1. fundamental of survey

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Ch-01 Fundamental of Surveying

Surveying is the process of determining the relative positions of points on, above & below the
surface of the earth, by means of direct or indirect measurements of Distance, Direction &
Elevation. It is may also be termed as process of establishing the points by predetermined angular
or linear measurements.
Objectives of Surveying:
The objectives of surveying are as follows.
a) Collect and record data on the relative positions of points on the surface of the earth
b) Compute areas and volumes using this data, required for various purposes.
c) Prepare the plans and maps of he area surveyed .
d) Lay-out using survey data.



PLANE SURVEY Basis of based on Based upon the Based on object

Instrument used methods nature of survey of the survey

chain survey Engineering Land Survey Triangulation survey

Compass survey Astronomical Traverse survey
Geological Survey
Plane table survey
Theodolite survey Survey
. Military
Tacheometric survey Survey

Photographic survey Archaeologi

cal Survey
EDM survey

(A)PRIMARY CLASSIFICATION ─ Due to curvature of the earth the surveying is primary
classified into two ─ a) PLANE SURVEYING ; (b) GEODETIC SURVEYING
1) PLANE SURVEYING ─ It is the type of Surveying in which the curvature of the earth is not
considered or mean Surface of earth is considered to be planner. It is suitable to used for small
area of work. It is suitable for area less than 195.5 km2. All the line and triangle formed during this
surveying are considered as plane line and planner triangle. Here the level line is considered to be
straight line Plumb lines are considered to parallel to each other at different points. so it is called
plane trigonometry .
(2) GEODETIC SURVEYING ─It is that type of surveying in which Curvature of earth is taken into
consideration. Here all lines lying in it's surface are curved lines and triangles are Spherical
triangles. This survey is suitable to be used when are of surface is large, generally >195.5km2and
High degree of precision is required. In this survey plumb lines are meet at a point .
(B)SECONDARY CLASSIFICATION ─ Surveying can be classified as follows-
(a )Based upon the nature of survey:
1.) Land Survey: Here Surveying is done for the features on land. It is further classified into
(i) TOPGRAPHICAL SURVEYING: This surveying conducted to determine the natural features to
like River, Lake, pond, Forest hills (Natural), Road, Railways, canals, Town, villages (Artificial) by
linear or angular measurements.
(ii) CADASTRAL SURVEYING: This surveys are made for fixing the property lines boundaries of
fields houses and calculation of land area or the transfer the land property.
Purpose of survey scale (iii) CITY SURVEYING: This surveys are
conducted to determine to locate premises; streets,
Topographic survey 1 cm = 2.5 km water pipe lines, sewers, LPG lines, optical fibre,
electrical survey etc.
Cadastral survey 1 cm = 10m to 50m 2. Hydrographic Survey/Marine Survey: This
Surveys deals with water bodies for purpose of
Geographical 1 cm = 160m navigation, water supply, Mean Sea Level (MSL),
survey Reservoir functioning, waste disposal. It consist of
Buildings 1 cm = 10m measurement of discharge of streams, stage of the
water body and fluctuating in oceans tides.
Town planning 1 cm = 50m to 100m 3. Astronomical Survey: It is carried out for
determining the absolute location of any points on
the surface of earth with the helps of heavenly bodies. e.g. Sun, any fixed star.
(b)Based on object of the survey:
1. Engineering Survey: This is done to find sufficient data to be used for engineering design
works like roads, reservoirs, trench, foundation etc.
2. Geological Survey: It is deals with determination of formation of different strata in the earth
crust .
3. Military Survey: It is used for determining points of strategic importance.
4. Archaeological Survey: This is used to find the existence of past civilizations.
5. Mine Survey :It is being carried out for explorations of new mines.
(C)Classification on the Basis of Instrument used
A. chain survey B. Compass survey C. Plane table survey D. Theodolite survey
E Tacheometric survey F. Photographic survey . G. EDM survey H. Total station survey
(D)Classification on the based on methods :
1) Traverse survey : In this survey stations are forms a polygons.
2) Triangulation survey : In this survey stations are forms systems of triangles.

Note ─ (1) It is assumed that shape of earth is SPHARE but actually earth is an OBLATE
SPHEROID . Curvature of earth is known as GEOID. In actual Diameter of polar axis of earth is
less than diameter of equatorial axis by 42.95 Km. Avg. Radius of Earth is 6370 km.
(2) while considering the curvature of the earth the difference in length between an arc and the
corresponding chord is -
A. 10 cm in a length of 18.2 km ; B. 30 cm in a length of 54.5 km ; C. 50 cm in a length of 91 km.
(3) The difference between the sum of angles of a plane triangle and that of spherical triangle is
only one second for an area of 195.5 km .
(4)For any length of 12 km it is just 1 cm more in geodetic survey For any triangle with area 195.5
sum of interior angles would be just 1’’ extra in geodetic surveying .
(5) GRATE CIRCLE: It is the intersection of a plane passing through center of earth with its surface
The fundamental principles of surveying are as fallows
(a) Working from whole to Part:
whether plane or geodetic Surveying is done, work is to be carried out from whole to part. In this
we established first system of major control points with high degree of accuracy. Minor controls
points are then established by less precise method. By doing so accumulation of errors is avoided
and minor errors are localized.
(B)Establishing any point by at least two independent measurements.
The relative positions of the points to be surveyed should be located by measurement from at
least two points of reference, the position of which is already fixed.
Chain survey Offset method Traverse method Triangulation method
Plans & Maps :
One of the basic objectives of surveying is to prepare plans and maps. Plans and maps are
graphical representations to the actual site to some scale. Since surface of earth is curved, and
the paper of plan is plane, no part of the surface can be represented on such maps without
Hence maps are suitable for plane surveying .The representation is called as Map if scale is small
and is called plan if scale is large. In case of maps Vertical Distance can also be represented
along which horizontal distance and direction with the help, of contour

Distance : Linear measurements in horizontal Plane is termed as distance.

Elevation: Linear measurements in vertical plane is termed as Elevation.
Scales: It is the ratio of Plan / map distance to the corresponding distance on ground.
Scale can be represented by one of the fallowing form
. Map Distance
Scale =
Ground Distance
Scales can be represented any of the following form –
a) engineer’s scale ; (b) representation fraction(R.F) ; (c) graphical scale
a) Engineers Scale: Here one 'cm' on the plan or map represents some whole number of meters
on the ground. e.g. 1 cm=100 m
b) Representation Fraction (RF): Here one unit of length on the plan or map represents some
number of same units of length on the ground. The ratio of map distance to the corresponding
ground distance is independent of units of measurement is called representation fraction E.g.
1 :10000 or
Engineer's scale and Representation fraction both are Numerical Scale.
C)Graphical Scale : If the plan or map is to be used after a few years the neumerical scale
(engineers and representation fraction) may not give accurate results, if the sheet or paper Shrinks
or Expands .In such case graphical scale is used, in which scale is drawn on the plan or map
which also Shrink or Expands proportionally of the distance can be found accurately.
The ratio of Shrunk length to the original length is termed as Shrunk Factor/ Shrunk Ratio
Shrunk Length y Shrunk Scale
Shrunk Factor (SF)= = =
original Length x original Scale

Correct distance on map Shrunk Length

in terms of original Scale Shrunk factor

Correct area on map in Shrunk Area

terms of original Scale ¿¿
Extended Length
Extended Factor (EF) =
Original Length
Least count True scale − Wrong Scale
Accuracy ¿ %Error ¿ Wrong Scale
ERROR DUE TO WRONG MEASURING SCALE: If a wrong measuring scale is used to
measure the length or area of an already drawn line or area on the plan, then measured length or
area will not be correct .Hence it is to be corrected as follows.
RF of wrong scale
Correct Length = × Measured Length
RF of correct scale

[ ]
RF of wrong scale
correct Area = × Measured Area
RF of correct Scale

The choice of scale of map to be selected depends upon.
a) Use of the map.
b) Extent of the territory to be represented
While deciding the scale of map following point are considered.
i) Choose scale large enough so that in plotting or in scaling distance from the finished map, it will
not be necessary to read the scale closer than 0.25 mm .
ii) Choose as small a scale as is consistent with a clear representation of smaller details desired.
Large Scale : In the large scale Value of RF is large or Denominator is small.
Small Scale : In the small scale Value of RF is small or Denominator is large.
Scale maybe classified as follows -
a] PLAIN SCALE: It is a Scale on which it is possible to measure Two dimensions only . i.e. units
and tenth
B) DIAGONAL SCALE : It is a Scale on which it is possible to measure three dimensions only i.e.
units ,tenth , hundredth .
c) CHORO SCALE: A scale of chord is used to measure or set of angles. It is marked either on
rectangular or an ordinary wooden scale.
d] VERNIER SCALE: It is invented in 1631 by Pierre vernier , is a device for measuring accurately
the fractional part of the smallest division on graduated scale or main scale.

Hence, in this case reading are taken closer than smallest reading on the graduated scale.The
vernier consists of small scale called as vernier Scale which moves along the graduated
scale/main scale.The vernier has index mark (arrow) which represents zero of vernier scale. The
division of vernier scale are made either slightly shorter or longer than that of main scale The least
count of the vernier is equal to different of length of one division of main scale and one division of
vernier scale.

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