Obunkwatwa endwara ruzitanda tondi, 3. Naarya, naarya, naiguta, Webale Mukama ninkusiima! Mutambi w’enjara enyita, Nyeena ndi aha mpaagire, Muhangi Yezu nompamya. 2. Okatuma Kristu omwana waawe wenka, Kristu akatufeera ha musalaba, Post communion – CH RIST AROSE Kristu akatufoora abaana ba Ruhanga, Webale Mukama ninkusiima! 1. Low in the grave he lay, Jesus my Saviour, Waiting the coming day, Jesus my Lord. 3. Hamuhanda ondinda, mubizibu bingi, Up from the grave He arose, kabube butandwa niiwe rundinda, With a mighty triumph o’er His foes, Bantu bange boona obalinda kurungi, He arose a victor from the dark domain Webale Mukama ninkusiima! And He lives forever with the saints to reign. He arose! He arose! 4. Magezi n’amaani byoona niiwe obimpa, Halleluiah! Christ arose! Byoona mbikozese ntunge ekyokulya, Binkatunga byoona Taata niiwe obimpa, 2. Vainly they watched his bed, Jesus my Webale Mukama ninkusiima! Saviour, Vainly they sealed the dead, Jesus my Offertory – AWIYO Lord. Awiyo ehee, awiyo, awiyo, awiyo, awiyo ehee 3. Death cannot keep its prey, Jesus ny Yesu marusi (2) Saviour, 1. Bilenge…… Tunazambe nalingi kakwana He tore the bars away, Jesus my Lord. Awiyo ehee..Yesu marusi (2) 2. Batata………….. Recession – H E ROSE H E ROSE 3. Watoto………… He rose; He rose, He rose from the dead (3). 4. Kelezia………… And the Lord shall bear his children home (2). 5. Bayaya………… 6. Duku………….. 1. They crucified my savior, And nailed him to the tree: (3) 7. Kafiri………….. And the Lord……… Sanctus – Mayot 2. Oh Joseph begged his body, Ag nus- Popular mass And laid it in the tomb: (3) Communion – TWAIJA MBWENU And the Lord………. TWASHAKA 3. The cold grave could not hold him, 1. Twaija mbwenu twashaka, Nor death’s cold iron hand (3) Entanda y’obugwisagye, And the Lord……….. Yezu bambe waagaba, Eitungo ry’eiguru ndiri. 4. The angels came from heaven, Haisibwa, Himbisibwa, Mwana w’omuhangi, And rolled the stone away (3) Waijagye, twakurya gye, twaba n’abaganzi. And the Lord…………
2. Yezu bambe waihura, 5. Oh Mary – she came weeping,
Endiiro y’obushongore, Her Lord seeking to see (3) Naarya, naanywa, naamarwa, And the Lord………… Amaani maingi gaazamu. St. Peter’c choir 2