UCT Mathematics Competition 2011 Grade 11
UCT Mathematics Competition 2011 Grade 11
UCT Mathematics Competition 2011 Grade 11
Die UK Wiskundekompetisie
Grade 11 Graad 11
1. Do not turn over before you are told Moenie omblaai voor jy aangesê word
to do so. om dit te doen nie.
2. No calculators or other calculating Geen sakrekenaars of ander reken-
aids are allowed. hulpmiddels word toegelaat nie.
3. Every question has five possible an- Elke vraag het vyf moontlike ant-
swers, numbered from 1 to 5. Only woorde, genommer van 1 tot 5. Slegs
one is correct. Write the number of een is korrek. Skryf die nommer van
the correct answer in the block below die korrekte antwoord in die blokkie
the question number (do not write onder die vraagnommer (moenie die
the answer itself). antwoord self skryf nie).
Question number
Vraag nommer 27 28 29 30 31
Answer number
Antwoord nommer
Marking / Puntetoekenning
Question Wrong answer No answer Correct answer
Vraag Verkeerde antwoord Geen antwoord Korrekte antwoord
1 – 10 0 1 5
11 – 20 0 1 6
21 – 30 0 1 7
Time: 75 minutes Tyd: 75 minute
√√ √ √
1. 121 + 144 + 169 is equal to / is gelyk aan
√ √
(1) 434 (2) 4 434 (3) 36 (4) 6 (5) 4
2. If 6 packets of chips cost the same as 4 ice creams, how many packets
of chips would cost the same as 10 ice creams?
5. When Lana was 4, Mandla was 7. When Lana was 7, Nandi was 5.
How old was Mandla when Nandi was 7?
Toe Lana 4 was, was Mandla 7. Toe Lana 7 was, was Nandi 5. Hoe
oud was Mandla toe Nandi 7 was?
6. 1 + is equal to / is gelyk aan
164 143 137 151 183
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
139 117 108 115 142
10. The areas of three sides of a rectangular box are 60 cm2 , 65 cm2 and
156 cm2 . What is the volume (in cm3 ) of the box?
Die oppervlaktes van drie kante van ’n reghoekige kis is 60 cm2 , 65 cm2
en 156 cm2 . Wat is die volume (in cm3 ) van die kis?
(1) 281 (2) 312 (3) 600 (4) 780 (5) 960
11. A large cube is painted red all over and then cut into equal small cubes.
36 small cubes have paint on just two sides. How many small cubes
have paint on just one side?
’n Groot kubus word reg rondom rooi geverf en daarna in gelyke kleiner
kubusse gesny. 36 klein kubusse het slegs aan twee kante rooi verf.
Hoeveel klein kubusse het slegs aan een kant rooi verf?
15. Tracy writes out the letters of the alphabet from A to Z. When she
gets to Z, she begins again at A. She keeps repeating the alphabet until
she has written the 2011th letter. What is that letter?
Tracy skryf die letters van die alfabet uit van A tot Z. Wanneer sy
by Z kom, begin sy weer by A. Sy hou aan om die alfabet te herhaal
totdat sy die 2011de letter geskryf het. Wat is hierdie letter?
17. Points P and Q are the centres of two faces of a cube that have a
common vertex X. Determine ∠P XQ.
(1) 30◦ (2) 45◦ (3) 60◦ (4) 70◦ (5) 90◦
Grade 11 / Graad 11 6
18. The operation ⊗ is defined for all non-zero numbers by a ⊗ b = .
Determine ((1 ⊗ 2) ⊗ 3) − (1 ⊗ (2 ⊗ 3)).
Die operasie ⊗ word vir alle nie-nul getalle gedefinieer deur a ⊗ b = .
Bepaal ((1 ⊗ 2) ⊗ 3) − (1 ⊗ (2 ⊗ 3)).
3 2 7 11
(1) (2) − (3) (4) (5) 0
7 3 12 15
1 1 1
20. If − = , then d is equal to
a b d
1 1 1
As − = , dan is d gelyk aan
a b d
b−a ab
(1) b − a (2) (3)
ab b−a
(4) (5) a − b
√ √
21. If a = 3 2, b = 5 + 2 and c = 4, which of the following is true?
√ √
As a = 3 2, b = 5 + 2 en c = 4, watter een van die volgende is waar?
(1) c < b < a (2) b < a < c (3) a < c < b
(4) a < b < c (5) c < a < b
22. (2 − 3)3 is equal to / is gelyk aan
√ √ √
(1) −3 3 √ (2) 26 − 15√3 (3) 17 − 9 3
(4) 11 − 6 3 (5) 21 − 12 3
Grade 11 / Graad 11 7