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Project Spreadsheets to BS 8110 The Concrete Centre

Client Advisory Group Made by Date Page

Location North Staircase RMW 10-Dec-24 145
REINFORCED CONCRETE STAIRCASES to BS 8110:2005 Checked Revision Job No
Originated from RCC72.xls v4.0 on CD © 2006 TCC chg - R68

Waist = 150 mm a = 2.500 m b = 0.600 m c = 0.600 m
L = 3.700 m
Waist 4.20
Steps 1.88
Finishes 0.50
6.57 kN/m² n5 = 15.60 kN/m² 19.50 19.50

M = 19.50 x ( 1.850 - 0.625 ) = 23.89 kNm/m d = 124 mm K = 0.0444

As = 561 mm² PROVIDE 9 H12 @ 130 B = 1018 mm² L/d = 29.839 < 30.921 allowed OK
As increased by 67.0 % for deflection
LANDING 4 +7.000 m
h = 150 mm L = 2.800 m

Self wt 3.54 n5 = 16.25 kN/m²

Finishes 1.30 n4 = 16.25 kN/m²
4.84 kN/m² nd = 13.18 kN/m² 37.95 37.95

M = 37.95 x 1.400 - 12.91 - 14.14 = 26.08 kNm/m d = 124 mm K = 0.0485

As = 616 mm² PROVIDE 7 H12 @ 180 B = 792 mm² L/d = 22.581 < 24.984 allowed OK
As increased by 12.4 % for deflection
Waist = 150 mm a = 2.500 m b = 0.600 m c = 0.375 m
L = 3.475 m
Waist 4.20
Steps 1.88
Finishes 0.50
6.57 kN/m² n6 = 15.60 kN/m² 18.24 20.77

M = 18.24 x ( 1.769 - 0.585 ) = 21.61 kNm/m d = 124 mm K = 0.0401

As = 506 mm² PROVIDE 7 H12 @ 180 B = 792 mm² L/d = 28.024 < 30.077 allowed OK
As increased by 38.0 % for deflection
LANDING 5 +8.750 m
h = 150 mm L = 2.800 m

Self wt 3.54 n5 = 16.25 kN/m²

Finishes 1.30 n6 = 15.20 kN/m²
4.84 kN/m² ne = 13.18 kN/m² 37.65 36.99

M = 37.65 x 1.377 - 12.49 - 13.69 = 25.65 kNm/m d = 124 mm K = 0.0477

As = 605 mm² PROVIDE 6 H12 @ 220 B = 679 mm² L/d = 22.581 < 22.669 allowed OK
As increased by 11.7 % for deflection
LANDING 6 +10.500 m
h = 150 mm L = 2.800 m

Self wt 3.54 n6 = 27.69 kN/m²

Finishes 1.30
4.84 kN/m² nf = 13.18 kN/m² 26.46 43.66

M = 43.66 x 1.119 - 8.25 - 15.10 = 25.52 kNm/m d = 125 mm K = 0.0467

As = 373 mm² PROVIDE 6 H10 @ 130 B = 471 mm² L/d = 22.400 < 25.042 allowed OK
As increased by 9.7 % for deflection
Project Spreadsheets to BS 8110
Location North Staircase
Originated from RCC72.xls v4.0 on CD © 2006 TCC Date 10-Dec-24


Flight 1 Flight 2 Landing 1 Flight 3 Landing 2 Flight 4 Landing 3 Flight 5 Landing 4 Flight 6 Landing 5 Landing 6
M 15.60 23.89 24.48 23.89 26.08 23.89 26.08 23.89 26.08 21.61 25.65 25.52
h 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
assume d = 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124
K 0.0290 0.0444 0.0455 0.0444 0.0485 0.0444 0.0485 0.0444 0.0485 0.0401 0.0477 0.0474
z 117.80 117.55 117.38 117.55 116.92 117.55 116.92 117.55 116.92 117.80 117.04 117.08
As/m 304.54 467.47 479.61 467.47 512.98 467.47 512.98 467.47 512.98 421.86 504.14 501.33
=% 0.2456 0.3770 0.3868 0.3770 0.4137 0.3770 0.4137 0.3770 0.4137 0.3402 0.4066 0.4043
Clause b? N N N N N N N N N N N N
Smax 310.00 310.00 310.00 310.00 310.00 310.00 310.00 310.00 310.00 310.00 310.00 310.00
Min spaces 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3
S 277.00 277.00 277.00 277.00 277.00 277.00 277.00 277.00 277.00 277.00 277.00 219.33
Dia 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 10

0 6
8 8
10 10
12 12
16 16
20 20
25 25
32 32
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or information is accepted by MPA-The Concrete Centre or its subcontractors, suppliers or advisors. Users should note that all MPA-The
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possession of the latest version.
This spreadsheet should be used in compliance with the accompanying publication 'User Guide RC Spreadsheets: v4' available from The
Concrete Centre www.concretecentre.com/rcdesign Tel +44 (0)1276 606800

Status of spreadsheet This spreadsheet is shareware but may not be used for commercial purposes until the user has
registered with The Concrete Centre using the licence validation form available on The Concrete
Public release version. Centre website www.concretecentre.com/rcdesign

Revision history RCC72 Stairs & Landings - Multiple

Date Version Action Size (kB)

1-Apr-10 RCC72 v4.0 Re-badged as TCC/Mineral Products Association. 536
16-Oct-08 RCC72 v3.2 Landing widths corrected in cells STAIRCORE C93, C114 etc. 532
28-Jun-06 RCC72 v3.1 v3 release. Page nos, User Guide and registration details amended. 506
12-Nov-05 RCC72 v3.0 Updated to 2005 versions of BS8110 & BS8666 531
22-Jan-03 RCC72 v2.1 DETR logo replaced by DTI. 497
11-Oct-02 RCC72 v2.0 Version 2 enhancements 516

3-Aug-99 RCC72 v1.0 First public release. 429

Includes b version comments

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