Company Profile Legalku

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Founded in 2017, LEGALKU is a new standard quality of legal services

administration supporting enterprises with predictive timeline, accurate

documentation through technology of machine learning, digital analytics and
Software as service.

We help Enterprises to manage a legal compliance matter. Our values are to

identify the legal needs of our clients and manage all the legal matter by their
priority. We value your precious time, Legalku your private legal
LegalBizz (Enterprise Legal support
trough Technology)

LegalSign (Authorization system &

electronic Signature)

LegalDoc (Document Generator,

create your document easier)
LEGALKU Legalku moving Legalku
their Headquarter established
to Jakarta, partnership with Legalku get invited to
Partnership with Legalku Tower innovation Room Asian Future Business
Kadin Kab Control System Ministry of Collaboration Kuala
Bandung established Manpower Lumpur

Legalku Achieving first 100 Achieving first Legalku expansion

Legalku funded by
Founded in Transaction, 1.000 transaction to Yogyakarta &
UMG Idealabs
Bandung Legalku get invited Denpasar
to Asian Digital
Expo Bangkok
Legalku moving Legalku
their Headquarter established
LegalDoc & to Jakarta, partnership with Legalku get invited to
LegalSign release Legalku Tower innovation Room Asian Future Business
to public, IPR Control System Ministry of Collaboration Kuala
Registration established Manpower Lumpur

Achieving 5.000 Awarded as The Most Top 20 Startup Partnership with

transaction, Creative Startup at Accelerating Asia J-Express (JX)
Operational Amvesindo Pitching 2021 Indonesia
expansion into 30 Days, Top 15 Startup
cities in Indonesia Studio Program
Company Business License & Intellectual Property Document Drafting, Review
Registration, Industrial permit Protection & Translation Agreement & Legal
Establishment & Support Registration Corporate Counsel
Notary Legalization Retainer

(Holding, Subsidiary, (Compliance & (Trademark, (Sworn English,

SPC, Adjusment Extension) Copyright, Patent, Mandarin or
update of Annual Idustrial Design) of Japanese)
Shareholder Meeting) your company or
Feel a different experience when using Legalku
with the dashboard that we present to you
Wide Technology
Professional Reliability Affordable
Service Area Driven
Reliability Our team is Having a large quantity Our range of services Our business identity as
We have handled
supported by the B2C and B2B Business is very wide which a Legal tech Company
more than 6000
selection of the best line and supported by allows you to represents our main
Corporate and
consultants and automation technology manage your office's advantage in using
MSME clients with
strict Internal SOPs allows Legalku to provide legal compliance technology in all of our
timeline accuracy
with automated you with affordable and anywhere. operations. (Internal
above 85% and the
systems to ensure competitive prices Tower Control, Document
fast response time
the highest quality without compromising Automation
to serve you.
for our clients the quality of the best Management, LegalSign,
services. etc)
Integrity in Action
Proactive to Capability of Solution Oriented
and Purposes
innovate Excellence (We think, We act, We solve)

Teamwork and
Motivation to Collaborating
Growth Appreciation in all
Reyhan Septiadi (Reyhan)

+62 896-1141-9773

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