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Venn diagram: Complete the graphic organizer below by supplying the differences and similarities of the identified global


Both function or
International Corporatons function on operate in more than
one nation
Multinational Corporations have
the basis of central control, export They require foreign decentralized decision-making, adapt
orientation, and small presence in the markets to sell their to local markets, and have a strong
products in order to
locality. They mostly purvey their expand local presence. They invest in other
products, with the barest minimum They aim to expand countries but offer products and
of adaptation, as some kind of their power in other
services tailored to each individual
standard product to any market. market rather than having a
operate globally,
Furthermore, they can import and participating in many coordinated global approach.
export goods; however, they The motive for the
have no investment expansion of business is
achieved through the
outside of their international markets The companies functio-
Both have controlled They participate in global ning globally are dealing
home operations in more than trade, and they often with foreign markets.
country. a single nation adapt to different Their headquarters are
Their objective is to regulatory situated in one country, while
mechanisms. its subsidiaries are located
expand their business
over various regions.
globally. Both of them strive to
They deal in cross- optimize the business
border trade and operations to suit a multiple
of national markets.


Transnational corporations have a global perspective,

seamless integration, no clear home country, and
actively share knowledge. They are complex
organizations that operate in multiple countries without
a national home. This allows them to be more
responsive to local markets.

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