We live in a world in which the only certainty is uncertainty. As the world becomes more
interconnected and interdependent, it also becomes more complex. And it’s changing rapidly:
New customers and competitors can appear, evolve, and disappear before we have a chance to
respond. Technology is constantly changing, new political realities can create new regulatory
and legal requirements to meet, and malicious hackers seem to learn faster than our ability to
thwart them.
In response to this uncertainty, we accept the fact that we cannot predict the future. The best
we can do is to act intentionally, taking small steps forward, embracing uncertainty, embracing
empiricism, and using feedback loops to learn. This is the heart of agility and the foundation of
Scrum: planning in small increments, delivering a working Product Increment, inspecting the
result, and adapting, repeatedly and with complete transparency. But for agility to work, it must
be pursued with professionalism.
Evidence of a lack of professionalism is everywhere: from the order that arrives with the wrong
items, to the phone app that won’t work, to the reports of security breaches that expose our
private information to unauthorized parties. It manifests itself in projects that spiral out of
control, costing millions of dollars while delivering nothing of value. It also manifests itself in
personal terms: valuable working years wasted without developing new skills or opening up new
opportunities. It undermines trust and damages working relationships. Anyone who has worked
in product development has experienced at least some of its symptoms:
• Lack of transparency with respect to progress, quality, and outcomes
• Promising false certainty and avoiding open and honest conversations about complexity
and risk
• Cutting quality to save money or time
• Avoiding accountability
• Delivering products that do not achieve acceptable quality so as to hit a delivery date
• Ignoring new information and carrying on with the plan
This book aims to dispel the myths, correct misunderstandings, and help organizations to use
Scrum to deliver high-quality products and experiences for their customers. In short, it aims to
help organizations apply Scrum while achieving professionalism.
We had a lot of help and support in writing this book. First, we must thank Dave West, Kurt
Bittner, and Ken Schwaber for their trust, support, encouragement, and perspective on what felt
like an almost impossible challenge—writing a book that illuminates the power of Scrum,
providing practical guidance, and moving people toward discovering their own Scrum mastery
journey. Kurt Bittner performed the magic necessary to help us express our ideas more simply
and effectively. Of course, we have to thank Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland for creating
Scrum itself, which has given us paths to fulfilling work that aligns with our values and purpose.
We have so much gratitude for the Professional Scrum Trainer community, whose members
have supported us in our growth as product delivery practitioners, Professional Scrum Trainers,
and entrepreneurs. Their generosity in sharing knowledge and experience, their commitment to
learning and growth, and their willingness to show up fully make us grateful to be part of this
community every single day.
Many individuals have inspired and challenged us in our personal Scrum mastery journeys. Our
deepest gratitude goes to Todd Greene, Richard Hundhausen, Stacy Martin, Don McGreal, Steve
Porter, Ryan Ripley, Steve Trapps, and many, many more.
—Simon and Stephanie
4 See Mary Poppendieck and Tom Poppendieck, Lean Software Development: An Agile
Toolkit (Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2003).
Delivering value in a complex world means that there are few rules and no “best practices” that
a team can apply. Instead, team members are guided by an agile mindset to make decisions
based on the best data available to them.
Teaching Skills
Teaching is instructing others in an effort to give them new knowledge and skills. Often, Scrum
Masters employ their teaching skills to help team members understand the Scrum Framework
and its underlying values and principles. Scrum Teams will likely need to be introduced to
techniques that can help them move forward with Scrum and become more effective with
The skills and knowledge that a Scrum Team needs to continuously improve and tackle new
challenges will change over time. Scrum Masters recognize what the Scrum Team needs based
on its growth as a team and the current context to help the team get to the next level needed.
This may be professional training, short exercises and knowledge sharing, a refresher course, a
situational teaching moment, or a combination of all of these.
Of course, it is not always the Scrum Master who needs to teach the team. Product Owners may
teach Development Teams about the product market, customer needs, and business value.
Development Team members may teach each other about quality practices, testing approaches,
and tools.
Teaching does not simply mean telling people things; that is, teaching is not a lecture. People
learn much more effectively by doing and discovering. They learn by relating to what they
already know. They also learn when the new knowledge and skills have an emotional impact.
Teaching is not something everyone can do. Some people may have an innate teaching ability,
but ultimately teaching is a capability that people can develop and grow. Luckily, you do not
have to be at the level of a professional teacher to employ and develop this capability.
Facilitation Skills
Facilitators guide groups by using a neutral perspective to help them come to their own
solutions and make decisions. The facilitator provides a group with enough structure to enable
the members to engage in positive collaboration to achieve productive progress in meetings and
conversations. The word “facile” is French for “easy” or “simple”; thus, a facilitator is trying to
make things easier for a group of people to work together.
Facilitation skills can help improve every Scrum event. In addition, facilitation can help improve
other working sessions as well as ad hoc conversations that occur when teams are doing
complex work together.
The extent of facilitation can range from light to extensive, depending on the needs of the
group. Wherever a meeting or conversation falls on this range, ensure there is enough structure
to meet the following aims:
• Stay on target with their purpose or goals.
• Create an environment that promotes rich discussion and collaboration.
• Clarify the group’s decisions, key outcomes, and next steps.
Any team member can help the team by facilitating. The Scrum Guide does not require the
Scrum Master to facilitate all of the events; instead, facilitation is a skill that can and should be
grown across a Scrum Team. Facilitation skills also help team members guide their own informal
conversations and working sessions with each other to be more focused, creative, and
Coaching Skills
Coaching enhances a person’s ability to learn, make changes, and achieve desired goals. It is a
thought-provoking and creative process that enables people to make conscious decisions and
empowers them to become leaders in their own lives.5
5 For even more information on coaching, see the International Coach Federation
( and the Coach Training Institute (
Our view is that coaching is not the same as advising or consulting. The key difference is that the
person being coached is the one taking the lead. With advising, the person being advised is not
learning and discovering based on his or her own experiences and desires, but rather receives
advice based on someone else’s experience and desires. “Consulting” is a broad and loosely
used term, but it typically involves doing the work (versus helping others discover solutions) and
advising people how to do the work.
Coaching skills help Scrum Teams grow because they help the team members improve their
accountability and ability to self-organize. They also help the team become more resilient when
faced with complexity, new challenges, and constant change.
Technical Excellence
Technical excellence means excellence in the choice and application of techniques; it is not just
about the technology. Scrum doesn’t tell you how to be an excellent Development Team, nor
does it tell you how to be an excellent Product Owner. The approaches, skills, and tools you will
need in each role are completely dependent on the context in which you are working. Although
Scrum doesn’t define what sort of things you will need to exhibit technical excellence, doing
Scrum well absolutely requires that you demonstrate technical excellence. Technical excellence
encompasses many things: from engineering practices to programming languages, from product
management practices to quality assurance, from mechanical engineering to user experience
design, and much more.
Because technology and business are changing so rapidly, along with other environmental
changes that impact product possibilities, any attempt to define exactly what is needed to
deliver with technical excellence would become outdated immediately. Furthermore, products
are becoming much more than just software. As a result, Scrum Teams need to constantly refine
and evolve what technical excellence means to them as business and technology needs change.
Servant Leadership
The Scrum Guide describes the Scrum Master as a servant-leader and provides examples of
ways that the Scrum Master serves the Product Owner, the Development Team, and the
organization. Scrum Masters are accountable servant-leaders, which means a Scrum Master’s
success is determined by the success of his or her Scrum Team. A Scrum Master helps everyone
grow their capabilities, effectively navigate limitations and challenges, and embrace empiricism
to deliver, on a frequent cadence, valuable products in a complex and unpredictable world.
However, there is an artful complexity to fulfilling the accountability of the Scrum Master role.
When success depends on the actions of others, it is easy to want to direct them and step in
when things appear to be going off-course. Yet such intervention can undermine self-
organization and their feeling of accountability. This is where the capabilities of servant
leadership guide a Scrum Master.
Here are examples of behaviors of accountable Scrum Masters:
• They create an environment of safety, encouraging productive debate to ensure people
feel heard and respected, thereby helping teams reach better decisions and own those
• They facilitate consensus, helping teams clarify decisions and responsibilities to increase
focus and create shared understanding.
• They refrain from solving problems and aim to increase transparency, which empowers
teams and helps them to better self-organize, taking ownership of their process,
decisions, and outcomes.
• They are comfortable with failure and ambiguity. When team decisions do not lead to
the anticipated outcome, they help the team learn and grow and gain confidence in
using an empirical approach that maximizes learning and controls risk.
• They care for people, meeting them where they are and helping them find their next
step for growth, but are not afraid to challenge people when they are capable of more.
• They show low tolerance for organizational impediments and fiercely advocate for the
team to remove obstacles that are preventing the team from achieving better results.
These behaviors contribute to higher engagement, faster feedback, and better outcomes for the
product. When managers of Scrum Teams and other leaders in the organization act as
accountable servant-leaders, they support the growth of both Scrum Teams and agility across
the wider organization.6
6 You can learn more about servant leadership in the context of Scrum from Geoff Watts’ Scrum
Mastery (Inspect & Adapt Ltd., 2013).
In Figure 1-1, a Scrum Team’s three major pain points are circled, and each possible cause is
shown as contributing to one or more of the pain points. Now that they have visualized the
problems and root causes, the Scrum Team can make better-informed decisions about where to
start to fix the most critical issues. Although there is no magic formula to address all possible
root causes, an iterative and incremental approach will allow the team to discover the best
options for them at this point of time. Improving incrementally is done by employing
empiricism. By discussing challenges and their possible root causes, you have created
transparency and enabled inspection of that transparent information.
8 Trying things out in a structured and disciplined way is the foundation for the scientific
method; see
To effectively use experiments to improve, follow these steps:
1. Identify the problem you are trying to solve. You’ve probably got some ideas
about this from your root cause analysis.
2. Create a hypothesis about some action that you think you can take to improve.
3. Decide what you will do to test this hypothesis.
4. Run the experiment.
5. Analyze the results. This includes comparing actual results against expectations,
reflecting on learning, and getting feedback.
6. Refine and repeat. This may include modifying the hypothesis or the experiment.
When you design the experiment, be clear about the following points:
• What are you trying to learn?
• How will you measure success?
• How soon can you get feedback?
When you design the experiment, you also want to consider the potential return on investment
(ROI) of the experiment. Ideally, the experiment should be reasonably small, so you can
minimize the investment and get feedback sooner. The experiment should also provide
sufficient value. The low-hanging fruit may be fast and easy to pick, but you may get less return
from it. The higher-value things may take more investment, time, and energy.
There is no one right answer. You have to consider your team’s unique pain points and unique
needs. You have to get creative about breaking down the big stuff into smaller experiments of
higher value. By doing so, you can improve iteratively and incrementally.
Now you know where you are—and you know where you want to be. As you start identifying
experiments to run in an effort to move closer to where you want to be, create an improvement
backlog. Order these items and begin.
In the same way that Scrum uses an empirical approach to solve complex problems and deliver
valuable products, you can use an empirical approach to solve complex problems and maximize
the benefits of Scrum. You can do this at the Scrum Team level and at other levels of the
organization beyond the Scrum Team. For an individual Scrum Team, this cycle of continuous
improvement is already built into the cadence of a Sprint and the use of a Sprint Retrospective
to inspect and adapt as a Scrum Team. In addition, it is up to each Scrum Team to determine the
amount of time that needs to be devoted to improvement each Sprint and how to organize and
validate the improvements made each Sprint.
Success or Failure?
Is it possible for a success to be a failure? Is it possible for a failure to be a success?
You may have noticed that many of the Business Agility assessment questions in Appendix
A deal with outcomes (e.g., value, quick delivery). Although outcomes are most important,
behaviors can also be important when they help build a team’s capabilities.
You cannot control all of the variables in complex work and the unpredictable environmental
conditions around you. If you could, then you would plan everything out in advance, follow that
plan, and obtain guaranteed results. In the messy real world, however, you may do all the “right
things” and still not get the desired outcomes. This is why it is important to look at behaviors as
As you analyze the results of your experiments or improvement steps, consider both outcomes
and behaviors, especially their trends over time. For example, consider the situation in which a
Development Team uncovers major technical challenges with a new integration. The
Development Team started this work on the first day of the Sprint because team members knew
it would be more challenging and had previously learned the hard way that they should tackle
the riskier items sooner. They swarmed. They informed the Product Owner of the situation and
worked together to break the work down smaller. Ultimately, though, they didn’t get to “Done.”
In this example, there is a clear failure: The team does not have a “Done” Increment. Yet there is
also a success: The team applied learning from their previous experience and did the best they
could with what they knew at the time. They collaborated, negotiated, and adapted throughout
the Sprint. The key is to find new learning to do even better next time. Perhaps the team will
decide to adjust how they do Product Backlog refinement to break items down in a different
way. Maybe they will identify a skill gap to address. Maybe they will decide to change their
development practices or tools.
Ultimately, there are two questions to ask:
• Did we do the best we could with what we knew at the time?
• How can we do better?
The seven key improvement areas we focus on—an agile mindset, empiricism, teamwork, team
process, team identity, product value, and organization—provide a lens through which you can
inspect your team’s ability to achieve its goals and find ways to improve. By looking for
underlying root causes, running experiments to try to improve, and then inspecting and
adapting, you can gradually, consistently, and continuously improve your ability to achieve
better results.
The seven key areas also provide a lens through which you can observe outcomes and
behaviors. You can look for underlying root causes, peeling the onion. This lens creates focus
and clarity so that you can reflect and take intentional action.
You improve empiricism by employing empiricism. You must create transparency about the
desired outcomes of the improvements and regularly inspect and adapt your way toward
maximizing the benefits of Scrum.
Review your notes from your self-assessment questions and ratings and consider the following
• What do you notice about the data?
• What trends do you see?
• What new insights did you gain from this assessment?
Using what we have discussed in this chapter for guidance, hold a collaborative discussion with
your Scrum Team to take the following steps:
1. Identify the top two or three pain points.
2. For each one, identify possible root causes.
3. Choose two or three root causes to address.
4. Create an ordered list of the first improvements you want to implement. For
each of these “experiments,” be sure to clarify expected outcomes and how you will
measure results.
5. Begin.
2. Creating a Strong Team Foundation
Agile success starts with a strong team. Ideally that team is cohesive, cross-functional, and self-
organizing, though most teams start out as a collection of individuals who have to learn how to
work with each other to achieve their shared goals. Members of new Scrum Teams, especially
those who are not used to working as part of a cross-functional team, often struggle at first to
produce “Done” Product Increments in every Sprint. In this chapter, we consider how teams can
overcome these challenges.
1. For ideas on how to leverage the Scrum values and the Agile Manifesto values
( to refine a team’s identity,
Personality differences create conflict, but these same differences create diversity that
expands perspectives in ways that make teams more innovative and effective.3 When
teams are effective, team members figure out how to navigate conflict in healthy ways.
• Emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is about understanding and managing
your own emotions and behaviors and being able to recognize and influence the
emotions of others.4 Emotional intelligence helps people understand when and how to
express their personality traits.
5. Travis Bradbury and Jean Greaves, Emotional Intelligence 2.0 (TalentSmart, 2009).
• Intrinsic motivation. While motivation matters for all work, self-organizing teams simply
are not effective unless each team member is intrinsically motivated. As Dan Pink notes
in Drive, knowledge workers are not motivated by extrinsic rewards like money; instead,
they are motivated by three factors:6
6. Dan Pink’s book Drive (Riverhead Books, 2011) provides a compelling discussion of
what motivates people working on complex intellectual tasks, which is summarized in
the following short video: For more
information, see
• Autonomy. People are in control of how they do their work.
• Mastery. People have the ability to become great at something, to grow and
sharpen their knowledge and skills.
• Purpose. People feel they are working on something bigger than themselves.
They see meaning in their work.
In Practice: Personality and Emotional Intelligence
A Scrum Team has built up frustration with a team member named Alex whom team members say is
“negative,” “antagonistic,” and “? ippant.” The new Scrum Master has been getting these complaints
from individuals for a few weeks. She has also closely observed interactions between Alex and the rest of
the team and senses that Alex’s personality puts him low on the agreeableness scale.7
7. While many models for understanding personality preferences have been developed, the factor
agreeableness comes from the Five Factor Model. See
Through a series of one-on-one conversations with Alex and team members, as well as leveraging
opportunities presented in team discussions about their work, the Scrum Master helps create a better
understanding of differences in personality and the benefits they provide. Team members begin to
realize that Alex is not trying to be negative or skeptical of their ideas. His nature is simply to question
things first in an attempt to understand better, to ensure that there has been sufficient exploration. They
even begin to appreciate and seek his input more often. Alex also has a better understanding of how his
comments can be perceived negatively by team members and even feel hurtful, and he is more mindful
of how he questions and explores his colleagues’ ideas.
By learning more about their own and each other’s personalities, team members are better able to
choose how they show up in their daily interactions. In turn, they are better able to achieve desired
outcomes while feeling more ease in how they work together.
Successful teams are composed of team members who are self-aware enough to understand
their own strengths, have sufficient emotional intelligence to adapt their reactions to those
around them, and are intrinsically motivated to work with others to achieve things that they
could not achieve on their own.8
8. For more on the skills and traits that individuals can grow to become better at teamwork,
see Teamwork Is an Individual Skill by Christopher Avery (ReadHowYouWant, 2012) and The
Ideal Team Player by Patrick Lencioni (Jossey-Bass, 2016).
9. “T-shaped skills” is a metaphor for a person having broad problem-solving or business domain
skills as well as deeper skills in an area of specialty (see
shaped_skills). Pi and comb-shaped skills simply refer to a person having deep skills in more
than one area of specialty.
Development Teams own their cross-functionality. Indeed, this is a key aspect of self-
organization. A Development Team may choose to add someone to the team to gain more skills
and knowledge. Team members may also choose to get formal training or spend time on self-
directed learning so as to develop broader and deeper skills and knowledge. In addition, a
Development Team may choose to work in a way that supports mentoring aimed at further
growing existing team members. As the product and the team evolve, the distribution of skills
and knowledge across team members will need to evolve as well.
Shared Goals
All great teams need a goal—the more audacious, the better. They need something toward
which they can strive and stretch, and an achievement against which they can measure
themselves. Without shared goals, it is easy for team members to follow divergent paths and for
a team to lose purpose and cohesion.
Shared goals usually start with the goals for the product, expressed in terms of a clearly
articulated business strategy, a well-defined product vision, a clear understanding of customer
value, and a clear way to measure it. All of these aspects provide guidance that helps teams see
where they are headed and what is important.
The Sprint Goal is also important and provides an overarching purpose or objective for the
Scrum Team while conducting the Sprint. It provides focus as the team uncovers new
information and encounters challenges while building the Increment during the Sprint. You can
look at Sprint Goals as the waypoints that make up the path to meeting bigger, longer-term
release or business goals.
Getting even more granular, every day the Daily Scrum is focused on the work that the
Development Team will undertake in the next 24 hours to progress toward the Sprint Goal.
Clear Accountability
Scrum provides clear accountabilities for each role. The organization must respect these
accountabilities. This means ensuring Scrum Team members are given the authority to fulfill
their roles. Team members also need the knowledge and skills to fulfill their accountabilities.
This may require an investment in knowledge transfer and training. It may also mean giving
people access to information to help guide decisions.
Of course, Scrum Team members need sufficient time to fulfill their roles. When team members
have multiple responsibilities beyond their Scrum role, it is important to assess the impact this
may have. Which role takes priority? Do individuals have sufficient time to fulfill their Scrum
role? How about their other roles? What happens when the individual has to make a difficult
choice to let something drop to fulfill the Scrum role, or vice versa?
Furthermore, if a misalignment occurs between how individual performance is assessed and
what individual members are accountable for, this can create a dilemma for team members to
navigate. Should they do what is in their own best interest for the purposes of having a “good
performance review”? Or should they do what’s best to fulfill their Scrum role?
What it takes to fulfill the Product Owner role, the Development Team role, and the Scrum
Master role will change over time as the product, the business, and the Scrum Team evolve. To
ensure that these needs can be addressed, it is important for Scrum Teams to continue
assessing what is needed now and in the near future.
The Scrum Framework, including its 11 elements and the rules that bind them together,
provides boundaries that make it “safe” for the Scrum Team to self-organize. By “safe,” we
mean that the risk of failure is reduced and the cost of failure is limited.
Time-boxes in Scrum are an example of boundaries that provide focus, create a sense of
urgency, reduce waste, and limit risk. Consider how the use of time-boxes is providing these
benefits to the team or where their benefits may be lacking.
A “Done” Increment is required at least by the end of a Sprint, and a definition of “Done”
provides a clear boundary of what quality and completeness means to a Development Team.
Note that an organization may have a minimum baseline definition of “Done”—this is an
example of the organization setting the minimal boundary that a Development Team can then
build upon.
There may be a need to establish and clarify boundaries beyond the Scrum Framework. These
boundaries may relate to technology decisions, team development, or many other categories.
Ask these kinds of questions to clarify boundaries:
• What decisions is the Scrum Team empowered to make?
• Who does the team need to consult for certain types of decisions?
• Who does the team need to inform when it makes certain types of decisions?
For example, a Scrum Team may need to consult with an Enterprise Architecture group when
team members want to bring a new technology into their product platform. They may simply
need to inform an Enterprise Architecture group when they are making changes that grow the
size of their product platform.
Another example is the decisions that a Scrum Team can make regarding team development. A
Scrum Team is autonomous in how its members work together to build the Increment, teaching
and mentoring each other to grow skills, but the team may have to consult a manager when it
wants to invest more than a specific dollar amount for training and other learning resources.
Leadership and Self-Organization
Leadership is essential for creating the conditions for effective self-organization. In Turn the Ship Around!,
David Marquet describes the relationships among the three factors of control (i.e., giving more control),
competence, and clarity as a means to create a space of intent-based leadership.
The leader’s job is to support Development Teams in their efforts to increase their overall competence.
The leader can help teams build competence and clarity and then give them more control. Alternatively,
the leader can give more control first and then fill in the competence and clarity. The way to rapidly
change and improve is to give more control first, which requires that leaders trust their teams. It is easier
for them to do this when they have the boundary of a Sprint to create focus and minimize the impacts of
People develop competence and clarity fastest when they learn by doing the work—that is the essence of
empiricism! Even when they come up short of their goals, they learn new things that help them move
closer to the goal the next time they try. Some agilists refer to this approach as “failing fast” but, in truth,
the only real failure is failure to learn from experiments.
10. If you have read Patrick Lencioni’s leadership fable The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (Jossey-
Bass, 2002), these assets may seem familiar. In his highly acclaimed book, Lencioni presents five
dysfunctions. Here we focus on the opposite of these dysfunctions—that is, the assets of
collaborative teams.
• Trust
• Productive conflict
• Commitment
• Accountability
• Shared goals and outcomes
These assets, as depicted in Figure 2-4, build upon one another. If you don’t have trust, it will be
impossible to have the other four assets. If you don’t have productive conflict, it will be
impossible to have commitment, accountability, and shared goals. And so on for each asset.
Trust, in this context, means willingness to be vulnerable with one’s fellow team members, such
as willingness to admit a mistake or ask for help. When team members trust each other, they
are open to productive conflict: They are willing to challenge each other, to challenge
assumptions, and to be open to and share what they think may be wild and crazy ideas.11
14. The Thomas–Kilman Instrument (TKI) is one tool for understanding conflict response modes.
Conflict tends to escalate in a graduated way. It may start with simple differences in perspectives and
ideas. Perhaps personal factors and environmental factors might then contribute to conflict progressing
in ways that are driven by a need to protect oneself, to be validated, or to uphold deeply ingrained belief
systems. Also, people may turn to techniques such as forming coalitions, undermining, or even
threatening. What is important is to recognize the level of conflict and respond in ways that move people
toward a shared commitment to seek the best possible outcomes.
Being able to engage in and resolve conflict productively is important for selforganizing teams. Some
teams may need help in the form of learning how to engage in productive conflict. Other teams may need
help with facilitating the de-escalation of unhealthy conflict. And in some cases (e.g., harassment, risk of
physical or emotional harm), immediate action may be needed to intervene, separate, and take
appropriate steps.15
15. We encourage you to look for additional resources to understand models for conflict. We will offer
two to explore here, but keep in mind that the best model is one that helps you and your team engage in
productive conflict. While Speed Leas applied his Levels of Conflict model in religious organizations, it has
been embraced in the agile community and written about here:
managing-conflict. Another model to consider is Friedrich Glasl’s nine-stage model of conflict
Commitment, in this context, means that once the team resolves conflicts and reaches
consensus, team members are committed to the decision because they perceive that their ideas
and perspectives are respected by their fellow team members. We often use the phrase
“disagree and commit” to reflect that team members may still hold to their own opinions, but
they commit to their fellow team members to respect the team’s decision.
In Practice: Facilitating Consensus
The consensus techniques described here are ways to gather quick and transparent data about where a
team stands on a decision. Here are a few examples of when these techniques could be used:
• To determine the Sprint events schedule.
• To confirm the Development Team’s agreement on the Sprint Goal and the Sprint Backlog.
• During collaboration sessions for design or architecture approaches.
• In Product Backlog refinement sessions to determine how to break down features/functions into
smaller PBIs and/or how and when to run experiments for feedback and learning.
The assumption when you use these techniques is that sufficient discussion has already happened to
ensure everyone’s ideas have been explored for shared understanding, and everyone has been heard.
Fist of Five is a consensus technique that allows groups of people to quickly understand where they agree
or disagree. People indicate their level of support by holding up one hand and indicating a number. It may
take a few rounds of discussion and check-in to reach a consensus-based decision. You can use time-
boxes to help keep the discussions focused and avoid getting into analysis paralysis.16
16. For more information, see Jean Tabaka’s book Collaboration Explained: Facilitation Skills for Software
Project Leaders (Addison-Wesley Professional, 2006).
Roman Voting is derived from how the Romans indicated their will in the gladiatorial arena. With this
technique, people indicate their level of support with a thumbs-up, thumbs-sideways, or thumbs-down
• Thumbs-up means I support this.
• Thumbs-sideways means I will go along with the will of the group.
• Thumbs-down means I do not support this and wish to address the group.
If all thumbs are down or all thumbs are up, you have quite clear consensus. In case of a mixed vote, be
sure to allow people with thumbs-down to speak. Be cautious of decisions where all thumbs are sideways
because the group may have some artificial harmony or unhealthy conflict that needs to be explored at a
deeper level.17
Accountability, in this context, means that team members hold each other accountable for the
commitments they have made. It takes courage to challenge a fellow team member for not
upholding commitments. Because accountability is built on trust, along with the knowledge that
everyone shares the same goals, the inherent conflict in these conversations is defused and
channeled toward productive discussions about how to move forward.
Team members holding each other accountable is more effective than management holding
teams accountable. This is also why commitment is the building block that leads to holding each
other accountable. Team members will feel more accountable for their own commitments than
for commitments others make on their behalf.
When team members are willing to hold each other accountable, they enable the team to set
and meet higher standards. This could show up as higher quality, better solutions, greater
learning, and more innovation.
When there is accountability within a team, it is then possible to focus on shared goals and
19. For more on learning cultures, see Peter M. Senge, The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of
Learning Organization (New York: Doubleday/Currency, 1990).
In Practice: How Stable Does a Team’s Composition Need to Be?
A stable team is one whose team members don’t split their time too much with other teams and whose
team composition doesn’t change too much over time. Members of a stable team can form better
working relationships because they spend more time together, which allows time for the members to
develop trust in each other. These teams also tend to be more familiar with the product and the business
domain because they spend more time working on a single product.
Some organizations find it difficult to maintain stable teams because their products don’t need to change
quickly, so they do not need a dedicated team. Furthermore, team members may want to work on diff
erent products, learn new technologies and business domains, and work with diff erent people.
Even when team members could work on one team, the team may need to vary the skills on the team
over time, so it may need to move people on and off the team. Or perhaps team members may be shared
with other teams when they all need the same scarce skills.
Virginia Satir created a five-stage change model that describes the eff ects that each stage has on
feelings, thinking, performance, and physiology.20 As depicted in Figure 2-6, at the point of change, the
team enters resistance where it experiences a decline in performance. This change interrupts stability
and familiarity, and some individuals may be in denial, avoidance, or even blocking mode. Chaos is the
period of erratic performance that occurs while the team members search for a way to deal with and
incorporate the change in their world. When they find this transforming idea, they enter integration.
During this time, performance trends upward as the team integrates this new change and even sees how
it can be beneficial. Ultimately, team members find a new status quo in which they have fully assimilated
the change.
Figure 2-
6 Introducing change to a team causes instability and a drop in performance.
When we implement planned change, such as adding a team member, we are hoping that the new status
quo will be greater than the old status quo. But, of course, there is no guarantee that we will achieve this
So what’s the answer? The goal is “stable enough.” The goal is for the Scrum Team to find a dynamic
stability—that the team can recover quickly from a change, whether planned or unplanned. When you
are implementing a planned change such as adding or removing team members to an existing team and
when you are forming new teams, involve team members in the decision-making process. When possible,
let them own the decision. If team members have a say, it is more likely that the inevitable drop in
performance will be less severe and last for a shorter time, and ultimately the team may experience
higher performance from the change.
Team stability should be something you inspect and adapt to frequently. Observe behaviors and
outcomes. Get input from team members. Consider how the amount of change in your team composition
could be contributing to less desirable behaviors and outcomes.
Some general advice is to move work to the teams, rather than teams to the work. Amazing teams can
learn new things, but growing amazing teams takes time and usually presents the greater challenge.
When a team has found that magic, take advantage of it as long as it makes sense.
21. See Lyssa Adkins’ Coaching Agile Teams: A Companion for ScrumMasters, Agile Coaches, and
Project Managers in Transition (Addison-Wesley Professional, 2010), page 21.
At the performing stage, Scrum Teams tend to focus on the following aspects:
• Improving the quality and completeness of a “Done” Increment
• Improving the value they deliver to customers
• Removing impediments
• Growing team skills and knowledge
• Improving their way of working through Sprint Retrospective actionable improvements
Considering the “Done” Product Increment as a shared goal, if a Scrum Team fails to deliver a
releasable Increment, it has produced nothing of value and has not demonstrated business
agility. It does not matter what the individuals accomplished during the Sprint—as a team they
have failed to deliver a valuable outcome.
To prevent this from happening, team members adapt what they are doing and how they are
doing it when challenges arise so that they can achieve the most valuable outcome in alignment
with their shared goals. Productive and adaptable teams have the following characteristics:
• Are confident that, as a team, they can solve any problem
• Are committed to team success over individual success, considering both short-term and
long-term impacts
• Are driven by results and take responsibility for their results, seeking better outcomes
• Are hyper-transparent
• Make value-driven, consensus-based decisions
• Actively seek productive conflict
• Are willing to push themselves beyond their comfort zone
• Always look to improve their effectiveness and productivity
• Are able to adapt fluidly to unexpected change
• Take responsibility for their process, tools, and interactions—if something isn’t working,
team members take ownership of changing their experience
Which of these characteristics do you recognize in teams you work with now or that you have
worked with in the past? How did it feel to be part of these teams?
Strong, resilient, cross-functional, and self-organizing teams provide the essential foundation for
agile success. Shared values and goals bind the team together and provide team members with
principles they can all align to and use to guide decision-making. While all teams will develop at
their own pace, creating an environment to enable and grow self-organization, cross-
functionality, and effective collaboration is essential if teams are to become high performing
and to realize the benefits of Scrum.
Teams are not static, however. As their composition and goals change, they need to revisit and
adapt their values and goals. As they do, they will reinforce some aspects of their identity, refine
others, and develop in new ways.
Consider these questions with your team:
• How clear is your team’s purpose, and is it understood and embraced by every team
• How do the Scrum values guide your team’s decisions and ways of working?
• How do the values and principles of the Agile Manifesto show up in daily interactions?
• What activities can you do to help team members understand their own and their
teammates’ personalities better?
• Which challenges or limitations with self-organization are holding back your team?
• What assets does you team want to grow to improve collaboration?
• How much business process, product value, and user knowledge makes sense to have in
your Development Team for your product today?
• What needs to change to capitalize on the benefits of dynamic stability?
• What challenges are hurting the most right now? Identify one or two experiments to
help create a stronger team foundation. For each experiment, be sure to identify the
desired impacts and how you will measure them.
3. Delivering “Done” Product Increments
At the heart of Scrum is the concept of “Done.” Scrum is a framework to enable business agility,
and without “Done” Product Increments, business agility cannot exist: There is no such thing as
“sort-of Done” or “almost Done.” Getting to “Done” requires Scrum Teams to embrace
teamwork, empiricism, and an agile mindset and to mature their team process to deliver a
product that enables the team to evaluate the Sprint Goal in an empirical manner.
Once they are past the forming stage, new Scrum Teams often continue to struggle to produce a
“Done” Product Increment every Sprint. When we teach the Professional Scrum Master (PSM)
course,1 one of the most common questions we get is: “I understand why ‘Done’ matters, but
how do we get there if we cannot do it today?”
As the team’s identity grows and creates a stronger foundation, team members will
simultaneously be working on clarifying and refining their process. The Scrum Framework
intentionally leaves it up to the Scrum Team to determine their own process. Remember there
are no “best practices” with Scrum—that is, the best practice or tool is the one that works for
your product and your team in the current moment. Moreover, the team process must evolve
over time to fit changing needs and new challenges.
This dynamic quality explains why it is essential for Scrum Teams to be grounded in the
elements of teamwork, empiricism, and an agile mindset so that they can deliver “Done”
Product Increments. Better collaboration and more effective self-organization will point the way
to higher quality and faster delivery. Greater transparency relative to the workflow, progress,
and quality will enable new insights and better adaptations that improve how quickly and
effectively releasable Increments are produced. Clearly, the Scrum values of focus and
commitment play an important role in the team getting to “Done.”2
2. For more details on how the Scrum values help guide Scrum Teams in effective use of Scrum,
read this blog post:
Throughout this chapter, we will highlight “good practices” to consider. Keep in mind, though,
that the key point is understanding what the practice is aiming to do. Is it creating more
transparency into progress or quality? Is it enabling productive conflict and greater commitment
to team decisions? Is it establishing boundaries to create more focus and reduce risk? Look for
the root causes of your challenges, and choose practices—either those presented in this chapter
or those found beyond the boundaries of this book—that will help you reliably and consistently
deliver “Done” Product Increments.
Although the Development Team is accountable for producing “Done” Increments, the Product
Owner and Scrum Master also contribute to the team’s success; there is an inherent tension
between the role accountabilities that complements collaboration.3 For that reason, this chapter
is for everyone on a Scrum Team and the leaders who support and enable them.
3. For greater understanding of the accountabilities of the Scrum roles and how they work
collaboratively, read this blog post:
The definition of “Done” (DoD) describes the Development Team’s shared understanding of the
work needed to create a usable, releasable Increment. This definition—often described with
conventions, standards, and guidelines—needs to meet (or exceed) any existing organizational
The DoD needs to be achievable and appropriate for the product and the team. When the
Increment meets the DoD, it is the Product Owner’s choice as to whether it is released (or not).
The Increment may be released many times in a Sprint (e.g., in a continuous delivery or DevOps
model) or only after multiple Sprints.
The DoD must ensure that all the work applied to the Increment is integrated with prior
Increments. When multiple teams are working on a product, the combined work of all the teams
needs to create a “Done” Increment. The individual team definitions may vary, but they must
share a baseline minimum of quality and completeness, which of course requires integration to
create a releasable product.
If this concept is so important, why doesn’t Scrum tell you what should be part of the DoD? Put
simply, the DoD depends so much on context that creating a universal DoD would be impossible.
That is, the DoD is very different for teams working on a mobile game, a medical device, an
aircraft flight control system, and an international banking system. The usage of the product,
business impacts, safety, and the impact of issues on the users will all influence how “Done” is
4. For more information and examples of using Now, Next, Future to improve a DoD,
The Scrum Team commits to the Sprint Goal as the shared purpose for conducting the Sprint.
When you consider the success of a Sprint, first ask, “Do we have a ‘Done’ Increment?”; then
ask, “Did we meet the Sprint Goal?”
A good Sprint Goal has three characteristics: focus, flexibility, and purpose.
• Does it provide enough focus so that we can have a working Product Increment that
provides value by the end of the Sprint?
• Does it provide enough flexibility so that we can adapt our plan (i.e., Sprint Backlog) as
we uncover new learning and complexity?
• Does it provide a sense of purpose so that we can see the value and meaning in our
work? Does it get the stakeholders excited or at least interested in attending the Sprint
Creating Good Sprint Goals
There is no perfect formula for creating a good Sprint Goal. Every Sprint Goal is very context-
dependent, and Scrum Teams must experiment to find what works for them and adapt as their
context changes (see Figure 3-2).5
7. Read this white paper for more information about how Little’s Law applies to Scrum
To get more done overall, you need to focus on doing fewer things at the same time. Fix the
impediments that are slowing you down rather than introduce more work into your workflow.
• Behavior-Driven Development (BDD), which builds on the general principles of TDD and
adds ideas from Domain-Driven Design to create automated tests that validate a
particular behavior that you want your application to have. Pieces of functionality are
built incrementally, guided by the expected behavior. Behavior-driven developers
typically use their native language in combination with the language of Domain-Driven
Design to describe the purpose and benefit of their code.11
• Acceptance Test–Driven Development (ATDD), a collaborative practice in which users
and the Development Team define acceptance criteria prior to building any
functionality. These tests represent the user’s point of view and describe how the
system will function. In some cases, the team automates the acceptance tests. This
approach places the validation of business functionality as the priority.12
Automation and “Done”
Automation is becoming more essential in product development today due to the speed at
which many businesses need to deliver value to customers, the complexity and scale of products
and systems, and the importance of quality in a world that is becoming more and more
dependent on technology. Automating work can seem daunting for teams that do not have
experience with it. Automation does require a significant amount of effort, but the benefits are
worth the effort:
• Reduced manual effort by team members
• Reduced bottlenecks related to specific skill sets
• Defects found earlier in the delivery cycle
• Reduced chance of human error
• Focusing the skills and energy of team members on tackling new challenges and learning
new things
Overall, these benefits contribute to an ability to deliver value faster with higher quality, as well
as allowing people to learn faster. If you’re building a new product, don’t save automation until
later. It’s easier when you start with a small product and build automation as the product
grows—plus you start getting the benefits earlier. And if you are in a situation where a product
is already quite large, you’ll have to eat the elephant one bite at a time.
Some teams know that they should automate but are always “too busy” to make any progress
toward that goal. The solution to this dilemma is to take on less work in a Sprint so as to invest
in automation, with the goal of creating additional capacity to do more work in the future. A
Development Team should work with the Product Owner to make the right trade-offs between
reducing progress now so as to achieve greater progress later.
Automation is often addressed in the following order:
1. Version control
2. Automated build
3. Automated test
4. Automated packaging
5. Automated deployment
Automation activities and quality control may be part of a Development Team’s DoD. Several
different levels of testing may be considered, as illustrated in Figure 3-5. Ultimately, the more
levels that are automated, the more certainty you have around the quality you are building into
the product.
Figure 3-5 Levels of testing.
The Agile Manifesto says that agile teams value working software over comprehensive
documentation. This means that the team needs to build and test software. A lot. All of the
time, in fact. Ideally, the team needs to build every time it commits a change to the source code
repository. But builds are just the starting point—the team also needs to test every time it
makes a change. Not just unit tests, but functional tests, regressions tests, performance and
scalability tests, all driven from APIs. And not just in simple environments, but ones that look as
much like production as possible. When teams do this, they deliver better code. 13
Technical excellence is an essential capability for Development Teams to grow, and automation
practices are a major component of that effort. Continuous Delivery (CD) and the DevOps
movement are areas to explore further.14
14. The book Continuous Delivery by Jez Humble and David Farley is a great resource for learning
more about broader technical topics, including configuration management, continuous
integration, deployment pipelines, managing infrastructure and environments, testing, and
managing data.
There is a lot of confusion about what DevOps is and isn’t. Many sources focus on the technical
practices, some of which have already been explained (e.g., continuous integration, automated
testing, CD, Infrastructure as Code [IaC]). But it is important not to lose sight of the overarching
purpose of DevOps: DevOps breaks down barriers between operations and development in
pursuit of increased agility.15
15. For more information about how agility and DevOps complement each other,
Code Reviews
In a code review, a Development Team member (or multiple team members) reviews the work
done by another team member, so as to provide a quality check. Teams that use this practice
often have a checklist of things they are specifically looking at during the code review, which
would likely include the DoD. In addition to building quality in, a code review is a great learning
opportunity for people to continue to grow their knowledge of the system but also grow their
knowledge and skills as developers.16
Measuring aspects of the product that are indicators of quality helps create transparency so that
the Scrum Team can inspect and adapt how quality is impacted by the way in which they build
the product and the choices they are making. Some of these metrics are generated by
automated tools; others can be tracked manually. Remember that with metrics, the trends are
more informative than the specific data points. Moreover, Scrum Teams will want multiple
metrics to inspect, given the many variables (both known and unknown) that may influence a
metric. Note that these metrics are intended for the Scrum Team’s use. To respect and maintain
transparency, they should not be used by people outside the team to measure the team’s
performance, nor should they be incentivized.
Some of the common quality metrics are summarized here:
• Code coverage metrics indicate how much of the product’s code base is covered by
automated tests. This a common data point for teams using TDD. While a high
percentage does not guarantee that the code is “written well” and that the tests are
maintained, this is a helpful measure for teams.
• Complexity metrics help the Development Team understand the degree of
maintainability of the code. This kind of quality factor reflects the long-term
effectiveness and efficiency of a Scrum Team. Examples of how to measure complexity
include cyclomatic complexity, depth of inheritance, class coupling, nesting, and
Halstead metrics.
• Build stability metrics are a leading indicator of the overall stability of the product. They
indicate whether the build process is stable and expose issues related to the code’s
quality. Build stability can be measured by the number of days since the last red status
(build failure) and consecutive red status days.
• Defect metrics provide a window into the quality of the product. Bugs are costly to fix in
production, and they often interrupt the team’s ability to deliver new features and
functions. Bugs can have significant impacts on users, ultimately affecting a business’s
brand, reputation, and bottom line.
In addition to the measures themselves, trends are important, too:
• How many defects are found in production and how many defects are resolved before
production, and how is this ratio changing over time?
• How long does it take to fix a production defect, on average, and how is this changing
over time?
• What is the average criticality of defects (i.e., what’s the cost or impact to the business
and customers), and how is this changing over time?
• How many defects recur, and how is this changing over time?
• How long are defects open, and how is this changing over time?
17. To explore the topic of technical debt further, watch this webinar by Mark
Noneman, Dealing with Technical Debt: Avoiding Technical
In Practice: Update the DoD to Reflect a Low Tolerance for Technical Debt
It can be helpful to include specific expectations around technical debt in a DoD. What will the
Development Team do to avoid creating new technical debt? And what will the Development Team do to
resolve existing technical debt?
Here are some examples of things a Development Team may want to address in a DoD related to
technical debt:
• What should be refactored?
• How will we leave a module better than we found it (the Boy Scout Rule)?
• When we encounter technical debt in building the Increment, what will we do? What technical
debt will we look for and resolve as we build?
• What will we do with technical debt that remains unresolved?
A Development Team’s DoD is a form of a working agreement, so it is important to make explicit how
technical debt will be both prevented and managed. This agreement both helps team members hold each
other accountable for high quality standards and makes quality more transparent to stakeholders.
Making Technical Debt Transparent
Adding technical debt to the Product Backlog will make it transparent to the Scrum Team and
stakeholders. This step also enables the Product Owner to make better decisions about ordering
the work. If you do, be sure to clearly capture the value of resolving the technical debt in
business terms. What will the business gain by resolving this technical debt? What is it costing
the business to not resolve this technical debt? How are users being impacted by not resolving
this technical debt?
Here are some examples of capturing value in business terms. Consider adding data reflecting
existing quality issues or expected efficiency gains based on history for the specific product.
• Refactor so there are fewer pathways through the code, reducing time to test by 30
• Apply consistent naming and structural conventions, allowing team members to be
more effective and more efficient when building new features and fixing issues.
• Centralize the business logic for Feature X, making it easier to update the business logic
in the future, and reducing the likelihood of bugs. In the last 4 months, we have had 24
bugs that directly impacted customers and resulted in loss of $100,000 profit.
• Refactor Feature Y, increasing the performance of the system by 35 percent, and
resulting in a transaction time improvement of 2.5 seconds.
• Refactor Feature Z so that, now the customer viability has been proven, we will be able
to scale the solution to a broader user base, leading to more revenue.
In Practice: Treat Technical Debt Like Credit Card Debt
Stop creating it. And start paying it back, a little bit every Sprint. If technical debt has gotten so bad that
the team finds it quite challenging to deliver a “Done” Increment with significant value to the business,
the Scrum Team should have a discussion about this issue—and determine if it is time to cut up the credit
card and start paying a little more than interest payments every Sprint.
The Development Team can help the Product Owner understand the criticality of addressing the problem
of technical debt and negotiate an amount of time to set aside in upcoming Sprints for PBIs related to
technical debt. The Product Owner can help stakeholders understand the value they are getting from
resolving these issues.
This approach should continue to be inspected and adapted to understand the benefits gained and to
adjust the amount of time spent resolving technical debt as appropriate.
Getting to “Done” is essential to delivering value while controlling risk and managing
complexity. As a Scrum Team forms a stronger foundation, it will naturally be in a position to
evolve the team process to more effectively deliver a high-quality, high-value product. There are
no “best practices” in Scrum, so teams must continually examine what they are doing, why they
are doing it, and what benefits they are (or are no longer) getting. Technology and business
change all the time, so teams must look for what’s coming next and what they need to do
differently to meet new needs, stay ahead of the competition, and delight customers.
The flexibility provided by the minimal boundaries of the Scrum Framework opens up many
possibilities to unleash the creativity of collaborative teams. They can navigate the possibilities
by always seeking better transparency into their process and its effects on outcomes, and by
frequently inspecting and adapting the team process based on these insights. Teams should
minimally consider how well they are using a definition of “Done” and Sprint Goals, how work
flows through their process, and which quality practices and measures are needed.
Consider these questions with your team:
• Are you reliably getting to “Done” at least by the end of every Sprint? If not, what has
the team been doing about it? Otherwise, where are there opportunities to do things
more effectively with higher quality and greater joy?
• How do the Scrum values show up in your team process?
• How robust is the definition of “Done”? How has it evolved over time, and what
opportunities are there for improvement?
• How are Sprint Goals being used throughout the Sprint?
• How much transparency do you have to the way work flows through the Sprint? Where
do you need more?
• How is quality trending for the product?
• How much technical debt is in the product? Is it increasing or decreasing?
• Where does the team need to grow knowledge and skills to create a releasable
Increment of appropriate quality sooner?
• Which challenges are hurting the team most right now? Identify one or two experiments
to help evolve the team process and more effectively get to “Done.” For each
experiment, be sure to identify the desired impacts and how you will measure them.
The term value is used many times in the Scrum Guide. The first time this term is used is in the
definition of Scrum: “delivering products of the highest possible value.” It is an interesting
experiment to ask people how they define “value.” It is actually difficult to define what value
means without using the words “value” or “valuable.” Value is, ultimately, determined by
customer experiences.
These questions can help you determine whether you are delivering value:
• Are your customers happy? Do you help them achieve outcomes that they find
• Is that happiness reflected in ways that can be profitably monetized?
• Are you adding or shedding customers?
• How quickly can you deliver a new idea to a customer and measure the result?
• Are your employees happy?
Not-for-profit and social enterprises don’t have concerns about profitably monetizing customer
outcomes. Even so, they are still concerned with customer outcomes—although they may use
names like “citizens” or “clients” instead of “customers.” Some for-profit enterprises are also
mission-driven, but missions can be described in terms of achieving a set of outcomes for a
group of people, as in the following examples:
• Increasing local employment
• Improving the well-being of a community
• Reducing negative ecological or environmental impacts
Noted management consultant, educator, and author Peter Drucker observed, “If you can’t
measure it, you can’t improve it.” The same is true of value: Producing and delivering “Done”
Product Increments is not enough; you have to measure the value you are delivering to improve
Value is easy to understand when measured in terms of revenue, income, and direct costs, but
not all value is monetary in nature. Market share growth rate, diversity of the customer base,
customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, and employee turnover rate are also important
measures of value. Likewise, ease of use and ease of product adoption can be important
measures that inform product improvements.
4. For a much deeper dive into defining products and how to better understand what customers
will find valuable, we recommend’s Professional Scrum Product Owner
class: If you can’t
make it to a class, or even if you can, we also recommend The Professional Scrum Product
Owner by McGreal and Jocham, part of’s Professional Scrum Series.
The Product Backlog creates transparency into the relative importance of the work that the
Product Owner believes will maximize value delivered. When it’s used most effectively, it forms
the foundation for a dialogue with the rest of the Scrum Team as well as stakeholders, about
what is valuable.
5. For more information on creating a strong product vision, see The Professional Product
Owner: Leveraging Scrum as a Competitive Advantage by McGreal and Jocham.
• Product value. A clear understanding of value helps a team understand the why behind
their work and how to validate whether their work is contributing value. Knowing the
value in a tangible way (e.g., revenue, market share, customer satisfaction) goes a long
way toward instilling a sense of purpose.
• Personas. Personas help a team understand users and customers better, so as to
develop empathy for them. This ultimately helps team members see the purpose in their
work and create better solutions. Some teams post their persona descriptions around
their work environment as a continual reminder of the people they are working to help. 6
Scrum Teams can measure the value they deliver in a variety of ways, and different kinds of
value will need to be measured in different ways, ranging from very general about the product
as a whole to highly specific about certain PBIs. In reality, you will probably need all of the
following kinds of measures at different times:
General measures of customer happiness:
• Net Promoter Score
• Revenue or profitability per customer
• Repeat customer business
• Reduction in total cost of ownership
• Improved conversion rates
• Growth in number of customers or users
• Customer referrals
Achievement of business goals:
• Market share
• Aggregate revenue or profit
• Cost to obtain a new customer
• Reduction in cycle time, reductions in inventory on hand, cost savings, or increases in
market share
Specific measures of customer results:
• Time saved for the customer to achieve a goal
• Frequency of feature usage
• Duration of feature usage
• Number of customers or users using a feature
• Transaction completion/abandon rates
In Practice: Using Several Measures to Diagnose Product Problems
The preceding lists are not exhaustive, but rather illustrate that different kinds of measures can be used
to quantify value in diff erent ways. In most cases, one measure will trigger questions that require other
measures to explain. For example, a general decline in the Net Promoter Score or customer referrals
suggests that customers have become less happy with the product. When you start measuring what users
are actually doing with the product, you might find that some new feature that you introduced has made
the product harder to use, leading to the general dissatisfaction that you measured earlier.
Scrum Teams can improve their measures of value in a variety of ways:
• Involve others. Just as with a Product Vision, your stakeholders and your Development Team
likely have valuable perspectives and ideas. Also, by including others, you help them feel heard,
which is likely to increase their commitment to and understanding of product value.
• Make measures visible. Measures should be transparent to all stakeholders and the
Development Team. Consider creating a dashboard of value metrics for the product.
• Talk about measures and results in Sprint Reviews. As features and functions are being
demonstrated to attendees, speak to the value expected and how it will be known if it is
• Relate measures and results back to business goals. This comes back to creating alignment and
helps provide the rationale for how you are defining value. And if business goals change, then
that can be a good indicator that you need to inspect and possibly adapt your value definitions
and measures.
User Stories
User Stories are both widely used and widely misused. Their original intent was to serve as
a placeholder or token for a conversation about how someone would use the product to achieve
some outcome. When they stray from that reminder to have a conversation and become a
format for documenting PBIs, they can become utter nonsense, particularly when used to
express technical requirements or constraints. To keep this from happening, focus on the 3 Cs of
User Stories:12
• The Card, which is simply a reminder to have Conversations. It should have a simple,
minimal format that fits on an index card (or a sticky note) and may consist of nothing
more than “Talk to Mary about how accounts are settled at the end of a billing period.”
• The Conversation, which is the actual discussion about the topic mentioned on the card.
• The Confirmation, which are the actual tests that prove it works.13
13. If you want to apply User Stories as an effective Product Backlog refinement
technique, we recommend Mike Cohn’s book User Stories Applied (Addison-Wesley
Professional, 2004).
In Practice: Common Product Backlog Item Pitfalls
Regardless of the format that your PBIs take (personas and outcomes, User Stories, or something else),
beware of these common traps:
1. Assuming that PBIs must follow a set format. The commonly used format for User
Stories is not the original format, nor is it required. It may be helpful for your Scrum Team to use
a format, but they don’t have to fight to fit a PBI into that format. Write what makes sense. After
all, the Card is just a reminder to have a Conversation.
2. Not being clear on the user or customer the PBI benefits. If you are writing over and over
again, “As a user” at the beginning of a User Story, you are not helping create focus and
understanding of the user for whom you are designing a feature or function. As noted in #1, you
don’t have to always use this format, but you should have a shared understanding of the users
and customers for your product.
3. Not clarifying the value. Often PBIs will state a desired feature, function, or capability,
but precisely why that item is desired is not clear. When there isn’t a shared understanding of
why you are building something, it is possible that alternative solutions to the problem will not
be discussed. This misses an opportunity to maximize value.
4. Treating the PBI as a contract. The Product Backlog is not just the “agile version” of a
traditional software requirements document. PBIs are open to change. Consider the User Story
technique: It is meant to represent a customer’s needs, not just document them. User Stories
are to be elaborated, even during the work of building it.
5. Including implementation details. PBIs should be focused on the “what” rather than the
“how.” If you make implementation decisions too early, you may limit your options. You may
also create waste by detailing things that are likely to change when implementation actually
Learning as Value
Sometimes the value lies in the learning. This process may or may not be data-driven, but it can
be helpful to be explicit about learning as the value. For example, a Scrum Team may want to
learn which of two technology services will be easy both to implement and to enhance, while
also meeting the business needs. In another example, a Scrum Team might want to learn which
user experience is most likely to lead to a purchase.
16. For specific facilitation techniques to gather input about relative value to help with
Product Backlog ordering, see The Professional Product Owner by McGreal and Jocham,
p. 213.
Scrum is not designed to help you build and release more “stuff.” Instead, Scrum helps you
maximize the value you create for your customers, and therefore for your organization, by
frequently delivering a product, measuring the results, and then learning and adapting so as to
wring more value out of the product.
In this chapter, we explored how empiricism, an agile mindset, and teamwork guide you in
fiercely tackling difficult product value questions. You must have transparency into value, and
you must engage in frequent enough inspections of the actual value realized that you can keep
moving in the best direction. Just like the complexity and unpredictability inherent in building a
releasable product, figuring out what to build entails some complexity and unpredictability.
Scrum provides the minimal level of empiricism, and the Scrum Team needs to determine their
process within the Scrum Framework. This process includes how you enable value emergence,
measure actual value, and adapt to new information and the changing environment.
The Product Owner is the single person accountable for optimizing value. An empirical Product
Owner will engage and empower others to support them in achieving this goal. A strong Product
Owner will foster a product mindset across the organization and paint the bigger picture,
creating alignment within the Development Team and among stakeholders on the direction of
the product and how value is defined. The Product Owner works collaboratively with the
Development Team and stakeholders to enable value emergence iteratively and incrementally,
guided by the learning from measuring actual value.
Consider these questions with your team:
• How well is the Product Vision understood by the Development Team and stakeholders?
• Where do you need more transparency into desired outcomes and value assumptions?
• What value measures would help you make more informed decisions about what is in
the Product Backlog and its order? How frequently would you need to inspect those
• How does the Development Team collaborate with the Product Owner or relevant
stakeholders during the Sprint?
• How much feedback and new insights come out of the Sprint Review or other
collaborative sessions with stakeholders?
• Do stakeholders focus on value delivery as the key measure of success? What
conversations can you have to help shift the focus in the right direction?
• What challenges are hurting the most right now? Identify one or two experiments to
help improve understanding and measurement of value. For each experiment, be sure to
identify the desired impacts and how you will measure them.
5. Improving Planning
Taking an empirical approach to delivering complex products in an uncertain and rapidly
changing world requires empirical planning. This means that in planning activities, aim to:
• Enable transparency to progress
• Set realistic expectations
• Minimize waste while maximizing value
• Harness change and new learnings for competitive advantage
• Have open and honest discussions about the unpredictability and complexity inherent in
product development
Business leaders and customers will still—and should—ask questions such as “When will it be
ready?” and “How much will it cost?” When you work empirically, your answers to these
questions will reflect likelihoods and probabilities rather than commitments and certainties. You
cannot perfectly plan complex work, but rather must remain open to change and new
knowledge. Even within the time horizon of a Sprint, there are complexities, unknowns, and
possibilities for change.
There are four key things a Scrum Team should get out of its planning activities:
1. Establish a common set of understandings from which emergence, adaptation,
and collaboration can occur (agile mindset, empiricism, teamwork).
2. Establish expectations that progress will be measured against (empiricism).
3. Convince a source of funding that the ROI of an initiative is worthwhile (agile
4. Help people involved in the value delivery process make better decisions
(empiricism, agile mindset).
Planning and forecasting encompass a wide range of topics. In this chapter, we will focus on
illuminating the following concepts for planning and provide additional resources to explore
specific tactics:
• How Scrum Teams plan empirically and get the most benefits from Product Backlog
• How Scrum Teams plan effectively to create a “Done” Increment of sufficient value
during every Sprint, while incorporating learning and continuous improvement
• How Scrum Teams can approach release planning without having to plan many Sprints in
1. For a more complete description of the differences between a project mindset and a product
mindset, see
According to the Project Management Institute (PMI), a project is a temporary endeavor
undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result.2 The two key points in this definition
are that a project has a beginning and an end date (which creates boundaries around scope and
resources), and it is not repeatable.
When you think about Scrum, you could look at every Sprint as a project. The Sprint has start
and end dates, and the Scrum Team produces a unique releasable Increment during that span.
Or you could consider a subset of the Product Backlog as a project that encompasses multiple
Sprints and achieves a value proposition or business goal through delivery of multiple
Increments. The point we are trying to make here is that these concepts are interwoven.
However, the challenge arises when you consider how success is often measured.
Measuring Success
In our experience, project success is traditionally measured by answering these three questions:
• Did you deliver all of the scope?
• Did you do it within budget?
• Did you do it on time?
These questions are derived from the Project Management Triangle, also known as the Iron
Triangle or the Triple Constraint, illustrated in Figure 5-1.
The problem with only using these variables as the measure of success is that doing so leaves
out valuable outcomes. How do you know if the investment is worth it? How do you know if you
need to change direction or if you can stop investing sooner? And even if an organization does
measure the ROI against the original business case for the project, that usually happens after
the project has completed, so it is too late to matter. Besides, business cases are themselves just
educated guesses whose assumptions need to be tested using empiricism.
Planning Empirically
“A plan is simply a guess you wrote down.”3 Instead of doing a lot of analysis and estimation up-
front to create a long-term detailed plan, take an empirical approach to planning. Empiricism
says learning comes from doing. You plan a little, actually do that work, and then inspect the
results, asking “What assumptions have we validated? What did we learn?” Based on new
information, you adapt your plan accordingly. By modifying your plans based on new
information, you minimize the risk of complex work in an unpredictable and changing world.
Planning empirically requires transparency. The agile mindset helps remind us that the only
measure of progress is a working product. Completing some “activities” doesn’t deliver any
value if there is no working product. There is no such thing as 85 percent complete when it
comes to a “Done” Increment, or any other complex work. That type of “status update” is often
a wild guess at best, and sometimes an effort to avoid difficult questions and conversations.
Furthermore, when organizations focus on meeting a schedule and/or budget, they discourage
transparency and openness to change and learnings. This actually increases—rather than
The agile mindset also reminds us to seek to maximize value and reduce waste. Consider how
much waste is created when you frequently update long-term detailed plans. How much waste
is created by change control processes that create a lot of work to incorporate new information
into your plan? What value is potentially lost or delayed when people feel the burden of a heavy
change control process and choose to just “stick with the plan and hope for the best”? When
teams are pushed to meet a deadline, quality is often sacrificed. Ultimately, this costs you in the
longer term because it damages your ability to deliver future value.
Staying grounded in empiricism and the agile mindset will help maintain a focus on a product
mindset as a Scrum Team plans the work for the product, from the shorter-term to the longer-
term planning horizons. This grounding will also remind everyone that the less history a Scrum
Team has (i.e., empirical data) and the further into the future the forecast stretches, the wider
the range of unknowns, complexities, and likelihood for change will be.
In Practice: Empiricism Reduces Uncertainty by Taking Action, Not by Planning More
Traditional project management approaches suggest that making more detailed plans reduces risk, but
more planning actually just delays confronting risk by making more assumptions. This is why so many
traditional projects fail. For example, describing a detailed architecture for a product does nothing to tell
you whether that architecture will actually work. The best way to understand whether something will
work is to build a critical subset of the solution and try it out.
This point is even more true for ideas about what consumers will like. The only way to know for sure
whether customers will like your product is to actually deliver something minimally usable, sometimes
called the Minimum Viable Product (MVP).4
Planning is only effective when there is alignment to value delivery in the organization.
Alignment is about everyone moving in the same direction. You can visualize planning product
delivery as peeling the layers of an onion, as illustrated in Figure 5-2.
Figure 5-
2 Planning product delivery requires alignment through the various levels in an organization.
The Scrum Framework directly addresses the two innermost (i.e., shorter-term) levels of
planning. The Daily Scrum is a plan for the next 24 hours to make progress toward the Sprint
Goal. The Sprint Goal is created in Sprint Planning and is informed by an ordered Product
Backlog. The Product Owner’s strategy for moving toward a Product Vision is essentially
reflected in the Product Backlog. Finally, to maximize value, the Product Vision and strategy
must be aligned with the organization’s business strategy.
Each layer represents a different planning horizon in the context of the product and how it fits
into the direction of the larger organization. Looking at the bigger picture, these questions are
likely to come up:
• How far in advance should you plan, and at what level of detail for each layer?
• How frequently should you inspect and adapt your plans at each layer?
• Who should be involved in planning for the outer layers that go beyond the Scrum
The answer to all of these questions is “It depends!”
It depends on the complexity of your product and its relationship to the greater organization, as
well as the environment in which it is used. Consider how the planning cycles in your
organization enable empirical planning and alignment between the bigger picture business
objectives and the work being done by the Scrum Team.
As PBIs become closer to being pulled into a Sprint, the Scrum Team will make some effort to
break them down into smaller pieces and add details. PBIs will be deemed “ready” when the
Development Team has a sufficient shared understanding of the value desired and believes the
item to be small enough to get it to “Done” within a Sprint.
In Practice: Do You Need a Formal Definition of “Ready”?
We have seen the complementary practice of a formal definition of “Ready” used well, and we have seen
it used poorly. Such a definition may be useful when a Scrum Team often runs into dependencies or gaps
in understanding among the Development Team members that would be best handled during the
refinement process, to avoid delays once a PBI is brought into a Sprint. Here are a few examples:
• Text requires review by the legal department
• Updated graphics are needed that align with branding/style guidelines
• Hardware or software needs provisioned and configured
The way not to use a formal definition of “Ready” is to treat the PBIs like “locked down” requirements
documents, in which all details must be written out and approved. This leads to an atmosphere of valuing
“contract negotiation over collaboration.”7
7. This is the opposite of valuing customer collaboration over contract negotiation, one of the core values
in the Manifesto for Agile Software Development.
Do not build an artificial barrier that prevents work from flowing to the Development Team or that means
the Development Team cannot collaborate with the Product Owner or the relevant stakeholders. PBIs will
continue to be refined even during the Sprint because more will be learned.
Scrum Teams should seek six benefits from Product Backlog refinement activities:
1. Increased transparency. The Product Backlog is the “single source of truth” for
what is planned in the product. Adding details increases transparency to what you plan
to deliver, as well as your progress.
2. Clarification of value. When you clarify the details around value, the outcomes
you are trying to achieve with the PBI become clearer. This helps the Development
Team build the right thing to meet the need. This can affect what is requested, the
estimate, and the order as the Product Owner and the Development Team figure out
what is actually needed.
3. Breaking things into consumable pieces. You want PBIs to be small enough that a
Development Team can complete more than one in a Sprint. Having more than one PBI
in a Sprint gives the team more flexibility to meet a Sprint Goal and deliver a “Done”
8. For more information on how to split user stories into smaller PBIs,
4. Reduction of dependencies.Dependencies often turn into impediments. While
you may not be able to avoid them all, try to reduce them where possible. At the very
least, you want the dependencies to be transparent.
5. Forecasting. A refined Product Backlog combined with historical information
about the Scrum Team’s ability to deliver a working product helps you forecast.
Forecasting for some products needs to stretch several Sprints into the future to help
communicate release expectations to stakeholders. For other products, forecasting
beyond the current Sprint is unnecessary. Most products fall between these two
6. Incorporation of learning. Empiricism is about incorporating the learning you
gain as you build the product, as you better understand how to realize product value,
and as you see changes happening in your environment.9
The purpose of an estimate is to help a Development Team forecast what can be developed in a
Sprint and to help a Product Owner manage a Product Backlog, specifically by determining
whether an item has enough assumed value to warrant the investment in doing it (i.e., ROI).
When we start to think about the bigger picture of forecasting and planning beyond a Sprint,
estimates can help with this effort as well.
An estimate is really just a “guess” you make based on the best information you have about the
size, effort, and complexity of a PBI. Because it is just a guess, you should assume every estimate
is wrong; you should not expect estimates to accurately predict the future when you are doing
complex work. When people are expected to be accurate in their estimates (either by a direct
incentive or by an implicit measure of performance), this often leads to “gaming of the
numbers.” This then potentially leads to inflated estimates (which means they are no longer
transparent and no longer serve their purpose) or cutting corners to meet an estimate (which
means the Increment is no longer transparent and there is no way to deliver value).
Scrum does not prescribe how to estimate, but it does state that the Development Team owns
the estimates because they are the ones doing the work. These team members are accountable
for creating the “Done” Increment, and they own the Sprint Backlog, which means they decide
how much work to pull into the Sprint. This is an important aspect of self-organization.
You can approach estimation in two different ways: You can estimate the effort necessary,
represented by hours or working days, or you can do relative estimation, which means you
compare a chunk of work to something else based on an understood reference point.
Empiricism and an agile mindset bias teams toward relative estimation because that approach
helps teams incorporate complexity and unknowns, is based on experience with known work,
and minimizes the amount of time spent on estimation (i.e., potential waste). The techniques
you use are not as important as how you are using them and which benefits the Scrum Team is
In Practice: Leverage Teamwork, Empiricism, and an Agile Mindset with Relative Estimation Techniques
We have experienced success by helping teams select a relative estimation technique and leverage the
power of group estimation. Here is a brief description of five commonly used relative estimation
• Story points: PBIs are estimated using a series of numbers, often the Fibonacci sequence (1, 2, 3,
5, 8, 13, etc.), to assign points to an item based on size and complexity.
• T-shirt sizes: PBIs are estimated using T-shirt sizes such as X-Small, Small, Medium, Large, and X-
• Animals, fruits, etc.: PBIs are estimated using a physical object to represent relative size. For
example, a watermelon is bigger than a cantaloupe, which is bigger than a grapefruit, which is
bigger than a lime, etc.
• “Same-size” items: PBIs are sliced and split to have them all be roughly the same size.
• “Right-size” items: Essentially, this is breaking things down small enough that at least one item
can be delivered in a Sprint.
Research indicates that group estimation is more accurate than individual estimation. It requires that
groups have diversity and independence and that authority is decentralized within the group. The best
decisions come from having productive conflict such that all perspectives are heard and the group can
come to consensus.10
11. To learn more about estimation techniques, see the book Agile Estimating and Planning by Mike Cohn
(Prentice Hall, 2005).
Breaking PBIs Down to Focus on Valuable Outcomes
Teams often struggle with breaking down big features and functions into valuable PBIs that are
small enough to get to “Done” in a Sprint. We often see the focus being more on “small enough”
while losing sight of “valuable.”
Product Backlog refinement brings transparency to both the Scrum Team and the stakeholders
about what the team is planning to build to deliver value. The Scrum Team needs to have a
shared understanding of the desired outcomes to build the right thing. The Product Owner gains
more flexibility and understanding of how to order the Product Backlog to optimize value.
Stakeholders gain more transparency into how the work the Scrum Team is doing at the Sprint
level connects to the larger things the business wants to achieve for the product.
Consider collaborative visualization techniques such as User Story Mapping, which enable the
Scrum Team and stakeholders to see both the big picture and possible ways to break it down,
while not losing sight of the user outcomes and value.12
12. To learn more about user story mapping, see the book User Story Mapping by Jeff Patton
(O’Reilly Media, 2014).
No matter which techniques you employ, be sure that your Scrum Team and stakeholders are
getting the six benefits described previously from breaking down the PBIs. Know why you are
using a technique, and regularly inspect on how well that technique is meeting your needs.
Adapt techniques to work better for you.
In the process of planning a Sprint, the Scrum Team should answer these three questions:
• What is the right work to focus on this Sprint, and how well do we understand it?
• How much can we get “Done” in a Sprint?
• How much time do we need to spend on improving how we work this Sprint? 13
13. Refresh your knowledge of the basics of the Sprint Planning event (purpose, inputs,
outputs) here:
We’ve already talked about the first question. We will focus on the other two questions here.
14. After each interruption, it can take more than 20 minutes for a person to get back to
where he or she left off; see
• Partially done work at the end of a Sprint
To overcome these challenges, strive to create more stability and greater focus. Can team
composition change? Yes, but it should be done intentionally and in a way that provides the
team with sufficient control. Can a Sprint length change? Yes, but it should be done
intentionally. Can there be interruptions? Yes, but they should be for good reasons and be done
in ways that minimize their negative impacts.
And the reality is that the longer a Sprint is, the harder it is to plan. Longer Sprints have more
complexity and more unknowns. If we asked you to plan out every single thing you can
accomplish in the next month, that challenge would likely feel very overwhelming. But if we
asked you to plan out your accomplishments for the next week, that would probably seem much
15. To learn an approach to facilitating a Sprint Planning event, watch this short
In Practice: How Long Should the Sprint Be?
”A Sprint should be as short as possible and no shorter.” –Ken Schwaber
Scrum tells us a Sprint must be one month or less. But how do you know what is right for you? Two
factors determine Sprint length:
1. How quickly does the business need to change direction?
2. How quickly can the Development Team create a “Done” Increment?
The first question is about enabling the business to take advantage of opportunities, respond to changes
in the market, and manage its investment risk. A Product Owner will also need to consider how
frequently feedback and new information will be collected and incorporated given the inspection and
adaptation cycle of a Sprint.
Often we see that Scrum Teams focus on the second question. But if the answer to the second question is
limiting business agility, then the Development Team should consider how to improve the necessary
processes, tools, and capabilities to meet the business need. As an example, if the marketplace changes
so frequently that there will never be four weeks of stable work available, then a four-week Sprint does
not meet the business need.
Once a Sprint starts, its length doesn’t change. However, a Scrum Team can choose to change the length
of a Sprint for continuous improvement (usually determined in a Sprint Retrospective as the current
Sprint concludes), with the decision applying to all future Sprints. The point is to allow the team to settle
into a rhythm.
It may be helpful to align Sprint length with an “organizational heartbeat.” For example, when multiple
Scrum Teams are working on one product or product suite, coordinating work and resolving
dependencies through aligning cadence becomes more important.
In Practice: Forecasting a Sprint with Empirical Data
Velocity is a complementary practice that provides an indication of the average amount of Product
Backlog turned into a “Done” Increment during a Sprint by a Development Team. It is tracked by the
Development Team for use within the Scrum Team. When historical data is gathered over time, a Scrum
Team gains an understanding of the rate at which work has been completed and then can use this
knowledge to forecast future work (i.e., to select PBIs for the Sprint Backlog).
However, velocity can easily be misused. It is crucial to understand what velocity is not:
• A performance measure of the Development Team
• A promise of what will be delivered in the future
• A way to compare Scrum Teams or Development Teams
• A way to compare individuals on a Development Team
• An indication of “how hard” a Development Team is working
In Practice: Probabilistic Forecasting
Probabilistic forecasting is an approach by which historical process data is used in conjunction with a
statistical sampling method (e.g., Monte Carlo simulation) to make a prediction about when an item or
items will be completed. This technique is popular with flow-based processes, as flow metrics are
particularly conducive to statistical analysis.
The output of such a forecast is a statement about the future, cast in probabilistic terms within some
agreed confidence level. In other words, a probabilistic forecast includes a range of possible future
outcomes as well as a confidence level of that range occurring. For example, a team might use historical
cycle-time data to off er an expectation that individual items will flow through their process in “8 days or
less 85 percent of the time.” Or they might use historical throughput data as input into a Monte Carlo
simulation to forecast the chance of completing all items in the Product Backlog as “on or before October
1 with a 95 percent confidence.”
The power of probabilistic forecasting lies in the fact that it embraces the intrinsic uncertainty associated
with predicting the future. Whenever uncertainty is present, a probabilistic approach is warranted.
Moreover, understanding the probabilities associated with certain outcomes is advantageous when
assessing the risk that accompanies a given plan.16
16. For more details on probabilistic forecasting, see the book When Will It Be Done by Daniel
17. This has always been the expectation since the inception of Scrum, because inspection
without adaptation is pointless.
A Product Owner ensures that there is a healthy Product Backlog of “just enough” refined work
understood by the Development Team. The desire for prioritization is made clear through the
order of the Product Backlog and an overall understanding of value and how it relates to
business goals. The Development Team determines how much they can consume in a Sprint,
and they learn to find the right balance over time. They can use empirical data—specifically,
how much of the Product Backlog they have finished in previous Sprints—to forecast how much
they might finish in future Sprints, but this forecast also takes into consideration how much
change is expected in the menu and their appetite during the period being forecasted.
You may also need to forecast at higher levels. Perhaps you need to forecast when a subset of
PBIs is likely be delivered to achieve a business goal … and then the next business goal … and the
next. Perhaps you need to forecast when a particular PBI in the Product Backlog is likely to be
The purpose of planning is to communicate and manage expectations. We also plan so as to
have something to measure progress against. As part of the rapid pace of modern society,
people are seeking faster solutions to their concerns. The way to delight them is to either
preempt or cultivate the desire for a feature, or be exceptionally responsive. This approach lies
at the heart of Scrum—that is, in being able to release as quickly as necessary given the context
of the product and the market in which it is used. A release is how you actually deliver value to
The word “release” appears frequently in the Scrum Guide, yet Scrum does not prescribe
release strategies or release planning. What Scrum does tell us is that as a part of the
accountability to optimize value, it is the Product Owner’s responsibility to decide when to
release a “Done” Increment.
Some people ask, “Why isn’t release planning a Scrum event?” Well, you don’t have to release
at all in a Sprint. In fact, you could go several Sprints before releasing. Or you could release
multiple times in a Sprint, perhaps every time a PBI meets the definition of “Done.” Netflix
engineers release thousands of times per day because they are running lots of small
experiments, the risk of any one of those changes causing a problem is very low, and the cost of
backing out the change is also very low.18 By contrast, a team that builds software for implanted
medical devices will release very infrequently because the risk of causing harm if an error occurs
is very high, and the cost of a re-release or product recall is exceptionally high. Each product will
have an ideal release frequency that reflects its risk and cost of change.
19. For more information about release planning strategies, see The Professional Product
Owner by Don McGreal and Ralph Jocham, also part of the Professional Scrum Series by, published by Pearson Addison-Wesley (2018).
Plans are living artifacts: The activity of planning is what matters. Work on what you can
control—creating the shared understanding, getting really good at delivering smaller pieces of
value, and making sure you’re always working on the next right thing. It will then be easier to
adapt your plan when change inevitably happens.
The Product Backlog combined with empirical data is all you need to plan and forecast. It really
is that simple. Over time, you will adjust your plan as you learn by doing the work and observing
what is changing around you.
• The Product Backlog is the plan for future Sprints.
• The Sprint Backlog is the plan for the current Sprint.
• Product Backlog refinement is the planning activity.
Seek to maximize the value of planning activities while reducing waste. Accept that plans will
evolve, and be vigilant about evolving plans as you learn. Enable transparency to progress so
that you can set realistic expectations, and have open and honest conversations about the
inherent complexity and unpredictability in product development.
Consider these questions with your team:
• Do planning activities feel light or heavy?
• How well do you collaborate as a team for planning and forecasting?
• How much change do you experience in the Product Backlog from Sprint to Sprint? How
much Product Backlog does it make sense to have “Ready”?
• How well do the Scrum Team and stakeholders understand the value desired for
individual PBIs?
• What benefits would be gained from releasing more frequently? What is holding you
back from releasing more frequently?
• How do planning cycles in your organization enable empirical planning and alignment
between the bigger picture business objectives and the work being done by the Scrum
• What challenges are hurting the most right now? Identify one or two experiments to
help improve the effectiveness of planning. For each experiment, be sure to identify the
desired impacts and how you will measure them.
2. Facilitation is an entire profession, and we encourage you to explore the many resources available. For
a deeper perspective on how to design and facilitate effective retrospectives, see Agile Retrospectives:
Making Good Teams Great by Esther Derby and Diana Larsen (Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2006).
Here are some tips to improve your Sprint Retrospectives, which can be applied to any collaborative
• Use silence. Generally, silent facilitation techniques make space for people with personality
preferences that may lead them to take time to think before speaking or to be hesitant to
interrupt others during a lively conversation with strong voices. They can also be helpful when
strong emotions are in play and you want to lower the level of conflict or, conversely, when
artificial harmony is present and you need to create some conflict.
• Use different group configurations. Many challenges can arise with group discussions, especially
as the size of the group increases. One or two people may dominate the conversation. While
listening to others speak, people may form questions and new ideas but end up waiting until
they see an opportunity to talk. At this point, their comments may not seem relevant or may
even be forgotten. Furthermore, some people are more comfortable speaking one-on-one or in
smaller groups.
• Get people moving and taking action. This immediately engages and involves everyone. People
are less likely to get distracted or bored. For example, if people are switching partners or groups,
they are physically moving. Another example is to have people make their conversations and
results visible using flip charts.
• Shake things up. What we mean is to shock people’s brains a bit, to challenge them to think
differently and create some new perspectives. Changing up facilitation formats and techniques
helps prevent people from just “going through the motions” or losing interest.
• Come in with an agenda but be flexible. Generally, you are seeking to (1) review transparent
information to (2) generate new insights and then (3) decide on what actions will be taken for
improvement. Have a plan for accomplishing each of those things, including the time expected to
be spent on each. But be flexible and respond to the needs of the team while upholding the
purpose of the event and the time-box.
Here are some useful questions to gain a better understanding of the impacts:
• How much time are we spending dealing with an impediment?
• How frequently is this impediment occurring?
• How is the impact affecting quality? Is the number of defects discovered in production
increasing or decreasing? What is the cost of fixing a defect in production versus fixing a
defect found during development?
• How is the impediment affecting morale? Are people leaving because they are unhappy
with the impediment? What is the cost of hiring someone new?
In Practice: Tracking Interruptions Over Time
Tracking interruptions as an explicit type of impediment helps to quantify the impact of loss of focus. It
doesn’t matter whether the team actually takes on the work; merely being interrupted causes team
members to lose productive time while they seek to regain their concentration.
You can track this data in a very simple way. Draw a timeline in the team’s room, with a space for each
day of the Sprint. Then, whenever a Development Team member is interrupted with unplanned work not
aligned to the current Sprint Goal, he or she can write what it was on a sticky note and place it on the
timeline. It can be helpful to include the source of the request (e.g., another team, a manager, a user,
production issue) and how much time was spent dealing with the interruption. This information can be
reviewed in the Sprint Retrospective to help the Scrum Team inspect the impacts and help guide
actionable commitments for improvement.
Examples of interruptions include the following events:
• Bugs, incidents, and production support questions
• Additional work assigned by a team’s manager
• Requests for time with team subject-matter experts
• A “drive-by” from a stakeholder wanting to chat with a developer about a new idea
• Requests to estimate potential future work
• Getting kicked out of a conference room and having to move somewhere else to finish a
collaboration session
Not all interruptions are bad, but increasing transparency into interruptions and their impacts helps the
Scrum Team determine how to make the necessary interruptions more valuable and eff ective (e.g.,
schedule specific time for a certain type of activity) and how to eliminate or reduce the unnecessary
Tackling Impediments
Once you have transparency into impediments, you can build a case for investing time and
money to resolve those impediments. Of course, you will need to prioritize what you take on
first. Some questions can help you decide where to start:
1. What goal do we need to achieve? What is our desired outcome?
2. What will happen if we don’t tackle this impediment now?
3. What would we do if we could do anything we want to solve this problem? What
constraints limit our options? Are they really constraints, or are we making
4. If an organizational policy or standard stands in our way, can we change it,
suspend it, or work around it?
5. How will we know if we are improving the situation (related to our desired
6. Whose knowledge, support, or influence do we need?
In Practice: Engaging Stakeholders to Remove Impediments
Don’t be afraid to talk about some impediments in the Sprint Review. Some things are best handled
within the Scrum Team during the Sprint Retrospective, but it may make sense to bring up organizational
impediments or impediments that require investing in the Scrum Team in the context of the Sprint
Review. A wide range of stakeholders are in attendance in those sessions, and they may have influence
(or money) to assist with these impediments.
Scrum Masters are responsible for resolving impediments that the Scrum Team cannot resolve
themselves. However, Scrum Masters should not feel they have to tackle these impediments on their
own. Often, managers or other roles in the organization (e.g., project managers) have great knowledge of
how the organization works and its history. Scrum Masters should seek to partner with people who can
provide additional knowledge, insights, and influence to tackle organizational impediments. And
sometimes a Scrum Master just needs to ask for someone to provide a little “cover.”
In Practice: Don’t Focus on Velocity
Many organizations seek agility to improve their “speed,” which causes them to focus on improving
velocity. Velocity is empirical evidence, a historical fact, that is useful only for the Scrum Team. Usually,
when a manager wants to know how to “improve velocity,” the person is really just asking, “How can we
deliver greater value more frequently?” In our experience, the best thing to do is to focus on removing
impediments and waste. Focusing on velocity can lead to cutting corners and reducing quality in the rush
to “go faster.” Focusing on removing waste and impediments, by contrast, actually increases quality and
leaves more time for doing the job right in the first place, while at the same time improving delivery
Velocity going higher or lower is meaningless without context. A Development Team may deliver greater
value, more frequently, and with higher quality, without any change in its velocity by simply taking into
account improvements in its ways of working when it estimates.
Focus on removing the things that are holding the Scrum Team back, instead. Let the Scrum Team own its
“delivery metrics,” and focus stakeholders on “value metrics.”3
4. This conference talk by Professional Scrum Trainer Pradeepa Narayanaswamy illuminates the benefits
of pair testing as a means to grow skills:
In Practice: Respect People by Training Everyone Who Needs It
We often encounter situations where organizations have sent Scrum Masters to Professional Scrum
training but did not send the rest of the Scrum Team. The organization expected the Scrum Master to be
able to give everyone a mini-training session after attending class.
This situation can have several negative impacts. First, Scrum Team members may feel that the
organization doesn’t respect them or the work they do enough to invest in their learning. Second, Scrum
Team members often don’t have a solid understanding of the Scrum Framework and the intent of Scrum
when they start their Sprints because they didn’t get the full experience from a professional trainer. This
does not set people up for success.
5. Watch this short video by Professional Scrum Trainers Stacy Martin and Ty Crockett on their
experiences with how to start CoPs, fund CoPs, get greater participation, and much
Figure 6-4 Success is demonstrated through the growth and success of others across multiple areas.
In Practice: Signs That a Scrum Master May Be Sacrificing Long-Term Success
Scrum Masters are often under pressure to “show improvement quickly.” This challenging environment
can lead to some behaviors that actually undermine the success of a Scrum Team:
• The Scrum Master facilitates the Daily Scrum or updates the Scrum Board to help “keep
everything on track.” A self-organizing team is capable of managing their own progress and
updating their own plan. Early on, a Scrum Master may need to teach facilitation techniques and
ask questions to help create focus and ensure consensus. Over time, however, the Scrum
Master’s direct involvement should increasingly diminish. In fact, if things go “off track,” that
failure may be the most powerful learning experience for the Scrum Team.
• The Scrum Master becomes a go-between when conflict arises between team members. People
are better served when they learn to resolve their own conflicts directly with each other.
• When a Scrum Master is out of the office, the Scrum Team skips Scrum events. This can indicate
either a lack of understanding of the purpose (i.e., not yet embracing empiricism) or a lack of
skills (e.g., nobody feels comfortable facilitating a Sprint Retrospective).
Each of these behaviors demonstrates a dependency on the Scrum Master. In reality, Scrum Masters
should aim to work themselves out of a job. While that will never actually happen, because teams will
always face new challenges and have opportunities to improve, the Scrum Master should always seek
better ways for the Scrum Team to be more self-supporting.
A Scrum Master is accountable to the organization, yet will often be in the position of
challenging the organization when it stands in the way of the Scrum Team’s success. The Scrum
Master must show both courage and compassion to directly challenge people in leadership
positions; learning how to deliver a difficult message with respect is crucial. Approaching people
with openness and curiosity helps. In all that they do, Scrum Masters create shared
understanding and involve people in developing collaborative solutions.
Scrum Masters will respond differently depending on the situation. Among their options are the
• Uphold Scrum. A new Scrum Team may not fully understand and embrace the empirical
nature of the Scrum Framework. Team members may feel that they can skip an event,
overrun a time-box, or lose sight of the accountability of their role without consequence.
This may be because they are still struggling to build a strong team foundation, due to
pressure from the organization to cut corners or because they have become complacent
and started to let things slide. Upholding Scrum means guiding the Scrum Team back to
the “why” behind the framework, reinforcing the benefits that being true to Scrum’s
principles provides.
• Teach. When a Scrum Team needs to improve its understanding of the foundations, core
principles, and complementary practices of the Scrum Framework, a Scrum Master will
need to help team members improve their understanding and apply that understanding
to deliver value more effectively. They do this best by creating a space where people
learn experientially through guided discovery.6
7. We encourage Scrum Masters and others who would like to improve their coaching
skills to consider training from an organization accredited by the International Coach
Federation (ICF). Organizations with which we have personal experiences with training
include the Coach Training Institute (CTI) and Agile Coaching Institute (ACI).
8. For an example of how to combine coaching using the Scrum values, check out this
blog post:
In Practice: Effective Scrum Masters (and Leaders) Coach Individuals for Better Team Results
In our experience, it is helpful to set aside regular time for coaching conversations with individuals on the
Scrum Team (and even individuals outside the Scrum Team). Regular coaching conversations help people
learn to understand themselves better. Coaching helps people tap into their purpose and clarify their
values and vision. It also helps people understand their own preferences, motivations, and behaviors so
that they can better manage their interactions with others.
Here are a few tips to get the most out of regular coaching conversations:
• Try to get out of the regular work environment. Perhaps take a walk around the building, go to a
local coffee shop, or sit in a nearby park. A simple change in scenery, physical movement, or
fresh air can bring about more perspective and creativity.
• Don’t always have an agenda. While sometimes you may want to address specific observations
or situations, let the person you are coaching drive the conversation. Coaching is about the other
person, not about you. Simply start the conversation by asking, “What’s on your mind?”9
9. “What’s on your mind?” is one of the seven essential questions in the book The Coaching
Habit by Michael Bungay Stanier (Box of Crayons Press, 2016). This is a great book that provides
some easy-to-apply basics for coaching.
• Celebrate successes and growth. While we do believe in continuous improvement, that can be
sustained only by celebrating successes and growth along the way.
• Make time to process observations and uncover learning. If people are always in “action,” they
may not gain as many insights about themselves and their environment.
• Facilitate. Scrum Masters may facilitate Scrum events, additional working sessions, or
even the flow of impromptu collaborations throughout the Sprint. Effective facilitation
requires awareness (reading the room), constructive conflict, and maintaining a focus on
shared goals and outcomes. Facilitating provides more structure for teams to self-
organize and creates an environment in which team members can enter into productive
conflict, explore multiple perspectives, commit to team decisions, and tap into their
• Take action. In some circumstances, a Scrum Master will need to take action, sometimes
decisively and immediately. In taking action, the Scrum Master acts as a protector of the
team, its empirical process, and the interests of the broader organization. Taking action
means that the Scrum Master must strike a delicate balance, guided by safety concerns.
If the Scrum Master steps in too much or too frequently, they will damage the Scrum
Team’s ability to self-organize—but where the team’s safety or integrity are threatened,
the Scrum Master may have no alternative.
• Actively do nothing. Doing something for individuals when they could do it for
themselves disempowers them. The heart of empiricism and a learning culture is
experimentation, learning by doing. For the team members to learn, they need to act on
their own. This is a conscious decision, and it is always in service of the learning and
growth of others. The “active” part means you continue to actively observe while the
team learns and explores. Then, based on what happens, you can continue this
approach or choose something else.
In Practice: Where Scrum Master Intervention Is Appropriate
The Scrum Guide provides a simple example of an appropriate intervention by a Scrum Master: removing
impediments, usually with input from the Scrum Team on the desired outcome that needs to be
achieved. A Scrum Master in this situation will engage with others in the organization to help implement
a solution, which often requires teaching, facilitation, and coaching.
When the safety of any person, the team, or the framework is in jeopardy, the Scrum Master must act.
The extreme case is an instance of bullying or harassment. Not only is such conduct not aligned with the
Scrum values and the core tenets of the framework, but it is also illegal. When something like this
happens, the Scrum Master must act immediately to protect the team’s safety.
A less extreme example is stepping in to actively manage a conflict that is escalating in an unhealthy way.
Sometimes it is reasonable to let the team learn by exploring and doing; however, at other times, an
intervention will help the team make a step change. This is particularly common with teams starting out,
as they are not sure of how to work in this new way together. By more actively guiding the team, the
Scrum Master can help improve the pace of learning.
Scrum Teams need help and support to improve. They will likely identify many of the areas in
which they need to improve in their Sprint Retrospectives, but they shouldn’t overlook the
power and immediacy of the Daily Scrum as a lens for improvements. Rapidly removing
impediments as soon as Scrum Teams encounter them is perhaps the greatest thing you can do
to help them.
Transparency helps everyone understand the things that are holding a team back, and keeping
track of recurrent problems can help to make those challenges more visible. Visualizing various
forms of waste and communicating them to people who can help remove them is a good habit
to adopt.
Scrum Teams also need to invest in their own improvement and be given the space to do so by
those outside the team. They need to account for personal and team development investments
when planning Sprints, and they need to make their needs for development support transparent
to people outside the team who may need to provide money, time, or the help of other people
to develop their capabilities.
Scrum Masters play an important role both on their teams and beyond their teams. They help
their teams learn and develop their skills, embrace empiricism and an agile mindset, challenge
them to improve, and help them hone their capabilities. Being an effective Scrum Master
requires a wide range of skills, along with the wisdom and expertise to know when and how to
apply different techniques. Beyond the team, Scrum Masters help their teams by influencing the
organization at large to help their Scrum Teams become more effective over time.
Consider these questions with your team:
• How much meaningful reflection happens in Sprint Retrospectives?
• In what ways could Sprint Retrospectives be more engaging, creative, and collaborative?
• What data do you have that could bring transparency into the frequency and the
impacts of impediments?
• What actions have been taken to tackle impediments in the past few Sprints?
• What major impediments are being tolerated?
• In what areas do team members most need to and want to grow?
• In what areas is the Scrum Team improving, and how has the Scrum Master been
influencing this growth?
• Is there anything a Scrum Master may need to stop doing?
• What do you need from leaders in the organization to support team improvement?
• What challenges are hurting the most right now? Identify one or two experiments to
help improve. For each experiment, be sure to identify the desired impacts and how you
will measure them.
7. Leveraging the Organization to Improve
As we explored in the previous chapter, the Scrum Master, managers, and even individuals
within the Scrum Team help each other and the overall team to improve. In doing so, they will
frequently need to leverage the organization’s structure and culture to create the necessary
conditions to help teams grow their capabilities and to improve the team’s focus on frequently
delivering value. The organization’s structure and culture have a significant influence on a
team’s identity, its process, and how team members understand and measure product value.
The challenge for everyone is to make the organization’s influence a positive one, rather than
one that impedes the growth of Scrum Teams.
In today’s fast-paced world, high-performance teams are the value-creation engines of the
organization. Organizations that want to create and nurture high-performance teams need to
reward teamwork, not individual performance. They can do this in a variety of ways, including
the following:
• Rewarding bonuses to teams, based on team results
• Letting teams decide how to distribute raises and bonuses among team members
• Heavily weighting contributions to the team when reviewing an individual’s performance
• Providing people with frequent, meaningful, and actionable feedback
• Gathering feedback on an individual’s performance from a wide range of people: team
members, customers, and managers (sometimes called 360-degree feedback)3
• Considering intrinsic rewards that increase a person’s or a team’s sense of autonomy,
mastery, and purpose4
Distributed Teams
Similar to outsourcing, distributing team members can reduce the cohesion and effectiveness of
a team. People working in different time zones will have less time to collaborate depending on
how much their workdays overlap. People working at different sites will find that they may be
less effective in their collaboration as compared to people who work side-by-side. They will find
it more difficult to work together as a team. It is not impossible to make distributed teams work,
but it is certainly much harder.
Team members from different cultures also sometimes struggle to communicate. Some cultures
are more open to expressing differences of opinion, whereas other cultures are more
deferential in the face of differing social status. These and other factors make transparency
more challenging. Trust and time working together usually help team members reach greater
levels of mutual understanding that makes transparency and collaboration more effective, but
this shared mindset is harder to achieve when team members are remote. In any case, you will
have to work more diligently to overcome the barriers created by distributed teams by taking
the following steps:5
5. For other techniques, see
• Help the team to self-organize, rather than try to solve problems for them.
• Invest in the team’s growth with on-site collaboration sessions (at least once a year;
quarterly is more desirable). Include activities focused on getting to know each other,
establishing clear working agreements, aligning around product vision and
understanding customers, and accomplishing shared goals together.
• Invest in communication and collaboration tools (e.g., video communication, interactive
• Have open and honest discussions.
• Share and explore dissenting opinions.
• Believe that everyone is doing their best with what they know at the time.
When leaders say, “I need people to be more accountable,” they sometimes really mean they
want someone to blame when things go wrong. This creates a culture of fear that prevents
people from trying new things, gathering feedback, and adapting. Agility cannot survive in an
organization with a fear-based, blame-oriented culture. Accountability is different from blame.
Yes, it does mean owning your decisions and the results of those decisions, but the ultimate goal
is not to have someone to blame. Instead, accountability means being focused on the purpose
and having the right intentions. It’s about being transparent to how decisions were made, which
enables learning and adaptation. It’s about accepting complexity and unpredictability and about
creating shorter feedback loops to reduce risk and learn sooner.
An organization with a culture of accountability lets people own the decisions they should own
(i.e., no one trumps the Product Owner’s decisions about what to build), demanding that they
be empirical in their approach and supporting that with access to the people and information
they need, and accepting that mistakes and surprising successes will happen along the way.
When organizations get comfortable with transparency and move from a culture of blame
toward one of accountability, it requires leaders to let go of control—or rather, the illusion of
Although you might be concerned about scope being flexible, the reality is that we cannot
predict what scope will lead to the desired outcome. Remember that Scrum gives us the Product
Owner, who is accountable for optimizing value. The Product Owner creates alignment with a
product vision, orders a Product Backlog, and defines and validates value. The Product Owner
makes sure the Scrum Team is always working on the next right thing.
Of course, the Product Owner and stakeholders may not actually know what the right thing is to
achieve desired outcomes. They may have ideas and hypotheses, but the complex nature of
product development makes it challenging to know the right thing with absolute certainty. This
goes back to the point of validating outcomes. The flexibility in scope represents the power of
the Iron Triangle. And if you are releasing frequently to validate your assumptions and get
meaningful feedback from the market or users, you can adapt your process to more closely align
with the desired outcomes.
You might be wondering, “What if I want to fix two different sides of the Iron Triangle?” This is
where we believe the traditional project management view creates a fallacy—specifically,
because of complexity. Fixing time and scope is often desirable, but throwing more money at a
complex problem without extending the schedule typically has the opposite effect. The options
are to have everyone work overtime or to add more people to the team. The former burns
people out, introducing quality issues and eventually reduced morale. The latter slows you
down because you now have to deal with re-forming the team’s identity and working through
team process challenges with new team members.
The logical way to use the Iron Triangle is to fix time and money and let scope be flexible.
Alternatively, you can fix scope and let the time and money be flexible, but only if you are
absolutely sure that everything that you think you want is really needed by your customers.
Many initiatives start with a goal or desired outcome in mind. Sometimes the organization has a
hypothesis of what scope may help achieve the desired outcome. You might also want to
understand an approximate cost to deliver that scope to achieve desired outcomes. This is when
you do scope-based estimating. You can leverage the relative estimation techniques discussed
in Chapter 5, but you would likely do this at a higher level.
Scope-Based Estimation
Scrum Team members that have been working together on a product can do relative estimation
and compare this work to previous initiatives they have delivered. And if they do not have
history working together, they will need to do just enough analysis to get an idea about the
work, knowing they can create a revised estimate as they learn more during each Sprint.
At a high level, we recommend keeping estimates simple. A Product Owner conveys what is
known about the initiative, including desired outcomes and the specific features or capabilities
expected to achieve those desired outcomes. In turn, the Development Team estimates based
on what is currently known. The smallest unit that can be budgeted for a Scrum Team is a Sprint.
Therefore, it makes sense to create budgets in those units. Perhaps the Development Team will
estimate a number of Sprints. Or perhaps the Development Team estimates the work as Small,
Medium, or Large and establishes an understanding of what level of effort and complexity falls
into those categories. The team will then have a rough forecast of how many Sprints it will take
to complete the work—and the number of Sprints will provide the cost. Ultimately, it comes
down to the number of Sprints. Figure 7-2 provides an example of a Scrum Team’s estimation of
high-level initiatives.
Figure 7-2 Example of
simple high-level budgeting.
Of course, you may have additional costs beyond the people in the Scrum Team, so you will
need to estimate and add those costs into your budget. Remember to regularly inspect and
adapt in case any of those nonlabor costs are expected to change as the work unfolds.
Even with scope-based budgeting, you still want scope to remain reasonably flexible so that the
team can learn and adapt the Product Backlog closer toward the desired outcomes. This allows
for adjusting the specific items in the release, while fixing the volume of work to be completed.
11. Nexus is an approach for scaling Scrum for multiple teams working on the same product. For
more information, see
The structure of an organization, its processes and policies, and its culture all have a strong, and
sometimes overwhelming, influence on the teams that work within it. Learning to leverage the
organization to promote a strong team identity, so as to help teams improve flow in their
process and deliver greater product value, is essential to achieve long-term benefits from agile
approaches like Scrum.
All organizations need to continuously evolve, whether or not they are using Scrum. How quickly
they must evolve depends on where they are today, where they need to go, and which changes
are affecting their business. Organizations that embrace an agile mindset and empiricism to
enhance the power of teamwork are able to be more nimble and resilient in a rapidly changing,
highly competitive world.
Consider these questions with your team:
• Are organizational policies or processes preventing the development of people and
• Can the organization support (with time, money, or other resources) certain areas to
facilitate growing a stronger team identity?
• How does the organization—specifically your leadership and stakeholders—respond to
transparent information when the update is perceived as positive? When it is perceived
as negative?
• In what ways can you help the organization embrace change and adaptability as a
competitive advantage?
• In what ways does the organization leverage empiricism and focus on valuable outcomes
in its processes and policies (e.g., budgeting)?
• Which challenges are hurting the most right now? Identify one or two experiments to
help leverage the organization for Scrum Team improvement. For each experiment, be
sure to identify the desired impacts and how you will measure them.
8. Conclusion and What’s Next
By now, you should understand that Scrum is a lightweight framework that is simple, yet
powerful when put into action by a skilled, cohesive, self-organized team that embodies the
Scrum values and embraces empiricism.
In the course of the book, we have explored the Scrum Framework and many common
challenges in applying it, along with ways to overcome these challenges. We have introduced
seven key improvement areas for Professional Scrum as a way to help guide you toward
achieving greater benefits with Scrum. Opportunities for reflection and action have been
sprinkled throughout the book. We hope we have challenged you to improve your way of
working and that we have given you new insights into ways that your organization can improve.
At the end of each chapter, we have issued a “call to action” intended to keep you moving
forward on your ongoing journey to maximize the benefits of Scrum. Your journey doesn’t end
here, at the end of this book; in fact, it is just beginning. Reflect on your key insights, the actions
you have already taken, and the results you have observed from those actions. Focus first on
building a strong team and on the fundamentals of empiricism, and then build from there based
on feedback. With experience and practice, activities that were very hard at the beginning will
become almost effortless.
Consider scheduling time on your calendar to regularly reflect on your learning, observations,
and insights in your journey of Scrum mastery. As you do, consider how you will incorporate
these learnings to better serve your Scrum Team and your organization (and perhaps beyond).
Continually inspect your results and adapt your approach.
Scrum’s power derives from its simplicity. As the world becomes more volatile, uncertain, and
ambiguous, you will need Scrum’s simplicity to navigate the world’s increasing complexity.
Leaders who embrace simplicity and empiricism enable their people, teams, and organizations
to thrive and, in turn, deliver better solutions to the world’s challenges. We encourage you to be
part of the mission to improve the profession of product delivery. Let professionalism
guide you.
We wish you the best on your own journey of learning and improvement.
Scrum on!
Business agility and effective use of Scrum are directly connected. If you are “doing Scrum” but
are not realizing the business agility outcomes you desire, you should consider how you are
applying the Scrum Framework with an agile mindset. To determine how agile your business is,
rate your degree of agreement with the following statements on a scale of 1–10 (1 = highly
disagree, 10 = highly agree).
• Your organization is satisfied with your product’s return on investment.
• You produce a “Done” (i.e., potentially releasable) Increment at least once every Sprint.
• Your customers are happy with the frequency with which they receive releases.
• Stakeholder and customer feedback are incorporated into the product to improve the
value of the product.
• You validate assumptions about the value of the work that you are doing based on
market, customer, or user feedback.
• You can deliver new product capabilities in an acceptable period of time.
• You can respond to new opportunities or risks in an acceptable amount of time.
• You understand, and have evidence to support, your customers’ needs.
• You understand how your users or customers use the product, including which features
they use.
• You understand current and trending market conditions for your product.
• Your customers feel that the level of quality of your product is high.
• You spend an acceptable ratio of your product investment on maintaining the product or
fixing defects (versus new product capabilities).
• Your teams are very satisfied with their work.
• Your teams are very satisfied with their learning and growth opportunities.
A Sprint Can Be Successful Even When All Planned Sprint Backlog Items Are
Not Completed
Even within the shorter time frame of a Sprint, product delivery entails a great deal of
complexity and unpredictability. The Sprint Backlog is not a promise to deliver a specific set of
items within a specific timeframe. We recognize that we cannot perfectly plan, so we accept
that ambiguity and make informed decisions to adapt our plan based on what we learn as the
solution emerges. We use the Sprint Goal to provide focus and adapt the Sprint Backlog as we
learn more.
A successful Sprint delivers a releasable product. A successful Sprint delivers value.
The Scrum Master Is Not Responsible for Tracking the Development Team’s
The Development Team is self-organizing, which means the team members are responsible for
monitoring their own progress and adapting their plan. A Scrum Master may support a
Development Team by teaching them techniques to work more effectively together and to
increase the transparency of their progress and outcomes.