Hydraulic Engineering
Energy dissipation occurs due to the combination of different phenomena such as: flow
aeration, sudden change in flow direction,
formation of hydraulic jump, among others.
Energy dissipators are structures that are designed to generate significant hydraulic losses
in high-speed flows. The objective is to reduce the speed and change the flow from
supercritical to subcritical regime.
In this research, in order to offer design engineers
a single document with design alternatives, a basic manual is developed
which is a guide with valid technical criteria that allow the selection of
optimal hydraulic energy dissipation structures.
The basic manual for the design of hydraulic energy dissipation structures
will analyze the most frequently used types of energy dissipators, their design,
operation and application under different flow conditions. 2. FUNCTIONS OF ENERGY
The energy along hydraulic structures is generally large if
discharges are through outlet conduits or drops, so the expenditure of
©2013 ESPE, Quito, Ecuador
Hydraulic Engineering
energy from high velocity flows is required to prevent impact on
river channels, minimize erosion, and prevent problems in hydraulic structures
The most common control mechanism for free surface structures is the
presence of critical flow (Froude number = 1) at a well-defined location,
since this is where the minimum energy occurs. However, in
energy dissipation structures, the approach flow usually
shows variations between supercritical and subcritical, since they are the result of
a wide range of flow rates and velocities for a defined geometry. Another process that is
frequently present and must be considered in the analysis of the approach flow is the entry
of air, as well as the presence of a non-permanent flow characterized by a pulsating flow.
These phenomena are related to high flow velocities, which normally exceed the values
corresponding to the critical Froude.
The hydraulic jump is the sudden rise in the water level that occurs in an open channel as a
consequence of the delay suffered by a water current that flows at high speed.
©2013 ESPE, Quito, Ecuador
Hydraulic Engineering
Figure 1. Flow Transition
Source. Juma, J. 2012. Hydraulic Model Study of the Tunnel Exit Structures in the Soplora
Hydroelectric Project. Thesis.
This phenomenon presents a state of forces in equilibrium, in which a violent change of the
flow regime takes place, from supercritical to subcritical. That is to say that
the transition of this flow is known as a hydraulic jump, being a region of
rapidly varying flow.
From a practical point of view, the hydraulic jump is a useful means to dissipate
excess energy in a supercritical flow, its merit is in preventing possible
downstream erosion because it rapidly reduces the flow velocity on
©2013 ESPE, Quito, Ecuador
Hydraulic Engineering
a protected floor to a point where the flow loses its capacity to undermine the
downstream natural channel bed.
The hydraulic jump used for energy dissipation is often partially or totally confined in a
section of channel known as a
dissipation basin or stilling basin, the bottom of which is lined to resist scour.
As a preventive measure, it is necessary to take into account that energy dissipation is
correctly achieved by strong turbulence or by effective flow diffusion. However, the designs
of an energy dissipatorThesis.
...Advancements in Hydraulic Machines and Systems: This article delves into modern
hydraulic technologies, focusing on challenges such as energy efficiency and the operational
flexibility required in varying market demands. It also explores transient phenomena in
hydraulic systems and innovative approaches to enhance their lifespan
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