For Aeronautics: Technical NOTE 2433
For Aeronautics: Technical NOTE 2433
For Aeronautics: Technical NOTE 2433
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The English and German literature on notch stress-rupture testing was reviewed and information obtained on: (1) the effect of notching on the rupture strength in general and, in particular, the influence of the unnotch ductility on the notch sensititit y; (2) the effect of chemicsl composition and heat treatment on the notch stressrupture characteristics of low-alloy heat-resisting steels; (3) the mechanism of stress-rupture embrittlement and notch sensitivity in these low-aUoy steels; and (4) a comparison of the influence of notch geometry on the notch strength in stress-rupture tests and in conventional tensile tests. In a stress-rupture test, the strength at a given time for a notched specimen may be either greater or smaller than the corresponding strength of an unnotched bar. Whether the strengthening or weakening effect predominated appeared to be related to the unnotched ductility. For the alloys considered, the notch strength was greater than the unnotch strength when the ductility exceeded appro-tely 10 percent. Below an unnotch ductility of approximately 5 percent, the stiength of the notched bar fell below that of the unnotched specimen and the trend of notch rupture strength with time closely paralleled that of the unnotch ductility. Low-alloy Cr-Mo steels containing from 0.9 to 1.5 percent nickel were extremely notch sensitive in rupture tests at 932 F (500 C) when either quenched and tempered or normalized and stress relieved. Elimination of the nickel appeared to reduce the notch sensitivity greatly. Annealing or sphereodizing Cr-Ni-Mo steels greatly reduced the strength at short times to rupture. Such structures, however, are not notch sensitive and when compared with the normalized or the quenched-and-tempered steels may possess superior notch rupture strength at very long times to rupture. An analysis of the data for notch rupture tests on low-alloy steels indicated that a precipitation reaction may be responsible for the rupture embrittlement and conse~ent notch sensitivity of the Cr-Ni-Mo steels.
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For the alloys considered, the general influence of notch sharpness on the notch rupture strength at a particular time to fracture was the same as the effect of this variable on the room-temperature notch tensile streng+h.
lZWIWDUCTIOI? It is well known that under static service conditions certain alloys may be severely embrittled by the presence of stress raisers or notches such as are associated with threads, holes, shoulders, splines, and so forth. This embrittlement results in service failures at wch lower loads than would be predicted from the conventional tensile or yield strengths without consideration of the notch effect. Because stress raisers are nearly always present in any machine part, the evaluation of the behavior of metals under their influence is a very important design problem. When the tensile ductility falls below a few percent, the material nearly always is weakened by a severe stress concentration. The converse of this statement, however, is not necessarily true and some alloys even though exhibiting high tensile ductilities are still extremely sensitive to stress concentrations (references 1 and 2). The factors that govern the notch sensitivity of a metal are thus incompletely understood. Notched-bar tests are therefore increasingly used to evaluate directly the response of an alloy to a severe stress concentration. The oldest of these tests applied is probably the @act bending test. More recent investigations (reference 2) show that tests of a cylindrical tensile bar containing a sharp circumferential V not@evaluate the brittleness of hL@-strength low-alloy steels in the ssme manner as the impact test, and subsequently static notch tests have been substituted extensively for the impact test in the evaluation of ship steels. Such experiments field more reproducible and more easily interpreted results than the more complicated and less carefully controlled impact test. Inasmuch as notches have been shown to have a pronounced effect on the behavior of some metals at room and low temperature, it is hportant to investigate the effect of notches on high-temperature behavior, psrticularlyunder the conditions of long-time loading. This problem has been recognized in Germany and Switzerland. Some subsequently discussed, experimental work along these lines has been csrried out in Europesa laboratories primarily on heat-resisting low- and medium-alloy steels that were used during lTorldWar II in
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many applications where stainless steels would normally be applied in the United States. In addition, the results of a few tests have been reported for high-temperature sKl_oysof the present-day type. To date in this country, practically no notch-rupture data have been published except for lead alloys used in cable sheaths. Appmently, no criticsl correlation of these data has been as yet attempted. A few investigators (references 3 and 4) have recognized the importance of rupture ductility in determining the response of a metal to notching in a rupture test. In many investigations, however, the ductilities of rupture specimens are not reported, perhaps because the influence of this variable on the conventional (unnotch) rupture strength seems to be rather smsll (reference 5). In the following discussion prepared at the NACA Lewis laboratory previously reported data on notch-rupture testing is reviewed and an attempt made to: (1) Determine the influence of notches on the rupture strength of all materials for which data are avail~le (2) Determine the effect of chemical composition and heat treatment on the notch rupture strength of certain 1ow-8XLOY heat-resisting steels (3) Analyze the published data to reveal the mechanism of stressrupture enibrittlement in low-alloy steels (4) Compare the influence of notch geometry on the notch strength in stress-rupture tests with its influence in conventionsJtensile tests A considerable scatter, which is particularly pronounced for the low-alloy heat-resisting steels, is encountered inmost of the data reported. This scatter is explained in partby the fact that it was not slways possible to test samples from the ssme heat of metal. In most cases, however, the embrittling effects well exceeded the scatter of the data, and definite conclusions are possible.
The rupture data have been replotted on a semilog rather than log-log scale because: (1) Differences of properties between specimens of different geometry if rather small are revealed more clesrly on a linesr ordinate scale
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(2) On the basis of theoretical considerations, it has been shownthat the semilog representation has a fundamental significance (reference 6) Stresses (strengths) shown are the conventional values based on the load divided by the initial area at the minimum section. The reduction of this area at fractie is referred to as ductility; ductility and elongation are given in percentages. Conventional short-time tensile test data are @otted at 0.1 hour. Where available, information is given on the figures regarding the exact specimen shape, the heat treatient, and the chemical composition. A gi.vennotch geometry (fig. 1) maybe sufficiently deftnedby the following quantities: (1) depth, expressed in ercentage of cross-sectional area removed by the notch, nsmely f (d~2-~2)/d12]100; ~ (2) sharpness, which is the ratio between one-half the diameter at the min5nmm section snd the radius at the notch bottam, namely, ~/2R; and (3) the flank angle 19,which is the angle between corresponding elements of the conical surfaces forming the notch. An aX1.oy is herein referred to as notch sensitive if the ratio between the notch-rupture strength and the conventional (unnotch) rupture strength, referred to as the notch strength ration is less than unity.
lUKWLTS AND DISCUSSION Effect of Notches on Rupture Strength and Influence of Ductility Notch rupture- and unnotch rupture-strength data for several 10walloy bolting and boiler steels are shown in figures 2 to 6. Also shown are the elongation and ductility at fracture. All these tests were carried out at 932 F (500 C) and in most cases covered time periods well over 10,000 hours. As shown in the figures, two types of notched specimen were employed: (1) a bar of circular cross section containing two circumferential 90 notches hating a notch radius of 0.002 inch and a notch depth of 23 percent; and (2) bars containing notches hawing notch radii of 0.20 inch but with variable depth. For tests on these bars, the load applied was constant and the stress was varied by varying the notch diameter and the cylindrical. diameter with a resultant variation in notch depth of from 25 to 44 percent. In all cases, the notch stress-rupture strength at short times to rupture exceeds the strength for an umnotched bar by an amount which depends primarily on the depth of the notch. With increase in rupture time two distinct classes of behavior are observed:
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(1) The ptrength of the notched bar remains above that of the unnotched specimen as is characteristic for ferritic stainless steels (reference 7) of the type 2 ormaygmduallyappro ach and eventuaXl_y equal the unnotch strength. The latter behavior is typified by the Cr-Mo steels (references 7 to Y) shown in figures 3 and 4 and also by a variety of nickel-free amnealed boiler steels discussed in reference 9. (2) The strength of the notched bar decreases rapidly with increasing time to rupture and falls well below the strength of the urmotched specimen. This notch-sensitive behavior is typical for Cr-Mo-Ni steels (references 7, 8, and 10) and is shown for the quenched-and-tempered structure of two steels of this type in figures 5 and 6. If the tests extend to very long psriods of time, over 30,000 hours, the notch strength (fig. 6) may recover and become equal to or possibly ~eater than the stiength of the unnotched bar . It swears that these two observed classes of stren@h behavior sre related to the unnotch ductility. If the unnotch ductility remains above approximately 10 ~ercent (figs. 2 to 4), the notch strength is equal to or greaterthau the unnotch strength. Yor the Cr-Mo-Ni steels (figs. 5 and 6), the ductilities fall very rapidly in a restricted range of rupture times to values less than 2 percent and the strength of the unnotched specimen falls below that of the notched bar. The trend in notch strength then very closely Pdlels that of the unnotch ductility even to exhibiting the recovery at long times to rupture (see fig. 6). The previously discussed data for low-alloy steels constitute the only published notch stress-rupture results which clearly reveal the influence of unnotch ductility. A few data have been reported, however, for lead cable sheathing (reference U.), which further support the importaut influence of ductility in determining the notch sensitivity. Results of notch and unnotch rupture tests for two lead cable sheathings are shown in figure 7. Tests were made on bars of rectangular cross section with 60 sharp (notch radius, 0.005 in.) V notches cut in the width direction. Unfortunately, the only elongation values for these sheaths were at room temperature; however, they have been included for purposes of comparison in figure 7(b). According to the data presented in reference 11, it wouldbe expected that the general effect of an increase in temperature is to reduce the elongation. The notch rupture strength [fig. 7(a)) of the calcium lead is appro-tely 20 percent below the strength values for the unnotched bars over the entire range of ruptmxe times investigated.
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Conversely, the chemical lead is strengthened by notching over approximately the same range of times to rupture. An examination of the corresponding elongations confirms the previous conclusion that for a materisl having high unnotch ductility, namely, chemical lead, the notched specimen is stronger than the unnotched bar. On the other hand, for the material of low unnotch ductility, namely, calcium lead, the notched specimen is weaker than the unnotched bar. A few notch tests have been made (reference 3) on several alloys corresponding to British and American turbine materials. It iS reported that a 60 V notch with a 0.02-inch radius removing 50 percent of the cross-sectional area reduces by 20 percent the 35-hour.rupture strength of a Ni-Cr-Co alloy (composition: 0.47 C, 14 Cr, 14Ni, 10 Co, 1.4 Si, lMn, 3W, 0.2 V, 2.3 Cb). This effect occurs in the range of rupture times that yield the ndninmm ductility (less than 10 percent) in the unnotch tests. Conversely, if the notched specimen fractures after 1850 hours at 1300 F, the notch strength is a~rox.hately 20 percent above the unnotch rupture strength. This rupture time correspxxis to a ductility greater than 20 percent. A few tests were also made at 1300 F on another Ni-Cr-Co sJJ_oy(composition: 0.17 C, 17 Cr, 331?i, 20 Co, 3.8 Mo, 3.7 W, 1.7 Cb, 1.2 Mn, 2.1 Si) that indicate this material may become notch sensitive at rupture times over 1200 hours. No ductility values sre reported for times over 400 hours. When tested at 1200 F up to 3000 hours, a Ni-Cr steel (composition: 0.15 C, 15 Cr, 31 Ni, 1.1 W, 0.86 Si, 1 Mo, 5 Ti) was insensitive to a variety of notches. Data for several other alloys are reported but the results ere somewhat inconclusive because the notched bars were not tested in the ranges of lowunnotch ductilities. A number of tests (reference 3) have been made on full-scale twbine-blade root models of the fir-tree type to assist in realization of a rationsl design, which cannot be obtained from conventional. rupture data. (The particular alloy considered was not mentioned.) At the low temperatures the blade-root teeth deform sufficiently to snow parting of the joint, whereas at high temperatures, much less deformation is evident and the failure occurs by cracking at the base of the teeth.
Effect of Chemical Composition and Heat Treatment on Notch Stress-Rupture characteristics of Low-KU.OY Steels Although no systematic imestigations have been made, the data presented in the previous section plus a few other scattered results permit some tentative conclusions regarding the general effects of
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alloy composition and heat treatment on the notch stiess-rupmre characteristics of low-alloy steels. Apparently the Cr-Ni-Mo steels (references 7, 8, and 10) containingfrom O.7 to 0.8 chromium, 0.9 to 1.5 nickel, andupto l.Omolybde-, num me extremely notch sensitive in stress-rupture tests at 932 1? (500 C) either in the quenched-and-temperedor in the normalized condition. The elimination of nickel results in lower creep strengths but greatly reduces the notch sensitivity. Further information regarding the effects of composition and heat treatment on the notch stress-rupture sensitivity is given in reference 4 for a large ntier of Cr-Mo steels containing various otiner alloying additions. Data are shown for only one fracture time, 10,000 hours, and one temperature, 932 F (500 C). In general, these data confirm the previous conclusion regarding the deleterious effect of nickel in the amounts mentioned. In addition, data are presented for Cr-Mo steels with 1 to 2.5 chromium and 0.3 to 1.3 molybdenum, plus various small amounts of nickel, silicon, vanadium, and tungsten. These steels were quenched from 1742 F (950 C), tempered at 1112 F (600 C) to 1292 F (700 C), andti cooled. ~e presence of up to 0.2 nickel did not result in notch sensitivity for compositions containing 0.1 to 0.2 vanadium. The addition of 0.8 to 1.0 silicon to steels of this type appears to improve the notch properties considerably. The effect of annealing and sphereodizing on the notch and unnotch ruptuxe strength is shown in references 8 and 10. The notch rupture strength is shown in figure 5 for an annealed Cr-Ni-Mo steel. When these data are compsred with those for the same steel in the qyenched-and-tempered condition, the annesled structure exhibits a considerably lower notch rupture strength at slort times to rupture. The notch strength of the annealed condition, however, changes nmch less with increasing rupture time and is appro-tely 50 percent higher than that of the quenched-and-tempered steel at 500 hours. The corresponding ductilities for the smnealed steel are not reported; however, it would seem reasonable to assume that the ductility of the annealed structure would not drop to extremely low values in the range of rupture times investigated and therefore the observed notch strength trend would be expected. The Cr-Ni-Mo steel represented in figure 6 was also investigated in the sphereodized condition (fig. 8) produced by tempering an oilquenched specimen for 500 hours at 1256 F (680 C). The elongation of this structure is nmch higher than that of the quenched-and-tempered alloy (compare figs. 6 and 8) and rises with increasing time to rupture.
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As might be expected, the notch rupture strength of the sphereodized steel is consistently higher than the unnotch strength for all rupture times investigated. Both the quenched-and-tempered and the normalized-andstressrelieved structures of Cr-Mo-Ni steel are notch sensitive. ltromthe data avdlable it is impossible to distinguish between these types of heat treatment regarding their effect on the notch sensitivity. For the previously mentioned group of Cr-Mo steels containing small quantities of nickel, vanadium, silicon, and tungsten (reference 4), the notch sensitivity is more pronounced if the quenching temperature ~ F (1020 C). Also, Cr-Mo steels of this group is increased to 1868 conta~n additions of 0.7 vanadium and from 0.35 to 0.50 tungsten are notch sensitive if quenched from temperatures near 1900 F. In general, heat treatments designed to yield high creep strengths increase the notch sensitivity.
Mechanism of Stress-Rupture Enbrittlement and Notch Sensitivity in Low-Alloy Steels An attempt to arrive at a mechanism of the severe stmess-npture embrittlement and notch sensitivity in the low-alloy steels would appesr profitable because alloys of this type may be considered in certain cases as substitutes for some of the present-day highly strategic gas-turbine materisls. Examination of the data revealed several important phenomena which may clarify this mechanism: (1) The unnotch ducti3ity and the notch strength pass through a minimum at long times to rupture (see figs. 3 and 6}. (2) ~ealed and sphereodized steels are not notch sensitive (see figs. 5 and 8). (3) The influence on the roan-temperature impact strength of heating at 932 F (500 C) for various times up to 9000 hours is given in reference 7 for several low-alloy steels. Brittle Cr-Mo-Ni steels of the ,tyyeshown in figure 6 exhibit a distinct minimum in impact strengthat 50U0 hours. In contmast, the impact properties of a Cr-Mo-V steel, ductile in s_&ess-rupture tests, remain practically constant with increase in the heating time. (4) The retained impact strength at room temperature of low-aXloy steel specimens held at a-cons-t load at 932 F (500 C) for various
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lengths of time (reference 7) reveal a progressively developing loss of tipac% strength with increasing the under load. This damage is most pronounced for the brittle Cr-Ni-Mo steels but can be partly recovered by a reheat treatment of the creep specimens. These phenomena point to time-dependent and reversible structural changes as being primarily res~nsible for the stress-rupture embrittlement and consequent notch sensitivity in low-alloy steels. Such a change could be a precipitation reaction. It is a well-known fact that most steels are subject to precipitation effects and that these effects can influence the mechanical properties. In order to study the problem with regard to a precipitation reaction, the relative effects of both time and temperature on the development of notch rupture sensitivity must%e lmown. Data which would reveal this information axe very meager; however, notch and unnotch stress-rupture tests are reported (reference 7) for a Cr-Ni-Mo steel at several temperatures. Figure 9 shows that at 572 F (300 C) the notch ruptwe strength is higher than the unnotch strength over the entire time range investi ted. With an increase in testing tempera_6ure above 572 F (300$?C) the strength of the notched bar faUs below that of the unnotched specimen. The onset of this notch sensitivity in terms of rupture the passes through a minimum between 752F (400 C) and1112 F (600 C). A maxhnum in the difference between the notch andunnotch strength also occurs in this temperature range. In order to represent the effects of time and temperature on the notch sensitivity more clearly, figure 10 has been constricted showing the dependence of the notch rupture-stren@h ratio [ratio of the strength of the notched bar to that of the unnotched bar) on the testing time and temperature. An attempt has been made in figure 11 to show qualitatively that the conventional conceptions regarting the effects of precipitations can explain the results of figure 10. From the known effects of precipitation on the room-temperature mechanical properties, a hypothetical set of curves was drawn (fig. Kl(a)). These curves qualitatively illustrate the anticipated effects of temperature and the on the unnotch rupture ductility when precipitation is the controlling phenomenon. ~ figure Il.(a)the rupture ductility has been assumed to increase continuously with temperature at times which are insufficient to develop the precipitation reaction. With increasing time to rupture, a minimum in the curve of ductility against temperature develops, which becomes more pronounced (up to a maximum effect) and shifts to lower temperatures
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the longer the time to rupture. The next relation that is desired is variation of the notch rupture-strength ratio with time and temperature. In order to determine this variation, a relation must be assumed between unnotch ductility and notch rupture-strength ratio. The notch rupture-strength ratio is assumed constant at 1.1 for ductilities of over 10 percent and for lower ductilities to closely parallel the trend These assumptions are based on the of the ductility (fig. H(b)). evidence previously presented for the influence of unnotch ductility on the notch rupture strength. Repotting the curves in figure n(b) as a function of the for the temperatures Tl, T2, T3, and T4 then yields the notch ruptie-strength ratio as a function of time to rupture (fig. n(c)). This general picture agrees with the results previously presented in figure 10. If a precipitation reaction is responsible for the stress-rupture enibrittlement of low-alloy steels, the exact nature of the precipitate cannot be stated on the basis of the evidence piblished. Loss of impact energy for spectiens heat~ various lengths of time between 900 and 1000 F has .dready been associated with the type of precipitation thought to cause temper brittleness. However, it must be remembered that these steels contain molybdenum well in excess of the amount believed to be sufficient to eliminate temper brittleness in the ordinary sense (reference 12). Low-alloy steels me not the only metals exhibiting stress-rupture enibrittlement and recovery. Unpublished results obtained by Freeman and White at the University of I&l.chigan for some recently developed high-temperature alloys show that several minimums may occur in the elongation values when plotted as a function of time to rupture.
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Comparison of Influence of Ductility and Notch Geometry in Notch Tensile Tests and in Notch Rupture Tests From the data presented, it is evident that the notch rupture strength may be either greater or smaller thad the rupture strength for the unnotched bar. These general effects maybe compared with and partly explained by known facts regarding the influence of ductility on the notch tensile strength at room temperature. Previous investigations regarding the effects,of notches on the tensile strength at room temperature (references 2 and 13 to 15) indicate the introduction of notch results in the superposition of two tif @rent phenomena: (1) strengthening due to the lateral restraint to plastic flow and (2) weakening due to nonuniformity of the stresses and strains in the notched cross section. The relative magnitude of
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these two effects depends on metal properties that are not yet clearly defined but are definitely related to the ductility of the metal under the conditions of notching. If this ductility is s@ficient, plastic flow will eliminate the initial stress concentration, thereby increasing the uniformity of stresses. With regard to the effects of these phenomena on the tensile strength, metals maybe divided into two classes: (1) metals that exhibit only the strengthening effect however severe are the notches, and (2) notch-brittlemetals for which the weakening effect predominates under severe conditions of notching. Although the notch stiess-rupture data presented previously are quite meager when compared with that obtained for notch tensile tests, it a~ears that these two classes of strength behavior are also observed. For notch tensile tests, the weakening effect of a sharp botch is known to be related to the ductility of the metal under the conditions of notching but is not related to the high ductilities (greater than 30 percent) of the unnotched bars. This has been demonstrated clearly for a series of low-alloy steels (reference 2) heat-treated to various tensile strengths and tested with the sharpest possible notch. For these steels (fig. 12), a universsl relation exists between the notch strength ratio and the notch ductility. The notch strength ratio is dependent on the notch ductility only if this ductility is less than approximately 4 percent. For notch ductilities less than this value, changes in the notch ductility would be reflected by corresponding changes in the notch strength. However, it would seem reasonable to assume that if a material is sufficiently brittle in an unnotch test the notch stmength should depend on the unnotch ductility as well as on the notch ductility. Thus, the corresponding changes in unnotch rupture ductility and notch rupture strength with time (figs. 5 and 6) might be expected and expltied also on the basis of a retained stress concentration. The only series of rupture tests which clearly reveal the influence of notch geometry are for a 94 Sri-6Cd alloy (reference 16). In figure 13 these data are replotted to show the effects of notch sharpness on the notch rupture strength for various times to rupture. Data for the various notch depbhs have been incorporated into the representation; however, no effect of this variable is noted except at the longer times to rupture. In figure 14 the variations in the notch rupture-strength ratio for the 94 Sri-6Cd alloy replotted from figure 13 sre compamed with those for room-temperature notch tensile tests on a SAll3140 steel (reference 14) having approximately the sane notch depth. The curve in figure 14(a) for the steel with a strength of 1.90,000 pounds per square inch is typical for a notch-ductile me~, ~ch e~bits only the strengthening effect. The curve for the 100-hour notch
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rupture-strength ratio follows the ssme trend. = both cases the initisl strengthening is indicated by an increase in the notch strength ratio with increasing notch sharpness in the rsmge of relatively mild notches (up to a notch duxpness of approximately 6) . This increase is explained by the increase in _&iaxialLty (reference 13), which raises the flow stiess and consequently the maximum load. For the higher notch shampnesses, the notch strength ratio decreases slightly. A decrease in the strengthening effect (a smaller rate of increase of the notch Btrength ratio) at the higher notch sharpness might be eqected because the rate of increase of tiiadxdd.ty becomes less with increasing notch shaxpness (reference 13) . At high sharpness values the slight decrease in the notch strength ratio with an increase in notch sharpness is not readily eqlained but may be related to the strain concentration, which increases rapidly in the range of severe notches (reference 15.); this nonuniformity of strain may affect the shape of the average stress-strain curve in such a manner as to cause instability to occur at lower loads. The case of a metal that is weakened by notching is illustrated in figure 13(b) for 1~-hour notch-rupture tests on the Sri-Cdalloy and for notch tensile tests on tb,eSAIZ3140 steel heat-treated to E strength level of 240,000 pounds per square inch. At this high strength level, the S.AE3140 steel is notch brittle. The weakening is exhibited only if the notch sharpness exceeds a certain value. Below this value, the strengthening effect predominates and the initial increaae in the notch stiength ratio can be agdn explained on the basis of the variation in the trie.dality. In the range of higher notch sharpnesses, however, the notch strength ratio decreases rapidly to values below unity at a rate that depends on the ductility under the conditions of notckkg. This weakening effect can be explained by the following considerations: (1) In this region, the trimdality (strengthening), as was previously explained, is increasing only slightly with increasing notch sharpness and consequently the average stress is little influenced by this factor. (2) The ductility of the metal is not sufficient to eliminate completely the initial.stress concentration. This retained stress concentration is primarily dependent on the sharpness and increases rapidly at high notch-sharpness values. The notch strength is then no longer related to m instability but decreases with the average fracture stress, which, in turn, depends inversely on the stress concentration.
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Problems Requiring Further Clarification For the types of heat-resisting low-alloy steel discussed previously, the significance of unnotch rupture ductility with regard to notch sensitivity appears quite definite when below 2 or 3 percent.
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In general, it would seem probable that low-alloy steels should be weakened by stress raisers in long-time high-temperature loading if their unnotch ductility falls below approximately 5 percent. However, an extension of this conclusion to austenitic alloys and medium-alloy steels must await future investigation. A second problem is related to significance of unnotch ductility above values of approximately 5 percent. It is impossible to state definitely that sm alloy exhibiting ductilities above this value will not be notch sensitive. This statement canbe based on the notch brittleness observed in tensile tests of presumably highly ductile low-alloy steels (reference 2). It is further supported by some stressrupture results presented in reference 17 for a quenched-and-tempered Cr-Ni-Mo-V steel. It is shown that at 700 F, although the umnotch rupture ductility remains always above 10 percent, thread failures were encountered. A definite knowledge of the effects of notch geometry on the notch rupture strength of various types of alloy steel should be distinctly helpful to the designer concerned with fastening problems at elevated temperatures. Thus, it should be possible on the basis of notch rupture tests to state design limits for notches of varicsussharpnesses. Finally, the mechanism of stress-rupture embrittlement as influenced by composition and heat treatment requires further clarification. Investigations are needed to establish development of embrittlement as a function of time and temperature and to search for structur~ -es which may accompany such embrittlement.
A review of the published data on notch rupture investigations has revealed several significant facts regarding the general influence of notching on the elevated-temperature long-time propertiesfor the alloys considered: 1. A notch sensitivity in stress-rupture tests has been observed for several alloys including a group of heat-resisting steels. 2. This sensitivity appears to be related to the ductility of the material under the conditions of the stress-rupture test. HQKLy ductile metals were not notch sensitive, whereas a progressively increasing notch sensitivity developed if the unnotch rupture ductility fell below approximately 5 percent. 3. For the heat-resisting low-alloy steels, addition of nickel in amounts greater than approximately 0.7 percent appesrs to increase the
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notch rupture sensitivity greatly. The quenched-and-tempered and the normalized-and-stress-relievedstructures of these alloys appear to be more notch sensitive than the annealed or spherecdized structures. 4. The notch sensitivity in Cr-Ni-Mo low-alloy steels appears to be associated with a time-and-temperature-dependentprecipitation phenomenon. 5. The general influence of one of the important geometrical variables, the notch sharpness, has been shown to be the ssme in rupture tests as previously was observed in notch tensile tests at room temperature. 6. Without a more definite lmowledge of the structural factors leading to embrittlement, it would seem somewhat premature to generalize these conclusions and extend them to classses of materials not yet investigated. Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory, National. Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Cleveland, Ohio, March 27, 1951.
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1. Riegel, G. C., and Vaugh, F. F.: Practical Application of the Notched-Bar @act Test. Proc. Forty-First Ann. Meeting A.S.T.M., vol. 38, pt. II, 1938, p. 60. Sachs, G., Ebert, L. J., and Brown, W. F., Jr.: Comparison of Various Structural Alloy Steels by Means of the Static Notch-Bar Tensile Test. T. P. 2110, Metals Tech., vol. 13, no. 8, Dec. 1946. Siegfried, W.: Observations on Coriducting and Evaluating Creep Tests. Jour. Iron and Steel Inst., vol. 156, pt. 2, June 1947, pp. 189-207. Thum, A., und Richard, K.: Zeitfestigkeit von St&len bei ruhender Beanspruchung. Mitteilungen der VGB, Heft 85, Dez. 31, 1943.,s. 171-197. Thielemann, R. H., and Parker, E. R.: Fracture of Steels at Elevated Temperatures After Prolonged Loading. T. P. 1034, Metals Tech., vol. 6, no. 3, April 1939.
6. MachJ-in,E. S., andl?owick, A. S.: Stress Rupture of HeatResisting Alloys as a Rate Process. NACA TN 1126, 1946 or Trans. A.I.M.E., fionand Steel Div., vol. 172, 1947, pp. 386-399. 7. Thum, August, ll@RiChl@S, Kurt: Verspr%ungund Sctigung warmfe~ter Stable bei Dauerstandbeanspruchung. Arch. f. d. Eisenhuttenw., Jahrg. 15, Heft 1, Juli 1941, S. 33-45. J Richqrd, K.: I& Festigkeitsverhslten niedriglegierter warmfester Stable und ihre lTeigungzu verformungslosen ~chen. Arch. Metaldkunde} Jahrg. 3, Heft 5, Mai 1949, S. 157-164. Thum, A., U?ld~ChEL@3, K;: Zeitstandfestigkeit und Zeitdehngrenzen von Austausch-Rohrens&hlen. ItLtteilungender VGB, Heft 86 und 87, Juni 15, 1942, S. 30-34.
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Siegfried, W.: Spr~digkeit und Z&igkeit von Metallen bei hohen Temperature. Schweizer Amhiv, Jahrg. D_, Heft 1, Jan. 1945, S. 1-163 Jahrg. 11, Heft 2, Feb. 1945, S. 43-61. Smith, G. V., seem, W. B., and Dulis, E. J. : Hardened Alloy Steel for Service up to 700 F. Am. Soc. Testing Materisls Preprint, 1950.
R. radiusat notch bottom ~~, diameterat dnimum section of Cyl.inarical dl) alhzmeter section e, flankw
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! II
rupture uhaxaoterlstios Figure 2. - Strom <0.1 steel (referenoe 7 . cmoait~on: b 1472 F (6-00 C 1 , air acmle~.
0 F (5@ c) for ~+jollea aml Umlotohed mo*ne of ohr-~ at 932 0, 20 Cr, 1.0 Mo, ard 0.3S S1; heat treatment: 1362 F (793 C)
E b Ei
Caupxitionx 0.19 C, 0.7 Cr, it$~itie.8.ti 9). (S+30C) and dreee relievwl at 1.166 F (630 C).
at 932 F (5@3 C ) for notohed ad unnotohed 0.4 lb, 0.32 S1; heat treatnmti:
N o
1 $--ml!
0 10-1
d 102 TiIM to rupture, lCP br woimxw mmd.izerl 104 1$
11[ I ..-.--I P
I I I II 5 * u H $
Figure 4. - Streee-ruptmr-e ohwaoteristios at 932 ~ (5000 C) for notohed and unmtohed ref0r1311087). C~odtion: 0.3 C, 1.6 @, 1.S Mo, 0.27 S1, 0.1 T; heat tred=ti: [950 C) ad atiese relisved at 1256 F (6@0 0).
Tlw to rqhmre, b C) for ndohd ad unnotokd 6peoimen9 of Cr-lWMo 0.12 0, 0.7 Or, 1.6 Hi, 0.8 lb. Figure 5. - Stress ruptwe cdmmteristioe at 932 F (5W0 stiel (referertoe10). Ompcdtion:
Figlma8. -
Stiess ruptura oheraotariatica at 932 0 F (5000 C) for nOtOhOa cud UroMtohed qaobwm of Cr-I?i-Mo steel (references 7 ad 8). Ccwoaition: O.11 C, 0.7 Cr, 1.5 Nl, 159S0 F (870 C), Ofi QlBMh13d d 1110 F (800 C), 0.SS Mo, 0.22 S1; had treabnaut: air oooki.
(b) Testsd at mxm tempxature.
ad notokd ape.o*n.9 of two oumeroial led
7.- strefis.m@3m
(rafernnoe U.),
NACA TN 2433
to rupture, hr
Figure 8. - Stress-rupture characteristics at 932 1? (500 C) for notched and Dotched spec~~ of sphereodized Cr-Ni-Mo steel preference 8). Composition: O.11 c, 0.7 Cr, 1.5Ni, 0.88M0, 0.22 Si; heat treatment: 15981? (870 C)j oil quenched ml 1256 F (680 C) fm 500 hours.
NACA TN 2433
to ru@ure,
Figure 9. - Rupture strengthfor notdwd ad tmnotohadspeolmensof Cr-IH-Mo steel at various tamsi,0.9%; heat treatint: pratures (referenoe7). Canposition: 0.2C,0.0Cr,0.9Hl,0.40 ~zad at 1742 F (950 C) and stress relievedat 1148 F (620 C).
lx m
.4 .1
ratio F
Hi., 0.48
N4CA TN 2433
to ruptwe, (&)
10 5 3 ~ I I I I i T1
1.0 .5 .3 -
.1 T2 T3 4 Temperature (a)lhmotch rupture ductility es function of tam. perature vith time to rupture ae peremeter.
Te~ratura (b) Notch rupture strength ratio as function of tem~rature with time to rupture as prameter.
.4.3 100 I I i I I 104 102 1(Y Time to rupture, hr (o) IVotoh rupture-strengthratio ae function of time to rupture with tampexa~ as pmametir. @ I I I
Figure Il. - Schematic derivation of time-temperaturedepmience of notch rupture-strengthratio from tima-tamprature depenl. enoe of unnotch rupture ductility.
.- .. -
. .
0 $
NACA TN 2433
1.4 /
E s 1.2 9 @ # @ 1.0 aJ d q B 2 s s ; .6 R .4
Retch ductility,percent Figure 12. - Dependenceof notch tensile strengthmtio on notch duotilityfcm bw+~oy steels SAE 2340, 5140, and 1340 (referenoe 2). Heat treatment: quenched and
tempered to various strength levels between 190,000 and 320,000 pounds per sqwu?e inchJ 50 percent 60 Vnotdes. Notoh depth (peroent) A 36 a 58
7 .LU . i ._
8 --
U:tched ._
/ .l
- -.
1 4
12 46 8 10 15 Notoh sharpness
20 30
50 100 =
Figure E. -Influence of notoh sharpness (60 Vnotches) on strength 16). at three tties to rupture for 94Sn-6Cd alloy (reference
NACA TN 2433
/ {
,-. . Y. . \ ~ -
94 Zn - 6 Cd; 100-hr
rupture; 58-percent notohes ME 3140; 190,000 lb/sq In. strength level; 50-percent
1.0 .8 .6
(a) Typical
notches(tensile test)
- \\ ~ < -\
(tensile test) \
\ \
.8 .6 .01
6 8 10 15 20 Notch sharpness
50 100
(b) Typicalfor notchbrittleMterial. of notchrupture-strength ratio on notch sharpF@ure 14. - Dependence ness (60V notohes)for statiotensiletests (reference 14) and for rupturetests (reference 1?3).
-In I .. ..- .- . .