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Name: …………………………..…………………………… Grade: 5 Section: ………………………………………………

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Subject: Science W. Sheet TRI #: 3

Unit 3: Module2 L1, Effects of the Biosphere
• Fill in the blank
Renewable resources Conservation Deforestation Native plants
Non-renewable natural resource extinct invasive species
1. A natural resource is a material found in nature that humans and other
living things can use.

2. Renewable resources, such as water, wind, and sunlight, can be replaced in

nature or will not run out.

3. Non-renewable resources are natural resources that are found in a limited

amount on Earth's surface and will eventually run out.

4. Conservation is a great way to help protect the natural resources on Earth.

5. Deforestation is the removal of large areas of trees.

6. There are many plants and animals that do not get what they need to
survive and are considered endangered. This means they are at risk of
becoming extinct or dying out completely.

7. Invasive species can have a serious impact on the environment.

8. The native plants can provide balance to all of Earth's systems in that
habitat without bringing disease or affecting the soil.

Science Department
• Answer the following
1-What are the materials found in nature and are used by living organisms?
Natural resources.
2-What are the natural resources that are found in limited quantities and will
eventually run out? Nonrenewable resources.

3- What are the natural resources that can be replaced in nature and will not run
out? Renewable resources.

4-What is the great way to help protect the natural resources on Earth?

5- All the living organisms on Earth are called biosphere.

6- Plants and animals that do not get what they need to survive are considered

7- The endangered living organisms are at risk of becoming extinct.

8- Extinction means all the members of the species died out .

8- Removal of large area of trees (over cutting forests) is called deforestation.

9-Invasive species have a serious impact on the environment.

10- we can protect the species from extinction by natural reserves.

11- Petroleum and natural gas are nonrenewable resources but air, plants and
water are renewable.

Science Department
Page:104-As the number of boats increase the number of fish decrease as it causes
Pg:106: a. Plant new trees that are native to the area to keep thee balance in the
other systems

b. Compost garbage, grass and leaves instead of chemical fertilizers.

c. Ride a bike instead of cars .

d. By reduce, reuse and recycle.

Pg108: Dryness and climate change cause decrease the number of L.O

1-Golden toads and white fin dolphin

Pg:109 Effects of the Biosphere on Earth’s system

Biosphere Atmosphere Geosphere Hydrosphere

Plants Plants clean the air from CO2 Plants roots grow down Plants need water and
gas during photosynthesis inside the soil dissolved salts to grow
and release oxygen sometimes decay the

Animals Animals respire oxygen Some animals live in Some animals live in
caves inside geosphere water and all of them
cannot live without water

Humans Human activities cause air Humans depend on Human cannot live
pollution geosphere for building without water; some
house and use minerals activities cause water
ores pollution.
Pg:113- 1-Aand D 2-Band C

Science Department
Science Department

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