BL Arrear Paper QP-2024 june
BL Arrear Paper QP-2024 june
BL Arrear Paper QP-2024 june
(Maximum of 50 words)
Answer all the questions given below 5x3=15 Marks
6. (a). “All contracts are agreements but all agreements are not contracts.” Explain
(b). Discuss fully the essentials of a valid contract?
8. (a). Explain fully the principles on which the court would award damages for a breach
of contract?
(b). Explain the Negotiable Instrument Act 1881 and its characteristics?
10. (a). Define COPA and explain the redresal machinery under the COPA 1986?
(b). Explain about the GST Act 2017 and Competition Act 2002?
SECTION-C (10 Marks)
(Maximum of 300 words)
Case Study Compulsory
11. The buyer was a proprietary concerned and registered as small scale industry
with the Director of Industries, Maharashtra. It placed an order with the PSG
Industrial Institute for the supply of a machine. A defective machine was supplied.
The buyer brought these defects to the notice of its supplier, but the machine was
not repaired satisfactorily.
The buyer lodged a complaint before the Maharashtra Consumer Dispute
Redressal commission claiming Rs 4 lakhs as a compensation for
financial losses. The supplier immediately raid an objection that since the
appellant has purchased the machine for commercial purpose he was not a
consumer covered by section 2(1)(d) of COPA . As the defective machinery
valued at Rs 21 Lakhs was purchased for a commercial purpose, the buyer was
denied benefits under COPA.
Aggrieved by this order, the buyer approached the Supreme Court.
Analysis the case as per the consumer protection act the Grievance redresal
mechanism and say whether the buyer got the justice