DOI 10.1007/s13632-016-0319-4
Alexander R. Troiano
At this time each year, our society pauses in its multitude of hydrogen, oxygen, and boron. It is quite likely that others
activities to pay homage to the memory of Edward De Mille under certain limited conditions, may also reside in the
Campbell—a scholar and teacher of great skill and under- interstices of the host lattice.
standing, but above all, a man of indomitable courage. Of these, carbon has received the most attention; where
Throughout all but the first two years of his professional life, the behavior of nitrogen has generally been considered to
Professor Campbell worked under the handicap of total be analogous to that of carbon. Oxygen and boron, stran-
blindness. That is, a handicap for one of less determination. gely enough, have been almost virtually ignored as inter-
Using the eyes of his students and others, in addition to stitials. Recently, hydrogen has come under close scrutiny,
teaching and administrative duties, he contributed some 77 although its influence on the mechanical behavior of steel
papers to the scientific literature, more than half of which has been well-recognized for years.
dealt with a correlation of the chemical, physical and The interstitial alloying elements have in common a
mechanical properties of steel. high diffusion rate relative to that for the substitutional
It is with a deep sense of responsibility and humility that elements, but can vary widely among themselves in other
I assume the privilege of joining you in honoring the characteristics, such as solubility, tendency to form com-
memory of Professor Campbell and of becoming a member pounds, crystal structure, etc. In fact, three of these are
of that distinguished roster of past Campbell Memorial gases at ambient temperatures and pressures.
Lecturers. It is our desire to discuss the role of hydrogen as an
It has long been appreciated that interstitial alloying interstitial alloying element in the mechanical behavior of
elements will, in small quantities, exert a potent influence metals, and then to examine certain corollary influences of
on the mechanical behavior of alloys. The elements nor- some of the other interstitials, either observed or
mally considered to be interstitial are carbon, nitrogen, anticipated.
An effort of this type involves the ideas, activities, and
cooperation of many people. As I stand here on this
platform, I am flanked by my students, my colleagues,
This is the Thirty-fourth Edward De Mille Campbell Memorial
Lecture, presented by Alexander R. Troiano, Chairman, Department and my family, all of whom have contributed beyond
of Metallurgical Engineering, Case Institute of Technology, measure. I am grateful for their assistance. It is an added
Cleveland. The lecture was presented November 4, 1959 during the pleasure to acknowledge the encouraging and enlightened
Forty-first Annual Convention of the American Society for Metals, sponsorship of this entire investigation by The Aeronau-
held in Chicago. This text is reproduced without change from the
Campbell Memorial Lecture as delivered before the American tical Research Laboratory, Wright Air Development
Society for Metals. Center, United States Air Force, under Contract AF
Reprinted from Transactions of American Society for Metals, vol. 52, That hydrogen can severely embrittle steel and several
54–80 (1960). Copyright 1960 by American Society for Metals,
Metals Park, Ohio. At the time of the original printing, the author,
other metals is well-known [1–7], and one of the more
Alexander R. Troiano was Chairman, Department of Metallurgical intriguing aspects of this embrittlement is its sensitivity to
Engineering, Case Institute of Technology, Cleveland. strain-rate and temperature. Briefly, the embrittlement is
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Fig. 9 Fracture surfaces of hydrogenated sharp-notched specimens. Dark areas indicate extent of hydrogen-controlled crack propagation [14].
Fracture stress hours baking time applied stress (psi)
Fracture Stress Hours Baking Time Applied Stress (psi)
(a) 330,000 7 175,000
(b) 324,000 12 200,000
(c) 342,000 12 250,000
(d) 325,000 18 225,000
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Resistivity curves taken at room temperature, (see external specimen notch plus the microscopic concentra-
Fig. 10), give only a slight hint of discontinuous growth. tion of the array are not sufficient to produce localized
However, similar curves at lower temperatures where the fracture. Hydrogen is attracted to the stress field of the
diffusion rate of hydrogen is retarded yield clear evidence array and when the combination of stress and hydrogen
in support of this hypothesis as shown in Fig. 11. It is concentration in the lattice at the tip of the array is suffi-
apparent from the abrupt resistance increases that the crack cient, localized fracture occurs. The crack propagates until
propagates in a discontinuous manner. After each step of stopped, probably by passing out of the influence of the
instantaneous growth a plateau of constant resistance is hydrogen rich region and then the sequence of stress-in-
present. The plateaus of constant resistance are then the duced diffusion and localized fracture must be repeated,
‘‘secondary’’ incubation periods. As the temperature is giving rise to the discontinuous propagation.
lowered the plateaus become longer and the individual Since the brittle failure is brought about by a series of
crack extensions become larger, or in other words, fewer crack initiations, the factors involved in controlling the
discontinuous units of crack propagation are needed to incubation time should be highly significant parameters of
achieve failure. Finally, at -50 F, the ultimate in dis- the basic mechanism. The initiation of a hydrogen induced
continuous propagation is attained. That is, the first crack crack is dependent on two factors.
propagates instantaneously through the specimen [21].
1. The stress induced diffusion of hydrogen producing an
The hydrogen induced failure process is considered to
appreciable hydrogen segregation in a localized region.
be essentially a normal fracture on which has been super-
2. The basic influence of hydrogen on the material
imposed the embrittling influence of hydrogen. The
causing localized cracking.
external specimen notch produces a local stress concen-
tration. Plastic flow occurs at the base of this notch and In terms of 1 above, (the stress induced diffusion of
generates fracture embryos in the form of blocked dislo- hydrogen) a basic component of the incubation time is the
cation arrays. These arrays which act as microcracks can be relation between the hydrogen content and the stress nec-
produced by dislocation blocking at grain boundaries, by essary to initiate a crack. We have repeatedly made refer-
dislocation coalescence on a nonslip plane, and by for- ence to this combination of hydrogen and stress. Let us
mation of a shear stress field, such as occurs in the triaxial now re-examine it with a view to separating and evaluating
region beneath a notch, which opposes the stress field of the specific influence of each. It has been demonstrated that
the slipped dislocations [22–26]. the crack incubation time is relatively insensitive to the
At a given value of applied stress, below the notch applied stress, implying that the process is dependent pri-
tensile strength, a stable configuration of dislocation arrays marily on the development of a critical hydrogen
should exist. However, the stress concentration due to the concentration.
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In attempting to evaluate this hypothesis, it is interesting deleterious since they tend to destroy the homogeneity of
to note that only transition elements have thus far been the mass.’’
hydrogen embrittled. In addition, as an example of the
influence of alloying, this repulsive force should be
lessened when either iron or chromium is added to References
nickel. The electron concentrations of iron and chromium
1. R.W. Buzzard, H.E. Cleaves, Hydrogen Embrittlement of Steel:
are lower than that for nickel, thus, a nickel–chromium– Review of the Literature. United States, National Bureau of
iron alloy also has a 3 d band which is less full than Standards, Circular 511 (1951)
nickel (see Fig. 19). Also when the d shell of a transition 2. C.E. Sims, The Behavior of Gases in Solid Iron and Steel. Gases
in Metals (American Society for Metals, Cleveland, 1953),
metal is not nearly full, the importance of repulsive
pp. 119–198
‘‘exchange’’ forces between the ions decreases [59]. 3. D.P. Smith, Hydrogen in Metals (University of Chicago Press,
Thus, for alloys of nickel plus transition elements of Chicago, 1948)
lesser atomic number, the increase of energy due to the 4. C.A. Zapffe, C.E. Sims, Hydrogen embrittlement internal stress
and defects in steel. Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Metall. Eng. 145,
addition of hydrogen to the alloys becomes lessened. Of
225–259 (1941)
course, when sufficient iron and/or chromium are added 5. A.W. Dana, F.J. Shortsleeve, A.R. Troiano, Relation of flake
to nickel to cause the gamma ? alpha transformation, formation in steel to hydrogen microstructure and stress. Trans.
this trend is reversed. Am. Inst. Min. Metall. Eng. 203, 895–905 (1955), Journal of
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According to this hypothesis, additions of copper to
6. R.P. Frohmberg, W.J. Barnett, A.R. Troiano, Delayed failure and
nickel should initially increase the propensity to hydrogen hydrogen embrittlement in steel. Trans. Am. Soc. Metals 47,
embrittlement and then decrease it to zero as the 3 d band is 892–925 (1955)
progressively filled. This concept was tested by examining 7. E.P. Klier, B.B. Muvdi, G. Sachs, Hydrogen embrittlement in an
ultra-high-strength 4340 steel. Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Metall. Eng.
the reduction in ductility caused by hydrogen embrittle-
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ment in several selected iron–nickel and nickel–copper 8. P. Bastien, P. Azou, Influence de l’amplitude et de la vitesse des
alloys [47]. The dependence on composition of the deformations plastiques sur la segregation de la hydrogene dans
hydrogen embrittlement of these selected alloys is indi- le fer et les aciers. Comptes Rendues 232, 69–71 (1951)
9. N.J. Petch, P. Stables, Delayed fracture of metals under static
cated in Fig. 20. It appears that the embrittlement first
load. Nature 169, 842–843 (1952)
increases and then decreases as the 3 d band of iron–nickel 10. J.D. Hobson, J. Hewitt, The effect of hydrogen on the tensile
and nickel–copper alloys is progressively filled. properties of steel. J. Iron Steel Inst. 173, 131–140 (1953)
This behavior is strikingly similar to that of the activity 11. J.B. Seabrook, N.J. Grant, D. Carney, Hydrogen embrittlement of
SAE 1020 steel. Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Metall. Eng. 188,
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genation of styrene as shown by Fig. 20 [60, 61]. The of Metals, vol. 3, 1951, 558–560
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alytic action of these alloys is caused by the absorption of Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Metall. Eng. 200, 298–304 (1954), Journal
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the electrons of hydrogen by the 3 d band of the alloys,
13. T. Toh, W.M. Baldwin Jr., Ductility of Steel with Varying Con-
lending further support to the concept presented. centrations of Hydrogen. Stress, Corrosion, Cracking and
I should like to conclude this, the 34th Annual Campbell Embrittlement (Wiley, New York, 1956)
Lecture, by direct reference to a few words written by a 14. H.H. Johnson, J.G. Morlet, A.R. Troiano, Hydrogen, crack ini-
tiation and delayed failure in steel. Trans. Metall. Soc. Am. Inst.
man who had been without sight for most of his career, but
Min. Metall. Eng. 212, 526–536 (1958)
most certainly not without vision. 15. R.D. Daniels, R.J. Quigg, A.R. Troiano, Hydrogen embrittlement
In the broadest sense, we have been largely concerned and delayed failure in titanium alloys. Trans. Am. Soc. Metals 51,
this morning with the variation in concentration of a solute 843–860 (1959)
16. A.R. Troiano, Delayed failure of high strength steels. Corros.
and its influence on the behavior of the base solvent. In this
Natl. Assoc. Corros. Eng. 15, 207–212t (1959)
connection, almost half a century ago, Professor Campbell 17. H.H. Johnson, E.J. Schneider, A.R. Troiano, The recovery of
had this to say [62], and I quote: embrittled cadmium plated steel. Iron Age 182, 47–50 (1958)
‘‘If iron be considered a solvent and the chemical 18. W.J. Barnett, A.R. Troiano, Crack propagation in the hydrogen-
induced brittle fracture of steel. Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Metall.
constitution of steel be regarded as a study in solubili-
Eng. 209, 486–494 (1957), Journal of Metals, vol. 9
ties, we would then find, as in ordinary aqueous solu- 19. H.H. Johnson, A.R. Troiano, Crack initiation in hydrogenated
tions, that the physical properties of the solvent are most steel. Nature 179, 777 (1957)
profoundly modified by the nature and concentration of 20. L.S. Darken, Diffusion of carbon in austenite with a discontinuity
in composition. Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Metall. Eng. 180, 430–438
those substances which are in solution, while substances
which are merely mechanically mixed or in suspension 21. E.A. Steigerwald, F.W. Schaller, A.R. Troiano, Discontinuous
exert comparatively little influence. Substances which are crack growth in hydrogenated steel. Trans. Metall. Soc. Am. Inst.
in excess of what can be held in solution are often Min. Metall. Eng. 215, 1048–1052 (1959)
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22. C. Zener, The Micro-Mechanism of Fracture, Fracturing of 41. B.W. Roberts, G.W. Sears, P.D. Zemany, Hydrogen embrittle-
Metals (American Society for Metals, Cleveland, 1948), pp. 3–31 ment of vanadium by catalytic decomposition of water with
23. N.F. Mott, Fracture in metals. J. Iron Steel Inst. 183, 233–243 manganese. Trans. Metall. Soc. Am. Inst. Min. Metall. Eng. 212,
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