Science model exam - (Answers)

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Model exam answers

1. The diagram shows parts of a flower
a) label the diagram. Shows from the words below

stigma Petal


Petal filament ovary stamen stigma anther style stem

b) Lara travelled for 2 Months and left her plants in the balcony.
When she came back, she found her plants dead,
Why did her plants die?
Because no one waters the plants.
The plants didn’t get enough water

2. Jon's family have a history of diabetes. This is the diet plan he put for
himself for the first 3 days.
Day Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Sunday 4 pieces of toast Rice Corn flakes
Cheese Chicken Milk
Jam Chocolate cake Sugar
Monday 2 pieces of Danish Pasta Yoghurt
Honey Meat Jam
Tea Soda
Tuesday 2 bread rolls Rice 2 pieces of toast
Eggs Fish Sausages
Coffee French fries Honey
Hot chocolate

Knowing about Jon's family history, what is wrong with his diet?
Eating sweets
Which food group did Jon forget to add to his diet?
Fruits and vegetables or fats
Write a balanced meal for Jon to have for lunch.
(Write any meal has the five groups: Protein - dairy products -Vegetably
and fruits – Carbohydrates - sweets)
Jon added protein in his diet. Which day did he eat the highest amount of

3. Tick [ √ ] the correct statements about flowers.

√ The carpel is the female part of the flower.

√ Ovules become seeds.

The style joins the petal and the sepal.

√ The stamen consists of the anther and the filament.

The anther is part of the carpel.

4. Rajiv says that we shouldn't kill insects because they are important
for farmers.
Explain his reason for saying that.
Because the Insects are very Important in pollination process.

5. Here is an identification key.

(a) Use it to identify the names of the plants in the photographs.


Fern MOSS dandelion Conifer

(b) Match each plant from above with their types.


dandelion fern conifer moss

(C) (A) (D) (B)


6. a) Draw a line to match each step of the life cycle of the plant
with its name.

1 Fertilization 3

Seed dispersal 4

3 germination 2

Pollination 1

5 Seed development 5

(b) Which method of seed dispersal does this plant use?


7. Complete using from the words below.

seed coat food supply pollen tube embryo ovary

The embryo is the baby plant.

The ovary is where fertilisation happens.

The food supply provides food for the embryo.

The seed coat protects the seed from damage.

8. The flower is brightly colored to attract insects for pollination.

Write one other way that show adaptation of flowers for pollination.

1- Scented (has good Smell).

2- nectar

9.Here is a diagram of a human body system.


a) What is the name of this system?
digestive System
b) Which letter labels the stomach?
(c) What is the function of the organ (B)?
Absorbs the nutrients from the food and moves them to blood stream.
(d) What is the name of the organ (C)?
Large Intestine
(e) Write the name of one more organ in this system and label it
on the diagram.
1. Oesophagus 2. Anus

10. Here is a description for some plants.

Write the suitable method of seed dispersal for each plant.




11. Living things are adapted to different environments.

Draw a line from each adaptation to the correct reason for it.

Wolves have sharp teeth (1)

To catch its prey (1), (4)

Cactus plant has needle

like leaves (2)
To survive in the cold weather (5)
chameleon have the ability to
change their colour to blend into
surrounding (3)
To escape from predators (3)

Tigers have sharp claws (4)

To survive in the hot weather

Alaskan wood frogs freeze in (2) , (6)
winter and stop breathing (5)

African elephants have large ears

which they use as fans (6)

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