Water Treatment_Sedimentation-1(1)
Water Treatment_Sedimentation-1(1)
Water Treatment_Sedimentation-1(1)
It is the process of removing solid particles
heavier than water by gravity.
If νs > ν, particles do not settle unless the particles are at h level when entering
νs <<< ν. This can be achieved by increasing the area of the tank (ν = Q/As)
Settling velocities of particles in water
Laboratory experiments
Much research has been done on the
settling velocities of discrete particles and
typical figures for the settling velocities of
selected particles are given in Table
When this condition is achieved the particle will be settling through the rising
water and clarification must result, with all particles with a settling velocity
greater than v being removed.
In practice, the upward velocity of the water is kept down to about half the
settling velocity of the floc particles.
As in the case of the horizontal-flow basins, it would appear in theory that the
depth of the tank is not particularly significant and that surface area is the
only important factor.
High rate tube settlers are designed to improve the characteristics of the rectangular
basin and to increase flow through the tank.
The tube settlers consist of a series of tubes that are installed at a 60 degree angle to
the surface of the tank.
The flow is directed up through the settlers.
Particles have a tendency to flow at an angle different than the water and to contact
the tube at some point before reaching the top of the tube.
After particles have been removed from the flow and collected on the tubes, they tend
to slide down the tube and back into the sludge zone.
A solids contact unit combines coagulation, flocculation, and sedimentation in one
These units are also called upflow clarifiers or sludge-blanket clarifiers.
These units are used primarily with lime-soda ash to settle floc formed during water
Flow is usually in an upward direction through a sludge blanket or slurry of flocculated
suspended solids.
• Uniform sludge blanket must be maintained • Known as solids-contact clarifiers,
• Sludge blanket sensitive to changes in water upflow clarifiers, reactivators, and
temperature precipitators
• Changes in rate of flow should be made infrequently, • Sludge – settled materials from
slowly, and carefully coagulation or settling
• Operational factors of importance • Slurry – the suspended floc clumps in
Temperature the Clarifier
Control of chemical dosage • Internal mechanism consists of 3 distinct
Mixing of chemicals processes that function in the same way
Control of sludge blanket as conventional treatment
• Sludge produce by the unit is recycled
• Perform a drawdown on sludge blanket to check through the process to act as a
thickness and concentration coagulant aid
• check solids concentration 2 times a day
• check solids concentration every 8 hours (3
times a day)
Sludge removal frequency depends on
• Rate of sludge buildup
Dependent on amount of
suspended material & flock
• Size and capacity of sludge pump
• Manual removal should be performed
twice per year
Efficiency is nothing but the performance of sedimentation tank. It is maximum when the maximum amount
of suspended particles in the raw water are separated. In sedimentation tanks, efficiency purely depends upon
the settling velocity and over flow velocity.
Efficiency of Sedimentation Tank = (Vs/Vo) x 100
Design Details
Detention period: for plain sedimentation: 3 to 4 h, and for
coagulated sedimentation: 2 to 2.5 h.
Velocity of flow: Not greater than 30 cm/min (horizontal flow).
Tank dimensions: L:B = 3 to 5:1. Generally L= 30 m (common)
maximum 100 m. Breadth= 6 m to 10 m. Circular: Diameter
not greater than 60 m. generally 20 to 40 m.
Depth 2.5 to 5.0 m (3 m).
Surface Overflow Rate: For plain sedimentation 12000 to 18000
L/d/m2 tank area; for thoroughly flocculated water 24000 to
30000 L/d/m2 tank area.
Slopes: Rectangular 1% towards inlet and circular 8%.