whereas if fluency in concern. Such errors must be addressed and
reading is the focus, delayed correction may corrected.
be more appropriate. The teacher may seek The teacher should not use phrases such
assistance from students, asking them when as “No, you’re wrong!” as this may make the
they prefer to be corrected. To this end, the student feel ashamed and may even cause an
teacher may use traffic light-style indicators active student to become passive. It must
– red, yellow, and green cards – placed on also be noted that correction of errors is not
each student’s desk. A red card indicates “no always beneficial for the student.
correction”, a yellow card indicates On occasion, students may become bored
“important mistakes”, and a green card with frequent error correction. Therefore,
indicates “as many mistakes as possible”. By teachers should consider using various types
raising one of these indicators, students of games to correct errors. The aim of these
demonstrate their preference. games is to encourage students to identify,
The decision to correct or not to correct correct, and remember errors. Teachers can
mistakes in a lesson also depends on its employ oral and written games. Oral games
objectives. If the primary goal of the lesson is might include:
to improve speech accuracy, mistakes should  Mistake finding competition. Students are
be corrected immediately. However, if the divided into groups and try to find as many
focus is on fluency, errors may be corrected mistakes as they can. The number of
later or the teacher may choose a different mistakes is said beforehand. The group that
approach that does not hinder the student’s could not find right mistakes leaves the
ability to communicate. game. In the example of the following essay,
Mistakes can be corrected by teachers, the teacher says that there are 12 mistakes
students themselves, or other students. and groups must find out and correct them.
There are advantages and disadvantages to  Mistake-finding competition: The
teacher correction. To be clear, the positive students are divided into the teams and
aspects include time saving, immediate tasked with identifying as many errors in a
correction, and ensuring that all students given text as possible. The number of errors
hear the correction. However, a teacher- is predetermined. The teams that fail to

ISSN 2076-586X (Print), 2524-2660 (Online) Серія «Педагогічні науки». Випуск № 2.2024

identify all errors are eliminated from the problems. When I asked to workers I need my
competition. For example, in the case of the passports
provided essay, the instructor informs the For example, I want to get new bank card.
students that there are 12 errors and the I need write application. Then sign contract.
As my experience, if you are smaller than
teams must locate and correct them all. 18, you can not go or do without your
How can I ask something in the bank
parents. In modern life people do not need go
First I decide why I go to the bank and
to bank and ask something. We can solve our
what I want to do there. Then I go to the bank
problems online with application and with
and take order number. I am less than 18,
bank’s online assistents.
that is why I can not go without my parents.
One day I went and give them money and  Work in pairs. Students are divided into
asked one 200 manats. They said me: “Give A and B groups. Group A finds mistakes
your passport”. I showed them, they said : Group B and vice versa. The group who finds
”We can not help you, sorry.” and corrects all mistakes wins.
In future when I go to bank firstly at home  Work in pairs. The students are divided
I will take order number online, from bank’s into two groups, A and B. Group A will find
application. Because every time there are mistakes made by Group B, and vice versa.
many people and we can not wait. I asked
The group that finds and corrects all the
worker what is my problem. For example, “I
want to change money or my bank card has
mistakes first will be the winner.
Group A Group B
I can say that, I buy flowers at every evident Good and cute words make people to smile.
for my mom and I think that this is also way of
We also can to congratulate people for their Congratulate people, make they happy and
success in different jobs and activities. you will alsobe happy.
I will sing song about best friends. If I have a difficult to share, I do so gently.
If advice don’t be useful, correct and whole, Giving wrong advice is not a good ability,
else this advice is not good. because it is not help another people’s life.
İf you go bank at the first time, but you don’t The first, most basic step in giving advice is
know anything about bank or some questions, to not judge the other person.
you must go at reception.
When you give advice the idea is to give to Try to remove your own opinions from the
someone the tools to make their own decision, conversation and just focus on helping them
not make decision for them. come to their own conclusion.

 Management of error identification. The Year holiday, many families exchange gifts
students attempt to identify errors in the text with each other and place them under the
or sentence, and the teacher indicates how Christmas tree, then they gather together to
many errors remain (errors that students open their presents. Typically, people also
have corrected incorrectly are also included). include notes inside the gift with heartfelt
This activity continues until all errors have wishes for the recipient. These notes can be
been identified. as significant as the gift itself, as they convey
People extend congratulations to each other the feelings and sincerity of the giver.
on a variety of occasions, such as birthdays, Sometimes, simply being there to support
engagement parties, weddings, and holidays, someone can be more meaningful than any
among others. The manner in which we material gift.
extend our congratulations can have varying  Is there any error in this game? Two
effects depending on the words we choose. cards, “A” and “B”, are given to the students.
Therefore, it is important to carefully select our Two sentences, one correct and one
words when extending our congratulations. incorrect, are provided, following the same
Occasionally, the words we employ may come grammar rules. Occasionally, both sentences
across as rude, even though we may not have may be correct or incorrect, depending on the
intended for them to be so. For instance, when purpose of the exercise. The student raises
wishing someone a happy birthday, it would the card corresponding to the incorrect
not be appropriate to point out their age. answer. For example, “A: I drank a glass of
Instead, it is better to simply say “Happy
water”. “B: Children broke the glass by the
Birthday!” and then offer them wishes for
window”. The student would raise card “B”.
good things. Another occasion when we
Or “A: I need current news”. “B: Information
congratulate people is at weddings. We should
express our congratulations to the bride and is not clear”. At this point, the student must
groom by wishing them a happy married life raise both cards.
and a bright future together. We may also  Reaction to the mistake detection. The
present gifts to people as a form of teacher reads a text and, when students
congratulation. For instance, during the New detect a mistake, they raise their hands. For

Вісник Черкаського національного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького

each correct response, they receive a point. The group that has the most correctly placed
However, if they are unable to identify a sticky notes at the end of the activity wins.
mistake, they lose a point. At the conclusion  Right or wrong? Students are split into
of the activity, the student with the most two teams. Mistakes in their written work are
points wins. listed on cards A and B. If a mistake is listed
Now, let’s examine the written correction on card A, the corresponding correct answer
process: must be listed on card B. The students have
 Using a “grass stick”. The teacher writes approximately ten minutes to find and
all the mistakes made by students in their correct the mistakes, and at the end, all
essays on a separate piece of paper – a grass mistakes are discussed.
stick – and sticks them on the wall, dividing 1. You do not apologize with only words,
the students into groups of three. Each group you can big things.
must take a grass stick one at a time, return 2. Another way of congratulate people is
to their seats, correct the errors and show buying gift for them.
the corrected version to the teacher. If the 3. This means I should can enjoy my life.
response is correct, the next student in the 4. When I asked to workers I need my
group continues, but if it is incorrect, they passport.
must return to their seat and think about the a. Another way of congratulating people
error. The group with the most sticks wins. is to buy gifts for them.
If you will not be calm or will be angry. b. I asked workers when I needed my
Mathematicians are numbers, fractions, passport.
operations and others. c. This means I can (or should) enjoy
Some mistakes don’t accept with my life.
apologize. d. You should not apologize only by
I will not finished my study. words, you can do more things.
But you must become in prison.  Zero X game. The teacher prepares a
Before give advice, you thing good. large grid for the “X-O” game and writes
 Sticky notes. The teacher uses sticky incorrect sentences from students’ work on
notes to indicate incorrect answers on the it. The students are divided into “X” and “O”
board. Students are divided into groups and teams. Each student chooses one of the
assigned a number. They then receive a set of squares on the grid, corrects a mistake, and
sticky notes. They spend the entire class writes an “X” or “O”. The team that fills
period walking around, writing the corrected horizontal, vertical, or diagonal lines on the
answers on their sticky notes and attaching grid wins the game.
them to the appropriate place on the board.
I study at university and I We spends a week in Italy That mean “a” is a dividend
should graduated well. each year. which is divide by “b”.
If my best friend will married Ross ates all the chocolates. That’s effect will too bad for
with her boy-friend, I want everyone.
congratulated my best friend.
Because it’s help another You first believe your friend. I am give advice for example
people. about lesson.
 Matching game. This activity consists of Based on the aforementioned research, it
two phases. The teacher will prepare cards can be inferred that there is no one-size-fits-
with errors and cards with explanations of all approach for all students. It is up to the
these errors. She/he will then distribute teacher to decide when and how to correct
these cards to students. Students will match errors. Timely and constructive feedback can
the cards with errors with their lead to fewer errors, increased motivation,
corresponding explanations. In the and better outcomes. We must remember
subsequent phase, the teacher will collect the that “we learn from our mistakes”.
explanation cards and students will write
their own explanations. Edge, 1989 – Edge, J. (1989). Mistakes and Correction.
Conclusion. In the article, the opinions of Longman Keys to Language Teaching. London. 80 p.
numerous scholars and methodologists were (In Eng.).
consulted and it was concluded that Error Correction, 2008 – Error Correction (2008). Re-
trieved from
mistakes are an integral part of the learning
process. The controversial issue is who, correction (In Eng.).
when, and how mistakes should be Hattie, Yates, 2013 – Hattie, J., Yates, G.C. (2013). Visi-
corrected. In summary, the first step is to ble learning and the science of how we learn.
determine the cause of the error. Rutledge. 368 p. (In Eng.).

ISSN 2076-586X (Print), 2524-2660 (Online) Серія «Педагогічні науки». Випуск № 2.2024

Krashen, 1983 – Krashen, S.D. (1983). Natural ap- Tedick, 2013 – Tedick, D. (2013). Second Language
proach. New York: Pergamon. Pp. 20–22. (In Eng.). Teacher Education. International Perspectives.
Scrivener, 2011 – Scrivener, J. (2011). Learning Teach- Routledge. 376 p. (In Eng.).
ing, 3rd ed. MacMillan. 435 p. (In Eng.). Ur, 2012 – Ur, P. (2012). A Course in Language Teach-
ing. Cambridge Teacher Training and Development.
Cambridge University Press. 368 p. (In Eng.).

РАДЖАБОВА Нарміна Нарман гизи

Бакинський слов’янський університет
Анотація. У статті йдеться про причини поми- все одно припускаються численних помилок, адже це
лок, їх різновиди, а також про те, коли і хто має природний процес. Насправді помилки вказують на
виправляти помилки. Авторка дотримується думок те, що навчання має місце. Головне не самі помилки,
Д. Тедік, Дж. Ейдж, П. Ура та Дж. Скрівенера про а їх причини, коли, як і кому їх виправляти.
помилки та їх виправлення. У статті зазначено, що Результати. У статті використано точки зору
причинами помилок є міжмовні, внутрішньомовні багатьох учених і методистів та встановлено, що
особливості, контекст та ситуація, лексичні, фоно- помилка є частиною навчального процесу. А спірним є
логічні, синтаксичні, описові та прагматичні типи питання: хто, коли і як має виправляти помилки,
мовних одиниць та помилки можуть бути виправле- зважаючи на те, що спочатку необхідно визначити
ні викладачами, самими учнями або однокласниками. причини помилок.
Наприкінці статті надано інформацію про різні спо- Висновки. З викладеного вище можна дійти висно-
соби усної та письмової корекції. Якщо врахувати, що вку, що немає однозначних рекомендацій для всіх
навчання без помилок немає, а помилки відіграють студентів, розрахованих на будь-які умови. Від учи-
величезну роль у розвитку процесу навчання, то теля залежить, коли та як виправляти помилки.
стаття має актуальне значення. Своєчасний зворотний зв'язок може призвести до
Мета дослідження – показати причини помилок зменшення кількості помилок, підвищення мотивації
під час навчання іноземним (зокрема англійської) мов і та кращих результатів. Ми не маємо забувати, що
як їх виправляти за допомогою вправ. «Ми навчаємось на своїх помилках».
Методи. При вивченні цієї проблеми використову- Ключові слова: причини помилок; види помилок;
валися комунікативне навчання, метод послідовнос- завдання на виправлення помилок; вправи; навчання
тей, теоретичний аналіз та методи узагальнення. англійській мові.
Оригінальність. При вивченні англійської мови не-
минучі помилки. Учні роблять помилки, а вчителі – Одержано редакцією 01.05.2024
виправляють їх. Неважливо, наскільки зрозуміло Прийнято до публікації 02.06.2024
пояснює викладач, які методи він використовує, учні
MANSIMOVA Kifayat Gurban
Azerbaijan State Pedagogical College at the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
УДК 376.091:316.614(045)
This article discusses inclusive education, being create a culture of inclusion in educational institu-
a priority of educational policies of many countries tions, conventions are held with teachers, adminis-
worldwide, is based on international principles and trators, students, and parents. These conventions
standards. These principles include the humaniza- focus on inclusivity, the importance of inclusive
tion of education and the protection of human education, medical and social approaches to disa-
rights, including the right of every child to receive a bilities, and the roles of school staff and parents in
quality education. The article outlines these princi- providing inclusive education. During these conven-
ples and offers insights into their potential for im- tions, participants discuss how to best support
plementation. students with special educational needs in mass
To ensure the implementation of inclusive edu- educational settings, where they can learn and
cation, a range of international conventions and grow alongside their peers. It is important to re-
national legislative acts have been developed. member that each child’s unique needs must be
These documents promote the integration of chil- taken into account when planning their education
dren with special educational needs into general and upbringing.
educational settings, such as schools and kinder- The main purpose of this article is to identify
gartens. This approach is known as inclusive edu- general characteristics and dynamics of promoting
cation and is a key policy priority in many coun- social cohesion in inclusive education, as well as to
tries. Efforts are underway to raise awareness emphasize the importance of inclusive education.
among stakeholders about the importance of inclu- This purpose involves developing educational pro-
sive education and to support its implementation. grams in accordance with the individual character-
This includes providing training and resources istics and needs of students, which includes an
for teachers, parents, and other professionals who educational rationale for this process; eliminating
work with children with special needs. In order to inequality of opportunities in education; unlocking


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