UCT Mathematics Competition 2011 Grade 11

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The UCT Mathematics Competition

Die UK Wiskundekompetisie

Grade 11 Graad 11


1. Do not turn over before you are told Moenie omblaai voor jy aangesê word
to do so. om dit te doen nie.
2. No calculators or other calculating Geen sakrekenaars of ander reken-
aids are allowed. hulpmiddels word toegelaat nie.
3. Every question has five possible an- Elke vraag het vyf moontlike ant-
swers, numbered from 1 to 5. Only woorde, genommer van 1 tot 5. Slegs
one is correct. Write the number of een is korrek. Skryf die nommer van
the correct answer in the block below die korrekte antwoord in die blokkie
the question number (do not write onder die vraagnommer (moenie die
the answer itself). antwoord self skryf nie).

Example Suppose Question 31 reads: Voorbeeld Gestel Vraag 31 is:

31. The smallest integer larger than 1 is / Die kleinste heelgetal groter as 1 is
(1) 0 (2) -1 (3) 1 (4) 2 (5) -2
The correct answer is 2, which is an- Die korrekte antwoord is 2 en dit is
swer number (4). Therefore you must antwoord nommer (4). Dus moet jy 4
write 4 in the block below 31. in die blokkie onder 31 skryf.

Question number
Vraag nommer 27 28 29 30 31
Answer number
Antwoord nommer
Marking / Puntetoekenning
Question Wrong answer No answer Correct answer
Vraag Verkeerde antwoord Geen antwoord Korrekte antwoord
1 – 10 0 1 5
11 – 20 0 1 6
21 – 30 0 1 7
Time: 75 minutes Tyd: 75 minute

√√ √ √
1. 121 + 144 + 169 is equal to / is gelyk aan
√ √
(1) 434 (2) 4 434 (3) 36 (4) 6 (5) 4

2. If 6 packets of chips cost the same as 4 ice creams, how many packets
of chips would cost the same as 10 ice creams?

As 6 pakkies skyfies dieselfde kos as 4 roomyse, hoeveel pakkies skyfies

sal dieselfde kos as 10 roomyse?

(1) 8 (2) 12 (3) 14 (4) 15 (5) 16

3. Three consecutive odd numbers add up to 375. Find the difference

between the biggest and the smallest numbers.

Drie opeenvolgende onewe getalle bymekaargetel is 375. Vind die ver-

skil tussen die grootste en die kleinste getal.

(1) 4 (2) 6 (3) 12 (4) 125 (5) 127

4. (4−1 − 3−1 )−1 is equal to / is gelyk aan

(1) −12 (2) −1 (3) (4) 1 (5) 12

5. When Lana was 4, Mandla was 7. When Lana was 7, Nandi was 5.
How old was Mandla when Nandi was 7?

Toe Lana 4 was, was Mandla 7. Toe Lana 7 was, was Nandi 5. Hoe
oud was Mandla toe Nandi 7 was?

(1) 3 (2) 6 (3) 8 (4) 10 (5) 12

Grade 11 / Graad 11 3

6. 1 + is equal to / is gelyk aan
164 143 137 151 183
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
139 117 108 115 142

7. Triangles ABC, DEA and EF G are equi-

lateral. Points D and G are the mid-
points of sides AC and EA respectively.
If AB = 4, what is the perimeter of the
figure ABCDEF G?

Driehoeke ABC, DEA en EF G is

gelyksydig. Points D en G is die mid-
delpunte van sye AC en EA onderskeide-
lik. As AB = 4, wat is die omtrek van die
figuur ABCDEF G?
(1) 14 (2) 15 (3) 16 (4) 18 (5) 20

8. In the figure, which of the following is


Watter van die volgende is waar vir die

gegewe figuur?

(1) a + b + c + d = 360◦ (2) a + b = c + d

(3) a + b + c + d = 180◦ (4) a + c = b + d
(5) a + d = b + c

9. When (x + 3)(3x − k)(2x − 1) is multiplied out, the coefficient of x2 is

5. What is the value of k?

Wanneer (x + 3)(3x − k)(2x − 1) uitvermenigvuldig word, is x2 se

koëffisiënt 5. Wat is die waarde van k?

(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4 (5) 5

Grade 11 / Graad 11 4

10. The areas of three sides of a rectangular box are 60 cm2 , 65 cm2 and
156 cm2 . What is the volume (in cm3 ) of the box?

Die oppervlaktes van drie kante van ’n reghoekige kis is 60 cm2 , 65 cm2
en 156 cm2 . Wat is die volume (in cm3 ) van die kis?

(1) 281 (2) 312 (3) 600 (4) 780 (5) 960

11. A large cube is painted red all over and then cut into equal small cubes.
36 small cubes have paint on just two sides. How many small cubes
have paint on just one side?

’n Groot kubus word reg rondom rooi geverf en daarna in gelyke kleiner
kubusse gesny. 36 klein kubusse het slegs aan twee kante rooi verf.
Hoeveel klein kubusse het slegs aan een kant rooi verf?

(1) 24 (2) 54 (3) 60 (4) 64 (5) 84

12. In the figure, any counter may be • • • •

moved to any unoccupied square. • • • •
What is the smallest number of coun- • •
ters that must be moved so that each • • • •
row and each column contains exactly •
three counters?
In die figuur mag enige skuifstuk na enige leë vierkant beweeg word.
Wat is die kleinste aantal skuifstukke wat beweeg moet word om te
verseker dat elke ry en elke kolom presies drie skuifstukke bevat?

(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4 (5) 5

13. How many zeros are at the end of 1 × 2 × 3 × 4 × · · · × 98 × 99 × 100?

Hoeveel nulle is daar aan die einde van 1×2×3×4×· · ·×98×99×100?

(1) 10 (2) 20 (3) 21 (4) 24 (5) 25

Grade 11 / Graad 11 5

14. How many different isosceles triangles of perimeter 25 units can be

formed with all sides a whole number of units?

Hoeveel verskillende gelykbenige driehoeke met omtrek 25 eenhede kan

gevorm word met alle sye ’n heeltallige aantal eenhede?

(1) 1 (2) 3 (3) 12 (4) 7 (5) 6

15. Tracy writes out the letters of the alphabet from A to Z. When she
gets to Z, she begins again at A. She keeps repeating the alphabet until
she has written the 2011th letter. What is that letter?

Tracy skryf die letters van die alfabet uit van A tot Z. Wanneer sy
by Z kom, begin sy weer by A. Sy hou aan om die alfabet te herhaal
totdat sy die 2011de letter geskryf het. Wat is hierdie letter?

(1) A (2) D (3) I (4) R (5) Z

16. In the diagram on the right, the number in

each box is obtained by adding the num-
bers in the two boxes immediately below.
What is the number in the top box?

In die diagram regs word die getal in elke

vierkant verkry deur die getalle in die twee
vierkante direk onder dit op te tel. Wat is
die getal in die boonste vierkant?
(1) 119 (2) 128 (3) 129 (4) 131 (5) 137

17. Points P and Q are the centres of two faces of a cube that have a
common vertex X. Determine ∠P XQ.

Punte P en Q is die middelpunte van twee kante van ’n kubus wat ’n

gemene hoekpunt X het. Bepaal ∠P XQ.

(1) 30◦ (2) 45◦ (3) 60◦ (4) 70◦ (5) 90◦
Grade 11 / Graad 11 6

18. The operation ⊗ is defined for all non-zero numbers by a ⊗ b = .
Determine ((1 ⊗ 2) ⊗ 3) − (1 ⊗ (2 ⊗ 3)).
Die operasie ⊗ word vir alle nie-nul getalle gedefinieer deur a ⊗ b = .
Bepaal ((1 ⊗ 2) ⊗ 3) − (1 ⊗ (2 ⊗ 3)).
3 2 7 11
(1) (2) − (3) (4) (5) 0
7 3 12 15

19. A circle cuts the x−axis at x = 2 and x = 4 and is tangent to the

y−axis. What is the radius of the circle?

’n Sirkel sny die x−as by x = 2 en x = 4 en is raaklynig aan die y−as.

Wat is die radius van die sirkel?
√ √ √ √
(1) 2 2 (2) 3 (3) 2 3 (4) 7 (5) 10

1 1 1
20. If − = , then d is equal to
a b d
1 1 1
As − = , dan is d gelyk aan
a b d
b−a ab
(1) b − a (2) (3)
ab b−a
(4) (5) a − b

√ √
21. If a = 3 2, b = 5 + 2 and c = 4, which of the following is true?
√ √
As a = 3 2, b = 5 + 2 en c = 4, watter een van die volgende is waar?
(1) c < b < a (2) b < a < c (3) a < c < b
(4) a < b < c (5) c < a < b

22. (2 − 3)3 is equal to / is gelyk aan
√ √ √
(1) −3 3 √ (2) 26 − 15√3 (3) 17 − 9 3
(4) 11 − 6 3 (5) 21 − 12 3
Grade 11 / Graad 11 7

23. The perimeters of the triangles ADF ,

DBE, DEF and F EC are 12, 24, 19 and
24 as shown. What is the perimeter of tri-
angle ABC?

Die omtrekke van die driehoeke ADF ,

DBE, DEF en F EC is, soos aangedui,
12, 24, 19 en 24. Wat is die omtrek van
driehoek ABC?
(1) 41 (2) 47 (3) 43 (4) 38 (5) 49

24. If f (x) is a quadratic function such that f (1) = 2, f (2) = 11 and

f (4) = 41, find f (3)

As f (x) ’n kwadratiese funksie is sodat f (1) = 2, f (2) = 11 en f (4) =

41, vind f (3)

(1) 20 (2) 24 (3) 26 (4) 19 (5) 31

25. A box contains pens of three different colours:

48 are either red or blue
37 are either blue or black
39 are either black or red.
How many pens are there altogether?

’n Houer bevat penne van drie verskillende kleure:

48 is òf rooi òf blou
37 is òf blou òf swart
39 is òf swart òf rooi.
Hoeveel penne is daar altesame?

(1) 33 (2) 38 (3) 47 (4) 62 (5) 70

Grade 11 / Graad 11 8

26. A boy rows up a river from A to B, against the current, taking 30

minutes. Rowing back from B to A, with the current, takes him 20
minutes. If there was no current, how long (in minutes) would it take
him to row from A to B and back?

’n Seun wat stroomop roei van A tot by B neem 30 minute. As hy

stroomaf van B na A roei, neem dit hom 20 minute. As die rivier stil
staan, hoe lank (in minute) sal dit hom neem om van A na B en terug
te roei?

(1) 44 (2) 45 (3) 46 (4) 48 (5) 50

27. x and y are two different positive factors of 36 and xy is a perfect

square. How many different values of x + y are possible?

x en y is twee verskillende positiewe faktore van 36 en xy is ’n volkome

vierkant. Hoeveel verskillende waardes van x + y is moontlik?

(1) 6 (2) 8 (3) 9 (4) 12 (5) 36

28. If f (2x + 1) = 3x + 2, then f (4x + 3) is equal to

As f (2x + 1) = 3x + 2, dan is f (4x + 3) gelyk aan

(1) 6x + 1 (2) 6x + 2 (3) 6x + 3 (4) 6x + 4 (5) 6x + 5

29. In triangle ABC, ∠A = 90◦ and

D lies on BC with AD ⊥ BC.
If BD = 2 and DC = 3, tan B is
equal to

In driehoek ABC, ∠A = 90◦ en

D lê op BC met AD ⊥ BC. As
BD = 2 en DC = 3, dan is tan B
gelyk aan
√ √ √ √ √
3 5 5
(1) 2 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 3 (5) 2
Grade 11 / Graad 11 9

30. If a3 − a − 1 = 0, what is the value of a4 + a3 − a2 − 2a + 1?

As a3 − a − 1 = 0, wat is die waarde van a4 + a3 − a2 − 2a + 1?

(1) 0 (2) a + 1 (3) 2 (4) 1 (5) −1

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