Aparajitha Ebrochure

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India’s # 1

Contract Labour Compliance Partner





Nation wide presence to simplify your complexities of Labour Law Compliance

Market leaders in HR Compliance Services.

Experts in Labour and Industrial Laws.

Pan India operations with own resources and infrastructure.

Partnering with more than 700 clients.

Rated as one of the top 500 best performing mid-sized companies by

INC India.

Reaching out to more than 24 lac of Indian Workforce employed in

factories, mines and commercial establishments.

Web enabled dashboards / reports to manage compliances.

About us

Aparajitha Corporate Services Private Limited, is a leading KNOWLEDGE PROCESS OUTSOURCING company offering HR Compliance Services. Being a market
leader and national player in this domain, we have expertise in the labour legislations enacted by the central government as well as various state governments
(including the union territories) and its similarities, differences and procedural nuances.

Aparajitha believes that complying with regulatory requirements should be business enhancing and
not business hindering. By developing tailored compliance processes for our clients that account
for the individual practices of the firm relating to size, strategy, structure, geography and business Services Offered:
practices, Aparajitha is able to create and maintain cost effective business and regulatory programs
that will withstand the scrutiny of regulators, auditors and investors.

Aparajitha is truly a Pan-India service provider, which operates with its own resources and
infrastructure in all the states with complete expertise in the labour laws. Our distinguished list of
over 700 clients across all industries speak volumes about our credentials and capabilities.

Our clients are the nuclei of our business. We listen to them, understand their business requirements
and customize our compliance process to fulfill their requirements while ensuring complete g
compliance. We also provide accurate services to our clients and there by making them risk-free.

Aparajitha is a preferred choice by corporate houses which strongly believe in corporate

governance. We also add credibility by ensuring confidentiality and protect our client's sensitive
data against any compliance, financial or reputation risks.
Synopsis of our services

Establishment Compliance Factory Compliance Services

Services (ECS) (FCS)
Shop and Establishment Act is Factory compliance requires
premise specific, so each expertise, continuity and
branch whether you have only timelines. Being a noncore
one employee or several activity, this takes a back seat and
employees, has to be registered is often neglected and this may
under the Shop and lead to grave consequences in Contract Labour Compliance
Establishment Act. Aparajitha future.Aparajitha offers FCS for Services (CLCS)
is the perfect partner by being existing factories and new
your single point of contact for factories / workshops / Companies involve a number of
all your services across the warehouses etc., covered under contractors and contract labourers
country. Aparajitha’s ECS offers Factories Act and other allied acts. to carry out different jobs from
end-to-end compliances which We make all arrangements to keep highly skilled to unskilled activity.
include registrations, your factory as per the norms and The principal employer is ultimately
maintenance of records, return also assist in registrations & responsible for the compliances of
submission, displays, renewals of licenses and handling the contractors. Aparajitha offers
inspections etc. of inspections. this unique service to systemize
and ensure compliances of the
Consultation & Audit Services contractors, from manning time
(CAS) office to ensuring that the
We offer specialized contractors are compliant.
consultation and audtit services
Aparajitha offers customized
that help drive our customers in
services for companies engaging
the right direction enabling
large number of contract labourers
better decision making. We
listen to your needs carefully, in:-
conduct the audit and critically Establishment Vendor
analyze it to present the perfect Compliances
Mines Compliance Services (MCS)
audit report. Our experts will
guide and facilitate you with The Mines Act is applicable for companies involved in activities where any Factory Contractor
the relevant suggestions, excavation or operations for the purpose of searching or obtaining minerals Compliances
appropriate interpretations and has been or is being carried on. Aparajitha’s MCS takes care of the
also highlight the market complexities involved around the terrain where mines operate. Aparajitha Project Contractor
practice which will enable you to offers comprehensive end-to-end compliances which include registration, Compliances (Client engaged
take informed decisions. register maintenance, submission of returns, displays, inspection etc. as Contractor at various
project sites)
Industrial Licensing Services (ILS) Flexi Staffing Services (FSS)

This is related to compliance under the Aparajitha offers Flexi Staffing Services to meet
Industrial Laws under which industrial the staffing requirements of the clients which are
establishments are mandated to obtain license often incidental but important to their business
/ registration when they are engaged in certain operations. The employees are placed in the rolls
specific activities like handling food items, of Aparajitha and deputed to the client location.
petroleum products, etc. These are Aparajitha manages the personnel records, payroll
administered by the Central / State processing, payment disbursement and statutory
Governments and by the local bodies too, like compliances for all such employees. Our Flexi
the Municipal Corporation. Aparajitha, with its Staffing model is robust from a legal perspective
spread and wide network, supports businesses as we are experts in labour law compliance and we
in getting necessary licenses / registration and ensure compliance in all our business operations.
in doing other related compliance activities on Payroll Compliance Services (PCS)
a continuous basis.
Payroll processing could be in-house but the
management of compliances under ESIC, EPF
and Professional Tax legislations that impact
the payroll can be cumbersome and
voluminous. Aparajitha offers Payroll
Compliance Services, ensures procedural
compliance for the employer and also
coordinates the benefits, transfers etc. for the
individuals. With national presence and legal
expertise, Aparajitha takes care of registrations,
processing of data, coordinating with various
government authorities, proper maintenance of
records and filing returns, inspection
assistance, remittances and also coordination
for benefits under the legislations to the
individuals. Aparajitha also provides help desk
facilities for query handling and connected
statutory processes.
Our Clients

………… and many more !!!


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